iText to Aspose PDF Conversion. What to do for footer conversion? - aspose.pdf

Our original generation library is using PdfPageEventHelper in iText to render the page footer with something like page x of y.
How would I go about doing the same thing using Aspose's PDF library instead?

You can add text stamp in PDF documents using Aspose.PDF for .NET. Also, it allows you to specify X,Y position for the stamp. Following code snippet can be used to add the Text Stamp in PDF:
// Open document
Document pdfDocument = new Document("AddTextStamp.pdf");
// Create text stamp
TextStamp textStamp = new TextStamp("Sample Stamp");
// Set whether stamp is background
textStamp.Background = true;
// Set origin
textStamp.XIndent = 100;
textStamp.YIndent = 100;
// Rotate stamp
textStamp.Rotate = Rotation.on90;
// Set text properties
textStamp.TextState.Font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial");
textStamp.TextState.FontSize = 14.0F;
textStamp.TextState.FontStyle = FontStyles.Bold;
textStamp.TextState.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;
textStamp.TextState.ForegroundColor = Aspose.Pdf.Color.FromRgb(System.Drawing.Color.Aqua);
// Add stamp to particular page
// Save output document
PS: This is Asad Ali and I work as Developer Evangelist at Aspose.


Embed pdf content in pdf layer

I just registered. I try to address the following case:
Given a basic pdf (a simple, single raster image), I want to get to:
Create a pdf (empty initially), in which I create a layer, in which I embed the raster image of the input_pdf, and mark said layer as visible and not_printable.
Are there tools to do it?
Thanks for the tips.
Since you do not specify a language or a library you use, here it is a solution in C#:
// Extract the page content from the source file.
FileStream stream = File.OpenRead("input.pdf");
PDFFile source = new PDFFile(stream);
PDFPageContent pageContent = source.ExtractPageContent(0);
PDFFixedDocument document = new PDFFixedDocument();
document.OptionalContentProperties = new PDFOptionalContentProperties();
PDFPage page = document.Pages.Add();
// Create an optional content group (layer) for the extracted page content.
PDFOptionalContentGroup ocg = new PDFOptionalContentGroup();
ocg.Name = "Embedded page";
ocg.VisibilityState = PDFOptionalContentGroupVisibilityState.AlwaysVisible;
ocg.PrintState = PDFOptionalContentGroupPrintState.NeverPrint;
// Draw the extracted page content in the layer
page.Canvas.DrawFormXObject(pageContent, 0, 0, page.Width, page.Height);
// Build the display tree for the optional content
PDFOptionalContentDisplayTreeNode ocgNode = new PDFOptionalContentDisplayTreeNode(ocg);
using (FileStream output = File.Create("EmbedPageAsLayer.pdf"))
The output PDF file is available here:

Unable to create PDF from JSPDF

Save in DB and import data and create a pdf file using jspdf.
Data is stored up to html tag...
select ct_contents from contract where ct_id = 659;
RESULT : `<p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:10.5pt"><span style="font-family:Century,serif"><span style="font-family:"MS Mincho"">氏  名</span></span></span></p>`
I have this js code :
let pdfName = this.newTemplate.tp_title.trim()
var doc = new jsPDF();
doc.addFileToVFS('NotoSansCJKjp-Regular.ttf', VFS);
doc.addFont('NotoSansCJKjp-Regular.ttf', 'NotoSansCJKjp', 'Bold');
doc.setFont('NotoSansCJKjp', 'Bold');
var paragraph = this.contract.ct_contents;
var lines = doc.splitTextToSize(paragraph, 150);
doc.text(15, 60, lines); + '.pdf');
add a font to work on it, but check the downloaded pdf, the html tag will also appear.
I want to remove this tag and make it appear only in text.
image is the result of downloading by pdf.
And it is page 3 in ms word and only page 1 of pdf is download.....
How can I get the font to come out without getting the html tag?

