php redirect when idle not redirecting - header

I found the following script at
This code is used to check if user is inactive for a period
logout and direct to login screen.
Redirect does not happen. Redirect happens only when page is refreshed.
<!-- language: lang-html -->
<?php $inactive = 30;
if( !isset($_SESSION['timeout']) )
$_SESSION['timeout'] = time() + $inactive;
$session_life = time() - $_SESSION['timeout'];
if ($session_life > $inactive)
{ session_destroy();
echo '<script>';
echo 'console.log("You have been logged-out!");';
echo 'window.location.href="login.php"';
echo '</script>';
Redirect happens only when I refresh the page
instead of echo 'window.location.href="login.php"' I triedheader("Location: login.php") but no success (NO auto redirect to "login" page ).
What shall I do so that the page will be redirected without refresh?
I am using PDO+ php 7
I found a thread and tried this:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="900;url=login.php" />
But this does not check whether "idle" or NOT.
Thanks in advance

I wish to share the complete answer.
Check whether idle for 30 seconds (15 minutes). If yes (idle for 30 seconds) destroy the session. Here's a code snippet to be cut and paste on top of web page:
if (!isset($_SESSION['loginid']))
header("Location: login.php");
// store inactive time
$inactive = 30;
if( !isset($_SESSION['timeout']) )
$_SESSION['timeout'] = time() + $inactive;
$session_life = time() - $_SESSION['timeout'];
if ($session_life > $inactive)
{ session_destroy();
header("Location: login.php");
Check whether idle for more than 30 seconds. Here's jQuery code (cut and paste in common sharing file normally used with Include_once("xxxx.php").
function refreshDiv(){
url: 'checkidletime.php'
}).done(function(result) {
window.setTimeout(refreshDiv, 5000);
window.setTimeout(refreshDiv, 5000);
Checkidletime.php called by above function refreshDiv (part of include file):
$session_life = time() - $_SESSION['timeout'];
if ($session_life > $_SESSION['inactive'] )
{ unset($_SESSION['loginid']);
location.reload();/* refresh page


whmcs server-side pagination

I'm working with WHMCS and I notice that list views are not working well.
That's because in the clientarea's list views I have tousans thousands of records to display and the DataTables is crashing.
Is there a way to paginate from the server-side? I will appreciate any idea.
Here is an idea: let' say you are viewing the Domains list page, you can use ClientAreaPage hook to create a variable to load a "paged" copy of domains:
add_hook( 'ClientAreaPage', 1, function( $vars )
$myVars = array();
if (App::getCurrentFilename() == 'clientarea' && isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'domains') {
$domains2 = array();
foreach($vars['domains'] as $k => $domain) {
if ($k < 3) {//your code to handle pagination
$domains2[] = $domain;
$myVars['domains2'] = $domains2;
$myVars['currentpage'] = 1;
return $myVars;
In clientareadomains.tpl (template file), you need to change $domains to $domains2:
{foreach key=num item=domain from=$domains2}
Of course, it is not simple task, you need to handle pagination in the hook and the tpl files.
Hope it helps.

How to insert data in database after payment successful through instamojo

I have integrated instamojo payment api with my website on PHP.
I can also insert data into my database before payment api is called.
Now how can i insert data into my database after my payment is successful !
You have to save this code as php file in your host and then set this file URL as web hook URL for Product/Payment link in Instamojo. You can also check whether this works on Web hook checking page in Instamojo.
Basic PHP script to handle Instamojo RAP webhook.
$data = $_POST;
$mac_provided = $data['mac']; // Get the MAC from the POST data
unset($data['mac']); // Remove the MAC key from the data.
$ver = explode('.', phpversion());
$major = (int) $ver[0];
$minor = (int) $ver[1];
if($major >= 5 and $minor >= 4){
uksort($data, 'strcasecmp');
// You can get the 'salt' from Instamojo's developers page(make sure to log in first):
// Pass the 'salt' without <>
$mac_calculated = hash_hmac("sha1", implode("|", $data), "<YOUR_SALT>");
if($mac_provided == $mac_calculated){
if($data['status'] == "Credit"){
// Payment was successful, mark it as successful in your database.
// You can acess payment_request_id, purpose etc here.
// Payment was unsuccessful, mark it as failed in your database.
// You can acess payment_request_id, purpose etc here.
echo "MAC mismatch";

