I have never worked before with Kotlin so I have a newbie question. I am working with an existing codebase, so I am wondering about a few things. I see that there is a function getDepartmentById which looks like this:
fun getDepartmentById(ctx: Ctx, params: JsonObject): Either<Failure, FlatResp> =
getOneByIdFlattened(ctx, params.right(), getDepartmentByIdSql(ctx), flattenOne = flattenerToType(MainAccessType.DEPARTMENT))
fun getDepartmentById(ctx: Ctx, id: Long): Either<Failure, FlatResp> =
getDepartmentById(ctx, jsonObject("id" to id))
Calling that function returns either Failure or FlatResp. From what I can see in the code FlatResponse is typealias for Map<MainAccessType, Entities>.
The function getOneByIdFlattened looks like this:
fun getOneByIdFlattened(ctx: Ctx,
params: Either<Long, JsonObject>,
statement: String,
rowConverter: (Row) -> Map<String, Any?> = ::mapFromDbNames,
grouper: (List<Map<String, Any?>>) -> List<Map<String, Any?>> = ::identity,
flattenOne: (List<Map<String, Any?>>) -> FlatResp
): Either<Failure, FlatResp> =
either.eager {
val id = when (params) {
is Either.Left -> Either.Right(params.value)
is Either.Right -> params.value.idL?.right()
?: Failure.JsonError(SErr(GlowErrs.MISSING_ID, "You must provide id")).left()
val dbDataList: List<Map<String, Any?>> = doQuery(ctx, statement, mapOf(
"courierIds" to ctx.user.courierIds,
"id" to id,
"count" to 1,
"offset" to 0,
"departmentIds" to ctx.userDepartments,
"customerIds" to ctx.user.customerIds
rowConverter, false
val result = flattenOne(grouper(dbDataList))
I wonder how can I get from a FlatResp a property of an object, that looks like this:
So, for example if I want to get just name from this object what would be the best way to do this?
Also, I wonder why is this function returning a collection, and not just a single object when it should get a single row by id from DB?
This is the sql function:
private fun getDepartmentByIdSql(ctx: Ctx) =
"""select ${createSelectFields(departmentKeys)}
from department dept
where dept.id = :id
when (ctx.user.role) {
UserRoles.ADMIN -> ""
else -> "and dept.id = any (:departmentIds) "
So there are a lot of things wrong in the snippet provided. Given Snippets:
fun getDepartmentById(ctx: Ctx, params: JsonObject): Either<Failure, FlatResp> =
getOneByIdFlattened(ctx, params.right(), getDepartmentByIdSql(ctx), flattenOne = flattenerToType(MainAccessType.DEPARTMENT))
fun getDepartmentById(ctx: Ctx, id: Long): Either<Failure, FlatResp> =
getDepartmentById(ctx, jsonObject("id" to id))
private fun getDepartmentByIdSql(ctx: Ctx) =
"""select ${createSelectFields(departmentKeys)}
from department dept
where dept.id = :id
when (ctx.user.role) {
UserRoles.ADMIN -> ""
else -> "and dept.id = any (:departmentIds) "
fun getOneByIdFlattened(ctx: Ctx,
params: Either<Long, JsonObject>,
statement: String,
rowConverter: (Row) -> Map<String, Any?> = ::mapFromDbNames,
grouper: (List<Map<String, Any?>>) -> List<Map<String, Any?>> = ::identity,
flattenOne: (List<Map<String, Any?>>) -> FlatResp
): Either<Failure, FlatResp> =
either.eager {
val id = when (params) {
is Either.Left -> Either.Right(params.value)
is Either.Right -> params.value.idL?.right()
?: Failure.JsonError(SErr(GlowErrs.MISSING_ID, "You must provide id")).left()
val dbDataList: List<Map<String, Any?>> = doQuery(ctx, statement, mapOf(
"courierIds" to ctx.user.courierIds,
"id" to id,
"count" to 1,
"offset" to 0,
"departmentIds" to ctx.userDepartments,
"customerIds" to ctx.user.customerIds
rowConverter, false
val result = flattenOne(grouper(dbDataList))
in snippet 2, jsonObject should be JsonObject(..)
