Create SQL table from parquet files - sql

I am using R to handle large datasets (largest dataframe 30.000.000 x 120). These are stored in Azure Datalake Storage as parquet files, and we would need to query these daily and restore these in a local SQL database. Parquet files can be read without loading the data into memory, which is handy. However, creating SQL tables from parquuet files is more challenging as I'd prefer not to load the data into memory.
Here is the code I used. Unfortunately, this is not a perfect reprex as the SQL database need to exist for this to work.
# load packages
# Create test data
test <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(20), nrow=10))
# Save as parquet file
write_parquet(test2, tempfile(fileext = ".parquet"))
# Load main table
sc <- spark_connect(master = "local", spark_home = spark_home_dir())
test <- spark_read_parquet(sc, name = "test_main", path = "/tmp/RtmpeJBgyB/file2b5f4764e153.parquet", memory = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
# Save into SQL table
DBI::dbWriteTable(conn = connection,
name = DBI::Id(schema = "schema", table = "table"),
value = test)
Is it possible to write a SQL table without loading parquet files into memory?

I lack the experience with T-sql bulk import and export but this is likely where you'll find your answer.
test <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(20), nrow=10))
f <- tempfile(fileext = '.parquet')
write_parquet(test2, f)
#Upload table using bulk insert
BULK INSERT [database].[schema].[table]
FROM '", gsub('\\\\', '/', f), "' FORMAT = 'PARQUET';
here I use T-sql's own bulk insert command.
Disclaimer I have not yet used this command in T-sql, so it may riddled with error. For example I can't see a place to specify snappy compression within the documentation, although it can be specified if one instead defined a custom file format with CREATE EXTERNAL FILE FORMAT.
Now the above only inserts into an existing table. For your specific case, where you'd like to create a new table from the file, you would likely be looking more for OPENROWSET using CREATE TABLE AS [select statement].
column_definition <- paste(names(column_defs), column_defs, collapse = ',')
paste0("CREATE TABLE MySqlTable
) WITH (
", paste0([Column definitions], ..., collapse = ', '), "
where column_defs would be a named list or vector describing giving the SQL data-type definition for each column. A (more or less) complete translation from R data types to is available on the T-sql documentation page (Note two very necessary translations: Date and POSIXlt are not present). Once again disclaimer: My time in T-sql did not get to BULK INSERT or similar.


R: Summary of SQL Tables

I am working with the R programming language.
Normally, when I want to get the summary of a table, I can use something like the "str()" function or the "summary()" function:
However, now I am trying to do this with tables on a server.
For instance, I am trying to get the summaries of variable types for a specific table (e.g. "my_table") on a server. I found a very indirect way to do this:
#load libraries
#establish a connection and name it as "dbhandle"
rs <- dbSendQuery(dbhandle, 'select * from my_table limit 1')
My Question: Is there a more "direct" way to do this? For example, can I get information about each column (e.g. whether the column is integer, character, date, etc.) in a table without first sending the query and then requesting the information? Can I do this directly?
You could try using fetch() from "RMySQL" to turn your SQL query into an R object (e.g. data frame)
rs <- dbSendQuery(dbhandle, 'select * from my_table limit 1')
# Get the results from MySQL into R
my_table = fetch(rs, n=-1)
# clear result
Then use the functions you describe.

Is it possible to change the delimiter of AWS athena output file

Here is my sample code where I create a file in S3 bucket using AWS Athena. The file by default is in csv format. Is there a way to change it to pipe delimiter ?
import json
import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
client = boto3.client('athena')
# Start Query Execution
response = client.start_query_execution(
select * from srvgrp
where category_code = 'ACOMNCDU'
'Database': 'tmp_db'
'OutputLocation': 's3://tmp-results/athena/'
queryId = response['QueryExecutionId']
print('Query id is :' + str(queryId))
There is a way to do that with CTAS query.
This is a hacky way and not what CTAS queries are supposed to be used for, since it will also create a new table definition in AWS Glue Data Catalog.
I'm not sure about performance
format = 'TEXTFILE',
external_location = 's3://tmp-results/athena/__SOMETHING_UNIQUE__',
field_delimiter = '|',
bucketed_by = ARRAY['__SOME_COLUMN__'],
bucket_count = 1
) AS
FROM srvgrp
WHERE category_code = 'ACOMNCDU'
It is important to set bucket_count = 1, otherwise Athena will create multiple files.
Name of the table in CREATE_TABLE ... also should be unique, e.g. use timestamp prefix/suffix which you can inject during python runtime.
External location should be unique, e.g. use timestamp prefix/suffix which you can inject during python runtime. I would advise to embed table name into S3 path.
You need to include in bucketed_by only one of the columns from SELECT.
At some point you would need to clean up AWS Glue Data Catalog from all table defintions that were created in such way

Querying avro data files stored in Azure Data Lake directly with raw SQL from Databricks

