Deadlock with EF 6 entity update but not ExecuteSqlCommand - sql

To handle concurrency in my database:
Client A updates a row
Client B tries to update the same row
Client B needs to wait for Client A to commit his updates
Both Client A & B instance are simulated and using this code:
using (myEntities db = new myEntities ())
using (var scope = db .Database.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.Serializable))
var test = db.customer_table.Where(x => == 38).FirstOrDefault();
test.bank_holder_name = "CLIENT NAME XXXX";
db.SaveChanges(); <=== CLIENT B stop here while client A still in progress. After CLIENT A finish commit, here will throw *Deadlock found error*"
catch (Exception ex)
This is not what I expected where Client B should wait and not allowed to query any data about row id=38, but somehow it can proceed until SaveChanges and throws an error in the end.
Thus, I suspected this might caused by linq (incorrect row/ table lock)
I edited my code as below:
using (myEntities db = new myEntities ())
using (var scope = db .Database.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.Serializable))
var test = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Update customer_table set bank_holder_name = 'CLIENT XXXXX' where pu_id = 38"); <===== Client B is stop here and proceed after Client A is completed
catch (Exception ex)
Finally, the transaction is working with code above (not linq function). This is so confusing, what linq have done in behind making Transaction working inconsistent behavior?

This is due to the EF code generating two SQL statements: a SELECT for the line:
var test = db.customer_table.Where(x => == 38).FirstOrDefault();
...and a subsequent UPDATE for the SaveChanges() call.
With a serializable isolation level both client A and client B take a shared lock for the duration of the transaction on the record when the SELECT statement is run. Then when one or other of them first tries to perform the UPDATE they cannot get the requisite exclusive lock because the other client has a shared lock on it. The other client itself then tries to obtain an exclusive lock and you have a deadlock scenario.
The ExecuteSqlCommand only requires a single update statement and thus a deadlock does not occur.
The Serializable isolation level can massively reduce concurrency and this example shows exactly why. You'll find that less stringent isolation levels will allow the EF code to work, but at the risk of phantom records, non-repeatable reads etc. These may well however be risks you are willing to take and/or mitigate against in order to improve concurrency.

Don't fetch the entity first. Instead create a "stub entity" and update that, eg
var test = new Customer() { id = 38 };
test.bank_holder_name = "CLIENT NAME XXXX";
db.Entry(test).Property(nameof(Customer.bank_holder_name)).IsModified = true;
Which translates to
UPDATE [Customers] SET [bank_holder_name] = #p0
WHERE [id] = #p1;


Does Apache Ignite support distribute transaction

I learned the example of apache Ignite. I just want ignite to help to solve distribute transactions. For example。 My account is in DB A, My wife account is in DB B. I want to transfer money to my wife. So the
transaction like this :
IgniteTransactions transactions = ignite.transactions();
Transaction tx = transactions.txStart(TransactionConcurrency.PESSIMISTIC,TransactionIsolation.SERIALIZABLE);
try {
cache.put(1L, p1);
}catch(Exception e) {
But the cacheStore is like that :
public void write(Entry<? extends Long, ? extends Person> entry) throws CacheWriterException {
System.out.println(" +++++++++++ single wirte");
Long key = entry.getKey();
Person val = entry.getValue();
System.out.println(">>> Store write [key=" + key + ", val=" + val + ']');
try {
Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
int updated;
// Try update first. If it does not work, then try insert.
// Some databases would allow these to be done in one 'upsert' operation.
try (PreparedStatement st = conn.prepareStatement(
"update PERSON set orgId = ?, name = ?, salary=? where id = ?")) {
st.setLong(1, val.getOrgId());
st.setString(2, val.getName());
st.setLong(3, val.getSalary());
st.setLong(4, val.getId());
updated = st.executeUpdate();
// If update failed, try to insert.
if (updated == 0) {
try (PreparedStatement st = conn.prepareStatement(
"insert into PERSON (id, orgId,name, salary) values (?, ?, ?,?)")) {
st.setLong(1, val.getId());
st.setLong(2, val.getOrgId());
st.setString(3, val.getName());
st.setLong(4, val.getSalary());
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CacheWriterException("Failed to write object [key=" + key + ", val=" + val + ']', e);
When the part one commit that the salary updated, the second part failed. part one can not rollback.
How could commit or rollback them simultaneously? does ignite guarantee this or you do it your self?
ps: why ignite said that : it accelerate the transaction? it seems that it only accelerate querys , not deleting or updating operations. because it simultaneously access database when the soft transaction memory happens.
Can somebody figure it out? I don't understand the principle of ignite.
Ignite does support transactions. But there are two things to consider:
You need to define your cache as TRANSACTIONAL. The default is ATOMIC, which does not support transactions
It does not currently support transactions using SQL. You need to use the key-value API
I’m not sure where you’ve seen it said that Ignite is faster for transactions, but the general principle is that by keeping everything in memory, Ignite can be a lot quicker than legacy databases.
Apache Ignite expects that Cache Store does not fail. In your case, the upsert is very fragile and will fail.
At the very least, transactional operations imply transactional cache stores. You need to observe transaction in your cache store, only COMMIT; when told to.

