How do I get the SSL client certificate information from a CherryPy handler? - ssl

I was able to setup the CherryPy HTTPServer to require an SSL client certificate using the following code:
ssl_certificate = os.environ.get("SSL_CERTIFICATE")
ssl_adapter = BuiltinSSLAdapter(
verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
ssl_adapter.context.verify_mode = verify_mode
HTTPServer.ssl_adapter = ssl_adapter
Now I am trying to get the SSL client certification information from my request handler, but I can't figure how. After reading it seems that the wsgi environment variables should be populated with SSL_CLIENT* variables. I could not find any method/property from the request objectwould allow me to fetch such information
How can I obtain this variables from a request handler ?

I have learned the answer from a conversation with CherryPy maintainers on Gitter.
An CherryPy request object may contain more attributes than those documented in the API source, such attributes are set dynamically once the request object is created as part of the WSGI handling:
request.multithread = self.environ['wsgi.multithread']
request.multiprocess = self.environ['wsgi.multiprocess']
request.wsgi_environ = self.environ
Knowing this, to obtain the WSGI environment which includes the SSL* variables, we just need to access it by importing the request object:
import cherrypy.request


Mlflow authorization with spnego

I saw this topic about Kerberos authntication - . It was in 2020 . Our team trying to do authentication with kerberos by spnego. We did spnego on nginx server and it is fine - and get code 200 when we do curl to mlflow http uri . BUT we can't do it with mlflow environment variable .
The question is - Does mlflow has some feature to make authentication with spnego or not? Or it has just these environment variables for authentication and such methods :
MLFLOW_TRACKING_USERNAME and MLFLOW_TRACKING_PASSWORD - username and password to use with HTTP Basic authentication. To use Basic authentication, you must set both environment variables .
MLFLOW_TRACKING_TOKEN - token to use with HTTP Bearer authentication. Basic authentication takes precedence if set.
MLFLOW_TRACKING_INSECURE_TLS - If set to the literal true, MLflow does not verify the TLS connection, meaning it does not validate certificates or hostnames for https:// tracking URIs. This flag is not recommended for production environments. If this is set to true then MLFLOW_TRACKING_SERVER_CERT_PATH must not be set.
MLFLOW_TRACKING_SERVER_CERT_PATH - Path to a CA bundle to use. Sets the verify param of the requests.request function (see When you use a self-signed server certificate you can use this to verify it on client side. If this is set MLFLOW_TRACKING_INSECURE_TLS must not be set (false).
MLFLOW_TRACKING_CLIENT_CERT_PATH - Path to ssl client cert file (.pem). Sets the cert param of the requests.request function (see This can be used to use a (self-signed) client certificate.
I looked at the source code. No, the mlflow.utils.rest_utils.http_request function doesn't support SPNEGO in any way – it can only send HTTP 'Basic' or 'Bearer' authorization headers.
However, it should be relatively easy to change it to generate a 'Negotiate' header using pyspnego, or even to use requests-gssapi given that it already uses Requests internally:
# For Linux:
import requests_gssapi
# For Windows:
#import requests_negotiate_sspi
def http_request(...):
if not auth_str:
# For Linux:
kwargs["auth"] = requests_gssapi.HTTPSPNEGOAuth()
# For Windows:
#kwargs["auth"] = requests_negotiate_sspi.HttpNegotiateAuth()

Python's default SSL certificate context not working in requests method when behind proxy, works fine otherwise

