extend class in objective-c with variable based property [duplicate] - objective-c

This question already has answers here:
Objective-C: Property / instance variable in category
(6 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I've got a form implementation in objective-c and I'd like to extend my widgets (NSButton, NSTextField, etc..) to contain additional string representing their unique identifier string to be used after submit event occur, which trigger generation of json contain all widget id/value pairs.
I've tried using categories to extend NSControl which is the common parent of all those widgets in the following way.
#interface NSControl (formItemSupport)
#property NSString * formItemId;
#implementation NSControl (formItemSupport)
-(NSString *)formItemId {
return self.formItemId;
-(void)setFormItemId:(NSString *)formItemId {
self.formItemId = formItemId;
in the form.m file I import from NSControl+formItemSupport.m but when I try to set this field in NSButton : NSControl object. However, when I try to set the property formItemId, I get into infinite loop. Perhaps there's another way for extending objc class with variable based property without using inheritance ?

you can
#synthesize formItemId = _formItemId;
//synthesize needs local declaration of _formItemId;
#implementation ExtraWurst {
NSString *_formItemId;
but this is done behind the scene for you from Xcode without #synthesize.
Sometime it is still easier to define the use of an internal variable for a property in this way.
apart from that you can and have to change your setter and getter methods in the following way.
-(NSString *)formItemId {
return _formItemId;
-(void)setFormItemId:(NSString *)formItemId {
_formItemId = formItemId;
this will prevent you from ending up in a loop.
Because self.formItemId = refers to -(void)setFormItemId:
So you would call the setter inside the setter that will set with the same again and again aka an endless loop.
You can take care of the getter the same way as shown above.
Where to use self.yourProperty then?
You can use self.formItemId anywhere in the class but not inside getter and setter of formItemId.
Correctly mentioned, Instance variables may not be placed in categories.
Meaning if you need such you have to subclass UIControl but that breaks the inheritance of your used UIControls. You would have to subclass all your SpecialUIControls you are using later.
Another solution, you could define a constant in your implementation and go with objective-C runtime functions and associate this constant yourself. Beware because you transform the ObjectModel for all UIControl classes then..
#import "NSControl+formItemSupport.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#implementation UIControl (formItemSupport)
NSString const *key = #"formItemSupport.forItemKey";
-(void)setFormItemId:(NSString *)formItemId {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &key, formItemId, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
-(NSString *)formItemId {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &key);
still, its much easier and safer and flexible to subclass your own UIControl instead to extent all subclasses inherited from UIControl.
Why is subclassing easier here?
As you mentioned you want to json later on with the given formItemId per Control you can make use of an archiver / unarchiver design pattern of your subclasses which are nice to jsonify later.


Any way to apply Objective-C category only to current class (or equivalent effect)?

Let's say I have a custom subclass of UIView called MyCustomView. Let's also say that I have a category on UIView called UIView+Dictionary that adds an NSDictionary property called dictionary to every UIView.
If I were to import UIView+Dictionary.h into MyCustomView.m then every view referenced within MyCustomView.m would have this added dictionary property, which in many situations is exactly the desired behavior.
However, if I wanted UIView+Dictionary applied only to MyCustomView itself and not to every UIView referenced within MyCustomView.m, is there a way to do so (or achieve a similar effect)?
I'd like to avoid making MyCustomView a subclass of another custom subclass (e.g., MyViewWithDictionary), as I'd ideally like to be able to import multiple categories for something akin to multiple inheritance (e.g., UIView+Dictionary, UIView+Border, UIView+CustomAnimations).
In my actual own scenario, I've written a category to automatically implement a custom UINavigationBar in a view controller, but I'd like that category to apply only to the view controller into which I am importing the category and not any other view controllers that may be referenced in that file.
Any and all insights are appreciated! And I apologize in advance as I am fairly certain there are more correct terminologies for the effect described above.
However, if I wanted UIView+Dictionary applied only to MyCustomView itself [...] is there a way to do so [...]?
Only by changing the category to be on MyCustomView and not UIView.
The header has nothing to do with whether the category's methods are present on any given instance. If the category is compiled into your program, the methods are there, no matter where the instance is created. This is the reason that prefixes are so important on methods that are added to framework classes: categories have global effect, and name collisions are undefined behavior.
The header only affects the visibility of the methods as far as the compiler is concerned. You can use the usual tricks to call them at runtime regardless.
The category takes effect on the class itself, when the runtime is initialized at launch. If you want the methods of the category to be available only on a certain class, the category must be defined on that class.
As Josh pointed out, any methods added in categories are basically inert unless you call them. The issue that I was having was for generated properties and swizzled methods in categories (since, as Josh also pointed out, there are no mixins in Objective-C).
I was able to solve this by adding in a custom BOOL in my category that defaults to NO and acts as a "switch" for whatever category methods and properties I want to specify.
E.g., if I wanted my dictionary property to be lazily instantiated but only within MyCustomView, I could do the following:
// UIView+Dictionary.h
#interface UIView (Dictionary)
#property (nonatomic) BOOL enableDictionary;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *dictionary;
// UIView+Dictionary.m
#import "UIViewController+CustomNavigationBar.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#implementation UIView (Dictionary)
- (void)setEnableDictionary:(BOOL)enableDictionary {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, #selector(enableDictionary), #(enableDictionary), OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
- (BOOL)enableDictionary {
NSNumber *enableDictionaryValue = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, #selector(enableDictionary));
if (enableDictionaryValue) {
return enableDictionaryValue.boolValue;
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, #selector(enableDictionary), #NO, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
return self.enableDictionary;
- (void)setDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, #selector(dictionary), dictionary, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
- (NSDictionary *)dictionary {
if (!self.enableDictionary) {
return nil;
NSDictionary *dictionary = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, #selector(dictionary));
if (dictionary) {
return dictionary;
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, #selector(dictionary), #{}, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
return self.dictionary;
And then within -[MyCustomView viewDidLoad] I could simply call self.enableDictionary = YES. That way, only instances of MyCustomView will have a non-nil lazily instantiated NSDictionary. (Note that, in this example, all instances of UIViews will still respond to the selector #selector(dictionary), but our behavior will differ based on whether enableDictionary is YES or NO.)
While that is a trivial example, the same strategy can be used for methods that are swizzled within categories. (Again, swizzling methods within categories is probably bad form but a necessary evil in certain scenarios.)