Entity Framework Serializable Transaction Deadlock

I have to insert a row into the database but the problem is that the primary key is generated based on the total counts of rows.
E.g. if the db has 25601 rows, the ID of the newly inserted record would be CT25602.
I want to use transactions for primary key collisions.
Here is the code I wrote.
public void CreateContact(ContactViewModel input)
var transactionScopeOptions = new TransactionOptions
IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.Serializable,
Timeout = TimeSpan.MaxValue
using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, transactionScopeOptions))
var contactNo = GenerateIdentity();
var contact = MapContactFields(new NavContact { No_ = contactNo }, input);
This code gives me deadlocks if two persons are trying to insert a contact in a small timespan.
Any suggestions ? Thank you
Yes, the scenario you described is very likely to deadlock. I would recommend using a sequence instead. If not, then one solution is to acquire an exclusive app lock in the transaction, before scannig for the next identity. See sp_getapplock.

Entity Framework Transactions and Deadlock

When SaveChanges() is called on the context, all insert/delete/update operations are executed in a single transaction. It is also possible to use DbContextTransaction for transactions. I am trying to simulate deadlock using both of these approaches. When I use DbContextTransaction, I get the deadlock exception right away but SaveChanges() alone does not throw any deadlock exceptions even after an hour. Am I doing something wrong?
Here is the code with DbContextTransaction. I try to update the first row and then the second row in the main thread. I also start another task which tries to update the second row first and then the first row.
while (true)
using (var context = new SchoolDBEntities())
using (System.Data.Entity.DbContextTransaction dbTran = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
Random r = new Random();
int r1 = r.Next();
int r2 = r.Next();
Student std1 = context.Students.First();
std1.StudentName = "test"+r1;
Student std2 = context.Students.Find(2);
std2.StudentName = "test"+r2;
But when I try it with just SaveChanges() it does not generate deadlock:
while (true)
using (var context = new SchoolDBEntities())
Random r = new Random();
int r1 = r.Next();
int r2 = r.Next();
Student std1 = context.Students.First();
std1.StudentName = "test" + r1;
Student std2 = context.Students.Find(2);
std2.StudentName = "test" + r2;
I am using SQL Profiler to trace the transactions. I even added more updates to the second approach just to make that transaction's duration equal to the DbContextTransaction case thinking it might be the reason but still no luck! When I look at the trace, I see that updates belonging to a particular transaction start only after the previous transaction is committed. What could be the reason?
Upon further investigation, I found out that regadless of the order of changes I have made in the context, the order in which SaveChanges() method always sends update queries to the SQL Server is based on the primary key of the table. In other words, even though I try to reverse the order of update request by first changing row 2 and then row 1, SaveChanges() first executes the update query for row 1 and then for row 2. That's why I don't get a deadlock by using just SaveChanges() method. It does not reverse the order of the queries.

ActiveJDBC batch insert and transaction

What is the recommended way to insert a batch of records or none if the database raises an error for any of the inserts?
Here is my current code:
PreparedStatement ps = Base.startBatch("INSERT INTO table(col1) VALUES(?)");
for (MyModel m : myModels)
Base.addBatch(ps, m.getCol1());
This inserts records until the first one that fails (if happens).
I want all or nothing to be inserted, then I was thinking of wrapping the executeBatch():
If it is correct, should I do Base.rollbackTransaction() in some try catch?
Should I also close the ps.close() in a finally block?
Transacted batch operations are not any different from non-batch operations. Please, see this: for a typical pattern.
You will do this then:
List<Person> myModels = new ArrayList<>();
PreparedStatement ps = Base.startBatch("INSERT INTO table(col1) VALUES(?)");
for (Person m : myModels){
Base.addBatch(ps, m.getCol1());
}catch(Exception e){
This way, your data is intact in case of exceptions

Dapper.Net and the DataReader

I have a very strange error with dapper:
there is already an open DataReader associated with this Command
which must be closed first
But I don't use DataReader! I just call select query on my server application and take first result:
//How I run query:
public static T SelectVersion(IDbTransaction transaction = null)
return DbHelper.DataBase.Connection.Query<T>("SELECT * FROM [VersionLog] WHERE [Version] = (SELECT MAX([Version]) FROM [VersionLog])", null, transaction, commandTimeout: DbHelper.CommandTimeout).FirstOrDefault();
//And how I call this method:
public Response Upload(CommitRequest message) //It is calling on server from client
//Prepearing data from CommitRequest
using (var tr = DbHelper.DataBase.Connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable))
int v = SelectQueries<VersionLog>.SelectVersion(tr) != null ? SelectQueries<VersionLog>.SelectVersion(tr).Version : 0; //Call my query here
int newVersion = v + 1; //update version
//Saving changes from CommitRequest to db
//Updated version saving to base too, maybe it is problem?
return new Response
Message = String.Empty,
ServerBaseVersion = versionLog.Version,
And most sadly that this exception appearing in random time, I think what problem in concurrent access to server from two clients.
Please help.
This some times happens if the model and database schema are not matching and an exception is being raised inside Dapper.
If you really want to get into this, best way is to include dapper source in your project and debug.