Karate SSL and HashiCorp Vault Secret Engine - karate

Currently, I'm struggling with automation our API over SSL with Karate DSL, and the main problem is that I'm not able to automate this API without keeping that cert.pfx in some directory with below configuration:
// enable X509 certificate authentication with PKCS12 file 'certstore.pfx' and password 'certpassword'
configure ssl = { keyStore: 'classpath:certstore.pfx', keyStorePassword: 'certpassword', keyStoreType: 'pkcs12' }
Is there any other approach to load the cert store? instead of using certstore.pfx form local directory/cloud/sftp dir?
I was thinking about creating a KeyStore java object(with chain certs& private key) and pass it to configuration instead of (pfx file) { keyStore: keyStoreObj, keyStorePassword: 'xxx' ..}, or some other memory object, which will provide all needed certs/keys to connect over SSL.
thanks for your advice!

Thank you Peter, so I decided to go to that advanced way, so decide to extend HttpClient, where I override configure(HttpConfig config, ScriptContext context) and decide to pass there KeyStore object, which was constructed before with certificates, which I got from HasiCorp Vault.
Btw Karate DSL is great!

Use Java interop: https://github.com/intuit/karate#calling-java
For example: you can implement some custom way to get the cert that you need and save it to /tmp and then use file:/tmp/mycert.pfx to load the cert.
It is up to you to implement in any way that you want. If you want to do something more advanced, consider extending the ApacheHttpClient - and tips on how to do this are provided here.


Authenticate Google API request token in Python

My locally hosted bot that's integrated with Google Hangouts API uses python's Tornado module to accept user input from Google and responds with an appropriate reply. This is the request handler on the bot server:
class incomingRequestHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
recievedData = json.loads(self.request.body.decode('utf-8'))
responseData = generateResponse(recievedData)
self.write({ 'text' : responseData })
This works great. Now I want to authenticate the incoming requests to make sure they're only coming from Google Hangouts.
The request from Google does have an Authorization bearer token in it's header and I'm sure that's what needs to be used for verification. As such, based on this article I took the recommended measures like using id_token.verify_oauth2_token() or querying https://oauth2.googleapis.com/tokeninfo?id_token=XYZ123 but neither solution seems to work.
Could someone point me in the right direction for this? Am I using the correct token even or is this the wrong method for verifying incoming requests?
This issue originated from me having no idea what a JWT was nor knowing that what I'd encountered was a JWT. Another symptom of trying to handle things yourself, I guess.
Anyway, the solution is simply to get the Google certificates from this link, use openssl to generate corresponding public keys and feed the key specified (by kid value) in the authentication token to the jwt.decode() method of python's jwt module.
Here's a snippet of the solution:
selectedKey = certs.get(jwtHeader.get('kid')) //certs is a dict containing the public keys from Google
checksum = jwt.decode(token, selectedKey, algorithms=["<value-of-alg>"], audience="<value-of-aud>", issuer="<value-of-iss>") //token is simply the authentication token as a string
Note the following bash command to be sued to convert Google's x509 certificates into pem format public keys:
openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in key.pem
I don't think python has a very modular solution for the above yet. Do let me know if there is.

How to use .crt file for SSH public key authentication

I am developing SFTP WinSCP client using C# (.NET Assembly). In my testing environment I did it by password authentication. Here are my session options:
// Setup session options
SessionOptions sessionOptions = new SessionOptions {
Protocol = Protocol.Sftp,
HostName = "example.com",
UserName = "user",
Password = "mypassword",
SshHostKeyFingerprint = "ssh-rsa 2048 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"
But real environment don't have password for the user. Server admin provide Public Key with extension ".crt"
So using this Public Key how can I change my program (SessionOptions)?
Are this details enough to proceed this implementation?
Preview of crt file
From the extension, look and size of the the file you received, I believe it is a public key of the server in form of a certificate.
First, server's public key can be used only to verify that the server you connected to is actually the one you wanted to connect to (i.e. there's no man-in-the-middle attack ongoing).
Second, certificate format of keys is never used with SSH. It's used with TLS/SSL, so for example with FTPS (FTP over TLS/SSL), or HTTPS.
I'd say that there's some great misunderstanding between you and the server admin.
If you want more details, you should better ask on SuperUser or ServerFault, as this does not look like a programming question in the end.