I have no idea what the following lines do :
flattenOne = flattenerToType(MainAccessType.DEPARTMENT))
//snipper 4
either.eager {...block...}
doQuery(ctx, statement, mapOf(..)
UserRoles.ADMIN -> ""
"""select ${createSelectFields(departmentKeys)}
They are all probably some extension functions or util files made by your company or from some famous libraries like anko orsplitties . plus these are mixes with function calls of your own class, like createSelectFields or ctx.user.courierIds. also if i have to guess, then this seems like an unusual way of performing some operation on an sql dB
based on just code completion by android studio, i have been able to figure out the classes as following:
class Entities
typealias FlatResp = Map<MainAccessType, Entities>
class Ctx
sealed class Either<A,B>(val a:A?, val b:B?){
val value:A? = null
class Left<A>(val aa:A):Either<A,A>(aa,aa)
class Right<B>(val bv:B):Either<B,B>(bb,bb)
class Failure
class Row
class JsonObject(val pair:Pair<String,Long>):JSONObject(){
fun right():Either<Long,JsonObject>{
class jsonObject()
enum class MainAccessType{DEPARTMENT}
fun getDepartmentById(ctx: Ctx, params: JsonObject): Either<Failure, FlatResp> {
return getOneByIdFlattened(
flattenOne = flattenerToType(MainAccessType.DEPARTMENT))
fun getDepartmentById(ctx: Ctx, id: Long): Either<Failure, FlatResp> {
return getDepartmentById(ctx, JsonObject("id" to id))
fun getOneByIdFlattened(ctx: Ctx,
params: Either<Long, JsonObject>,
statement: String,
rowConverter: (Row) -> Map<String, Any?> = ::mapFromDbNames,
grouper: (List<Map<String, Any?>>) -> List<Map<String, Any?>> = ::identity,
flattenOne: (List<Map<String, Any?>>) -> FlatResp
): Either<Failure, FlatResp> {
return either.eager {
val id = when (params) {
is Either.Left -> Either.Right(params.value)
is Either.Right -> params.value.idL?.right()
?: Failure.JsonError(SErr(GlowErrs.MISSING_ID, "You must provide id")).left()
val dbDataList: List<Map<String, Any?>> = doQuery(ctx, statement, mapOf(
"courierIds" to ctx.user.courierIds,
"id" to id,
"count" to 1,
"offset" to 0,
"departmentIds" to ctx.userDepartments,
"customerIds" to ctx.user.customerIds
rowConverter, false
val result = flattenOne(grouper(dbDataList))
private fun getDepartmentByIdSql(ctx: Ctx) =
"""select ${createSelectFields(departmentKeys)}
from department dept
where dept.id = :id
when (ctx.user.role) {
UserRoles.ADMIN -> ""
else -> "and dept.id = any (:departmentIds) "
fun mapFromDbNames(row:Row): Map<String,Any?>{
fun identity(param : List<Map<String, Any?>>): List<Map<String, Any?>>{
This is still not correct and has a lots of red lines in it. but what you can do is keep this as a starter in a separate file, compare and fix the code accordingly and then maybe we can tell what would be a better way:
replace inline functions (fun xyz(...) = someValue ) to block functions. (alt+enter in windows, cmd+n in mac)
instead of typeAlias, use map directly
::something means a function is passed as parameter . its similar to how we pass runnables in java 8, but even more shorthand. you can do ctrl+click( for mac its cmd+click) on that function and goto that function to check what its params are, what its return type are. do the same for various classes/ extension fucntions, variables too. this will help the most
instead of passing something into something which is being passed into another thing (like val bot = Robot(Petrol("5Litres") ) ) , split into different lines to make it understandable ( val amount = "5litres"; val equipment = Petrol(amount) ; val bot = Robot(equipment) )
try to not use 3rd party library/ replace with your own understandable code.
repeat steps 1-5
Hope this gives someplace to start. kotlin is a beautiful language but is also very easy to make unreadable.
