How to support C# dynamic types in an gRPC proto file -

We have a POST action in our core application that accepts a dynamic object.
public Task<ActionResult> SubmitAsync(dynamic unitOfWork)
We'd like to transform this POST action to a gRPC server and we'd like to continue receiving dynamic objects in the gRPC service. What is the equivalent of C# dynamic definition in gRPC protobuf file definition? Or if that cannot be achieved what's the best way to receive a dynamic object?

That isn't really a thing right now. In protobuf terms, Any is the closest thing, but I have not yet implemented that in protobuf-net (it is on my short term additions list). The legacy "dynamic types" feature in protobuf-net (that sends type metadata) is actively being phased out, with Any being the preferred route since it allows cross-platform usage and doesn't have the same metadata dependencies.
Frankly, though, I'd probably say "just don't do this"; instead, prefer oneof; it isn't likely that you actually mean "anything" - you probably just mean "one of these things that I expect, but I don't know which", and oneof expresses that intent. More: protobuf-net implements inheritance via oneof, so a good option is something like:
[ProtoInclude(1, typeof(FooRequest))]
[ProtoInclude(2, typeof(BarRequest))]
public abstract class RequestBase {}
public class FooRequest {}
public class BarRequest {}

You can pass messages with fields whose type was not known in advance. You can also pass messages with fields that are not typed, such as dynamic objects that can take any scalar values, and collections null values are allowed.
To do so, import the proto file "google/protobuf/struct.proto" and declare the
dynamic type as google.protobuf.Value.
So, first add bellow line at the top of your proto file:
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
Here my sample message with two dynamic fields:
message BranchResponse {
google.protobuf.Value BranchId = 1;
google.protobuf.Value BranchLevel = 2;
Note that: the generated type in C# is Value and belongs to the Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes namespace, which belongs itself to the Google.Protobuf assembly. This type inherits from the IMessage, IMessage, IEquatable, IDeepCloneable, and IBufferMessage interfaces that all belong to the Google.Protobuf assembly, except for IEquatable, which comes from the .NET System.Runtime assembly. To write and read dynamic values, we have a set of methods available that shown bellow: (these are write static functions)
We can fill BranchResponse model like this:
var branch = new BranchResponse();
branch.BranchId = Value.ForNumber(1);
branch.BranchLevel = Value.ForStruct(new Struct
Fields = {
["LevelId"] = Value.ForNumber(1),
["LevelName"] = Value.ForString("Gold"),
["IsProfessional"] = Value.ForBool(true)}
The read Value type is straightforward. The Value type has a set of properties that exposes its value in the wanted type. (these are read static functions)
At the end, you need to read data from your response model like this:
Here my c# classes that my response model is supposed to bind to them.
public class BranchModel
public int BranchId { get; set; }
public LevelModel Level { get; set; }
public class LevelModel
public int LevelId{ get; set; }
public string LevelName{ get; set; }
public bool IsProfessional { get; set; }
var branch = new BranchResponse(); // Received filled from a gRPC call
// Read
var branchModel = new BranchModel
BranchId = Convert.ToInt32(branch.BranchId.NumberValue),
Level= new LevelModel
LevelId = Convert.ToInt32(branchModel.Level.StructValue.
LevelName = branchModel.Level.StructValue.
IsProfessional = branchModel.Level.StructValue.


AutoFixture with AutoNSubstituteCustomization: Set object count on ReadOnly IEnumerable<t> property

