Plotting by groupby and average - pandas

I have a dataframe with multiple columns and rows. One column, say 'name' has several rows with names, the same name used multiple times. Other rows, say, 'x', 'y', 'z', 'zz' have values. I want to group by name and get the mean of each column (x,y,z,zz)for each name, then plot on a bar chart.

Using the pandas.DataFrame.groupby is an important data-wrangling stuff. Let's first make a dummy Pandas data frame.
df = pd.DataFrame({"name": ["John", "Sansa", "Bran", "John", "Sansa", "Bran"],
"x": [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
"y": [5, -3, 10, 34, 1, 54],
"z": [10.6, 99.9, 546.23, 34.12, 65.04, -74.29]})
name x y z
0 John 2 5 10.60
1 Sansa 3 -3 99.90
2 Bran 4 10 546.23
3 John 5 34 34.12
4 Sansa 6 1 65.04
5 Bran 7 54 -74.29
We can use the label of the column to group the data (here the label is "name"). Explicitly defining the by parameter can be omitted (c.f., df.groupby("name")).
df.groupby(by = "name").mean().plot(kind = "bar")
which gives us a nice bar graph.
Transposing the group by results using T (as also suggested by anky) yields a different visualization. We can also pass a dictionary as the by parameter to determine the groups. The by parameter can also be a function, Pandas series, or ndarray.
df.groupby(by = {1: "Sansa", 2: "Bran"}).mean().T.plot(kind = "bar")


pandas read dataframe multi-header values

I have this dataframe with multiple headers
name, 00590BL, 01090BL, 01100MS, 02200MS
lat, 613297, 626278, 626323, 616720
long, 5185127, 5188418, 5188431, 5181393
elv, 1833, 1915, 1915, 1499
1956-01-01, 1, 2, 2, -2
1956-01-02, 2, 3, 3, -1
1956-01-03, 3, 4, 4, 0
1956-01-04, 4, 5, 5, 1
1956-01-05, 5, 6, 6, 2
I read this as
dfr = pd.read_csv(f_name,
skiprows = 0,
header = [0,1,2,3],
index_col = 0,
parse_dates = True
I would like to extract the value related the rows named 'lat' and 'long'.
A easy way, could be to read the dataframe in two step. In other words, the idea could be have two dataframes. I do not like this because it is not very elegant and it not seems to take advantage of pandas potentiality. I believe that I could use some feature related to multi-index.
what do you think?
You can use get_level_values:
dfr = pd.read_csv(f_name, skiprows=0, header=[0, 1, 2, 3], index_col=0,
parse_dates=[0], skipinitialspace=True)
lat = df.columns.get_level_values('lat').astype(int)
long = df.columns.get_level_values('long').astype(int)
elv = df.columns.get_level_values('elv').astype(int)
>>> lat.to_list()
[613297, 626278, 626323, 616720]
>>> long.to_list()
[5185127, 5188418, 5188431, 5181393]
>>> elv.to_list()
[1833, 1915, 1915, 1499]
If you only need the first row of column header, use droplevel
df = dfr.droplevel(['lat', 'long', 'elv'], axis=1).rename_axis(columns=None))
# Output
00590BL 01090BL 01100MS 02200MS
1956-01-01 1 2 2 -2
1956-01-02 2 3 3 -1
1956-01-03 3 4 4 0
1956-01-04 4 5 5 1
1956-01-05 5 6 6 2
One way to do this is to use the .loc method to select the rows by their label. For example, you could use the following code to extract the 'lat' values:
lat_values = dfr.loc['lat']
And similarly, you could use the following code to extract the 'long' values:
long_values = dfr.loc['long']
Alternatively, you can use the .xs method to extract the values of the desired level.
lat_values = dfr.xs('lat', level=1, axis=0) long_values = dfr.xs('long', level=1, axis=0)
Both these approach will extract the values for 'lat' and 'long' rows from the dataframe and will allow you to access it as one dataframe with one index.

