Terminology used in Nsight Compute - optimization

Two questions:
According to Nsight Compute, my kernel is compute bound. The SM % of utilization relative to peak performance is 74% and the memory utilization is 47%. However, when I look at each pipeline utilization percentage, LSU utilization is way higher than others (75% vs 10-15%). Wouldn't that be an indication that my kernel is memory bound? If the utilization of compute and memory resources doesn't correspond to pipeline utilization, I don't know how to interpret those terms.
The schedulers are only issuing every 4 cycles, wouldn't that mean that my kernel is latency bound? People usually define that in terms of utilization of compute and memory resources. What is the relationship between both?

In Nsight Compute on CC7.5 GPUs
SM% is defined by sm__throughput, and
Memory% is defined by gpu__compute_memory_throughtput
sm_throughput is the MAX of the following metrics:
gpu__compute_memory_throughput is the MAX of the following metrics:
In your case the limiter is sm__inst_executed_pipe_lsu which is an instruction throughput. If you review sections/SpeedOfLight.py latency bound is defined as having both sm__throughput and gpu__compute_memory_throuhgput < 60%.
Some set of instruction pipelines have lower throughput such as fp64, xu, and lsu (varies with chip). The pipeline utilization is part of sm__throughput. In order to improve performance the options are:
Reduce instructions to the oversubscribed pipeline, or
Issue instructions of different type to use empty issue cycles.
As of Nsight Compute 2020.1 there is not a simple command line to generate the list without running a profiling session. For now you can collect one throughput metric using breakdown:<throughput metric>avg.pct_of_peak_sustained.elapsed and parse the output to get the sub-metric names.
For example:
ncu.exe --csv --metrics breakdown:sm__throughput.avg.pct_of_peak_sustained_elapsed --details-all -c 1 cuda_application.exe
"ID","Process ID","Process Name","Host Name","Kernel Name","Kernel Time","Context","Stream","Section Name","Metric Name","Metric Unit","Metric Value"
"0","33396","cuda_application.exe","","kernel()","2020-Aug-20 13:26:26","1","7","Command line profiler metrics","gpu__dram_throughput.avg.pct_of_peak_sustained_elapsed","%","0.38"
"0","33396","cuda_application.exe","","kernel()","2020-Aug-20 13:26:26","1","7","Command line profiler metrics","l1tex__data_bank_reads.avg.pct_of_peak_sustained_elapsed","%","0.05"
"0","33396","cuda_application.exe","","kernel()","2020-Aug-20 13:26:26","1","7","Command line profiler metrics","l1tex__data_bank_writes.avg.pct_of_peak_sustained_elapsed","%","0.05"
The keyword breakdown can be used in Nsight Compute section files to expand a throughput metric. This is used in the SpeedOfLight.section.


Optimize batch transform inference on sagemaker

With current batch transform inference I see a lot of bottlenecks,
Each input file can only have close to 1000 records
Currently it is processing 2000/min records on 1 instance of ml.g4dn.12xlarge
GPU instance are not necessarily giving any advantage over cpu instance.
I wonder if this is the existing limitation of the currently available tensorflow serving container v2.8. If thats the case config should I play with to increase the performance
i tried changing max_concurrent_transforms but doesn't seem to really help
my current config
transformer = tensorflow_serving_model.transformer(
job_name = job_name + datetime.now().strftime("%m-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S"),
Generally speaking, you should first have a performing model (steps 1+2 below) yielding a satisfactory TPS, before you move over to batch transform parallelization techniques to push your overall TPS higher with parallization nobs.
GPU enabling - Run manual test to see that your model can utilize GPU instances to begin with (this isn't related to batch transform).
picking instance - Use SageMaker Inference recommender to find the the most cost/effective instance type to run inference on.
Batch transform inputs - Sounds like you have multiple input files which is needed if you'll want to speed up the job by adding more instances.
Batch Transform Job single instance noobs - If you are using the CreateTransformJob API, you can reduce the time it takes to complete batch transform jobs by using optimal values for parameters such as MaxPayloadInMB, MaxConcurrentTransforms, or BatchStrategy. The ideal value for MaxConcurrentTransforms is equal to the number of compute workers in the batch transform job. If you are using the SageMaker console, you can specify these optimal parameter values in the Additional configuration section of the Batch transform job configuration page. SageMaker automatically finds the optimal parameter settings for built-in algorithms. For custom algorithms, provide these values through an execution-parameters endpoint.
Batch transform cluster size - Increase the instance_count to more than 1, using the cost/effective instance you found in (1)+(2).

