Monaco editor adding dynamic class for addExtraLib - angular8

I have been trying to use intellisense from monaco editor in my angular application. I needed help in adding auto recommendation to methods for classes that I dynamically have to load.
Eg:I generate classes for different shapes and need to generate method names using intellisense.
Rectangle class will have methods like top, left, right. I generate Rectangle1, Rectangle2....,Ellipse1, Eliipse2, Ellipse3.... and so on for multiple shapes. How to add intellisense so that it recommends left,right,top on generating Rectangle1 class and typing a dot next to it.
// validation settings
noSemanticValidation: true,
noSyntaxValidation: false
// compiler options
target: monaco.languages.typescript.ScriptTarget.ES6,
allowNonTsExtensions: true
// Trial code
'declare class Rectangle1 {',
' static ():top',
' static ():left',
' static ():right',
var jsCode = [
'"use strict";',
" = {",
" console.log('Rectangle top');",
this.editor = monaco.editor.create(this.editorContainer.nativeElement, jsCode);

Try the following code in the Monaco Playground
Note that what you pass to addExtraLib must be a valid typescript definition.
noSemanticValidation: true,
noSyntaxValidation: false
// compiler options
target: monaco.languages.typescript.ScriptTarget.ES6,
allowNonTsExtensions: true
'declare class Rectangle1 {',
' /**',
' * optional documentation for top function',
' */',
' static top()',
' static left()',
' static right()',
var jsCode = [
'"use strict";',
monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById("container"), {
language: 'javascript',
value: jsCode


What is the proper way of adding a custom field to Keystone (to be included in an admin UI form)?

I can see the nice explanation for fields, and what they are made of, here:
How do you go about adding a custom field?
Is adding a custom field (versioned in my own project which depends on keystone, or perhaps done generic enough that could be pushed to npm) a matter of importing it during the keystone setup script and somehow mutating the keystone instance or whatever in order that it also loads my field along with the built-in ones?
The use case is in the context of the admin UI (e.g. you have a User keystone model, and you want the User form to have a new custom field whose UI is an arbitrary react component you implement)
The framework does support storage fields like local file, s3, azure, cloudinary images and embedly fields. That might satisfy your file field needs.
Custom Fields
It appears that the keystone wiki has a short tutorial on the keystonejs wiki and at time of writing, custom types aren't supported in the admin UI.
The example code in the wiki includes a validation method for a credit card number, so this might be the type of functionality that you're looking for.
Here's a short example of what a custom type would look like. It's a field that only accepts Jeff or Alexander as a valid value. You would put it in its own myNameType.js file.
var keystone = require('keystone');
var util = require('util');
Custom FieldType Constructor
#extends Field
#api public
function myName(list, path, options) {
// add your options to this
// call super_
this._nativeType = Text;, list, path, options);
/* inherit Field */
util.inherits(myName, keystone.Field);
/* override or add methods */
myName.prototype.validateInput = function(data) {
console.log('validate my name');
var isValid = false;
if (data && (data.toLower() === 'jeff' || data.toLower() === 'alexander')) {
isValid = true;
return isValid;
Then register your type in the keystonejs startup file:
// Require keystone
var keystone = require('keystone');
// add a new custom Field Type
get: function() {
// or whatever your path is
return require('./myName.js');
From there you can use it in a model (remember to set it to hidden because of the lack of admin UI support):
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;
var Person = new keystone.List('Post', {
map: { name: 'title' },
autokey: { path: 'slug', from: 'title', unique: true },
sortable: 'unshift',
perPage: 5,
track: true,
autocreate: true
name: { type: Types.MyName, label: 'My Name', hidden: true },
heightInInches: { type: Types.Number, label: 'Height (inches)' },