Mapping Map values
I wonder how can I get from a FlatResp a property of an object, that looks like this:
So, for example if I want to get just name from this object what would be the best way to do this?
Without data to work with, here's my guess:
val extractedNames: Map<Long, String?> = destinationDepartment
.mapValues { (_, userData: Map<String, Any?>) ->
when (val name = userData["name"]) {
is String -> name
else -> null
// {1=Bergen, 2=Cindy, 3=Dave}
Kotlin is great for manipulating collections. For a more general of how to work with collections in Kotlin, I think the docs are really clear Collection transformation operations#Map.
Let's see how that works for this example. You want to extract a specific element, so for that we can use map().
From your screenshot it looks like this is a Map<Long, Map>, where the value is a Map<String, Any?>. I'll assume you want to change the Map<Long, Map> to a Map<Long, String>, where the key is the database ID and the value is user's name.
Test data
So I've got something to test with, I made a new Map:
val destinationDepartment: Map<Long, Map<String, Any?>> =
1L to mapOf(
"id" to 1,
"name" to "Bergen",
"createdAt" to LocalDateTime.now(),
"updatedAt" to LocalDateTime.now(),
2L to mapOf(
"id" to 2,
"name" to "Cindy",
"createdAt" to LocalDateTime.now(),
"updatedAt" to LocalDateTime.now(),
3L to mapOf(
"id" to 3,
"name" to "Dave",
"createdAt" to LocalDateTime.now(),
"updatedAt" to LocalDateTime.now(),
Basic noop
First, set up the basics. A Map can be converted to a list of Entries. When we call map(), it will iterates over each Entry, and applies a lambda - which is something we must write. In this instance, the lambda receives the key and value of the Map, and must return a new value.
Aside: the Java equivalent is map.entrySet().stream().map(...)...
Here, the lambda just returns a pair (created with to).
val extractedNames = destinationDepartment
.map { (id: Long, userData: Map<String, Any?>) ->
id to userData
// Output: [(1, {id=1, name=Bergen, createdAt=2021-08-19T11:00:07.447660, updatedAt=2021-08-19T11:00:07.449969}),
// (2, {id=2, name=Cindy, createdAt=2021-08-19T11:00:07.463813, updatedAt=2021-08-19T11:00:07.463845}),
// (3, {id=3, name=Dave, createdAt=2021-08-19T11:00:07.463875, updatedAt=2021-08-19T11:00:07.463890})]
Pretty boring! But now we're set up for the next step - extracting name from userData: Map<String, Any?>.
Extracting name
val extractedNames = destinationDepartment
.map { (id: Long, userData: Map<String, Any?>) ->
val name = userData["name"]
id to name
// Output: [(1, Bergen), (2, Cindy), (3, Dave)]
Now there's loads of ways to improve this. Making sure that name is a String, not Any?, filtering out blank or null names, mapping to DTOs, sorting. Again, the Kotlin documentation would be a good start. I'll start by listing one really good improvement.
Converting List<Pair<>> to Map<>
If you look at the type of val extractedNames, you'll see that it's a list, not a map.
val extractedNames: List<Pair<Long, Any?>> = ...