jspdf Some data is being cut

The jspdf library is being used to generate PDF files in html.
That's a really good thing.
But I have a problem with pdf.
The data is about three pages long, but if check the downloaded pdf file, I see only one page and the rest will be truncated.
Here's my code:
let pdfName = this.contractlist_detail.title
var doc = new jsPDF();
var NotoSansCJKjp;
doc.addFileToVFS('NotoSansCJKjp-Regular.ttf', VFS);
doc.addFont('NotoSansCJKjp-Regular.ttf', 'NotoSansCJKjp', 'Bold');
doc.setFont('NotoSansCJKjp', 'Bold');
var paragraph = data;
var lines = doc.splitTextToSize(paragraph, 150);
doc.text(15, 15, lines) + '.pdf');
How do I make all of my data visible to downloaded pdf without being truncated?
jspdf library doesn't handle multi-pages by its own. You need to add pages manually when content is cropped (you need also to calculate manually if text is cropped).
Here is the method to add a new page :
addPage method
a demo is available in section "two page hello world" to know how to use this method
enter link description here

How to add watermark on existing pdf file

I am trying to add watermark on pdf file using PdfSharp, I tried from this link
but am not able to get how to get the existing pdf file page object and how to watermark on that page.
Basically, the samples are only snippets. You can download the source and with that you get a bunch of samples, including this watermark example.
The following comes from PDFSharp-MigraDocFoundation-1_32/PDFsharp/samples/Samples C#/Based on GDI+/Watermark/Program.cs
Quite simple, really ... I am only showing the code up to the for loop that goes over each page. You should have a look at the full file.
const string watermark = "PDFsharp";
const int emSize = 150;
// Get a fresh copy of the sample PDF file
const string filename = "Portable Document Format.pdf";
File.Copy(Path.Combine("../../../../../PDFs/", filename),
Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), filename), true);
// Create the font for drawing the watermark
XFont font = new XFont("Times New Roman", emSize, XFontStyle.BoldItalic);
// Open an existing document for editing and loop through its pages
PdfDocument document = PdfReader.Open(filename);
// Set version to PDF 1.4 (Acrobat 5) because we use transparency.
if (document.Version < 14)
document.Version = 14;
for (int idx = 0; idx < document.Pages.Count; idx++)
//if (idx == 1) break;
PdfPage page = document.Pages[idx];

Adding a dynamic image to a PDF using ColdFusion and iText

I pieced together some code to insert a dynamic image into a PDF using both ColdFusion and iText, while filling in some form fields as well. After I got it working and blogged about it, I couldn't help but think that there might be a better way to accomplish this. I'm using the basic idea of this in a production app right now so any comments or suggestion would be most welcomed.
// full path to PDF you want to add image to
readPDF = expandpath(”your.pdf”);
// full path to the PDF we will output. Using creatUUID() to create
// a unique file name so we can delete it afterwards
writePDF = expandpath(”#createUUID()#.pdf”);
// full path to the image you want to add
yourimage = expandpath(”dynamic_image.jpg”);
// output buffer to write PDF
fileIO = createObject(”java”,””).init(writePDF);
// reader to read our PDF
reader = createObject(”java”,”com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader”).init(readPDF);
// stamper so we can modify our existing PDF
stamper = createObject(”java”,”com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper”).init(reader, fileIO);
// get the content of our existing PDF
content = stamper.getOverContent(reader.getNumberOfPages());
// create an image object so we can add our dynamic image to our PDF
image = createobject(”java”, “com.lowagie.text.Image”);
// get the form fields
pdfForm = stamper.getAcroFields();
// setting a value to our form field
pdfForm.setField(”our_field”, “whatever you want to put here”);
// initalize our image
img = image.getInstance(yourimage);
// centering our image top center of our existing PDF with a little margin from the top
x = (reader.getPageSize(1).width() - img.scaledWidth()) - 50;
y = (reader.getPageSize(1).height() - img.scaledHeight()) / 2 ;
// now we assign the position to our image
img.setAbsolutePosition(javacast(”float”, y),javacast(”float”, x));
// add our image to the existing PDF
// flattern our form so our values show
// close the stamper and output our new PDF
// close the reader
<!— write out new PDF to the browser —>
<cfcontent type=”application/pdf” file = “#writePDF#” deleteFile = “yes”>
<cfpdf> + DDX seems possible.
I have made it in another way with itext library
I don´t want overwrite my existing pdf with the image to insert, so just modify the original pdf inserting the image, just insert with itext doesn´t work for me.
So, I have to insert the image into a blank pdf (
And then join my original pdf and the new pdf-image. Obtaining one pdf with several pages.
After that you can overlay the pdf pages with this cool concept