Decent routine to check server certificate

I am writing a client app that need talk to Active Directory server and one of requirements is to support LDAPS/StartTLS.
I already figure out there is one option need to set:
if (ldap_set_option(pLdap, LDAP_OPT_SERVER_CERTIFICATE, &my_cert_check_func) != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
std::cerr << "ldap set cert check callback failed" <<std::endl;
return NULL;
and my_cert_check_func is over-naive and not safe at all:
static BOOLEAN my_cert_check_func(PLDAP connection, PCCERT_CONTEXT server_cert)
return TRUE;
And I also did a lot of googling and read quite a lot msdn, but still no clue. I have never handle such security-related coding before so any thing related to cert check are welcome.
And because I write this app using Winldap API, so the code should use Windows specific APIs.
And I am also thinking do such check using openssl api (this api is a dependency of my app, so it is fine to use that).
Could you show me some sample code for doing real checking of server certs against client security store or what ever client has?
Thank you very much!
You don't need to verify the entire certificate chain etc. for validity. LDAPS should already have done that. You only need to check the subjectDN of the certificate against what you think it should be when talking to that server.

Grails Spring Security X509 for Authentication and LDAP for Authorities

Some pointers more than anything required here.
I'm trying to get both X509 and LDAP working in my application. I want users to be authenticated using their PKI certs and then for the APP to get their authorities from our LDAP server.
I have LDAP working with a customer userDetailsContextMapper at the moment however how to add the x509 properly stumps me a little.
I think what I want is a PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider that uses an injected ldapUserDetails service.
How can I do that? Do I need a UserDetailsByNameServiceWrapper to wrap the LdapUserDetailsService up to be used within the pre-authentication provider?
I ask because unfortunately the testing platform and the development environment at the moment is detached, and I don't have local LDAP or PKI set up to test against so its about a 6 hour process getting a new war onto the dev environment... Restrictive I know... So I want to get it right first time.
NOTE: THE FOLLOWING WORKS WITH Spring-Security-Core v1.2.7.3, Configuration names are different in 2.0RC2
Following a few different ideas, this is what I came up with. This assumes you already have LDAP working with a custom and UserDetailsContextMapper (see: ldap documentation):
Ensure both the LDAP and a PreAuthenticatedAuthentication Provider are in the provider list:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.providerNames = [
Then in your spring resources (grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy) configure the following beans:
ref('ldapAuthoritiesPopulator')) {
userDetailsMapper = ref('ldapUserDetailsMapper')
userDetailsByNameServiceWrapper(org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.UserDetailsByNameServiceWrapper) {
userDetailsService = ref('ldapUserDetailsService')
preAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider(org.springframework.security.web.authentication.preauth.PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider) {
preAuthenticatedUserDetailsService = ref('userDetailsByNameServiceWrapper')
And bobs your uncle and you have some aunts!
For reference the pages I used to come up with this solution are:
No AuthenticationProvider found using spring security
Wrap your LdapUserDetailsService in a UserDetailsByNameServiceWrapper
Instead of the LdapAuthenticationProvider configure a PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider that will be able to process the PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken issued by your CustomX509AuthenticationFilter.
Inject the wrapped LdapUserDetailsService into the PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider.
Covers how to wire up a preAuthenticationAuthenticationProvider in grails
there's an LdapUserDetailsService that does all the good things the LdapAuthenticationProvider does - except for authentication
http://pwu-developer.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/grails-security-with-cas-and-ldap.html more on how to wire up that ldapUserDetailsService
Hope this helps someone else!

How to use Gmail as your IMAP server for Youtrack?

I want to create a helpdesk project following this great tutorial : http://blog.jetbrains.com/youtrack/2014/02/using-youtrack-as-a-help-desk/
I want to set the parameters of my mailbox using a Gmail adress but I don't know how to obtain a SSL key from Gmail.
Without it, I have "Connection timed out" error. I know where to add the SSL key in Youtrack, but I need a file (JKS or PKCS12 format).
My settings:
Select SSL key: nothing
Connection timeout:60
Socket timeout:60
Please help :)
Here how to obtain Gmail trusted root keys (from Google PKI FAQ):
Google may decide to have its intermediate signed by another root at any point in time, so you should have an update mechanism in place for the trusted roots you ship with your product. If you are developing code intended to connect to a Google property, we recommend you include a wide set of trustworthy roots. We made an example available as a PEM file here.
PEM file provided can be manually converted to PKCS12 with, for instance, OpenSSL tool.
I suspect, however, that installing a cert won't solve the issue. "Select SSL key" likely stands for client (i.e. YouTrack) certificate, which is not required by Gmail. Please check the following:
If IMAP is enabled in your GMail account
this recipe to make sure Gmail is not blocking new client application explicitly