How to write methods that should only be used within the class itself and are able to access ivars [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Best way to define private methods for a class in Objective-C
(12 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have a class which has some methods that are only to be used within the class itself. These methods exist because I have a three-step process for the graphics work I'm doing, but I only want instances of the class to access the final result of those calculations, in a simplified example:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface GraphicsWorld : NSObject
#property(nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *objects;
#property(nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *adjustedObjects
/* three methods I'll never use outside of this class
I want to find a way to get replace these methods.
-(void) calcTranslation;
-(void) calcRotation;
-(void) calcPerspective;
/* the one method I'll use outside of this class */
-(NSMutableArray *) getAdjustedObjects;
I could define c-functions just outside of my implementation for this, but then they wouldn't have access to the properties:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "GraphicsWorld.h"
void calcTranslation()
// I'm useless because I can't access _objects.
void calcRotation()
// Hey, me too.
void calcPerspective()
// Wow, we have a lot in common.
#implementation GraphicsWorld
-(NSMutableArray *) getAdjustedObjects
return adjustedObjects;
Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, it sounds like you just want to hide your methods from being public? If so, just delete them from the header. You no longer need to declare methods in advance in objc (Xcode). The compiler will just find them internally now.
Make C-style functions (as you've shown) that take arguments and return values.
Make private Objective-C-style methods.
In addition to your #implementation section in the .h file, you can also have one in your .m file, which is private. Just as you declare methods and properties in the .h file's #implementation, you can do the same in the .m.
A method can be called whether it is declared private, or not put in the header file; due to the nature of Objective-C hiding methods is hard.
Hiding functions is a lot easier, just declare them static. To access the current instance you just pass in a reference to it - i.e. exactly what Objective-C does behind the scenes.
So for example:
void calcTranslation(GraphicsWorld *self)
// Access properties, instance variables, call instance methods etc.
// by referencing self. You *must* include self to reference an
// instance variable, e.g. self->ivar, as this is not a method the
// self-> part is not inferred.
and to call it:
-(NSMutableArray *) getAdjustedObjects