My test requires that I have different counts of objects in an IEnumerable property of the main entity collection. I have been searching for documentation about this but can't find anything. Here is a sample of what I mean (note that the base entity is created using AutoNSubstituteCustomization)
IFixture fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoNSubstituteCustomization() { ConfigureMembers = true });
var t = fixture.CreateMany<ITransaction>(5)
var service1 = Substitute.For<ITransactionsSvc>();
var service2 = Substitute.For<IRequestsSvc>();
new Result(){
TransactionId = t.First().Files.First().RequestId
Where ITransaction would look like
public interface ITransaction
long RequestId { get; }
IEnumerable<FileDef> Files { get; }
IEnumerable<Comment> Comments { get; }
I know I could set fixture.RepeatCount to specify the global count but how can I have a different value for Files and Comments?
I already tried using t.With(x => x.Files, () => fixture.CreateMany<FileDef>(rnd.Next(1,5)) but it throws saying this is a readonly property.
I also tried using NSubstitute .Returns on the t.Files property but for some reason, the type of RequestId got changed from Int64 to Task`1 when trying to read the value for service2 ReturnForAnyArgs response.
I know I had to remove some of the complexity from the real case so that is stays concise so I hope I didn't remove too much and kept it understandable. If you need any precisions, feel welcome to ask.
Sub-question: is there any complete documentation on AutoFixture? On AutoFixture website I was only able to find very introductory documentation.
It seems that the issue you're having is not related to AutoFixture but rather with NSubstitute.
Since ITransaction is an interface AutoFixture will delegate the task of creating and instance to the mocking library. In your case that's NSubstitute.
Since your interface only declares getters but no setters, NSubstitute will generate a dynamic proxy, for your interface, that as will as well not have any public setters. This is why AutoFixture is unable to set the values of your properties.
So if you want to continue using the mock, you'll have to either specify a public setter in your interface or tell AutoFixture how to set the values using the NSubstitute API. Unfortunately you'll be able to implement the second option only by implementing an ISpecimenBuilder factory for your interface and then play with reflection.
Another way, which is what I recommend, is to relay the setup of your interface to a fake implementation, which you'll create by hand and which will have the public setters. Then you'll instruct AutoFixture to relay all requests to the interface to your fake class.
public void MyTest()
var fixture = new Fixture();
fixture.Customize<FakeTransaction>(c => c
.With(x => x.Files, fixture.CreateMany<FileDef>(2).ToList())
.With(x => x.Comments, fixture.CreateMany<Comment>(5).ToList()));
fixture.Customizations.Add(new TypeRelay(typeof(ITransaction), typeof(FakeTransaction)));
ITransaction mock2 = fixture.Create<ITransaction>();
Assert.Equal(2, mock2.Files.Count());
Assert.Equal(5, mock2.Comments.Count());
public class FakeTransaction : ITransaction
public long RequestId { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<FileDef> Files { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Comment> Comments { get; set; }
Protip: In order to not repeat the relay everywhere, you could create a customization that will add the relay to the fixture, and then combine it with your current NSubstitute customization using CompositeCustomization. Read more here.
About your second question. Unfortunately that is the only "official" documentation. The current effort is going to releasing the next version.
For more info you can refer to the maintainer blogs and this community documentation site. Also there is a cool Pluralsight course available here.
In fact, as #AndreiIvascu mentionned, the problem AND the cleanest solution I found were linked to NSubstitute. Since NSubstitute is creating the instances, theses instances can be configured using standard NSubstitute calls.
The solution is simply to use Returns and ReturnsForAnyArgs as I mentionned but it is essential that this newly created substitute is not used directly in the definition of a second substitute as it was the case when accessing the RequestId.
Note the line var requestId = t.First().Files.First().RequestId; that is now outside of the new Result() definition.
public void MyTest()
IFixture fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoNSubstituteCustomization() { ConfigureMembers = true });
var t = fixture.Create<ITransaction>();
var service1 = Substitute.For<ITransactionsSvc>();
var requestId = t.First().Files.First().RequestId;
var service2 = Substitute.For<IRequestsSvc>();
new Result(){
TransactionId = requestId

What is the recommended way to do partial updates with PATCH in ServiceStack?

