Vue Router Dynamic Route access to PARAMS - vue.js

I work with dynamic routes similar a this form:
path: "/init/clients/moral-person/:company",
name: "moralPerson",
component: () => import('../MoralPerson.vue'),
meta: {
auth: true,
breadcrumb: [
{ text: "Init", disabled: false, name: "init" },
{ text: "Clients", disabled: true, name: "" },
{ text: "Moral Person", disabled: false, name: "crudMoralPerson"},
{ text: "Company", disabled: true, name: "", icon: "fas fa-dollar-sign"},
NOTE: The part of breadcrumb is render for other component.
When I do router.push is this:
Some File
name: "moralPerson",
params: { company: this.nameCompany }
Finally looks similar this:
I try to use the this.router.params, in this case :company and colocate in the part blue I mark or here:
// in this line
{ text: :company, disabled: true, name: "", icon: "fas fa-dollar-sign"},
My question is, How access this param and colocate in this part I need?
I try with:
{ text: this.$route.params.empresa, disabled: true, name: "", icon: "fas fa-dollar-sign"},
And always send me:

Let see, in your router configuration you are indicating that moralPerson component will receive a param called company, isn't it?
name: "moralPerson",
params: { company: this.nameCompany }
The code above is correct, you must call your component using name if you want to pass some params.
To access this param you must do the following, mainly inside created lifecycle function:
I hope this could help you

Try something like this:
path: '/init/clients/moral-person/:company'
name: 'moralPerson',
component: () => import('../MoralPerson.vue'),
meta() {
return {
auth: true,
breadcrumb: [
{ text: 'Init', disabled: false, name: 'init' },
{ text: 'Clients', disabled: true, name: '' },
{ text: 'Moral Person', disabled: false, name: 'crudMoralPerson' },
{ text:, disabled: true, name: '', icon: 'fas fa-dollar-sign' },
When you call the meta function, try this this.$route.meta(), because now the meta property is a function.


Vue named views with lazy loading

I am trying to create my routes, but I want them to all use the default router-view in my app.
Looking at the documentation:
I should be able to target views by doing something like this:
const routes = [
path: "/",
name: "home",
component: {
default: Home
I want to do this with a child, so I did this:
path: "/categories",
name: "categories",
meta: {
title: "Categories",
component: Categories,
children: [
path: ":slug",
name: "product-list",
meta: {
title: "Categories",
component: { default: ProductList },
I get no compile errors, but when navigating to /categories/televisions it only shows the Categories component, not the ProductList.
So my first question is, can children target app level router-view?
I also tried to add a new router-view like this:
<router-view />
<router-view name="root" />
and then updated my routes to this:
path: "/categories",
name: "categories",
meta: {
title: "Categories",
component: Categories,
children: [
path: ":slug",
name: "product-list",
meta: {
title: "Categories",
component: { root: ProductList },
But this didn't work either.
If it is possible to do this, then my next question, which is where I am heading.
Can I use lazy loaded components and target named/default router-views?
For example, I have this function:
const lazyLoad = (name) => {
return () => import(`../views/${name}/${name}.component.vue`);
Which I call from my routes like this:
path: "/categories",
name: "categories",
meta: {
title: "Categories",
component: lazyLoad("categories"),
children: [
path: ":slug",
name: "product-list",
meta: {
title: "Categories",
component: lazyLoad("product-list"),
Can I do it like this?
path: "/categories",
name: "categories",
meta: {
title: "Categories",
component: lazyLoad("categories"),
children: [
path: ":slug",
name: "product-list",
meta: {
title: "Categories",
component: { default: lazyLoad("product-list") },
and target the root router-view?

How to get the route params and pass it as props for named views?

