Dynamic class regarding the route path - vue.js

With Vue 2.6, I have a link rendered with router-link, like this:
<router-link class="nav-link" to="/about" v-if="isLogged"><i class="fas fa-sun"></i> About</router-link>
Regarding the value of the route {{ $route.path }}, I would like to add a class to obtain a render like this:
<router-link class="nav-link active" to="/about" v-if="isLogged"><i class="fas fa-sun"></i> About</router-link>
See the word "active" added.
How to do that? I tried a lot of things following the documentation, without success.

Vue does this automatically for you: https://router.vuejs.org/api/#active-class.
However, if you still want to apply your own active class you can bind it using v-bind:
<router-link class="nav-link" :class="{ 'active': $route.path === '/about' }" to="/about" v-if="isLogged"><i class="fas fa-sun"></i> About</router-link>
This way it evaluates the truthiness of the condition on the right of the colon and, if true, applies the class given on the left.


router-link VueJS can't link to an element in the same page

I'm trying to developp a sidebar of a documentation who it links to elements on th same page
<div class="mt-6">
<li class="relative">
<router-link class="menuItem-active-link" to="#users">
<li class="relative">
<a href="#advanced" class="menuItem-active-link" >
when I use the a tag I can navigate between each elements but I didn't know how styling the active link
And when I use router-link the URL change but the page stay on the current element, it does'nt go to the specified element on to attribute. And with router-link I can styling the active link easly:
background-color: cyan;
Have you any idea to solve this problem ?
This should work
<router-link :to="{ hash: '#users' }">{{ $t('navigation.users') }}</router-link>
Similar to this answer.

Pass data from Vue loop to laravel component

I am having this issue and I can not find my way around it without duplicating lots of code.
I have an array of entries coming from an axios request. Everything will go in an ul.
If I am doing it like this, everything is ok:
<li v-for="entry in entries" :key="entry.id" >
<a :href="entry.links.show">
<x-button-icon color="gray-400">
<span class="ml-3">{{ __('View') }}</span>
<a :href="entry.links.edit">
<x-button-icon color="gray-400">
<span class="ml-3">{{ __('Edit') }}</span>
However, in case I want to try to extract some of that stuff in different components, the details I am sending from Vue no longer get passed to the component.
<li v-for="entry in entries" :key="entry.id" >
<x-grid-list-item-button label="{{ __('View') }}" :href="entry.links.show">
<x-slot name="icon">
<x-grid-list-item-button label="{{ __('Edit') }}" :href="entry.links.edit">
<x-slot name="icon">
And here is the grid-list-item-button.blade.php
<a href="{{ $href }}">
<x-button-icon color="gray-400">
{{ $icon }}
<span class="ml-3">{{ $label }}</span>
I already tried:
moving the href="entry.links.show" in a named slot;
passing the data with v-bind: v-bind:href="entry.links.show";
Can someone please tell what am I doing wrong or at least point me in the right direction with this?
If I got you right: You are trying to pass data from Vue.Js to Laravel-Components. Unfortunately this is not possible. Blade gets processed on the server-side where Vue.Js is not yet available. So the variable entry.links.show do not yet exist in Laravel (only available on client-side) and therefore cannot be passed to the Laravel-Component. After the HTML got rendered by Blade and passed to the Browser, Vue.Js can pick it up and replicate your template for the v-for and generate your list. At this point your 'link'-variables get available.
You could extract your code to a Vue.Js-Component rather than a Laravel-Component. This would be interpreted on client-side.
An other solution would be to generate this list through Blade so you could use Laravel-Components.