I have the below function in my code, which works perfectly fine when I'm not behind any proxy. In fact, without even mentioning the certifi default CA certificate, it works fine if I pass verify=TRUE, I guess, because it works in the same way.
def reverse_lookup(lat, long):
params={'lat' : float(lat), 'lon' : float(long), 'format' : 'json',
'accept-language' : 'en', 'addressdetails' : 1}
response = requests.get("", params=params, verify=cafile)
#response = requests.get("", params=params, verify=True) <-- this works as well
result = json.loads(response.text)
return result['address']['country'], result['address']['state'], result['address']['city']
When I run the same code from within my enterprise infrastructure (where I'm behind proxy), I make some minor changes in the code mentioning the proxy as parameter in requests method:
def reverse_lookup(lat, long):
proxies = {"https" : ""}
params={'lat' : float(lat), 'lon' : float(long), 'format' : 'json',
'accept-language' : 'en', 'addressdetails' : 1}
response = requests.get("", params=params, verify=cafile, proxies=proxies)
result = json.loads(response.text)
return result['address']['country'], result['address']['state'], result['address']['city']
But it gives me one out of these 3 SSL errors at different times, if I set verify=True or verify=certifi.where():
Only time it works is when I completely bypass the SSL verification with verify=False
My questions are:
Since I'm sending the https request via proxy, is it ok if I bypass SSL verification ?
How to make the default context of SSL verification work in this case, when I'm behind proxy ?
Any help is appreciated. Code tested in both Python 2.7.15 and 3.9
Since I'm sending the https request via proxy, is it ok if I bypass SSL verification ?
Do you need the protection offered by HTTPS, i.e. encryption of the application data (like passwords, but also the full URL) to protect against sniffing or modifications by a malicious man in the middle? If you don't need the protection, then you can bypass certificate validation.
How to make the default context of SSL verification work in this case, when I'm behind proxy ?
The proxy is doing SSL interception and when doing this issues a new certificate for this site based on an internal CA. If this is expected (i.e. not an attack) then you need to import the CA from the proxy as trusted with verify='proxy-ca.pem'. Your IT department should be able to provide you with the proxy CA.
But it gives me one out of these 3 SSL errors at different times, if I
set verify=True or verify=certifi.where():
It should only give you CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED. The two other errors indicate wrong proxy settings, typically setting https_proxy to https://... instead of http://... (which also can be seen in your code).

Python request not attaching client certificate on the HTTPS session

I've implemented a SOAP client in python with the zeep library. Some of the endpoints require client-side certificate authentication, thus the need to attach the certificate to the python requests's session.
After googling around, I've come up with:
from zeep import Client
from zeep.transports import Transport
from django.utils import timezone
import requests
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = False
session.cert= ('pat_to_cert.pem','path_to_privKey.pem')
transport = Transport(session=session)
client = Client(wsdl=wsdl, transport=transport)
send = getattr(service, service_name)
result = send(**data)
Debbugging the TLS handshake, the server issues a Certificate Request, but the client replies with an empty certificate. I've already checked the .pem files with openssl with no errors.
Is it possible that python's requests is not attaching the certificate because it does not recognize the server name? How can I enforce to use this certificate for every request?
In your code, you are setting session.verify = False that's why TLS verification is disabled.
what you need to do is to set:
session.verify = 'path/to/my/certificate.pem'
Also, Alternatively, instead of using session.verify you can use session.cert if you just want to use an TLS client certificate:
session.verify = True
session.cert = ('my_cert', 'my_key')
please check the documentation for more details:
hope this helps

NiFi bypass host name verification in SSL context service

I am trying to connect to a REST endpoint via the GetHTTP Processor in NiFi 1.5.0.
The problem that I am faceing is, that the SSL certificate is issued to the domain but I only have direct access to the IP:Port address (company firewall).
With that I run into the problem that host name and certificate owners don't match up and the IP is not added as subject alternative name.
When I try to connect, I get this error message: Certificate for
<[IP-ADDRESS]> doesn't match any of the subject alternative names: []
Is there a way to bypass the host name verification?
I have found this NiFi Jira ticket but it doesn't seem to be addressed yet. Is there a workaround I could use?
You could try using InvokeHttp and use the "Trusted Hostname" property.
As the "Trusted Hostname" property is deprecated in recent versions of NiFi you can use the ExecuteScript processor with Ruby. The example is below. The body of the POST request must be in FlowFile contents. The body of the response will be in FlowFile contents after the processor.
require "uri"
require "net/http"
require "openssl"
java_import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
# Define a subclass of StreamCallback for use in
class JRubyStreamCallback
include StreamCallback
def process(inputStream, outputStream)
text = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, 'utf-8')
url = URI("https://...")
https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true
https.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
request =
request["Authorization"] = "Basic ..."
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = text
response = https.request(request)
jrubyStreamCallback =
flowFile = session.get()
if flowFile != nil
flowFile = session.write(flowFile, jrubyStreamCallback)
session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)