PHP 5 display mysql table error - Call to undefined function mysql_results()

I premise I'm new to php. I've tried to create a php page that displays the content of a MySQL database. As I try it in localhost I have this warning:
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_results() in C:\xampp\htdocs\phplessons\guestbook_displayer_2.php on line 18". It seems the db connection works. Someone have a tip?
This is my code:
<title>Display MySQL db</title>
$db=mysql_connect("localhost","root","mypassword"); //db connection
mysql_select_db ("prova001"); //choose a db
$res=mysql_query("SELECT * from php_guestbook"); //query a table
// begin table
echo "<table border=1>";
echo "<tr><td>Nr.</td><td>First name</td>";
echo"<td>Last name</td><td>Country</td>";
echo"<td>E-Mail address</td><td>Telephone</td></tr>";
// contatore
for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++)
$cg=mysql_results($res,$i,"firstname"); // line 18 this var is undefined.
$nm=mysql_results($res,$i,"lastname"); //Probably also the others have a similar problem.
$np=mysql_results($res,$i,"country"); //Can it be due to a bad record counter?
echo "<tr><td>$lf</td><td>$cg</td><td>$nm</td><td>$np</td><td>$st</td><td>$tl</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
You have probably made a typo. The method is mysql_result() without 's'.
But, you can shorten your query result handling by this way ;
// query
$res=mysql_query("SELECT * from php_guestbook"); //query a table
// begin table
echo "<table border=1>";
echo "<tr><td>Nr.</td><td>First name</td>";
echo"<td>Last name</td><td>Country</td>";
echo"<td>E-Mail address</td><td>Telephone</td></tr>";
while ($item = #mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
// do something with var $item;
$cg = $item['firstname'];
$nm = $item['lastname'];
// ect

i am having a issue with json codeigniter rest its not closing the tag

i am having a problem with json codeigniter rest
i am making this call to the server and the problem its that its not closing the json tags
s, USA","clientUID":"7","email":null,"idipad":"2","dateModified":null},{"id":"19","uid":null,"name":"Wayne Corporation, Inc.","phone":"932345324","address":"Second st. 312, Gotham City","clientUID":"7","email":"","idipad":"1","dateModified":null}]
its missing the final }
this is the code that creates the response :
$this->response(array('login'=>'login success!','user_admin_id'=>$user_id,'client'=>$client,'users'=>$users,'projects'=>$projects,'plans'=>$plans,'meetings'=>$meetings,'demands'=>$demands,'tasks'=>$tasks,'presences'=>$presences,'contractors'=>$contractors,'companies'=>$companies), 200);
this is the client call using curl :
// Option & Options
$this->curl->option(CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE, 10);
$this->curl->options(array(CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE => 10));
// More human looking options
$this->curl->option('buffersize', 10);
// Login to HTTP user authentication
$this->curl->http_login('admin', '1234');
// Post - If you do not use post, it will just run a GET request
//$post = array('remember'=>'true','email'=>'','password'=>'password');
$post = array('remember'=>'true','email'=>'','password'=>'password');
// Cookies - If you do not use post, it will just run a GET request
$vars = array('remember'=>'true','email'=>'','password'=>'password');
// Proxy - Request the page through a proxy server
// Port is optional, defaults to 80
//$this->curl->proxy('', 1080);
// Proxy login
//$this->curl->proxy_login('username', 'password');
// Execute - returns responce
echo $this->curl->execute();
// Debug data ------------------------------------------------
// Errors
$this->curl->error_code; // int
print_r('error :::::LOGINN REMOTE:::::'.$this->curl->error_string);
// Information
$this->curl->info; // array
print_r('info :::::::::::::'.$this->curl->info);
the response belong to the rest api codeigniter from phil
* Response
* Takes pure data and optionally a status code, then creates the response.
* #param array $data
* #param null|int $http_code
public function response($data = array(), $http_code = null)
global $CFG;
// If data is empty and not code provide, error and bail
if (empty($data) && $http_code === null)
$http_code = 404;
// create the output variable here in the case of $this->response(array());
$output = NULL;
// If data is empty but http code provided, keep the output empty
else if (empty($data) && is_numeric($http_code))
$output = NULL;
// Otherwise (if no data but 200 provided) or some data, carry on camping!
// Is compression requested?
if ($CFG->item('compress_output') === TRUE && $this->_zlib_oc == FALSE)
if (extension_loaded('zlib'))
is_numeric($http_code) OR $http_code = 200;
// If the format method exists, call and return the output in that format
if (method_exists($this, '_format_'.$this->response->format))
// Set the correct format header
header('Content-Type: '.$this->_supported_formats[$this->response->format]);
$output = $this->{'_format_'.$this->response->format}($data);
// If the format method exists, call and return the output in that format
elseif (method_exists($this->format, 'to_'.$this->response->format))
// Set the correct format header
header('Content-Type: '.$this->_supported_formats[$this->response->format]);
$output = $this->format->factory($data)->{'to_'.$this->response->format}();
// Format not supported, output directly
$output = $data;
header('HTTP/1.1: ' . $http_code);
header('Status: ' . $http_code);
// If zlib.output_compression is enabled it will compress the output,
// but it will not modify the content-length header to compensate for
// the reduction, causing the browser to hang waiting for more data.
// We'll just skip content-length in those cases.
if ( ! $this->_zlib_oc && ! $CFG->item('compress_output'))
header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($output));
This answer was referenced from Github issue. Also raised by Pedro Dinis, i guest.
I met this problem today and take me long hours to search for the solution. I share here with hope to help someone like me.
The key is to replace around line 430 in the library file: REST_Controller.php :
header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($output));
header('Content-Length: ' . strlen("'".$output."'"));
UPDATE: The problem was solved here
Or you can just comment out the code, it will run fine. :)

