Change default vuetify-loader variables scss file path - vue.js

I created a project using Vue CLI (with typescript support), and added Vuetify with vue add vuetify
This create a file tree like this:
- public
- node_modules
- src
- components
- scss
- assets
But, I want to change this structure to use something like Clean Architecture. So, I have
- public
- node_modules
- src
- application
- domain
- infrastructure
- web
- components
- assets
- scss
But if I do this, vuetify-loader no longer loads my variables.scss file. Based on the documentation, it looks like it only loads the path src/scss/variables.scss
Is there a way to change the default path to src/web/scss/variables.scss?

vue-cli-plugin-vuetify appears to be hard-coded to expect that structure:
for (const ext of ['sass', 'scss']) {
const path = `${folder}/${file}.${ext}`
// If file doesn't exist in user
// project, continue to next
if (!fileExists(api, `src/${path}`)) continue
// If file exists, push it into
// the import statement
data.push(`#import '#/${path}${end}`)
There is already an open issue in the repo to track for any change.


Change default directory in Snowpack Vue app

I want to use Snowpack for my Vue 3 app. Currently, I've initialized the Vue 3 app using the following command:
npx create-snowpack-app my-app --template #snowpack/app-template-vue
By default, Snowpack creates a directory structure like this:
I need to restructure things slightly. The reason why is I'm moving an existing app to Snowpack. My challenge is I need to move to a structure like this:
In short: 1) rename src to pages and 2) move index.js up to the same level as package.json. When I make this change, Snowpack throws a warning that says "mounted directory does not exist". It prints out the files it's looking for, which, Snowpack is clearly still looking in the src directory. My thinking was to review the snowpack.config.js file.
I looked at the mount property in the snowpack.config.js file. I changed mount.src.url to /pages. However, that didn't work. I also tried changing the property to just /, which also didn't work.
What do I need to change to tell Snowpack to look in the current directory instead of the src directory for the index.js file?
That directory layout is possible with a mount config that specifies . as the mount point:
// snowpack.config.js
module.exports = {
mount: {
'.': {url: '/dist'}
Then the root index could import the SFC from <projectRoot>/pages/:
// <projectRoot>/index.js
import App from './pages/App.vue'

Nuxt.js: is it possible use custom page names in Pre Rendering option?

i am currently working in a Nuxt.js project and i'm trying the Pre Rendering option. I would like to change the format name of the files created when i launch nuxt generate... but i don't really now if this is even possible.
If my pages folder has these 2 componentes:
- page1.vue
- page2.vue
the default situation is that my dist folder will have these files after the generate command:
- page1
- index.html
- page2
- index.html
Would be possible to have this structure?:
- page1.html
- page2.html
I've tried to create my own router.js with my custom paths, using #nuxtjs/router module and it works in dev mode, but when i try to generate the static files, there are no errors... but it doesn't work. No page files in dist folder.
Perhaps i'm missing something, or perhaps it is not possible to do this, but... has anyone faced this situation?
Add generate.subFolders false in your nuxt config:
generate: {
subFolders: false

