Vuetify Data Table Error that resolves if I force rerender - vue.js

I am having a weird issue with Vuetify data table. I have two files that are relevant:
The parent:
<!-- DataTable component with articles and headers passed as props -->
<ArticleTable :propData="articles" :headers="headers"></ArticleTable>
//Add data
data() {
return {
//For the article list from the server
articles: null,
//Headers for Datatable
headers: [
{ text: "Article #", value: "articleID" },
{ text: "Title", value: "articleTitle" },
{ text: "Content", value: "articleContent" },
{ text: "Click to Like", value: "liked", sortable: false },
{ text: "Likes", value: "articleLikes" }
//When the component is first created, call method
created() {
methods: {
getArticles() {
this.error = null;
//Sets parameters from external file
let url = serverDetails.url;
let params = { ...serverDetails.params };
//GET request for all articles
.get(`${url}articles`, {
//On success save response in articles variable
.then(response => {
this.articles =;
console.log("Articles found: ",;
//Catch and display any errors
.catch(error => {
this.error = error.toString();
console.log("Error on retriving articles: " + error);
Which makes a request to my server and pulls back a list of articles. This is then passed to the child component:
<!-- Vuetify data table -->
"use strict";
export default {
name: "ArticleTable",
//Add props
props: {
propData: {
type: Array
headers: {
//Expects compulsory Array
type: Array,
required: true
//Add data
data() {
return {
//Render key
renderKey: 0,
(I have cut out as much irrelevant material as possible). However I am getting a weird problem with the data table, the console if throwing several errors, all roughly saying some version of:
[Vue warn]: Error in callback for immediate watcher "computedOptions": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'slice' of null"
TypeError: Cannot read property 'slice' of null
[Vue warn]: Error in getter for watcher "computedItems": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'slice' of null"
Before the table would not render at all but if I add
beforeUpdate() {
this.renderKey += 1;
to the child, forcing it to re render the table appears fine.
Is there any way to resolve those errors?
Thanks a million

Vuetify throw this error when the items array passed to datatable is undefined or null. A quick sollution is to set in your data the initial value of articles to [] instead of null.
data() {
return {
//For the article list from the server
articles: [], // this should always be an array, even if empty
//Headers for Datatable
headers: [
{ text: "Article #", value: "articleID" },
{ text: "Title", value: "articleTitle" },
{ text: "Content", value: "articleContent" },
{ text: "Click to Like", value: "liked", sortable: false },
{ text: "Likes", value: "articleLikes" }


Data variable undefined from computed Vue

I think im not understanding something properly or is an obvious oversight but I cant access values returned from my data() function in my Vue component's computed properties. From my below code i am trying to return a computed property newmessage but it is saying that message is undefined and so is everything else in data if i try. Appreciate any help :)
export default {
data () {
return {
message: 'hello',
expanded: [],
singleExpand: false,
alertHeaders: [
text: 'Rule Number',
align: 'start',
sortable: false,
value: 'RuleNumber',
{ text: 'Date', value: 'DateCreated' },
{ text: 'Amount', value: 'Amount' },
alerts: this.alertdata,
transactions : this.alertdata.detail,
computed: {
newmessage : function() {
return message.reverse()
Typically, inside methods, or computed properties or lifecycle handlers in Vue, you will use this to refer the component to which the method/computed/handler is attached. this refers to the context in which the function is currently executing.
in your case you need to add this before message
computed: {
newmessage : function() {
return this.message.reverse()
You need to refer to property defined in data with this keyword:
newmessage : function() {
return this.message.reverse()