I am building a RESTful API using the ServiceStack framework. A lot of the resources that I need to update are quite big, with up to 40 attributes per class, so I would like to do partial updates instead of replacing the entire resource. Often the client will only need to update one or two attributes out of the 40, so I would like to just send a JSON body consisting of the few attributes.
Since all combinations of attributes are possible, it is not feasible to make an "Update" class per class as suggested here:
In the Microsoft ASP.NET WebAPI OData package there is a Delta class that takes a subset of a class and updates the resource based on this subset ( This is the functionality I would like to have, as I will be having quite a few classes so a generic method would be best.
Basically, if I have a class
public class MyClass {
public int a { get; set; }
public int b { get; set; }
public int z { get; set; }
I would like to update a resource of MyClass with a PATCH request with body
Is there a standard or recommended way to accomplish this with ServiceStack?
Declare any scalar values in your DTO as nullable. This will allow you to determine which fields were actually sent in the request:
public class MyClass {
public int? a { get; set; }
public int? b { get; set; }
public int? c { get; set; }
// etc.
// object-type properties are already nullable of course
public string MyString { get; set; }
Now if a client sends a partial request, like so:
{ "a": 1, "b": 0 }
You'll be able to determine which properties were actually sent when inspecting your DTO:
myClass.a == 1
myClass.b == 0
myClass.c == null
myClass.MyString == null
Set up a PATCH route for your DTO and implement a Patch method in your service:
public object Patch(MyClass request)
var existing = GetMyClassObjectFromDatabase();
PopulateWithNonDefaultValues is key here. It will copy values from your request object onto the database entity, but will only copy properties that are not the default values. Thus, if a value is null, it won't copy it, because the client didn't send a value for it. Notice that it will copy an integer value of zero though, because we made it a nullable int, and the default value for a nullable int is considered by this method to be null, not zero. Declaring your DTO properties as nullable shouldn't cause much of a hassle in the rest of your code.
Note that this approach works easily with JSON. If you need to support XML requests/responses, you may need need to do some additional work with DataContract/DataMember attributes to insure that nulls are handled correctly.
While esker's response is fine I would like to add that it might not be enough for nullable fields - since you don't know if the deserializer or the user have created that null field.
One approach would be to peek at the raw request.
A different approach is to ask the user to provide additional request (querystring) parameter to clearly specify which fields to patch.
Something like: patch_fields=name,description,field3
The bonus of that approach is that the end user has more control over the patching and is not overriding a value by mistake (because he used the original entity and forgot to clear some fields)

silverlight domain service don't allow return a generic object

I have a domain service running smooth, some expose functions that return generic lists of defined entity, but for some reason, I had add some common information so I created a generic object to wrap the collection with the extra information that I need return.
but when after made the change and try use the service in the client, the function don't show up in the context, I already search about it and what I found was attributes for generic IQueryable
my wrap class
public class Wrap<T>
public String commonProperty { get; set; }
public String anotherCommonProperty { get; set; }
public List<T> items { get; set; }
in my service domain
public Wrap<SomeClass> GetAll()
Wrap<SomeClass> myObject = new Wrap<SomeClass>();
myObject.items = new List<SomeClass>();
myObject.commonProperty = "some info";
myObject.anotherCommonProperty = "some info";
return myObject;
Maybe adding the [KnownType(typeof(SomeClass))] attribute in the Wrap<T> class, the problem is that you need to include one KnowType attribute for every class in your domain (this is because you are making a polymorphic service).
And adding the [ServiceKnownType(typeof(SomeClass))] in the GetAll method in the service (this is for wcf services I don't know if is valid for domain services).
WCF RIA domain services does not support generic entity types. IEnumerable<T> and IQueryable<T> are special cases.
Your method was ignored because it did not match supported method type.
Before changes GetAll was recognized as Query method. You can force that by adding attribute.
public Wrap<SomeClass> GetAll()
Now it does not dissapear silently. But generates compile time error instead:
Type 'Wrap`1' is not a valid entity type. Entity types cannot be

WCF, Linq Error:cannot implicitly convert type System.linq.iorderedQueryable<> to System.Collection.Generic.List<>