My application have navbar with back button. The navbarTop is a named views, so I can have different navbar for each route, and the navbar needs props backRoute.
I define the back route like this:
path: '/:id',
name: 'orders detail',
components: {
default: OrderDetail,
navbarTop: Navbar,
props: {
navbarTop: {
backRoute: { name: 'orders' },
title: 'Order Detail',
default: true,
path: '/:id/request-cancel',
name: 'orders request cancel',
components: {
default: OrderRequestCancel,
navbarTop: Navbar,
props: {
navbarTop: {
backRoute: { name: 'orders', params: {id: ???} }, // how to get the id here?
title: 'Request Cancel',
default: true,
Is it possible to get the id in route and pass it as prop to the component?
The NavbarTop is named view and is used in many routes, so I can't update the back route from OrderRequestCancel component.
We can use Function Mode
props: {
navbarTop: route => ({
backRoute: { name: 'order detail', params: { id: } },
title: 'Request Cancel',
default: true,
Thank you #Yom S. for the hint.

VueJS SideMenuBar component

I am using SideMenuBar from to generate a side menu for my app. The elements in the bar should be dynamic based on whether the person is logged-in. The problem I have is that when I login, the items arent reactive - I need to refresh my browser for the menu to refresh. Any idea what I am doing wrong?
<div id="app">
<sidebar-menu :menu="dynamicMenu" #toggle-collapse="onToggleCollapse" #item-click="onItemClick" :collapsed="collapseMenu" >
<router-view />
computed: {
isAuthorized: function() {
return UserStorageService.GetUser() === null ? false : true;
dynamicMenu() {
return [
header: true,
title: "Menu",
hiddenOnCollapse: true
href: { path: "/" },
title: "Home",
icon: "fas fa-home"
href: { path: "/Dashboard" },
title: "Dashboard",
icon: "fas fa-folder",
hidden: !this.isAuthorized
href: { path: "/" },
title: "Reporting",
icon: "fas fa-archive",
hidden: !this.isAuthorized
href: { path: "/" },
title: "My profile",
icon: "fas fa-share-alt",
hidden: !this.isAuthorized
When I sign-in, the value of "isAuthorized" should change to true. That value should then be assigned to my dynamic menu (the inverse) and should toggle the menu option hidden/not-hidden.

Prop "to" not working with named path to root on vuetify v-breadcrumbs

While using v-breadcrumbs from vuetify, i came upon a problem.
I have a named path in vue-router to "/" route, but when I'm passing it to "to" prop in breadcrumb, it becomes disabled. Other named paths are working just fine. Does anybody have an idea what may be causing this behaviour?
The problematic path:
name: 'bar',
path: '/',
component: () => import('#/foo/bar.vue'),
The breadcrumbs items property value look something like this:
text: 'bar',
disabled: false,
to: { name: 'bar' }
use exact: true,
text: "Breadcrumb name",
link: true,
exact: true,
disabled: false,
to: {
name: 'route name',
params: {
paramName: value
I'm running into the exact same issue here.
I've got exact to true and also passing in the to:{} props.
All the other routes are not showing disabled and working just fine.
path: '/',
name: 'stepOne',
text: "1. Velg Hovedmodell",
component: () => import("../views/choose/stepOne"),
meta: {
/* ---------------------- Velg Hovedmodell ------------------------------------------ */
requiresAuth: false,
breadcrumb: [
text: "1. Velg Hovedmodell",
name: 'stepOne',
disabled: true,
link: true,
exact: true,
to: { name: 'stepOne', path: '/' },

How to add a submenu to a structure like this in the description - Vue, Quasar

I am trying to add a submenu from a javascriot file.
Default menu works perfectly, but I don't know if it is possible to assign a submenu using that same structure.
export const getTabsMdl = () => {
let r = null
r = [
{ name: 'Saldo', icon: 'receipt', to: '/saldo' },
{ name: 'Vendas', icon: 'receipt', to: '/vendas' },
{ name: 'Account', icon: 'assignment', to: '/conta' },
{ name: 'Clients', icon: 'supervisor_account', to: '/clientes' },
{ name: 'More', [{ name: 'Sub-Item', icon: 'autorenew', to: '/sub-01' }] }
return r
v-for="(bTab, bTIndex) in getTabsMdl()"
In Quasar, you can define hierarchy of menus.
Please check this one.