Provide enviroment variables for production vue build

I would like to achieve following:
a Vue application is build with npm build,
then the /dist result is copied to some environment
in this enviroment I have some static setting file with name=value settings
the Vue application should read this setting from local folder where it is running or default to some setting
What is the best way to do this.
If you want "to inject" some settings to the bundled app so I think it can be possible only with another js file (globalConfig.js) with global object like:
window.myAppSettings = {
MY_VARIABLE: 'some_value'
Which will be copied somehow to your dist folder on a particular environment.
You should also prepare your app to reference that file:
Firstly, add this settings object as external lib in vue.config.js
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: config => {
'my-app-settings': 'myAppSettings'
So you can get your settings in code:
import mySettingsObject from 'my-app-settings'
let myValue = mySettingsObject.MY_VARIABLE
Add reference to globalConfig.js in index.html file in the head section:
<script src="<%= BASE_URL %>globalConfig.js"></script>
Local Development
Probably you will need some default settings to be able to debug your app locally. In this case you can create localConfig.js in your public folder with some default values.
Then change your script in index.html to this:
<script src="<%= BASE_URL %><%= VUE_APP_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_VERSION %>Settings.js"></script>
Then create two files in the project root .env.local and .env.production:
// .env.local
// .env.production
So when you run npm run serve it will load your local config and your app will load localSettings.js.
And when it builds with npm run build it will load globalSettings.js because building uses a production mode by default.
If you created your project using Vue CLI 3 you can do like this.
Make sure your settings file is named .env and place it in your project root.
In the .env file, your variables should be prefixed with "VUE_APP_"
Access them with process.env.*.
console.log(process.env.VUE_APP_SOMEKEY) // SOME_KEY_VALUE
Here's some more info on evironment variables in vue: Vue CLI 3 - Environment Variables and Modes
Sorry. I probably misunderstood your question. This solution will not work if your settings file is in the dist folder.

How to configure Aurelia to load modules from a folder?

Aurelia has this fantastic ViewLocator strategy. I can't figure out how to make it do the same for modules. Here's a sample /src setup:
- src/
- main.js
- app/
- app.js
- app.html
- foo/
- foo.js
- foo.html
- bar/baz/
- baz.js
- baz.html
Following this convention, I'd like to be able to load app with the name app rather than app/app, foo with foo rather than foo/foo, and baz with bar/baz rather than bar/baz/baz.
So in effect, <path>/<module>/<module> should be accessible from <path>/<module>
In Aurelia, what is the best way to set this convention?
There's a convention for this, and it's actually a general convention for node packages. First, structure your app module using an index.js entry point.
- src/
- main.js
- app/
- index.js
- app.js
- app.html
Next, in your main.js code, use the feature "app". This tells Aurelia to look for app/index.js and load it as a plugin.
export configure(aurelia) {
You can read more information about features here: Aurelia Features

Aurelia Element Loading Issues

Our environment has setup a private git repository and configured jspm to install packages from this repository. The repo has a .js, .html, and .css file. Jspm brings all the files down into a folder with #master appended to the name to reflect the branch and stores it all in the pre-configured jspm_packages location on my machine. It also adds a second #master.js file next to the folder with export statements inside (I didn't create this file myself).
These files represent custom elements I want to use in my aurelia application. There is a .js for the viewmodel and a .html for the view (and a .css file). When I go to use the custom element I get a 404, file not found, because system.js is looking for a #master.html file, which doesn't exist.
Jspm seems to be referencing the #master.js file in config.js and somehow that's assuming a #master.html file in Aurelia? Only a #master.js file was created when I installed the package using jspm. The original .html file does exist and lives inside the folder I mention above, but that #master.html file does not and I'm not sure 1) what that file would be for and 2) why it's being referenced. There no reference to #master.html in my code.
I'm not really even sure if this is a JSPM issue, Aurelia issue, System.js issue, or some combination of them?
Anyone else have a similar experience with these technologies?
Essentially, Aurelia believes you are importing your repo as a custom element, so when you are importing the #master.js it is looking for the matching "view" of what it assumes is a viewmodel.
It sounds like you need to structure your repository as a plugin. Add an index.js file at the top level and make that responsible for running the configure function, which should make the components you want global resources. Ensure your package.json points to your index.js as the 'main'. After that, you would need to add a .plugin('your-package-name') in the main.js file, just like any other plugin.
An example index.js is like so:
import {Options, GLOBAL_OPTIONS, DIRECTION} from './options';
import {Dragula} from './dragula';
import {moveBefore} from './move-before';
export {Dragula, Options, DIRECTION, moveBefore};
export function configure(config, callback) {
let defaults = new Options();
config.container.registerInstance(GLOBAL_OPTIONS, defaults);
if (callback !== undefined && typeof callback === 'function') {
(taken from here)