Dojo custom component's property gives default always

I have written a custom component to create a html button.
custom component is defined as follows
dojo.provide("ovn.form.OvnButton") ;
require([ "dojo/_base/declare",
function (declare, domConstruct, parser, ready, _WidgetBase){
return declare ("ovn.form.OvnButton",[_WidgetBase],{
label: "unknown",
constructor : function(args){ =;
args.props.forEach(function(prop) {
if( == 'label'){
this.label = prop.value;
alert("found label " + this.label);
alert("from constructor " + this.label);
postMixInProperties : function(){
buildRendering : function(){
alert("from renderer label is " + this.label);
this.domNode = domConstruct.create("button", { innerHTML: this.label }); //domConstruct.toDom('<button>' + this.label + '</button>');
_getLabelAttr: function(){
return this.label;
_setLabelAttr : function(label){
alert("from set input is " + label)
this.label = label;
postCreate : function(){
alert("Post create label is " + this.label);
startUP : function(){
This is how I am instantiating the component
var button = new ovn.form.OvnButton({
In the constructor of the custom component, I am iterating through the array passed and assigning to the instance variable called 'label'. To my surprise when we print the instance variable in buildRendering function, it is still printing the default instead of the assigned value.
can somebody give some light on why this is so.
I am getting the following sequence of messages on the console
1.found label Run
2. from constructor unknown
3. from renderer label is unknown
4. from set input is unknown
5. Post create label is unknown
This happens because inside the little forEach function, this actually points to something completely different than your OvnButton object.
Javascript's this keyword is quite strange in this regard (it doesn't have anything to do with Dojo, actually). You can read more about how it works here: . It's a quite fundamental concept of Javascript, different from other languages, so it's well worth your time to get familiar with.
But there are various different ways you can quickly solve it, so here are a few!
Use a regular for loop instead of forEach and callback
The easiest is probably to use a regular for loop instead of forEach with a callback.
// args.props.forEach(function(prop) {
for(var i = 0, l = args.props.length; i < l; i++) {
var prop = args.props[i];
if( == 'label'){
this.label = prop.value;
alert("found label " + this.label);
}//); <-- no longer need the closing parenthesis
The takeaway here is that Javascript's this magic only happens for function calls, so in this case, when we just use a for loop, this continues to point to the right thing.
... or use forEach's second thisArg argument
But perhaps you really want to use forEach. It actually has a second argument, often called thisArg. It tells forEach to make sure this points to something of your choice inside the callback function. So you would do something like this:
args.props.forEach(function(prop) {
if( == 'label'){
this.label = prop.value;
alert("found label " + this.label);
}, this); // <--- notice we give forEach two arguments now,
// the callback function _and_ a "thisArg" value
I'm not completely sure the above works in all browsers though, so here's another way to solve your issue:
... or use a temporary "self" variable
We will make a temporary variable equal to this. People often call such a variable self, but you can name it anything you want. This is important: it's only the this keyword that Javascript will treat differently inside the callback function:
var self = this; //<--- we basically give `this` an alternative
// name to use inside the callback.
args.props.forEach(function(prop) {
if( == 'label'){
self.label = prop.value; //<--- replaced `this` with `self`
alert("found label " + self.label); //<--- here as well
... or use hitch() from dojo/_base/lang
Some people don't like the self solution, perhaps because they like to consistently use this to refer to the owning object. Many frameworks therefore have a "bind" function, that makes sure a function is always called in a particular scope. In dojo's case, the function is called hitch. Here's how you can use it:
require([....., "dojo/_base/lang"], function(....., DojoLang) {
args.props.forEach(DojoLang.hitch(this, function(prop) {
if( == 'label'){
this.label = prop.value;
alert("found label " + this.label);
... or use Javascript's own bind()
Dojo and pretty much every other framework out there has a hitch() function. Because it's such a commonly used concept in Javascript, the new Javascript standard actually introduces it's own variant, Function.prototype.bind(). You can use it like this:
args.props.forEach(function(prop) {
if( == 'label'){
this.label = prop.value;
alert("found label " + this.label);
That was a very long answer for a pretty small thing, I hope it makes some sense!

fairytale about mvc, require.js and angular. is there happily ever after?