How to make vuejs navbar link active on click without route

I have a vue bootstrap navbar. All of the nav items have a route except one. The one that doesn't (Contact) launches a modal on click. When an item is selected I want the item to be white.
I do this and it works for items that have a corresponding route:
:active='$route.name ==""'
<ul class="navbar-nav">
<li class="nav-item">
<router-link class="nav-link" :to="{
path: '/',
hash: 'home',
}" :active='$route.name =="home"'>Home</router-link>
<li class="nav-item">
<router-link to="/About" :active='$route.name =="about"' class="nav-link">About</router-link>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" v-b-modal.modal-contact>Contact</a>
How do I get the Contact item to be active on click?
I had the same problem as you and solved it like this.
First, you define a method that will use the name property of this.$route
export default {
name: 'App',
methods: {
getActiveNavLink(name) {
//This is for the navbar classes, you can modify them as
//as you need. (This will be assigned every-time we call this
let classString = "nav-item nav-link "
//We compare the given name with the route current name.
if (this.$route.name === name) {
//If it is true, we append to the class string the "active" value
classString += "active"
//Return the class string.
return classString;
Then in your navbar you do something like this
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark bg-dark">
<div class="container-fluid">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">The navegation bar</a>
<button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#navbarNavAltMarkup" aria-controls="navbarNavAltMarkup" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">
<span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarNavAltMarkup">
<div class="navbar-nav">
:to="{ name: 'home'}"
:class="getActiveNavLink('home')" >
:to="{ name: 'secondRoute'}"
:class="getActiveNavLink('secondRoute')"><!--class="nav-item nav-link">-->
To the second route!
<router-link :to=...>
That way, everytime you call the getActiveNavLink you pass the name of the route to compare, and if the name of the route is the same as your $route.name you will get an active navbar element!
Also, dont worry about the router-link classes being overwritten, they are not, the classes that we add, are appended, not overwritten.
its works for me for add class attributte and methods calling
You could use router.push(). When you open the modal, push to that path, when you leave the modal, push to the previous path.

How to add the 'exact' prop in a v-for loop

I am trying to figure out how to add the exact property to the root link in a dynamically loaded menu. The menu entries are loaded from a REST API.
Currently the root path is always matched since it does not contain the exact property. In similar examples the root link is hard coded which I want to avoid.
This is the route that should be matched exactly
{ path: '/', component: HomePage }
The router-link is part of the menu, which is loaded via axios from the REST API and mapped to the state, including the root link "/". How can I access only this one item in the for loop to add the exact property?
<router-link tag="li" class="link" v-for="item in menu" v-bind:key="item.id" :to="item.slug">{{ item.content }}</router-link>
May be I am missing something, or there is a better way to achieve this?
Many thanks
Conditionally bind the exact prop like this.
<router-link tag="li" class="link" v-for="item in menu" :key="item.id" :to="item.slug" :exact="item.slug === '/' ? true : false">
{{ item.content }}
Have you ever try
<router-link tag="li" class="link" v-for="item in menu" v-bind:key="item.id" :to="item.slug" v-bind={ "exact": item.slug === "/" ? true : false }>{{ item.content }}</router-link>

bootstrap vue all b-dropdown-item with router link are active

I'm really enjoying Vue and Bootstrap Vue - very nice. However, one small issue - here's my template:
<div >
<b-dropdown variant="link" size="lg" no-caret>
<template slot="button-content">
<img src="../assets/logo.png">
<div v-for="row in navOptions" :key="row.id">
<b-dropdown-item v-bind:to="row.url" >{{ row.text }}</b-dropdown-item>
The generated html for the items in the v-for loop is:
<a data-v-6949e825="" href="/xxxx/map" class="dropdown-item active" role="menuitem" target="_self">Map</a>
My problem is the "active" that is added to the class, it looks poor:
and isn't relevant as the items are not active.
I have the same issue with <b-nav-item>
Is there bootstrap vue way to disable 'active'?
You can do something like this:
<router-link to="/" tag="li" active-class="active" exact><a>Home</a></router-link>
This is going to create an tag with the active property and is going to change on the bases of the route.
If you are creating nested routes like /something/somethingelse is order to add the active class at /something li you need to add the exact property
For me does not work. The solution that worked for me:
<b-dropdown-item :to="{ path: '/new-task' }">New Task</b-dropdown-item>
More here: https://github.com/bootstrap-vue/bootstrap-vue/issues/3066#issuecomment-491258662