IServiceScopeFactory.CreateScope not preserving log scopes -

I have an application whereby I'm creating a scope via IServiceScopeFactory.CreateScope.
From this scope, I first create an ILogger<T> and then add a scope to this logger.
var logScope = scopedLogger.BeginScope("SignalR connection. signalRConnectionId: {signalRConnectionId}", context.ConnectionId);
After this, I create various services (via the created scope), each of which I want to preserve the
logging scope I created.
This works fine initially, and I can see the scope against messages logged in the service constructor.
However, on later use, the logger that the service has, has lost the scope.
It has not been disposed, the IServiceScope has not been disposed, it just disappears.
My premise seems sound as it works in the initial constructor, but is somehow losing it along the way and I cannot see why that would be.


Can I create an object from the DI container/Lamar in .NET 6.0 minimal hosting, preserving singletons?

We have migrated from a windows Framework 4.7 application to .NET 6.0. Lamar is added for Dependency Injection. We are trying to finalize a refactor to the latest "one-file" program.cs but are getting unexpected System.ObjectDisposedException: 'Cannot access a disposed object'. In all cases, the error is against a Func<T> during object creation.
All our tests are running correctly using the same environment, except to start the tests we (a) create the DI container and (b) use the container to create an object that loads the singletons (from MongoDB):
Container = new Container(registry);
var start = Container.GetInstance<HomeService>();
In the program.cs, we configure the container, but do not get to see it created, or access it inside program.cs. Instead we create HomeService from IServiceProvider during the first use of a controller. Here we were trying to limit the lifecyle scope during creation:
using (var scope = _container.CreateScope())
For test, we use the same loading steps, except for adding controllers/mvc, of course (i.e. NOT using builder.Services.AddControllers(); and builder.Services.AddMvc() for (integration) testing).
We have tried a lot of different things, like creating our object independently to the startup, but that did not align the singletons. We can get functionality by using static instead, but then we lose dynamic change access.
Some great tips like Resolving instances with ASP.NET Core DI from within ConfigureServices and but I can't see the specific example to get the live container just after initial creation.
Is it possible that the issue is just the difference between the lifecycle management of the new .NET DI implementation? As this is configuration at the composition root, if we can configure as per our testing approach, it should solve our problem. Other solutions welcome!
The problem 'Cannot access a disposed object' was being caused by a lifecycle mismatch between retained context and the controller access. The code retained a handle on the state object, that had a handle on the factory using FUNC. As we did not configure the Func as anything, it was transient during the controller graph creation, and so was disposed when the controller request ended.
To solve, we tried registering ALL of the FUNC, per How to use Func<T> in built-in dependency injection which was a large task as we had a few factories throughout an old codebase.
The better solution was to create a factory in the composition root, and use an injected IserviceProvider (or with Lamar an IContainer). This is a simple workaround.
With our creation concern, the creation of our object after the completion of the startup process is working correctly as a lazy validation of the first controller access.

Ninject: What happens to non-disposable InRequestScope and InTransientScope objects after the HTTP request is finished?

I have searched a lot about these question, here and a lot of other places, but not getting everything I want to know!
From a WebApi project point-of-view, when are InTransientScope objects Created? In the Ninject docs it is stated that such objects are created whenever requested, but in a web api project that handles HTTP requests, the instance is created at the request start time so in this regard it is the same as InRequestScope then?
In a WebApi project, is it okay to use InTransientScope objects knowing that they will never be kept track of by Ninject? If Ninject never keeps track of Transient objects, then what is the purpose of this scope and what happens to such objects after they have been used?
If I declare an object with InRequestScope and that object doesn't implement the IDisposable interface, what happens to such object after the web request has completed? Will it be treated the same way as an InTransientScope object?
Are different scopes to be used for: WebApi controllers, Repositories(that use a InRequestScope Session that is created separately) and Application services?
There's two purposes for scopes:
Only allow one object to be created per scope
(optionally) dispose of the object once the scope ends.
As said, the disposal is optional. If it doesn't implement the IDisposable interface it's not being disposed. There's plenty of usecases for that.
The InTransientScope is the default scope - the one being used if you don't specify another one. It means that every time a type A is requested from the kernel one activation takes place and the result is returned. The activation logic is specified by the binding part that follows immediately after the Bind part (To<...>, ToMethod(...),...).
However, this is not necessarily at the time the web-request starts and the controller is instanciated. For example, you can use factories or service location (p.Ex. ResolutionRoot.Get<Foo>()) to create more objects after the controller has been created. To answer your questions in short:
When: When a request takes place or whenever your code asks for a type from Ninject either directly (IResolutionRoot.Get(..)) or through a factory. As InTransientScope objects are not being tracked they will not be disposed, however, if they are not disposable and the entire request code requests only one IFoo then practically there's is no discernible difference (apart from the slight performance hit due totracking InRequestScope()-ed objects)
As long as you don't need to make sure that instances are shared and/or disposed this is completely fine. After they are not being used anymore, they will get garbage-collected like any object you would new yourself.
When the scope ends ninject will remove the weak reference to the non-IDisposable object. The object itself will not be touched - just like when bound InTransientScope()
That depends on your specific requirements and implementation details. Generally one needs to make sure that long-scoped objects don't depend on short-scoped objects. For example, a Singleton-Service should not depend on a Request-scoped object. As a baserule, everything should be InTransientScope() unless there's a specific reason why it should not be. The reason will dictate what scope to use...