errors not showing

I have an issue with my php photo upload script. When I upload a file that exceeds 2mb, it won't show that error when I click upload..yet it's there in my script..any idea why this is? For ex. I uploaded a .wma file and It was 2.38MB..that exceeds the limit..but yet it just says "file type not allowed" why didn't it show the exceeds 2mb error as well?
Here is my script:
include 'init.php';
header('Location: index.php');
include 'template/header.php';
<h3>Upload Image</h3>
if(isset($_FILES['image'], $_POST['album_id'])){
$image_name = $_FILES['image']['name'];
$image_size = $_FILES['image']['size'];
$image_temp = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
$allowed_ext = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif');
$image_ext = strtolower(end(explode('.', $image_name)));
$album_id = $_POST['album_id'];
$errors = array();
if (empty($image_name) || empty($album_id)){
$errors[] = 'Something is missing';
} else {
if(in_array($image_ext, $allowed_ext) === false){
$errors[] = 'File type not allowed';
if($image_size > 2097152){
$errors[] = 'Maximum file size is 2MB';
if(album_check($album_id) === false){
$errors[] = 'Couldn\'t upload to that album';
foreach ($errors as $error){
echo $error, '<br />';
} else {
// upload image
$albums = get_albums();
echo '<p>You don\'t have any albums. Create an album</p>';
} else {
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<p>Choose a file:<br /><input type="file" name="image" /></p>
Choose an album:<br />
<select name="album_id">
foreach ($albums as $album){
echo '<option value="', $album['id'], '">', $album['name'], '</option>';
<p><input type="submit" value="Upload" /></p>
include 'template/footer.php';
Thanks again for all of the patience with my probably easy posts for a lot of you more experienced programmers out there!
As per code, it should, if uploaded file size is >2mb. However, computers never make mistake but the human and thus debugging is important.
Just replace the code
if($image_size > 2097152){
$errors[] = 'Maximum file size is 2MB';
with debug statements
if($image_size > 2097152){
echo "in if, image size=".$image_size;
$errors[] = 'Maximum file size is 2MB';
} else {
echo "in else, image size=".$image_size;
This is just a first step of debugging. It may or may not fix the real cause. Let us know the output.
Edit after comment:
Put that code in the starting of the file.
echo "files<pre>";
echo "</pre>imgsz=".$_FILES['image']['size'];
What is the output. I guess it might include
[error] => 1
If it show error=1, Check
That mean your upload_max_filesize in php.ini is set to 2MB or less. As soon as person upload file bigger than that, it never reach your code as PHP reject the file by default.
To fix that, open php.ini and increase the limit of upload_max_filesize.
Edit 3 after comment
if($image_size > 2097152){
That will fix the issue.