That's because the lambda we wrote in the map() function is returning a Pair<Long, String>. Kotlin doesn't know that this is still considered a Map. We can convert any List<Pair<>> back to a map with toMap()
val extractedNames: Map<Long, Any?> = destinationDepartment
.map { (id: Long, userData: Map<String, Any?>) ->
val name = userData["name"]
id to name
.toMap() // convert List<Pair<>> to a Map<>
// Output: {1=Bergen, 2=Cindy, 3=Dave}
But this is also not great. Why is id: Long in the lambda if we're not using it? Because we're only extracting the name from userData, we're only mapping the values of the Map. We don't need id: Long at all. Fortunately Kotlin has another useful method: mapValues() - and it returns a Map<>, so we can drop the toMap(). Let's use it.
val extractedNames: Map<Long, Any?> = destinationDepartment
.mapValues { (id: Long, userData: Map<String, Any?>) ->
val name = userData["name"]
id to name
// {1=(1, Bergen), 2=(2, Cindy), 3=(3, Dave)}
Umm weird. Why are the ids in the values? That's because the mapValues() lambda should return the new value, and in our lambda we're returning both the id and name - oops! Let's only return the name.
Fixing mapValues()
val extractedNames: Map<Long, Any?> = destinationDepartment
.mapValues { (_, userData: Map<String, Any?>) ->
// {1=(1, Bergen), 2=(2, Cindy), 3=(3, Dave)}
Better! Because id is not used, an underscore can be used instead
Aside: Note that the lambda doesn't have a return. Read Returning a value from a lambda expression for an explanation.
Im trying to write a function like transform that receives a function that will be used inside of mapNotNull but I cant find a way to do it.
val items: List<String?> = listOf(null, "cosa")
fun transform(transformer: (String) -> String?) {
items.mapNotNull(transformer) // <-------------------------------------- THIS DOES NOT COMPILE
fun main() {
val items: List<String?> = listOf(null, "cosa")
val transformer: (String) -> String? = {
val map = transform(transformer)
You can check how this works here: play.kotlinlang
How can I declare the parameter of fun transform to be able to pass it inside of the mapNotNull ?
The mapNotNull function is defined as:
public inline fun <T, R : Any> Iterable<T>.mapNotNull(transform: (T) -> R?): List<R>
in other words, the type of the parameter to the transform lambda is T, where T is the type of the Iterable being operated on. In your case, your iterable is a List of type String?.
Therefore, you need to declare your transformer as type (String?) -> String?, and only the non-null results of that transform will be included in the result.
To update the code you supplied on play.kotlinlang, with a few additional modifications to make the type declarations a bit more idiomatic -- note, I've left the code mostly as-is, despite the odd use of the additional transform function:
val items = listOf<String?>(null, "cosa")
fun transform (transformer: (String?) -> String?): List<String> {
return items.mapNotNull(transformer)
fun main() {
val items = listOf<String?>(null, "cosa")
val transformer: (String?) -> String? = {
// this of course means the output of transform will always be empty
val map = transform(transformer)
You have a list of nullable strings.
mapNotNull applies the transform function to an each element in a list and then checks if the result of this functions is null. So in this case, it passes a nullable string in the transformer function, and that function definitely cannot be of (String) -> String? type because the parameter here is a non-nullable string.
You should either declare the transformer function as (String?) -> String?, or remove nulls from list before calling mapNotNull:
Another option is to wrap transformer into a lambda function before passing it to mapNotNull and handle null elements there, for example:
items.mapNotNull { e -> e?.let(transformer) }
this applies transformer function to an element only if it is not null.
My problem is that I need to transform a data class in kotlin to a map, because I need to work with this structure as a requirement, because this response will be used for a groovy classes and there is a post-process where there are validations iterations etc, with this map. My data class is the next (Podcast):
data class PodCast(val id: String, val type: String, val items: List<Item>, val header: Header, val cellType:String? = "")
data class Item(val type: String, val parentId: String, val parentType: String, val id: String, val action: Action, val isNew: Boolean)
data class Header(val color: String, val label: String)
data class Action(val type: String, val url: String)
I made the transformation manually, but I need a more sophisticated way to achieve this task.