Custom property attributes in Objective-c

Can custom property attributes be created in Objective-C just like in VB.NET? For example, in VB.NET you can create the "Browsable" attribute and read it at runtime to determine whether you should display a property or not.
Public Class Employee
<Browsable(True)> _
Public Property Property1() As String
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
End Set
End Property
<Browsable(False)> _
Public Property Property2() As String
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
End Set
End Property
End Class
I would like to do the same in Objective-C, even if it is a fixed attribute that can only be set at compile time and cannot be changed at all.
What I'm trying to do is to add an attribute to properties of my class to determine whether the properties should be serialized or not.
I know the standard Objective-C attributes (readonly, nonatomic, etc.), but those don't help me... unless you have a creative way of using them. I also looked into using C attributes with the __attribute__(("Insert attribute here")) keyword, but C has specific attributes that serve specific purposes, and I'm not even sure you can read them at runtime. If I missed one that can help me, let me know.
I tried using typdef. For example:
typdef int serializableInt;
serializableInt myInt;
and use the property_getAttributes() Objective-C runtime function, but all it tells me is that myInt is an int. I guess typedef is pretty much like a macro in this case... unless I can create a variable of type serializableInt at runtime. Anyhow, here's Apple's documentation on the values you get from property_getAttributes().
The other requirement is that this attribute has to work with NSObject sub-classes as well as primitive data types. I thought about the idea of adding to the class a black lists or white lists as an ivar that would tell me which properties to skip or serialize, which is basically the same idea. I'm just trying to move that black/white list to attributes so it's easy to understand when you see the header file of a class, it's consistent across any class I create and it's less error prone.
Also, this is something to consider. I don't really need the attribue to have a value (TRUE or FALSE; 1, 2, 3; or whatever) because the attribute itself is the value. If the attribute exists, then serialize; otherwise, skip.
Any help is appreciated. If you know for sure that this is not possible on Objective-C, then let me know. Thanks.
If you want to add attribute to property, class, method or ivar, you can try to use github.com/libObjCAttr. It's really easy to use, add it via cocoapods, and then you can add attribute like that:
#interface Foo
RF_ATTRIBUTE(YourAttributeClass, property1 = value1)
#property id bar;
And in the code:
YourAttributeClass *attribute = [NSDate RF_attributeForProperty:#"bar" withAttributeType:[YourAttributeClass class]];
// Do whatever you want with attribute, nil if no attribute with specified class
NSLog(#"%#", attribute.property1)
unless i've missed your point…
i'd recommend declaring a protocol. then using instances of objc objects as variables in your objc classes which adopt the protocol.
#interface MONProtocol
- (BOOL)isSerializable;
- (BOOL)isBrowsable;
/* ... */
#interface MONInteger : NSObject <MONProtocol>
int value;
- (id)initWithInt:(int)anInt;
#interface MONIntegerWithDynamicProperties : NSObject <MONProtocol>
int value;
BOOL isSerializable;
BOOL isBrowsable;
- (id)initWithInt:(int)anInt isSerializable:(BOOL)isSerializable isBrowsable:(BOOL)isBrowsable;
// finally, a usage
#interface MONObjectWithProperties : NSObject
MONInteger * ivarOne;
MONIntegerWithDynamicProperties * ivarTwo;
if you want to share some implementation, then just subclass NSObject and extend the base class.
you'd then have a few variants to write for the types/structures you want to represent.
The deficiency with the other answers I've seen so far is that they are implemented as instance methods, i.e., you need to have an instance already before you can query this metadata. There are probably edge cases where that's appropriate, but metadata about classes should be implemented as class methods, just as Apple does, e.g.:
+ (BOOL)automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey:(NSString*)key { }
We could imagine our own along similar lines:
+ (BOOL)keyIsBrowsable:(NSString*)key { }
+ (NSArray*)serializableProperties { }
Let's imagine our class is called FOOBar, and we want to know whether the baz key is browsable. Without having to create a FOOBar we can just say:
if ([FOOBar keyIsBrowsable:#"baz"]} { ... }
You can do pretty much anything with this technique that can be done with custom attributes. (Except for things like the Serializable attribute which require cooperation from the compiler, IIRC.) The nice thing about custom attributes, though, is that it is easy to distinguish at a glance what is metadata and what is intrinsic to that class's actual functionality, but I think that's a minor gain.
(Of course, you may have to check for the existence of the keyIsBrowsable: selector, just as you'd have to check for the existence of a specific custom attribute. Again, custom attributes have a slight leg up here, since we can tell the .NET runtime to give them all to us.)
I've come across a similar issue whe serializing objects. My solution is to add a #property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *serialProperties; which has a custom getter that returns the names (as NSString*) of the properties of this (sub-)class that should be serialized.
For example:
- (NSArray *)serialProperties {
return #[#"id", #"lastModified", #"version", #"uid"];
Or in a subclass:
- (NSArray *)serialProperties {
NSMutableArray *sp = [super serialProperties].mutableCopy;
[sp addObject:#"visibleName"];
return sp;
You can then easily get all properties and their values via [self dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:self.serialProperties].
You can't add custom properties other than what sdk has provided..
But there is a work around to attain your objective...
#interface classTest:NSObject
#property(strong,nonatomic)NSString *firstName;
#property(strong,nonatomic)NSString *lastName;
#property(strong,nonatomic)NSMutableDictionary *metaData;
#implementation classTest
- (id) init
self = [super init];
//Add meta data
metaData=[[NSmutableDictionary alloc]init];
if( !self ) return nil;
return self;
so use the dictionary to add and retrieve meta data...
i hope it helps....