I'm using Databricks Notebooks to read avro files stored in an Azure Data Lake Gen2. The avro files are created by an Event Hub Capture, and present a specific schema. From these files I have to extract only the Body field, where the data which I'm interested in is actually stored.
I already implented this in Python and it works as expected:
path = 'abfss://'
df0 ='avro').load(path) # 1
df1 ='string')) # 2
rdd1 = x: x[0]) # 3
data = # 4
Now I need to translate this to raw SQL in order to filter the data directly in the SQL query. Considering the 4 steps above, steps 1 and 2 with SQL are as follows:
USING avro
OPTIONS (path "abfss://")
WITH body_array AS (SELECT cast(Body AS STRING) FROM file_avro)
SELECT * FROM body_array
With this partial query I get the same as df1 above (step 2 with Python):
I need to know how to introduce the steps 3 and 4 into the SQL query, to parse the strings into json objects and finally get the desired dataframe with columns id, group, value and timestamp. Thanks.
One way I found to do this with raw SQL is as follows, using from_json Spark SQL built-in function and the scheme of the Body field:
USING avro
OPTIONS (path "abfss://")
WITH body_array AS (SELECT cast(Body AS STRING) FROM file_avro),
data1 AS (SELECT from_json(Body, 'array<struct<id:string,group:string,value:double,timestamp:timestamp>>') FROM body_array),
data2 AS (SELECT explode(*) FROM data1),
data3 AS (SELECT col.* FROM data2)
It performs faster than the Python code I posted in the question, surely because of the use of from_json and the scheme of Body to extract data inside it. My version of this approach in PySpark looks as follows:
path = 'abfss://'
df0 ='avro').load(path)
df1 = df0.selectExpr("cast(Body as string) as json_data")
df2 = df1.selectExpr("from_json(json_data, 'array<struct<id:string,group:string,value:double,timestamp:timestamp>>') as parsed_json")
data = df2.selectExpr("explode(parsed_json) as json").select("json.*")

Scio saveAsTypedBigQuery write to a partition for SCollection of Typed Big Query case class

I'm trying to write a SCollection to a partition in Big Query using:
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
val date = LocateDate.parse("2017-06-21")
val col = sCollection.typedBigQuery[Blah](query)
tableSpec = "test.test$" + date.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE),
writeDisposition = WriteDisposition.WRITE_EMPTY,
createDisposition = CreateDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED)
The error I get is
Table IDs must be alphanumeric (plus underscores) and must be at most 1024 characters long. Also, Table decorators cannot be used."
How can I write to a partition? I don't see any options to specify partitions via either saveAsTypedBigQuery method so I was trying the Legacy SQL table decorators.
See: BigqueryIO Unable to Write to Date-Partitioned Table. You need to manually create the table. BQ IO cannot create a table and partition it.
Additionally, the no table decorators was a complete ruse. It's the alphanumeric part I was missing.
tableSpec = "test.test$" + date.format(DateTimeFormatter.BASIC_ISO_DATE),
writeDisposition = WriteDisposition.WRITE_APPEND,
createDisposition = CreateDisposition.CREATE_NEVER)

What's the best way to copy a subset of a table's rows from one database to another in Postgres?

I've got a production DB with, say, ten million rows. I'd like to extract the 10,000 or so rows from the past hour off of production and copy them to my local box. How do I do that?
Let's say the query is:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE date > '2009-01-05 12:00:00';
How do I take the output, export it to some sort of dump file, and then import that dump file into my local development copy of the database -- as quickly and easily as possible?
psql -c "COPY (SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE ...) TO STDOUT" > mytable.copy
psql -c "COPY mytable FROM STDIN" < mytable.copy
This assumes mytable has the same schema and column order in both the source and destination. If this isn't the case, you could try STDOUT CSV HEADER and STDIN CSV HEADER instead of STDOUT and STDIN, but I haven't tried it.
If you have any custom triggers on mytable, you may need to disable them on import:
COPY mytable FROM STDIN; \
ALTER TABLE mytable ENABLE TRIGGER USER" < mytable.copy
source server:
CREATE TEMP TABLE mmm_your_table_here AS
SELECT * FROM your_table_here WHERE your_condition_here;
COPY mmm_your_table_here TO 'u:\\source.copy';
your local box:
-- your_destination_table_here must be created first on your box
COPY your_destination_table_here FROM 'u:\\source.copy';
From within psql, you just use copy with the query you gave us, exporting this as a CSV (or whatever format), switch database with \c and import it.
Look into \h copy in psql.
With the constraint you added (not being superuser), I do not find a pure-SQL solution. But doing it in your favorite language is quite simple. You open a connection to the "old" database, another one to the new database, you SELECT in one and INSERT in the other. Here is a tested-and-working solution in Python.
Copy a *part* of a database to another one. See
With PostgreSQL, the only pure-SQL solution is to use COPY, which is
not available to the ordinary user.
Stephane Bortzmeyer <>
table_name = "Tests"
# List here the columns you want to copy. Yes, "*" would be simpler
# but also more brittle.
names = ["id", "uuid", "date", "domain", "broken", "spf"]
constraint = "date > '2009-01-01'"
import psycopg2
old_db = psycopg2.connect("dbname=dnswitness-spf")
new_db = psycopg2.connect("dbname=essais")
old_cursor = old_db.cursor()
old_cursor.execute("""SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY""") # Security
new_cursor = new_db.cursor()
old_cursor.execute("""SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s """ % \
(",".join(names), table_name, constraint))
print "%i rows retrieved" % old_cursor.rowcount
placeholders = []
namesandvalues = {}
for name in names:
placeholders.append("%%(%s)s" % name)
for row in old_cursor.fetchall():
i = 0
for name in names:
namesandvalues[name] = row[i]
i = i + 1
command = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % \
(table_name, ",".join(names), ",".join(placeholders))
new_cursor.execute(command, namesandvalues)