Netlogo gis extension: How to set world size to give specific scale to patches - size

I'm developing a epidemiological model using GIS data of a small town. One of the submodels in my model is about "infections": I need that an infected agent has a certain probability to infect other agents which are on his same patch.
In order to properly model this fact, I need my patches to have a specific area, for example 100 square meters. There is a way in which I can set the world size so that I am sure of the exact area a single patch is representing?
Thank you very much.

First of all, you might check the stackoverflow guide to asking questions. Having a minimal reproducible example also helps. Following the guidelines of Stackoverflow helps our community ;)
The way you define the patch scale with the GIS extensions is indeed not very clear. A good tutorial is available in Chapter 6 of this book.
First, have a raster file (e.g. .asc) with a defined resolution (e.g. 10 x 10 m). You can take a look on how to do this in QGIS and other GIS softwares. Make sure to export it to .asc and reproject it to your target SRC, otherwise you might fall in this problem.
Here's a simple code for you.
patches-own [ infectability ]
to setup-patches
; define a rasterfile:
set rastermap gis:load-dataset "C:/folder/yourfile.asc"
; define SRC:
gis:load-coordinate-system "C:/folder/yourfile.prj"
; make each raster cell = patch in NetLogo
let width floor (gis:width-of rastermap / 2)
let height floor (gis:height-of rastermap / 2)
resize-world (-1 * width ) width (-1 * height ) height
; define your patch size in pixels (makes your world size bigger/smaller in the Interface):
set-patch-size 1
; define world boundaries:
gis:set-world-envelope gis:envelope-of rastermap
; apply the raster data to your patches:
gis:apply-raster rastermap infectability
; make your patches look dangerous:
ask patches with [ infectability > 0.8 ] [ set pcolor red ]
After that, you will have to use some procedures making turtles ask patches to access the patch variable infectability. Good luck! ;)


Multiple axis scale in Lets plot Kotlin

I'm learning some data science related topics and oh boy, this is a jungle of different libraries for everything 😅
Because of things, I went with Lets-plot, which has a nice Kotlin API that I'm using combined with Kotlin kernel for Jupyter notebooks
Overall, things are going pretty good. Most tutorials & docs I see online use different libraries for plotting (e.g. Seaborn, Matplotlib, Plotly) so most of the time I have to do some reading of the Lets-Plot-Kotlin reference and try/error until I find the equivalent code for my graphs
Currently, I'm trying to graph the distribution of differences between two values. Overall, this looks pretty good. I can just do something like
+ geomHistogram { x = "some-column" }
which gives a nice graph
It would be interesting to see the density estimator as well, geomDensity to the rescue!
+ geomDensity(color = "red") { x = "some-column" }
Nice! Now let's watch them both together
+ geomDensity(color = "red") { x = "some-column" }
+ geomHistogram() { x = "some-column" }
As you can see, there's a small red line in the bottom (the geomDensity!). Problem here (I would say) is that both layers are using the same Y scale. Histogram is working with 0-20 values and density with 0-0.02 so when plotted together it's just a line at the bottom
Is there any way to add several layers in the same plot that use their own scale? I've read some blogposts that claim that you should not go for it (seems to be pretty much accepted by the community.
My target is to achieve something similar to what you can do with Seaborn by doing
(yes I know I took the lets plot screenshot without the bins configured. Not relevant, I'd say ¯_(ツ)_/¯ )
Maybe I'm just approaching the problem with a mindset I should not? As mentioned, I'm still learning so every alternative will be highly welcomed 😃
Just, please, don't go with the "Switch to Python". I'm exploring and I'd prefer to go one topic at a time
In order for histogram and density layers to share the same y-scale you need to map variable "..density.." to aesthetic "y" in the histogram layer (by default histogram maps "..count.." to "y").
You will find an example of it in cell [4] in this notebook:
BWT, many of the pages in Lets-Plot Kotlin API Reference are equipped with links on demo-notebooks, in "Examples" section: geomHistogram().
And of course you can find a lot of info online on the R ggplot2 package which is largely applicable to Lets-Plot as well. For example: Histogram with kernel density estimation.
Finally :) , calling show() is not necessary - Jupyter Kotlin kernel will render plot automatically if plot expression is the last one in the cell which is often the case.