Context and Instance in WCF

I am reading Juval Löwy's Programming WCF Sevices. It mentions:
In WCF, we have Context in which we have the instance. By default, the lifetime of the context is the same as that of the instance it hosts. We can have separate lifetimes for both.
WCF also allows a context to exist without an associated instance at all.
Why would we release the instance and keep the context empty?
Coincidentally I recently read the chapter you're probably referring to. In his book Löwy explains why this may be useful. First he writes:
WCF also allows a context to exist without an associated instance at all. I call this instance management technique context deactivation.
After mentioning this is typically done using an OperationBehavior with a specific ReleaseInstanceMode, he goes on and hints on when you could use this:
You typically apply instance deactivation on some but not all service methods, or with different values on different methods. [...] The reason you typically apply it sporadically is that if you were to apply it uniformly, you would end up with a per-call-like service, in which case you might as well have configured the service as per-call.
So you can use this "deactivation" to ensure only certain methods in a service with sessions behave as if they were part of a per-call service. The abovementioned MSDN article also explains this, in a different wording:
Use the ReleaseInstanceMode property to specify when WCF recycles a service object in the course of executing a method. The default behavior is to recycle a service object according to the InstanceContextMode value. Setting the ReleaseInstanceMode property changes that default behavior. In transaction scenarios, the ReleaseInstanceMode property is often used to ensure that old data associated with the service object is cleaned up prior to processing a method call.
Disconnecting the context from the instance makes sense when:
Instance creation is customized/extended. For example if you are creating your service instance with a custom IInstanceProvider with a dependency injection library (for example Unity) you might want a Unity lifetime manager to handle the service instance lifetime.
Some but not all operations result in an expensive service instance to be invalidated. For example: The service object loads a large expense resource as a part of creation. If the service operations called by the client modify or invalidate the resource, it needs to be disposed and reloaded for the next caller. If the operations don’t invalidate the resource the service instance can be reused by the next caller. (In almost all cases there’s a better way to solve this problem, but WCF allows it).
I’m sure there are additional use cases.

Ninject not creating a new instance with constructor arguments in WCF

Here is the scenario. I have a WCF service, when this service is called it passes control to an instance of another class (created via Ninject). In that class I need to do some work, specifically with Entity Framework and repositories. To cut a long story short, I have the following binding declared.
.WithConstructorArgument( "context", new StagingDataContext());
When I want to use this repository I have the following.
using (var genericProductRepository = IoC.Resolve<IGenericProductRepository>())
The problem is, that I only get a new instance of genericProductRepository if it's a brand new request, if the method is called multiple times in the same request I get an error stating that the context (the EF context) is already disposed, this is because it seems like I am getting the same instance back that was already disposed in the using statement. To explain it another way, using the Microsoft WCF Test Client, if I invoke it the first time, the code runs fine, if I push the invoke button again (without restarting the test client, i.e. the same request) then it throws this error about it being disposed already.
I have tried to play around with the various "scopes" that come with Ninject, but clearly I am missing something.
So my basic question is, how do I get a new repository whenever it hits that line, instead of using the same one ? Help would be greatly appreciated, I'm really trying to push for my company to adopt Ninject and drop Spring.
Look at your binding again. Even without any knowledge about Ninject you should notice that the instance of your context is created exactly once at the time the binding is defined. But what you want is have a new context on every resolve. Best it is done by not using WithConstructorArgument and let Ninject create the instance. Therefore you have to define a additional binding for the type of context. If this is not possible for some reason you have to use the lazy version of WithConstructorArgument
WithConstructorArgument("context", ctx => new StagingDataContext())
Furthermore, you might want to try The WCF extension for Ninject:
That way you can get rid of the ServiceLocator like usage.

References for what the lifecycle is for a WCF service?

Say I have a simple WCF application that the client calls in order to get a number. There's not much processing in it and the service contract is attributed as SessionMode=SessionMode.NotAllowed.
When is the constructor called? When is the object destructed? Is a constructor called per request?
Are there any reference documents or resources that have this information? I can't seem to find it.
WCF is hosted by IIS, and thus subject to its lifetime rules. A service class, by itself, will probably be created and destroyed as necessary within the app; the class will be constructed upon receipt of a request, the method called, and the result returned, after which the object will leave scope and be disposed/finalized.
However, the project containing your service looks like an ordinary ActiveServer.NET web app to IIS (check out the Global.asax file that should be in it; it contains a class of type HttpApplication, and represents the entry point for the app that IIS can use to control it), and IIS will maintain a "pool" of these applications to handle requests from multiple clients. As long as requests keep coming in, and IIS doesn't decide an app has gotten "stale" and refreshes it or the entire pool, the application will continue to run. So, any static classes you declare, for instance your singleton IoC container, or anything you add to a derived HttpApplication class that you use as your child type, will remain in memory until the app is recycled.