how to get the current consumed cpu % of vmhost in vcenter using powershell

How to get the current consumed CPU% of vmhost in vcenter using powershell script.
Below command doesn't gives similar output what we checked manually.
Get-Stat -Entity $command1 -Stat cpu.usagemhz.average -Realtime -MaxSamples 1
Get-Stat -Entity $myHost -Stat cpu.usage.average -Realtime -MaxSamples 1 -Instance ""
From VMware's doc on this cpu usage perf counter:
Actively used CPU, as a percentage of the total available CPU, for
each physical CPU on the host. Active CPU is approximately equal to
the ratio of the used CPU to the available CPU.
Available CPU = # of physical CPUs × clock rate.
100% represents all CPUs on the host. For example, if a four-CPU host
is running a virtual machine with two CPUs, and the usage is 50%, the
host is using two CPUs completely
Explanations from Luc Dekens around the -Instance filter...
If the ESX/ESXi server is equipped with a quadcore CPU, there will be
four instances: 0, 1, 2 and 3. In this case the instance corresponds
with the numeric position within the CPU core
And there will be a so-called aggregate, which is the metric averaged
over all the instances.
These instances each get their own identifier which will be part of
the returned statistical data. The aggregate instance is always
represented by a blank identifier.
...and -MaxSamples
Although I asked for 1 sample (-MaxSamples 1) the cmdlet returned 9
values. The -MaxSamples parameter apparently only looks at the
Timestamp. It doesn’t count the number of returned values

Dask-Rapids data movment and out of memory issue

I am using dask (2021.3.0) and rapids(0.18) in my project. In this, I am performing preprocessing task on the CPU, and later the preprocessed data is transferred to GPU for K-means clustering. But in this process, I am getting the following problem:
1 of 1 worker jobs failed: std::bad_alloc: CUDA error: ~/envs/include/rmm/mr/device/cuda_memory_resource.hpp:69: cudaErrorMemoryAllocation out of memory
(before using GPU memory completely it gave the error i.e. it is not using GPU memory completely)
I have a single GPU of size 40 GB.
Ram size 512 GB.
I am using following snippet of code:
cluster=LocalCluster(n_workers=1, threads_per_worker=1)
##perform my preprocessing on data and get output on variable A
# convert A varible to cupy
x = A.map_blocks(cp.asarray)
km =KMeans(n_clusters=4)
I am also looking for a solution so that the data larger than GPU memory can be preprocessed, and whenever there is a spill in GPU memory the spilled data is transferred into temp directory or CPU (as we do with dask where we define temp directory when there is a spill in RAM).
Any help will be appriciated.
There are several ways to run larger than GPU datasets.
Check out Nick Becker's blog, which has a few methods well documented
Check out BlazingSQL, which is built on top of RAPIDS and can perform out of core processings. You can try it at beta.blazingsql.com.