You can also do this with Gson, by serializing the data class to json, and then deserializing the json to a map. Conversion in both directions shown here:
val gson = Gson()
//convert a data class to a map
fun <T> T.serializeToMap(): Map<String, Any> {
return convert()
//convert a map to a data class
inline fun <reified T> Map<String, Any>.toDataClass(): T {
return convert()
//convert an object of type I to type O
inline fun <I, reified O> I.convert(): O {
val json = gson.toJson(this)
return gson.fromJson(json, object : TypeToken<O>() {}.type)
See similar question here
I have done this very simple. I got the properties of the object, just using the .properties groovy method, which gave me the object as a map.
I would like to deserialize a json to Map with objectmapper with the following code:
fun onMessage(topic: String, message: MqttMessage) {
val typeRef = object : TypeReference<HashMap<String, String>>() {}
val msg = objectMapper.readValue(message.payload, typeRef)
Compiler says it connot infer parameter T in fun <T : Any!> readValue (src: ByteArray!, valueTypeRef: (TypeReference<Any!>..TypeReference<*>?)): T!
Is there any solution to this problem whitout extending a HashMap with my custom class like this:
class MyHashMap : HashMap<String, String>()
fun onMessage(topic: String, message: MqttMessage) {
val msg = objectMapper.readValue(message.payload, MyHashMap::class.java)
The issue, really, is in Jackson's API here. Here's how the readValue method is declared:
public <T> T readValue(String content, TypeReference valueTypeRef)
They are using the raw type of TypeReference for some reason, even though they could easily take a TypeReference<T> as their parameter. If they did, you code would work as is, as Kotlin could then infer the T generic type parameter of the function, and therefore know its return type.
You can work around this issue a couple different ways, however, by being explicit with your types.
Either by providing the generic type parameter for the function, and having the type of the msg variable inferred:
val typeRef: TypeReference<Map<K, V>> = object : TypeReference<Map<K, V>>() {}
val msg = objectMapper.readValue<HashMap<String, String>>(message.payload, typeRef)
Or alternatively, by explicitly typing your variable, and having the function's type parameter inferred:
val msg: HashMap<String, String> = objectMapper.readValue(message.payload, typeRef)
One possible way:
inline fun <reified T> ObjectMapper.readValue(s: String): T = this.readValue(s, object : TypeReference<T>() {})
val msg: Map<String,String> = objectMapper.readValue(message.payload)
You can use an object expression to pass an anonymous implementation of TypeReference:
objectMapper.readValue(message.payload, object: TypeReference<HashMap<String, String>>() {})
Notice the object: keyword before the TypeReference parameter.
Consider this function, where we try to add an element to result of toMap(): MutableMap<String, Any>:
fun add(key: String, value: Any): MutableMap<String, Any> {
val map = asMap()
map.put(key, value)
return map
This is fairly simple, but I wonder if it could be possible to be simplified to a "one-liner"? Something like:
fun add(key: String, value: Any): MutableMap<String, Any>
= asMap().magicPut(key, value)
EDIT: Obviously I was not clear enough: asMap() is a user defined function that returns a MutableMap with some entries. The add method should add to this already existing map.
EDIT2: Based on comments I renamed toMap() to asMap().
You can simplify your function to
fun add(key: String, value: Any) = toMap().apply { put(key, value) }
You can use this helper function:
mutableMapOf(key to value)
It is part of Kotlin standard lib (link).
Update for explanation from comment:
Create extension function on MutableMap<String, Any>
fun MutableMap<String, Any>.add(key: String, value:Any) = apply { put(key to value) }
Then call this on your existing map map.add("key", "value"). This way you can chain your add calls.
You don't need to do that yourself. You could simply: asMap().plus(key to value).
Documentation here.
This is your code.
fun add(key: String, value: Any): MutableMap<String, Any> {
val map = toMap()
map.put(key, value)
return map
The body of the function add() can be converted to a single expression.
So, the modified code will be:
fun add(key: String, value: Any): MutableMap<String, Any> {
return toMap().apply { put(key, value) }
When a function returns a single expression, the curly braces can be omitted and the body is specified after a = symbol. So, the modified code will be:
fun add(key: String, value: Any) = toMap().apply { put(key, value) }