How to generate dynamic data table through api call in vuetify in vuejs

I am trying to generate dynamic data table through Vuetify ,in vuejs but dont see any example in vuetify official documentation,does anyone mind sharing an example
By "dynamic" I'm guessing you mean data loads asynchronously from an API. The Vuetify docs have numerous examples of data tables including one that simulates requesting data from an API. A very basic implementation looks something like (note: this example uses the random user generator API:
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
data: () => ({
apiURL: '',
headers: [
{ text: 'Name', value: 'name', align: 'start' },
{ text: 'Country', value: 'country' },
{ text: 'DOB (Age)', value: 'dob' },
{ text: 'Contacts', value: 'contacts' },
loading: false,
options: {
page: 1,
itemsPerPage: 10,
sortBy: ['name'],
sortDesc: [true],
people: [],
mounted () {
methods: {
async getPeople (page = 1, results = 10, seed = 'example') {
this.loading = true
const params = { params: { page, results, seed } }
try {
this.people = (await axios.get(this.apiURL, params)).data.results
this.loading = false
} catch (error) {
this.loading = false
updatePage (pagination) {
const { itemsPerPage: results, page } = pagination
this.pagination = pagination
this.getPeople({ page, results })
customSort (options) {
// The Random User API does NOT support sorting, but if it did, you
// would need to make an API call that returned a sorted
// list of results based on the sort parameter(s)
For a more complex example that uses more of Vuetify's features, check out this codepen.

Vue-Tables-2 Side Server Get Error " Cannot read property 'data' of undefined" Why?

I am using vue-tables-2 for manage data. I wanna implement server side. But I got a problem. I can get the data as well. But I dont know why I got that error message. This is my code:
<v-server-table :columns="columns" :options="options"></v-server-table>
Vue Js
var config = {
"PMI-API-KEY": "erpepsimprpimaiy"
export default {
name: "user-profile",
data() {
return {
columns: ["golongan_name"],
options: {
requestFunction: function(data) {
return this.$http({
url: "api/v1/golongan_darah/get_all_data",
method: "post",
headers: config
}).then(res => { =;
filterable: ["golongan_name"],
sortable: ["golongan_name"],
filterByColumn: true,
perPage: 3,
pagination: { chunk: 10, dropdown: false },
responseAdapter: function(resp) {
return {
This is the error:
enter image description here

Vee validate return true, but should return false

Im using Vuetify, and have a form where im using VeeValidate for form validation...
When im using this:
this.$validator.validateAll().then((result) => {
console.log("result form", result);
//result ? this.onSubmit() : scrollTo(0, 250);
It always returns true, even if the validation on my input field isn't valid...
The input looks like:
The code for the input component:
export default {
$_veeValidate: {
validator: 'new'
name: 'String',
props: {
placeholderText: {
default: 'Add a value'
hintText: {
default: 'Add a value'
isRequired: {
default: true
data: () => ({
answer: ''
computed: {
checkRequired() {
return this.isRequired ? 'required' : ''
methods: {
updateAnswer() {
this.$emit('updateAnswer', this.answer);
Im calling this.$validator.validateAll() in another component... The input component is a standalone component... I have it all wrappet in a form tag, and running the validate function on a submit
You have two choice:
Pass to the component the v-validate from the $attrs
Inject the $validator to the component
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
provide() {
return {
$validator: this.$validator
$_veeValidate: {
validator: "new"
inject: ["$validator"],
name: "String",
You can also simplify your html code, see the VeeValidate Syntax
v-validate="{ required: this.isRequired }"
And you can safely remove

Mdb datatable does not rendering data in Vue.js

I'm trying to implement a datatable with mdbootstrap in vue.js.
I would like to update table data on events and when initialized but it does not work.
<div class="col-md-12">
import { mdbDatatable } from 'mdbvue';
export default {
name: 'userManagement',
components: {
data() {
return {
classList: [],
data: {
columns: [
label: 'Name',
field: 'className',
sort: 'asc'
}, {
label: 'ID',
field: 'id',
sort: 'asc'
rows: [
className: 'Tiger Nixon',
className: 'Garrett Winters',
methods: {
var _this = this;
this.$axios.get('my_url/admin/classes').then(function (response) {
if (response.status === 200) { = []; (obj) {
let item = {
className: obj.className,
}).catch(function (err) {
alert("" + err);
It always shows default values, I check the data rows from console the value seems to be updated but no change on the datatable.
Any help would be appreciated.
We've found the solution for Your issue.
The new code is available here:
Also to make sure the data is reactive it's necessary to add the following code to the Datatable component in our package:
watch: {
data(newVal) {
this.columns = newVal.columns;
It will be fixed in the next MDB Vue release.
I installed mdbvue 5.5.0 which includes the change that mikolaj described. This caused the table columns to update when changed but in order to get the rows to update too I had to add to the watch method in Datatable.vue as follows:
watch: {
data(newVal) {
this.columns = newVal.columns;
this.rows = newVal.rows;