Explanation of parallel arguments of tf.while_loop in TensorFlow

I want to implement an algorithm which allows a parallel implementation in TensorFlow. My question is what the arguments parallel_iterations, swap_memory and maximum_iterations actually do and which are their appropriate values according the situation. Specifically, in the documentation on TensorFlow's site https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/while_loop says that parallel_iterations are the number of iterations allowed to run in parallel. Is this number the number of threads? When someone should allow CPU-GPU swap memory and for what reason? What are the advantages and disadvantages from this choice? What is the purpose of maximum_iterations? Can it be combined with parallel_iterations?
swap_memory is used when you want to have extra memory on the GPU device. Usually when you are training a model some activations are saved in the GPU mem. for later use. With swap_memory, you can store those activations in the CPU memory and use the GPU mem. to fit e.g. larger batch sizes. And this is an advantage. You would choose this if you need big batch_sizes or have long sequences and want to avoid OOM exceptions. Disadvantage is computation time since you need to transfer the data from CPU mem. to GPU mem.
The maximum iterations is smth. like this:
while num_iter < 100 and <some condition>:
do something
num_iter += 1
So it is useful when you check a condition, but also want to have an upper bound (one example is to check if your model converges. If it doesn't you still want to end after k iterations.)
As for parallel_iterations I am not sure, but it sounds like multiple threads, yes. You can try and see the effect in a sample script.

Is there a way of determining how much GPU memory is in use by TensorFlow?

Tensorflow tends to preallocate the entire available memory on it's GPUs. For debugging, is there a way of telling how much of that memory is actually in use?
(1) There is some limited support with Timeline for logging memory allocations. Here is an example for its usage:
run_options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE)
run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata()
summary, _ = sess.run([merged, train_step],
train_writer.add_run_metadata(run_metadata, 'step%03d' % i)
train_writer.add_summary(summary, i)
print('Adding run metadata for', i)
tl = timeline.Timeline(run_metadata.step_stats)
trace_file = tf.gfile.Open(name='timeline', mode='w')
You can give this code a try with the MNIST example (mnist with summaries)
This will generate a tracing file named timeline, which you can open with chrome://tracing. Note that this only gives an approximated GPU memory usage statistics. It basically simulated a GPU execution, but doesn't have access to the full graph metadata. It also can't know how many variables have been assigned to the GPU.
(2) For a very coarse measure of GPU memory usage, nvidia-smi will show the total device memory usage at the time you run the command.
nvprof can show the on-chip shared memory usage and register usage at the CUDA kernel level, but doesn't show the global/device memory usage.
Here is an example command: nvprof --print-gpu-trace matrixMul
And more details here:
Here's a practical solution that worked well for me:
Disable GPU memory pre-allocation using TF session configuration:
config = tf.ConfigProto()
sess = tf.Session(config=config)
run nvidia-smi -l (or some other utility) to monitor GPU memory consumption.
Step through your code with the debugger until you see the unexpected GPU memory consumption.
There's some code in tensorflow.contrib.memory_stats that will help with this:
from tensorflow.contrib.memory_stats.python.ops.memory_stats_ops import BytesInUse
with tf.device('/device:GPU:0'): # Replace with device you are interested in
bytes_in_use = BytesInUse()
with tf.Session() as sess:
The TensorFlow profiler has improved memory timeline that is based on real gpu memory allocator information
Currently returns the following keys:
'current': The current memory used by the device, in bytes.
'peak': The peak memory used by the device across the run of the program, in bytes.
as #V.M previously mentioned, a solution that works well is using: tf.config.experimental.get_memory_info('DEVICE_NAME')
This function returns a dictionary with two keys:
'current': The current memory used by the device, in bytes
'peak': The peak memory used by the device across the run of the program, in bytes.
The value of these keys is the ACTUAL memory used not the allocated one that is returned by nvidia-smi.
In reality, for GPUs, TensorFlow will allocate all the memory by default rendering using nvidia-smi to check for the used memory in your code useless. Even if, tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth is set to true, Tensorflow will no more allocate the whole available memory but is going to remain in allocating more memory than the one is used and in a discrete manner, i.e. allocates 4589MiB then 8717MiB then 16943MiB then 30651 MiB, etc.
A small note concerning the get_memory_info() is that it doesn't return correct values if used in a tf.function() decorated function. Thus, the peak key shall be used after executing tf.function() decorated function to determine the peak memory used.
For older versions of Tensorflow, tf.config.experimental.get_memory_usage('DEVICE_NAME') was the only available function and only returned the used memory (no option for determining the peak memory).
Final note, you can also consider the Tensorflow Profiler available with Tensorboard as #Peter Mentioned.
Hope this helps :)