Use Vue prop as part of function declaration - vue.js

I use vue-select in my Vue app. I created a component as a wrapper for v-select. To return only a specific column of the options array, I use the :reduce prop of vue-select.
<label v-if="title">{{title}}</label>
:reduce="option=> option.val"
This code works, but I would like to have the static val string to be the dynamic prop returnKey. This would be passed to the component as a prop.
props: {
returnKey: {
type: String,
default: null,
What syntax should I use to make a combination of the 'option' string and the dynamic value of 'returnKey' in the function passed to :reduce to get this working?

You can use the bracket notation and do option => option[returnKey].
And as what Richard has suggested, in order to avoid runtime error you might want to provide some kind of fallback, or enforce that returnKey must be a required prop.

You can try something like this
<label v-if="title">{{title}}</label>
export default
props: {
returnKey: {
type: String,
default: null,
return option[this.returnKey] || option;


Vue onEnable/onDisable event

In my vue application I need to observe an element getting enabled/disabled (It binds to a function) and by looking that I need to trigger an onEnabled/onDisabled event which will clean up some other data nodes.
So is there a listener like #click, #enabled or something?
<v-checkbox :value="getValue(layout.responseNode)" #change="setValue(layout.responseNode, $event)" :label="expression(layout.label)" :disabled="expression(layout.enableIf)" ></v-checkbox>
This is the code so far with me. here enableIf will be a dynamic expression from server.
Its properly working now.
Now I need to run some more expression like
<v-checkbox :value="getValue(layout.responseNode)" #change="setValue(layout.responseNode, $event)" :label="expression(layout.label)" :disabled="expression(layout.enableIf)" #onDisabled="expression(layout.disableCommand)" ></v-checkbox>
Is there an event matching onDisabled?
i would recommend watchers you can bind a variable/computed to :disabled of the checkbox and watch the value changing
<p>{{ checkboxState }}</p>
<input type="checkbox" :disabled="checkboxState" />
<button #click="checkboxChanged()">Disable Checkbox!</button>
export default {
name: "App",
data: () => {
return {
checkboxState: true,
methods: {
checkboxChanged() {
this.checkboxState = !this.checkboxState;
watch: {
checkboxState() {
// this is fired when the checkboxState changes
console.log("fired when checkboxState changes");
note: the function name and the variable must have the same name for watchers to work.
Like this Sandbox

How to return date format from Bootstrap-vue's b-form-timepicker component from HH:mm:ss to HH:mm

Bootstrap-vue b-form-timepicker returns the value as with the format HH:mm:ss. I need its return value as HH:m', but I cannot find any way to change it.
Is there any way to change the return value format into HH:mm? If there is, please help.
You can remove the seconds by removing the property show-seconds as described in the component table properties. Then we'll format the date using vanilla JavaScript inside a Vue's watcher like so:
<label for="example-input">Choose a time</label>
<b-input-group class="mb-3">
<p>Value: '{{ value }}'</p>
export default {
name: "App",
data() {
return {
value: "",
watch: {
value() {
this.value = this.value.split(':').slice(0,2).join(':');
You can check this working code playground example.

Problem with watching prop changes Vue.js

What's the problem
I wanted to assign a local component variable to prop. I constantly get Vue alert Invalid watch handler specified by key "undefined". Maybe the case is that the prop is passed from another component, where I use v-model, but I don't really know. I would really appreciate your help, because my small exercise project really depends on this mechanic.
Parent Component
Here I have some HTML select, this is where I actually model my state.selectedPhysicsModule
<h1>Some header</h1>
<form class="choosePhysicsModule">
<label for="selectedPhysicsModule"></label>
<select class="select_Module" id="selectedPhysicsModule" v-model="state.selectedPhysicsModule">
<option :value="option.value" v-for="(option, index) in importedListToSelect" :key="index">
<list_of_exercises v-if="state.selectedPhysicsModule" :what_exercises="state.selectedPhysicsModule"/>
export default {
name: 'ChoosePhysicsModule',
components: {list_of_exercises},
setup() {
const state = reactive({
selectedPhysicsModule: null,
return {
Child Component
export default {
name: "list_of_exercises",
props: {
whatExercises: {
type: String,
required: true
data() {
return {
exercises: this.what_exercises,
watch: {
whatExercises: function () {
this.exercises = this.whatExercises
In the parent component where you are passing the prop you need to add a setter for the prop passed. Here is an example:
<div id="app">
<input name="whatExercises" v-model="whatExercises">
<ListOfExercises v-if="whatExercises" :what_exercises="whatExercises" />
export default {
data() {
return {
whatExercises: null,
P.S: as a side note, I recommend using camelCase for prop names. It's more in-line with the rest of the community. If you have time feel free to check out the style guide on the official website.

Vue + Vuetify submitting form with GET method passes empty values

I have a problem with my code. I can't find a reason why my GET parameters are empty when the form is submitted.
What I'm trying to achieve is to submit the form after validation and be redirected to Is it even possible? Or do I need to stringify it and then use window.location?
I'm a newbie at Vue, but can't find the internet for a solution so I guess it's something to do with my code.
<ValidationObserver v-slot="{ valid }" ref="getanoffer">
class="form form--getanoffer"
v-slot="{ errors }"
placeholder="Select Service"
v-slot="{ errors }"
placeholder="Select Property Type"
class="v-btn--submit v-btn--no-gutter"
:disabled=" ! valid"
import {ValidationProvider, ValidationObserver} from "vee-validate";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
service: null,
property_type: null,
form: {
loading: false,
props: {
services: {
type: Array,
property_types: {
type: Array,
methods: {
async validate() {
let form = await this.$refs.getanoffer.validate();
if (form) {
this.loading = true;
submit() {
Lets simplify your code
Instead of calling validate() on button click, you can add type="submit" to your button and in your form you can add #submit:prevent="validate". This doesn't solve the problem but allows you to submit with Enter and every submit button will trigger the validation.
Now for the solution
1- To navigate to external scope you can use Vuetify lets you navigate to an url but you had to put href on your button and control it manually'')
Vuetify vee-validate docs
Javacript standards say that you should use camelCase for js variables (this.propertyType)
JS standard
ESlint Rules

Vuetify Form Data Undefined

i'm trying my form data submit. when i try my code
It is good working. but form.append('subject', 'this.subject') => return 'undefined'. how do i solve it?
form.append('subject',"hello"), it is good working. but form.append('subject', 'this.subject') => return 'undefined'.
My Write.vue is :
<v-form #submit.prevent="sendPost" id="WriteForm" method="post">
<v-btn icon type="submit" form="WriteForm"><v-icon>send</v-icon></v-btn>
<v-text-field name="subject"></v-text-field>
<v-textarea name="context"></v-textarea>
export default {
methods: {
sendPost: function(){
console.log(this.subject); //==> undefined :(
console.log(this.context); //==> undefined :(
You should add that properties to your data object and bind them to the v-text-field as follows :
and bind them using v-model directive in your template fields like :
<v-text-field name="subject" v-model="subject"></v-text-field>
<v-textarea name="context" v-model="context"></v-textarea>