Pandas - Merge data frames based on conditions

I would like to merge n data frames based on certain variables (external to the data frame).
Let me clarify the problem referring to an example.
We have two dataframes detailing the height and age of certain members of a population.
On top, we are given one array per data frame, containing one value per property (so array length = number of columns with numerical value in the data frame).
Consider the following two data frames
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
'Age': [3, 8, 4, 2, 5], 'Height': [7, 2, 1, 4, 9]})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['A', 'B', 'D'],
'Age': [4, 6, 4], 'Height': [3,9, 2]})
looking as
( Name Age Height
0 A 3 7
1 B 8 2
2 C 4 1
3 D 2 4
4 E 5 9,
Name Age Height
0 A 4 3
1 B 6 9
2 D 4 2)
As mentioned, we also have two arrays, say
array1 = np.array([ 1, 5])
array2 = np.array([2, 3])
To make the example concrete, let us say each array contains the year in which the property was measured.
The output should be constructed as follows:
if an individual appears only in one dataframe, its properties are taken from said dataframe
if an individual appears in more than one data frame, for each property take the values from the data frame whose associated array has the corresponding higher value. So, for property i, compare array1[[i]] and array2[[i]], and take property values from dataframe df1 if array1[[i]] > array2[[i]], and viceversa.
In the context of the example, the rules are translated as, take the property which has been measured more recently, if more are available
The output given the example data frames should look like
Name Age Height
0 A 4 7
1 B 6 2
2 C 4 1
3 D 4 4
4 E 5 9
Indeed, for the first property "Age", as array1[[0]] < array2[[0]], values are taken from the second dataframe, for the available individuals (A, B, D). Remaining values come from the first dataframe.
For the second property "Height", as as array1[[1]] > array2[[1]], values come from the first dataframe, which already describes all the individuals.
At the moment I have some sort of solution based on looping over properties, but it is silly convoluted, I am wondering if any Pandas expert out there could help me towards an elegant solution.
Thanks for your support.
Your question is a bit confusing: array indexes start from 0 so I think in your example it should be [[0]] and [[1]] instead of [[1]] and [[2]].
You can first concatenate your dataframes to have all names listed, then loop over your columns and update the values where the corresponding array is greater (I added a Z row to df2 to show new rows are being added):
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
'Age': [3, 8, 4, 2, 5], 'Height': [7, 2, 1, 4, 9]})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['A', 'B', 'D', 'Z'],
'Age': [4, 6, 4, 8], 'Height': [3,9, 2, 7]})
array1 = np.array([ 1, 5])
array2 = np.array([2, 3])
df1.set_index('Name', inplace=True)
df2.set_index('Name', inplace=True)
df3 = pd.concat([df1, df2[~df2.index.isin(df1.index)]])
for i, col in enumerate(df1.columns):
if array2[[i]] > array1[[i]]:
Note: You have to set Name as index in order to update the right rows
Age Height
A 4 7
B 6 2
C 4 1
D 4 4
E 5 9
Z 8 7
I you have more than two dataframes in a list, you'll have to store your arrays in a list as well and iterate over the dataframe list while keeping track of the highest array values in a new array.