Tuning first_stage_anchor_generator in faster rcnn model

I am trying to detect some very small object (~25x25 pixels) from large image (~ 2040, 1536 pixels) using faster rcnn model from object_detect_api from here
I am very confused about the following configuration parameters(I have read the proto file and also tried modify them and test):
first_stage_anchor_generator {
grid_anchor_generator {
scales: [0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0]
aspect_ratios: [0.5, 1.0, 2.0]
height_stride: 16
width_stride: 16
I am kind of very new to this area, if some one can explain a bit about these parameters to me it would be very appreciated.
My Question is how should I adjust above (or other) parameters to accommodate for the fact that I have very small fix-sized objects to detect in large image.
I don't know the actual answer, but I suspect that the way Faster RCNN works in Tensorflow object detection is as follows:
this article says:
"Anchors play an important role in Faster R-CNN. An anchor is a box. In the default configuration of Faster R-CNN, there are 9 anchors at a position of an image. The following graph shows 9 anchors at the position (320, 320) of an image with size (600, 800)."
and the author gives an image showing an overlap of boxes, those are the proposed regions that contain the object based on the "CNN" part of the "RCNN" model, next comes the "R" part of the "RCNN" model which is the region proposal. To do that, there is another neural network that is trained alongside the CNN to figure out the best fit box. There are a lot of "proposals" where an object could be based on all the boxes, but we still don't know where it is.
This "region proposal" neural net's job is to find the correct region and it is trained based on the labels you provide with the coordinates of each object in the image.
Looking at this file, I noticed:
line 174: heights = scales / ratio_sqrts * base_anchor_size[0]
line 175: widths = scales * ratio_sqrts * base_anchor_size[[1]]
which seems to be the final goal of the configurations found in the config file(to generate a list of sliding windows with known widths and heights). While the base_anchor_size is created as a default of [256, 256]. In the comments the author of the code wrote:
"For example, setting scales=[.1, .2, .2]
and aspect ratios = [2,2,1/2] means that we create three boxes: one with scale
.1, aspect ratio 2, one with scale .2, aspect ratio 2, and one with scale .2
and aspect ratio 1/2. Each box is multiplied by "base_anchor_size" before
placing it over its respective center."
which gives insight into how these boxes are created, the code seems to be creating a list of boxes based on the scales =[stuff] and aspect_ratios = [stuff] parameters that will be used to slide over the image. The scale is fairly straightforward and is how much the default square box of 256 by 256 should be scaled before it is used and the aspect ratio is the thing that changes the original square box into a rectangle that is more closer to the (scaled) shape of the objects you expect to encounter.
Meaning, to optimally configure the scales and aspect ratios, you should find the "typical" sizes of the object in the image whatever it is ex(20 by 30, 5 by 10 ,etc) and figure out how much the default of 256 by 256 square box should be scaled to optimally fit that, then find the "typical" aspect ratios of your objects(according to google an aspect ratio is: the ratio of the width to the height of an image or screen.) and set those as your aspect ratio parameters.
Note: it seems that the number of elements in the scales and aspect_ratios lists in the config file should be the same but I don't know for sure.
Also I am not sure about how to find the optimal stride, but if your objects are smaller than 16 by 16 pixels the sliding window you created by setting the scales and aspect ratios to what you want might just skip your object altogether.
As I believe proposal anchors are generated only for model types of Faster RCNN. In this file you have specified what parameters may be set for anchors generation within line you mentioned from config.
I tried setting base_anchor_size, however I failed. Though this FasterRCNNTutorial tutorial mentions that:
[...] you also need to configure the anchor sizes and aspect ratios in the .config file. The base anchor size is 255,255.
The anchor ratios will multiply the x dimension and divide the y dimension, so if you have an aspect ratio of 0.5 your 255x255 anchor becomes 128x510. Each aspect ratio in the list is applied, then the results are multiplied by the scales. So the first step is to resize your images to the training/testing size, then manually check what the smallest and largest objects you expect are, and what the most extreme aspect ratios will be. Set up the config file with values that will cover these cases when the base anchor size is adjusted by the aspect ratios and multiplied by the scales.
I think it's pretty straightforward. I also used this 'workaround'.

Explain how premultiplied alpha works

Can somebody please explain why rendering with premultiplied alpha (and corrected blending function) looks differently than "normal" alpha when, mathematically speaking, those are the same?
I've looked into this post for understanding of premultiplied alpha:
The author also said that the end computation is the same:
"Look at the blend equations for conventional vs. premultiplied alpha. If you substitute this color format conversion into the premultiplied blend function, you get the conventional blend function, so either way produces the same end result. The difference is that premultiplied alpha applies the (source.rgb * source.a) computation as a preprocess rather than inside the blending hardware."
Am I missing something? Why is the result different then?
The difference is in filtering.
Imagine that you have a texture with just two pixels and you are sampling it exactly in the middle between the two pixels. Also assume linear filtering.
R|G|B|A + R|G|B|A = R|G|B|A
1|0|0|1 + 0|1|0|0 = 0.5|0.5|0|0.5
1|0|0|1 + 0|0|0|0 = 0.5|0|0|0.5
Notice the difference in green channel.
Filtering premultiplied alpha produces correct results.
Note that all this has nothing to do with blending.
This is a guess, because there is not enough information yet to figure it out.
It should be the same. One common way of getting a different value is to use a different Gamma correction method between the premultiply and the rendering step.
I am going to guess that one of your stages, either the blending, or the premultiplying stage is being done with a different gamma value. If you generate your premultiplied textures with a tool like DirectXTex texconv and use the default srgb option for premultiplying alpha, then your sampler needs to be an _SRGB format and your render target should be _SRGB as well. If you are treating them linearly then you may not be able to render to an _SRGB target or sample the texture with gamma correction, even if you are doing the premultiply in the same shader that samples (depending on 3D API and render target setup differences). Doing so will cause the alpha to be significantly different between the two methods in the midtones.
See: The Importance of Being Linear.
If you are generating the alpha in Photoshop then you should know a couple things. Photoshop does not save alpha in linear OR sRGB format. It saves it as a Gamma value about half way between linear and sRGB. If you premultiply in Photoshop it will compute the premultiply correctly but save the result with the wrong ramp. If you generate a normal alpha then sample it as sRGB or LINEAR in your 3d API it will be close but will not match the values Photoshop shows in either case.
For a more in depth reply the information we would need would be.
What 3d API are you using.
How are your textures generated and sampled
When and how are you premultiplying the alpha.
and preferably a code or shader example that shows the error.
I was researching why one would use Pre vs non-Pre and found this interesting info from Nvidia
It seems that their specific case has more precision when using Pre, over Post-Alpha.
I also read (I believe on here but cannot find it), that doing pre-alpha (which is multiplying Alpha to each RGB value), you will save time. I still need to find out if that's true or not, but there seems to be a reason why pre-alpha is preferred.