So. Once upon a time there were four magical creatures: mvc, require.js and angular. And one wise wizard decided to put them in the same house, and let for every single view of to have its own "code-behind" javascript file;
first he added to the _Layout.cshtml
<script data-main="/main" src="~/Scripts/require.js"></script>
and then he created main.js in the root:
baseUrl: "/Scripts/",
paths: {
'jquery': 'jquery-1.9.1.min',
'jquery-ui': 'jquery-ui-1.10.2.custom.min',
'angular': 'angular.min',
'ng-grid': 'ng-grid-2.0.2.debug'
shim: {
'jquery': { exports: "$" },
'underscore': { exports: "_" },
'jquery-ui': ['jquery'],
// Standard Libs
nothing fancy and magical yet. But then he created an html helper as such:
public static MvcHtmlString RequireJs(this HtmlHelper helper)
var controllerName = helper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values["Controller"].ToString(); // get the controllername
var viewName = Regex.Match((helper.ViewContext.View as RazorView).ViewPath, #"(?<=" + controllerName + #"\/)(.*)(?=\.cshtml)").Value; //get the ViewName - extract it from ViewPath by running regex - everything between controllerName +slash+.cshtml should be it;
// chek if file exists
var filename = helper.ViewContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.MapPath("/Scripts/views/" + controllerName.ToLower() + "-" +
if (File.Exists(filename))
return helper.RequireJs(#"views/" + controllerName.ToLower() + "-" + viewName.ToLower());
return new MvcHtmlString("");
public static MvcHtmlString RequireJs(this HtmlHelper helper, string module)
var require = new StringBuilder();
require.AppendLine(" <script type=\"text/javascript\">");
require.AppendLine(" require(['Scripts/ngcommon'], function() {");
require.AppendLine(" require( [ \"" + module + "\"] );");
require.AppendLine(" });");
require.AppendLine(" </script>");
return new MvcHtmlString(require.ToString());
and then he could use it in _Layout.cshtml just like that:
and if you were listening carefully to the story, you probably noticed that there was also Scripts/ngcommon.js file to manually bootstrap angular.js and have commonly used angular directives and services
require(['angular', 'jquery'], function() {
angular.module("common",[]).directive('blabla', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: { value: "#blabla" },
link: function(scope, element, attrs) { }
//manually bootstrap it to html body
angular.bootstrap(document.getElementsByTagName('body'), ["common"]);
And here comes the magic: from now on if it was a javascript file in \Scripts\views named as controllerName-viewName.js as home-index.js for Home\Index.cshtml it would be automagically picked up by require.js and loaded. Beautiful isn't it?
But then the magician thought: What If I need to load something else (like ng-grid) and that something should not be injected into common angular module because not all the pages will be using it. Of course he could always manually bootstrap another module into a page element in each code-behind javascript where he needed, but he's not wise enough to find answer to the question:
Is it possible to inject some angular.js component (like ng-grid) directly into a controller, without having it as a part of the app module?
If I understand magician's idea right, then it is possible to go on by splitting your application into sub-modules being defined as a collection of components.
It will work if he sets up dependencies for main myApp module like:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['Constants', 'Filters', 'Services', 'Directives', 'Controllers']);
myApp.Constants = angular.module('Constants', []);
myApp.Controllers = angular.module('Controllers', []);
myApp.Filters = angular.module('Filters', []);
myApp.Services = angular.module('Services', []);
myApp.Directives = angular.module('Directives', []);
Then each of sub-modules: Services etc. - can be extended with single component, like:
myApp.Controllers.controller('MyController', function () {});
myApp.Services.factory('myService', function () {});
myApp.Directives.directive('myDirective', function () {});
myApp.Filters.filter('myFilter', []);
myApp.Constants.constant('myConstant', []);
That way main application module is loaded with several sub-modules, but each structure is not important. It makes possible to include individual controllers, services, directives and filters on each page served from back-end - magician just needs to be sure that all needed dependencies are loaded.
DI is the magic key for having separate angular codebehind in MVC views.
You don't even need the requirejs at all, because angular is a dependency injector and module loader by nature, angular.bootstrap is the magic place to start.
So let wizard became more powerfull with the spell - $inject.
var TmplController = function($scope, $compile, $http... // any module itself
{ = ['legs','arms','head'];
$scope.dynamicPageTemplate = function($compile)
$compile('<div><p ng-repeat="each in parts">{{each}}</p></div>' )( $scope );
TmplController.$inject = ['$scope','$comple', '$http']; //try legs or head
refer complete annotated source of angular-scenario.js from, and you will find how to inject code with define manner helpers.