Translate my SKUs using a dictionary with Pandas

I have a table which has internal SKUs in column 0 and then synonyms along that row. The number of synonyms is not constant (ranging from 0 to 7, but will have a tendency to grow)
I need an effient function which will allow me to get SKUs from one column in a large table and translate them to synonym 0 from my other table.
This is my current function which takes an array of SKUs from one table, searches for them in another and gives me the first column value where it finds a synonym.
def new_array(dfarray1, array1, trans_dic):
missing_values = set([])
new_array = []
for value in array1:
pos = trans_dic.eq(str(value)).any(axis=1)
if len(pos[pos]) > 0 :
if len(missing_values) > 0 :
print("The following values are missing in dictionary. They are in DF called:"+dfarray1)
return new_array
I'm sure that this is very badly written because it takes my laptop about 3 minutes to go through about 75K values only. Can anyone help me make this faster?
Some questions asked previously:
What types are your function parameters? (can guess pandas, but no way to know for sure)
Yes. I am working on two pandas dataframes.
What does your table even look like?
Dictionary table:
Synonym 0
Synonym 1
Synonym 2
Values table:
Desired table:
What does the rest of your code that is calling this function look like?
df1.sku = new_array('df1', list(df1.sku), sku_dic)
Given the dictionary dataframe in the format
df_dict = pd.DataFrame({
"SKU0": ["foo", "foo1", "foo2"],
"Synonym 0": ["bar", "baar1", "baaar0"],
"Synonym 1": ["bar1", np.nan, np.nan],
"Synonym 2": [np.nan, np.nan, "baar2"]
and a values dataframe in the format
df_values = pd.DataFrame({
"SKU": ["foo", "baar1", "baaar0"],
"Value": [3, 4, 5],
"Value1": [1, 5, 5],
"value1": [7, 7, 9]
you can get the output you want by first using pd.melt to restructure your dictionary dataframe and then join it to your values dataframe. Then you can use some extra logic to check which column to take the final value from and to select the final columns needed.
# converts dict df from wide to long format
# filters rows where there is no synonym
.loc[lambda x: x["value"].notna()]
# join dictionary with values df
.merge(df_values, how="right", left_on="value", right_on="SKU")
# get final value by taking the value from column "SKU0" if available, else "SKU"
.assign(SKU = lambda x: np.where(x["SKU0"].isna(), x["SKU"], x["SKU0"]))
# select final columns needed in output
[["SKU", "Value", "Value1", "value1"]]
# output
SKU Value Value1 value1
0 foo 3 1 7
1 foo1 4 5 7
2 foo2 5 5 9

Pandas | How to effectively filter a column

I'm looking for a way to quickly and effectively filter through a dataframe column and remove values that don't meet a condition.
Say, I have a column with the numbers 4, 5 and 10. I want to filter the column and replace any numbers above 7 with 0. How would I go about this?
You're talking about two separate things - filtering and value replacement. They both have uses and end up being similar in nature but for filtering I'll point to this great answer.
Let's say our data frame is called df and looks like
1 4 10
2 4 2
3 10 1
4 5 9
5 10 3
Column A fits your statement of a column only having values 4, 5, 10. If you wanted to replace numbers above 7 with 0, this would do it:
df["A"] = [0 if x > 7 else x for x in df["A"]]
If you read through the right-hand side it cleanly explains what it is doing. It helps to include parentheses to separate out the "what to do" with the "what you're doing it over":
df["A"] = [(0 if x > 7 else x) for x in df["A"]]
If you want to do a manipulation over multiple columns, then utilizing zip allows you to do it easily. For example, if you want the sum of columns A and B then:
df["sum"] = [x[0] + x[1] for x in zip(df["A"], df["B"])]
Take care when you overwrite data - this removes information. It's a good practice to have the transformed data in other columns so you can trace back when something inevitably goes wonky.
There is many options. One possibility for if then... is np.where
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': [1, 200, 4, 5, 6, 11],
'y': [4, 5, 10, 24, 4 , 3]})
df['y'] = np.where(df['y'] > 7, 0, df['y'])

Access Row Based on Column Value

I have the following pandas dataframe:
data = {'ID': [1, 2, 3], 'Neighbor': [3, 1, 2], 'x': [5, 6, 7]}
Now I want to create a new column 'y', which for each row is the value of the field x, from that row referenced by the neighbor column (ie that column, whose ID equals the value of Neighbor), e.g: For row 0 (ID 1), 'Neighbor' is 3, thus 'y' should be 7.
So the resulting dataframe should have the colum y = [7, 5, 6].
Can I solve this without using df.apply? (As this is rather time-consuming for my big dataframes.)
I would like to use sth like
df.loc[:, 'y'] = df.loc[df.Neighbor.eq(df.ID), 'x']}
but this returns NaN.
we can pass a dict from your ID and X columns then map these into your new column
your_dict_ = dict(zip(df['ID'],df['x']))
{1: 5, 2: 6, 3: 7}
Then we can use .map to pass these your column using the Neighbor column as the key.
df['Y'] = df['Neighbor'].map(your_dict_)
ID Neighbor x Y
0 1 3 5 7
1 2 1 6 5
2 3 2 7 6