2-way SSL with CherryPy

From CherryPy 3.0 and onwards, one-way SSL can be turned on simply by pointing to the server certificate and private key, like this:
import cherrypy
class HelloWorld(object):
def index(self):
return "Hello SSL World!" = True
cherrypy.server.ssl_certificate = "keys/server.crt"
cherrypy.server.ssl_private_key = "keys/server.crtkey"
This enables clients to validate the server's authenticity. Does anyone know whether CherryPy supports 2-way ssl, e.g. where the server can also check client authenticity by validating a client certificate?
If yes, could anyone give an example how is that done? Or post a reference to an example?
It doesn't out of the box. You'd have to patch the wsgiserver to provide that feature. There is a ticket (and patches) in progress at
I have been looking for the same thing. I know there are some patches on the CherryPy site.
I also found the following at CherryPy SSL Client Authentication. I haven't compared this vs the CherryPy patches but maybe the info will be helpful.
We recently needed to develop a quick
but resilient REST application and
found that CherryPy suited our needs
better than other Python networking
frameworks, like Twisted.
Unfortunately, its simplicity lacked a
key feature we needed, Server/Client
SSL certificate validation. Therefore
we spent a few hours writing a few
quick modifications to the current
release, 3.1.2. The following code
snippets are the modifications we
## -55,7 +55,6 ## instance = None ssl_certificate = None ssl_private_key
= None
+ ssl_ca_certificate = None nodelay = True
def __init__(self):
## -1480,6 +1480,7 ##
# Paths to certificate and private key files ssl_certificate = None ssl_private_key = None
+ ssl_ca_certificate = None
def __init__(self, bind_addr, wsgi_app, numthreads=10, server_name=None, max=-1, request_queue_size=5, timeout=10, shutdown_timeout=5):
## -1619,7 +1620,9 ##
self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) if self.nodelay: self.socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
- if self.ssl_certificate and self.ssl_private_key:
+ if self.ssl_certificate and self.ssl_private_key and \
+ self.ssl_ca_certificate:
+ if SSL is None: raise ImportError("You must install pyOpenSSL to use HTTPS.")
## -1627,6 +1630,11 ## ctx = SSL.Context(SSL.SSLv23_METHOD) ctx.use_privatekey_file(self.ssl_private_key) ctx.use_certificate_file(self.ssl_certificate)
+ x509 = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
+ open(self.ssl_ca_certificate).read())
+ store = ctx.get_cert_store()
+ store.add_cert(x509)
+ ctx.set_verify(SSL.VERIFY_PEER | SSL.VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, lambda *x:True) self.socket = SSLConnection(ctx, self.socket) self.populate_ssl_environ()
The above patches require the
inclusion of a new configuration
option inside of the CherryPy server
server.ssl_ca_certificate. This
option identifies the certificate
authority file that connecting clients
will be validated against, if the
client does not present a valid client
certificate it will close the
connection immediately.
Our solution has advantages and
disadvantages, the primary advantage
being if the connecting client doesn’t
present a valid certificate it’s
connection is immediately closed.
This is good for security concerns as
it does not permit the client any
access into the CherryPy application
stack. However, since the restriction
is done at the socket level the
CherryPy application can never see the
client connecting and hence the
solution is somewhat inflexible.
An optimal solution would allow the
client to connect to the CherryPy
socket and send the client certificate
up into the application stack. Then a
custom CherryPy Tool would validate
the certificate inside of the
application stack and close the
connection if necessary; unfortunately
because of the structure of CherryPy’s
pyOpenSSL implementation it is
difficult to retrieve the client
certificate inside of the application
Of course the patches above should
only be used at your own risk. If you
come up with a better solution please
let us know.
If the current version of CherryPy does not support client certificate verification, it is possible to configure CherryPy to listen to, install HAProxy to listen to 443 and verify client side certificates and to forward traffic to
HAProxy is simple, light, fast and reliable.
An example of HAProxy configuration