How do you past values between classes in objective-c

How do you past values between classes in objective-c?
I'm going to assume the question involves a class, ClassOne, with an instance variable int integerOne, which you'd like to access from another class, ClassTwo. The best way to handle this is to create a property in ClassOne. In ClassOne.h:
#property (assign) int integerOne;
This declares a property (basically, two methods, - (int)integerOne, and - (void)setIntegerOne:(int)newInteger). Then, in ClassOne.m:
#synthesize integerOne;
This "synthesizes" the two methods for you. This is basically equivalent to:
- (int)integerOne
return integerOne;
- (void)setIntegerOne:(int)newInteger
integerOne = newInteger;
At this point, you can now call these methods from ClassTwo. In ClassTwo.m:
#import "ClassOne.h"
//Importing ClassOne.h will tell the compiler about the methods you declared, preventing warnings at compilation
- (void)someMethodRequiringTheInteger
//First, we'll create an example ClassOne instance
ClassOne* exampleObject = [[ClassOne alloc] init];
//Now, using our newly written property, we can access integerOne.
NSLog(#"Here's integerOne: %i",[exampleObject integerOne]);
//We can even change it.
[exampleObject setIntegerOne:5];
NSLog(#"Here's our changed value: %i",[exampleObject integerOne]);
It sounds like you should walk through a few tutorials to learn these Objective-C concepts. I suggest these.

How to provide additional custom implementation of accessor methods when using #synthesize?

I want to fire some code when a property is accessed and changed. I use #property and #synthesize in my code for my ivars. The properties are retained, so I'd like to keep that memory management stuff automatically generated by #synthesize.
However, I assume that #synthesize tells the compiler to generate the accessor methods code right where #synthesize is, so most of the cases at the top of the code, right?
And when I have a property foo, I get -setFoo and -foo methods. Could I then just make a method like this, to execute some more custom code when a property is changed?
-(void)setFoo {
// custom stuff
Now that's a problem. How to execute the first one? I wouldn't love to have a different name here. Is there maybe a way to let the #synthesize directive create other names for getter and setter methods, which I then call easily? And I would still be able to use the dot syntax then to access them?
You can use #property and #synthesize just like you normally would, but provide a custom setter or getter (or both) and those will be used instead. Typically I will do something like this:
// Override the setter
- (void)setName:(NSString *)aName
if (name == aName)
[name release];
name = [aName retain];
//custom code here
When I use the set property, it will invoke my custom method. However, the get will still be synthesized.
If you provide an implemnetation for the setters or getters it will use that instead of the generated implementation. Its not hard to implement the "retaining" aspect of the getters and setters that are generated for you by the compiler when u synthesize, so you can just write your own getters and setters i would say and go with that.
One wacky solution is to create an abstract super class that does gives you the normal property synthesis.
Then create a concrete subclass that you will actually use, and that simply implements and override method (same signature) and calls super to do the actual setting.
This allows you to do whatever you want to do before or after the call to super's implementation.
#interface ALTOClassA : NSObject
#property NSString *catName;
Nothing else needed in the .m beyond the stubbed file for this test.
Create the subclass, nothing needed specially in the #interface
#import "ALTOClassA.h"
#interface ALTOClassAJunior : ALTOClassA
In the #implementation we do our override.
#import "ALTOClassAJunior.h"
#implementation ALTOClassAJunior
- (void)setCatName:(NSString*)aCatName {
[super setCatName:aCatName];
NSLog(#"after super: self.catName %#", self.catName);
In use:
ALTOClassAJunior *aCAJ = [ALTOClassAJunior new];
NSLog(#"aCAS.catName %#", aCAJ.catName);
NSLog(#"set it to George.");
[aCAJ setCatName:#"George"];
NSLog(#"aCAS.catName %#", aCAJ.catName);
This allows you to leverage the autogenerated code, and still do stuff you want to do with your class. Abstract Super Class is often a useful solution for many things.
Yes, in your #property declaration, you can specify the getter and setter methods.
#property (readwrite,getter=privateGetFoo,setter=privateSetFoo:) NSObject * foo;
In your foo and setFoo: methods, call [self privateGetFoo] or [self privateSetFoo:f] then your custom code.
The object can also set an observer on itself with addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:.
That said, I don't think either of these are very clean ways to do things. Better to write your own getter/setter as others have suggested.