I am getting an error : i am using entity framework, wcf.
Error:cannot implicitly convert type System.linq.iorderedQueryable<xDataModel.Info> to System.Collection.Generic.List<xServiceLibrary.Info>
Below are my code:
WCF Service:
namespace xServiceLibrary
public List<Info> GetScenario()
xEntities db = new xEntities();
var query = from qinfo in db.Infoes
select qinfo;
//return query.Cast<Info>().ToList(); (not working)
//return query.toList(); (not working)
return query;
namespace xServiceLibrary
List<Info> GetScenario();
namespace xServiceLibrary
public class Info
public int Scenario_Id;
public string Scenario_Name { get; set; }
public string Company_Name { get; set; }
I have two class library files.
One is xDataModel namespace in which i have created xmodel.edmx file.
second is xServiceLibrary namespace where i am implementing Wcf Service.
i have attached the xDataModel.dll file in my xServiceLibrary so that i could query my EF Model.
i am not able to understand the concept. any help would be appreciated.
The problem is that you have two different types named Info: DataModel.Info and ServiceLibrary.Info - because these are different types you cannot cast one into the other.
If there is no strong reason for both being there I would eliminate one of them. Otherwise as a workaround you could project DataModel.Info to ServiceLibrary.Info by copying the relevant properties one by one:
var results = (from qinfo in db.Infoes
select new ServiceLibrary.Info()
Scenario_Id = qinfo.Scenario_Id,
//and so on
The problem is that you have two different classes, both called Info, both in scope at the time you run your query. This is a very very bad thing, especially if you thought they were the same class.
If DataModel.Info and ServiceLibrary.Info are the same class, you need to figure out why they are both in scope at the same time and fix that.
If they are different classes, you need to be explicit about which one you are trying to return. Assuming that your EF model includes a set of DataModel.Info objects, your options there are:
Return a List<DataModel.Info> which you can get by calling query.ToList()
Return a List<ServiceLibrary.Info> which you can get by copying the fields from your DataModel.Info objects:
var query = from qinfo in db.Info
select new ServiceLibrary.Info
Scenario_Id = q.Scenario_Id,
Scenario_Name = q.Scenario_Name
Company_Name = q.Company_Name
Return something else, such as your custom DTO object, similar to #2 but with only the specific fields you need (e.g. if ServiceLibrary.Info is a heavy object you don't want to pass around.
In general, though, your problem is centered around the fact that the compiler is interpreting List<Info> as List<ServiceLibrary.Info> and you probably don't want it to.

WCF method that updates object passed in

Am I correct in thinking that if I have a WCF OperationContract takes in an object and needs to set a property on that object so the client gets the update, I need to declare it to return the object.
e.g. given a datacontract:
public class CompositeType
public int Key { get; set; }
public string Something { get; set; }
this will not work with WCF:
public void GetDataUsingDataContract(CompositeType composite)
composite.Key = 42;
this will work:
public CompositeType GetDataUsingDataContract(CompositeType composite)
composite.Key = 42;
return new CompositeType
Key = composite.Key,
Something = composite.Something
IMO, authoring methods that produce output via side-effects is a "bad" thing. Having said that however, are there circumstances that necessitate this model? Yes.
Certainly C# programming model permits this, is WCF broken? No. At a certain point, one must realise they are consuming WCF, and as a framework it attempts to satisfy a majority of use-cases [for instance, replicating all input parameters on all round trips to preserve implicit side effect semantics is, in a word, silly].
Of course, there are ways to work around this - C# also provides for explicit declaration of these scenarios and WCF supports these as well!
For instance
// use of "ref" indicates argument should be returned to
// caller, black-eye and all!
public void GetDataUsingDataContract (ref CompositeType composite)
composite.Key = 42;
Give it a go!
Hope this helps :)
If you use 'out of the box' WCF, you are actually using a form of webservices, that uses serialized versions of the objects that are sent from client to server.
This is the reason you cannot 'by reference' change properties on objects. You will always have to use a request / response pattern.