Expo (RN): Loading loca html assets with expo - react-native

I'm want to bundle and load local html with assets with in expo managed app.
I just created blank TS project and installed react-native-webview. WebView is loading external sites well.
I added index.html and some assets to assetsfolder. It seems that currently Expo/RN dosn't support loading html with require (at list I didn't find how to solve it. So I push HTML code to WebView.
const html = `<image src="assets/splash.png" height="128" width="128"></image>`
<WebView source={{ html: html }}
But I see nothing (blank placeholder for image). I tried different paths for instead of assets/splash.png, but nothing seem to work. I don't get how to make HTML load assets that are in assets folder? Or I should place it somewhere else?


Vue.js - Why should I put images on /assets instead of putting them directly in /public

When I use the #vue/cli to create a vuejs project, I see that there is a folder /assets that contains images and whatever I want. Than they can be referenced in the html such as <img src="#/assets/images/home.png" /> or import it on the js part.
My question is, why can't I just put the assets in /public/assets and put directly <img src="/assets/images/home.png" /> in my code? Where is the advantage of these assets?
It allows Webpack to handle assets, which means it can merge/minify files (useful for JS and CSS), optimize images, and more importantly version them so that cache handling is improved.

External JS not loading when router.push is executed in vue js 2

I have a project where I have placed the external js files like jquery, datepicker etc in the 'static' folder. I am importing them in the index.html file.
It is getting picked correctly when the page is directly loaded. But when navigating to the page using $this.router.push('/dashboard') the javascript does not get picked up.
Not sure if I am missing something here

Cannot load static images in react native android

I recently started to integrate react native in an already existing android app. I have tried multiple image loading styles as mentioned on the page https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/images.html
Method 1(Hybrid Apps): For android use <Image source={{uri: 'asset:/app_icon.png'}} style={{width: 40, height: 40}} />
This method doesn't load anything on the app, just a 40X40 empty area is loaded.
Method 2: <Image source={require('./my-icon.png')} />
I used the absolute path to the image app/res/drawable-hdpi/image.png but it didn't work either.
Got the error
Unable to resolve module `../app/res/drawable-hdpi/image.png` from
`/Users/MyName/StudioProjects/reatProject/android/react-native/index.js`: could not resolve
`/Users/MyName/StudioProjects/reatProject/android/app/res/drawable-hdpi/image.png' as a file nor as a folder
I always provide height and width attributes in style map.
My project structure is
The project build.gradle file has the maven repository included as maven { url "$rootDir/react-native/node_modules/react-native/android" }
I had posted this as an issue on react native github issues, but got no solution there, so asking here if anyone has been through the same issue. I am fairly new to react native so maybe I am doing something wrong.
I had ended up making a mistake. The image source has to be of the form {{uri:"name"}} and I kept writing {{uri:"name.png"}}. It doesn't accept png in this scheme, but in the asset:// and the require scheme, it does. Its just a bit confusing.
For anyone facing the same issue, the same directory structure would work, just use image this way, and avoid using the extension.
<Image source={{uri:"imageName"}} style={{height:100, width:100}}/>

Is anyway to dynamic add static image resource at react-native app

I have a project using react-native. When ready to upgrade the js bundle file, I come across a problem: In this upgrading, I need add some image resouce, so I have to copy the dest file to the src/main/res/ folder and regenerate the project. It's seem not so 'dynamically'.The second way is encoding the image resource using base64; it's work but ugly,especially there are lots of images. Certainly I could use network Images as react-native document describes, but it's 'expensively'. So is another way that loading new static images and needn't regenerate the project?
<Image source={require('./intro.png')} />
You can require images just like you require js files.
In the above example intro.png would be in the same folder as the js file.
Hope that helps

React Native Android Static Local Image

I've a problem with local image. My react native version is 0.14.2.
I have a file index.android.js in my repository App with this code :
<Image source={require('./house.png')} style={styles.image}/>
It works if I put my image in App and in App/assets. If I just put my image in App, it doesn't work.
Then, I want write my code like this :
<Image source={require('./img/house.png')} style={styles.image}/>
But, if I put my image in App/img, it doesn't work. Even if I add my image in App/assets/img, it doesn't work.
Images are loaded relative to your .js file. So if you have
In App/index.android.js, the image should be placed in App/img/image.png.
There's no special assets/ folder.