usemin revved filenames and requirejs dependencies

I'm running into the following problem with requirejs and usemin:
I want to setup a multipage application, where I dynamically load modules that only contain page specific functionality (e.g. about -> about.js, home -> home.js). I could go ahead and pack everything in a single file, but that just leads to a bigger file size and overhead on functionality that isn't necessary on each site! (e.g. why would I need to load a carousel plugin on a page that doesn't have a carousel!)
I checked out the example
That is in fact a great way to deal with it, until I bring usemin into the game. After revving the filenames the src path of each script tag is updated, but what about the dependencies?
<script src="scripts/vendor/1cdhj2.require.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
require(['scripts/common'], function (common) {
require(['app'], function(App) {
In that case, require.js got replaced by the revved file 1cdhj2.require.js. Great!
But the required modules "common" and "app" no longer work since common became 4jsh3b.common.js and app became!
What can I do about this? Thanks for your help!
(Also using Yeoman, btw)
It's a tricky problem and I'm sure somebody else fixed in in a more elegant way, but the following works for me.
I might publish this as a grunt plugin once it's a little more robust.
Taken from my Gruntfile:
"regex-replace": {
rjsmodules: { // we'll build on this configuration later, inside the 'userevd-rjsmodules' task
src: ['build/**/*.js'],
actions: []
grunt.registerTask('userevd-rjsmodules', 'Make sure RequireJS modules are loaded by their revved module name', function() {
// scheduled search n replace actions
var actions = grunt.config("regex-replace").rjsmodules.actions;
// action object
var o = {
search: '',
replace: '', //<%= grunt.filerev.summary["build/js/app/detailsController.js"] %>
flags: 'g'
// read the requirejs config and look for optimized modules
var modules = grunt.config("requirejs.compile.options.modules");
var baseDir = grunt.config("requirejs.compile.options.dir");
var i, mod;
for (i in modules) {
mod = modules[i].name;
revvedMod = grunt.filerev.summary[baseDir + "/" + mod + ".js"];
revvedMod = revvedMod.replace('.js', '').replace(baseDir+'/',''); = mod; = "'"+mod+"'";
// use the moduleid, and the grunt.filerev.summary object to find the revved file on disk
o.replace = "'"+revvedMod+"'";
// update the require(["xxx/yyy"]) declarations by scheduling a search/replace action
grunt.config.set('regex-replace.rjsmodules.actions', actions);
grunt.log.writeln('%j', grunt.config("regex-replace.rjsmodules"));"regex-replace:rjsmodules");
You can also use requirejs' map config to specify a mapping between your original module and your revved one.
Filerev outputs a summary object containing a mapping of all the modules that were versioned and their original names. Use grunt file write feature to write a file in AMD way with the contents being the summary object:
// Default task(s).
grunt.registerTask('default', ['uglify', 'filerev', 'writeSummary']);
grunt.registerTask('writeSummary', 'Writes the summary output of filerev task to a file', function() {
grunt.file.write('filerevSummary.js', 'define([], function(){ return ' + JSON.stringify(grunt.filerev.summary) + '; })');
and use this file in your require config so that the new revved modules are used instead of old ones:
require(['../filerevSummary'], function(fileRev) {
var filerevMap = {};
for (var key in fileRev) {
var moduleID = key.split('/').pop().replace('.js', '');
var revvedModule = '../' + fileRev[key].replace('.js', '');
filerevMap[moduleID] = revvedModule;
map: {
'*': filerevMap
The filerevMap object that I created above is specific to my folder structure. You can tweak it as per yours. It just loops through the filerev summary and makes sure the keys are modified as per your module names and values as per your folder structure.

RequireJS: require a module return a function instead of a object

I'm noticing a strange behaviour with RequireJS trying to assign a simple module value directly to a variable, like this:
App.tables = require(['appTables']);
The result of this call is that App.tables contain this function:
localRequire(deps, callback, errback)
while my appTables.js looks like this:
users: {
name: 'tables.users',
data: {
name: {
visible: true,
hide: false,
display: 'Name'
surname: {
visible: true,
hide: false,
display: 'Surname'
Indeed trying to assign it in the classic way works:
require(['appTables'], function(appTables) {
App.tables = appTables;
So what's wrong with my first approach? Why does it return a function instead of the object? Thanks!
The simplified CommonJS format which you're using (App.tables = require('appTables')) is meant to be used within a module, as an alternative to the amd format where you assign an array of module dependencies to function arguments. It is not meant to be used in your main.js module (just use the standard require('appTables', function(appTables) { ... }); format for that).
In a module, you would wrap the require call in a define block, and pass the module name ('appTables'):
define(function(require) {
appTables = require('appTables');
... do something with appTables ...
See the documentation on the Simplified CommonJS Wrapper for details.
See also: Why use alternate requirejs define: define(function(require) { ... }