Netlogo - Id like to set the size of a turtle as the size of the patch it's standing on

Id like to set the size of a turtle as the size of the patch it's standing on.
Even better I need turtles which are bigger as 4 or 16 patches.
If for example i have a squared world with 16x16 patches id like to have turtles that can be big 1x1 or 2x2 or 4x4 etc....
and the turtle should overlap perfectly the patches: it might be 1 patch (1x1 case), 4 (2x2 case) etc...
abott setting the size of the turtle equal to the sie of the patch for perfect overlapping in trying wit this code:
hatch-turtle 1 [set size [size] of patch-here ]
but it gives me the error:
A patch can't access a turtle variable without specifying which turtle.
Maybe try some variation of:
ask turtles [ set size patch-size ]
perhaps scaling by a multiplier as needed. Note that size is a per-turtle variable, but patch-size is a global reporter, because all patches are always the same size in pixels.
Note that size is measured in patches, while patch-size is measured in pixels.
I really don't understand at all what you're trying to do here, but the above is legal NetLogo code, anyway.
A turtle's size is measured in units of patches, so if you want your turtles to be the same size as the patches they are standing on, that's:
ask turtles [ set size 1 ]
but 1 is the default size, so in order to get this behavior, you actually don't need to do anything at all.
This answer comes years after the question was asked, but I leave it here hoping that it helps others who may encounter the same problem (as I did). Below I first clarify the problem and then offer a solution.
Clarification: It is implied by the problem that OP has defined a square shape for the turtles. The default size of square turtles in NetLogo is 1, which means that by default a square turtle should completely fill a patch. However, OP still observed blank space between square turtles that are placed next to each other. The aim of this answer is to remove that blank space for square turtles of size 1.
Solution: To solve this problem, note that the default square shape of turtles in NetLogo is made up of a colored inner area and a thick colorless border. The blank space that the OP observed between the turtles was in fact composed of the colorless borders of square shapes. In order to produce a figure with colored squares placed immediately adjacent to each other (that is, without any apparent space between them), it suffices to define a new square shape with no border. This new square shape should be defined such that the inner area of the square fills the entire patch. This can be done using the Turtle Shapes Editor from the Tools menu: find the square shape, create a duplicate of it, and modify the new shape in the graphical editor. To modify the shape, click on its top-left corner and drag that corner to the top-left corner of the graphical editor window. Then do the same with the bottom-right corner.

Patches occupied by turtle shape in NetLogo

I would like a little bit of help with understanding and using patch shape and size vs origin. I am trying to mark the patches that are exactly under a specific turtle shape. For example, if the turtle is a rectangle of (w x h) I would like to change color or properties of all patches under that shape, not only at the origin patch. Of course, with a rectangle maybe I can manually color the patches under, but is there any option to modify patches under a more complicated turtle shape? Thank you.
Well there is a kludgey way to do this that has some artifacts of aliasing and other minor issues like transferring all visible objects (turtles, links, labels, drawing layer, etc) to the pcolor of a patch. But at least it's possible. It takes advantage of the included bitmap extension. Main idea is in paint-patches below.
extensions [bitmap]
to setup
resize-world 0 199 0 199
set-patch-size 1
ask n-of 30 patches [ sprout 1 [set size 15]]
to paint-patches
let bmap bitmap:from-view
bitmap:copy-to-pcolors bmap true
ask turtles [ht] ; to show that the turtle shape is now painted to pcolors
That's impossible in NetLogo. Turtle shapes are purely visual. There's no way to access the exact contours of a turtle shape and then somehow use the contour as the basis for a computation.
If you're working with a small set of known shapes, like maybe square/triangle/circle, then you could handle each of the cases individually and write your own code to color patches corresponding to the shape. But if you need this capability in general, you're stuck.
You could write an extension to do it, but the extension would have to contain all original code to actually do the work of computing the overlap between the shape and the patch grid. There is no existing code inside NetLogo that does the computation you want.