Is it possible to significantly reduce the inference time of images by reducing the number of object classes? - object-detection

I am using YOLOv4 to train my custom detector. Source:
One of the issues while training is the computing power of GPU and available video RAM. What is the relationship between number of object classes and the time it takes to train the model? Also, is it possible to significantly reduce the inference time of images by reducing the number of object classes? The goal is to run inference on a Raspberry Pi or a Jetson Nano.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

Change is number of classes doesn't have significant impact on
inference time.
For example in case of Yolov4, which has got 3 Yolo layers, change in classes leads to change in filter size for conv layers preceding Yolo layers and some computation reduction within Yolo layers that's all. This is very minute compared to overall inference time as conv layers preceding Yolo layers are bottom layers with very small width and hight and also time spent on logic that depends upon number of classes within Yolo layer is very less.
filters=(classes + 5)x3
Note that tinier version of yolov4 i.e tiny-yolov4 have got two Yolo layers only, instead of 3.
If your intent is to reduce inference time, especially on raspberry pi or a jetson nano, without losing on accuracy/mAP, do following things:
Quantisation: Run inference with INT8 instead of FP32. You can use this repo for this purpose. You can do this for both Jetson nano and raspberry pi.
Use inference library such as tkDNN, which is a Deep Neural Network library built with cuDNN and tensorRT primitives, specifically thought to work on NVIDIA Jetson Boards. You can use this for Jetson nano. Note that with TensorRT, you can use INT8 and FP16 instead of FP32 to reduce detection time.
Following techniques can be used to reduce inference time, but they come at the cost of significant drop in accuracy/mAP:
You can train the models with tinier versions rather than full Yolo versions.
Model Pruning - If you could rank the neurons in the network according to how much they contribute, you could then remove the low ranking neurons from the network, resulting in a smaller and faster network. Pruned yolov3 research paper and it's implementation. This is another pruned Yolov3 implementation.

I tried reducing the number of classes from 80 to 5 classes, I was aiming to detect vehicles only, on YOLOv3 and found a reduction in time. For example, using Intel Core i5-6300U CPU # 2.40 GHz, the time was reduced by 50%, and for Nvidia GeForce 930M, it was reduced by 20%. Generally, the stronger the processor, the less reduction in time you get.


YoloV3 deployment on JETSON TX2

I faced problem regarding Yolo object detection deployment on TX2.
I use pre-trained Yolo3 (trained on Coco dataset) to detect some limited objects (I mostly concern on five classes, not all the classes), The speed is low for real-time detection, and the accuracy is not perfect (but acceptable) on my laptop. I’m thinking to make it faster by multithreading or multiprocessing on my laptop, is it possible for yolo?
But my main problem is that algorithm is not running on raspberry pi and nvidia TX2.
Here are my questions:
In general, is it possible to run yolov3 on TX2 without any modification like accelerators and model compression techniques?
I cannot run the model on TX2. Firstly I got error regarding camera, so I decided to run the model on a video, this time I got the 'cannot allocate memory in static TLS block' error, what is the reason of getting this error? the model is too big. It uses 16 GB GPU memory on my laptop.The GPU memory of raspberry and TX2 are less than 8GB. As far as I know there are two solutions, using a smaller model or using tensor RT or pruning. Do you have any idea if there is any other way?
if I use tiny-yolo I will get lower accuracy and this is not what I want. Is there any way to run any object detection model with high performance for real-time in terms of both accuracy and speed (FPS) on raspberry pi or NVIDIA TX2?
If I clean the coco data for just the objects I concern and then train the same model, I would get higher accuracy and speed but the size would not change, Am I correct?
In general, what is the best model in terms of accuracy for real-time detection and what is the best in terms of speed?
How is Mobilenet? Is it better than YOLOs in terms of both accuracy and speed?
1- Yes it is possible. I already run Yolov3 on Jetson Nano.
2- It depends on model and input resolution of data. You can decrease input resolution. Input images are transferred to GPU VRAM to use on model. Big input sizes can allocate much memory. As far as I remember I have run normal Yolov3 on Jetson Nano(which is worse than tx2) 2 years ago. Also, you can use Yolov3-tiny and Tensorrt as you mention. There are many sources on the web like this & this.
3- I suggest you to have a look at here. In this repo, you can make transfer learning with your dataset & optimize the model with TensorRT & run it on Jetson.
4- Size not dependent to dataset. It depend the model architecture(because it contains weights). Speed probably does not change. Accuracy depends on your dataset. It can be better or worser. If any class on COCO is similiar to your dataset's any class, I suggest you to transfer learning.
5- You have to find right model with small size, enough accuracy, gracefully speed. There is not best model. There is best model for your case which depend on also your dataset. You can compare some of the model's accuracy and fps here.
6- Most people uses mobilenet as feature extractor. Read this paper. You will see Yolov3 have better accuracy, SSD with MobileNet backbone have better FPS. I suggest you to use jetson-inference repo.
By using jetson-inference repo, I get enough accuracy on SSD model & get 30 FPS. Also, I suggest you to use MIPI-CSI camera on Jetson. It is faster than USB cameras.
I fixed the problem 1 and 2 only by replacing import order of the opencv and tensorflow inside the script.Now I can run Yolov3 without any modification on tx2. I got average FPS of 3.

Prediction with GPU is much slower than with CPU?

curiously I just found out that my CPU is much faster for predictions.
Doing inference with GPU is much slower then with CPU.
I have tf.keras (tf2) NN model with a simple dense layer:
input = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(100,), dtype='float32')
X = X = tf.keras.layers.Dense(2)(input)
model = tf.keras.Model(input,X)
#also initiialized with weights from a file
weights = np.load("weights.npy", allow_pickle=True )
scores = model.predict_on_batch(data)
For 100 samples doing predictions I get:
2 s for GPU
0.07 s for CPU (!)
I am using a simple geforce mx150 with 2gb
I also tried the predict_on_batch(x) as someone suggested this as it is more faster than just predict. But here it is of same time.
Refer: Why does keras model predict slower after compile?
Has anyone an idea, what is going on there? What could be an issue possibly?
Using the GPU puts a lot of overhead to load data on the GPU memory (through the relatively slow PCI bus) and to get the results back.
In order for the GPU to be more efficient than the CPU, the model must to be very big, have plenty of data and use algorithms that can run fully inside the GPU, without requiring partial results to be moved back to the CPU.
The optimal configuration depends on the quantity of memory and of cores inside your GPU, so you must do some tests, but the following rules apply:
Your NN must have at least >10k parameters, training data set must have at least 10k records. Otherwise your overhead will probably kill the performances of GPU
When you, use a large batch_size (pay attention, the default is only 32), possibly to contain your whole dataset, or at least a multiple of 1024. Do some test to find the optimum for you.
For some GPUs, it might help performing computations in float16 instead of float32. Follow this tutorial to see how to activate it.
If your GPU has specific Tensor Cores, in order to use efficiently its hardware, several data must be multiples of 8. In the preceding tutorial, see at the paragraph "Ensuring GPU Tensor Cores are used" what parameters must be changed and how. In general, it's a bad idea to use layers which contain a number of neurons not multiple of 8.
Some type of layers, namely RNNs, have an architecture which cannot be solved directly by the GPU. In this case, data must be moved constantly back and forth to CPU and the speed is lost. If a RNN is really needed, Tensorflow v2 has an implementation of the LSTM layer which is optimized for GPU, but some limitations on the parameters are present: see this thread and the documetation.
If you are training a Reinforcement Learning, activate an Experience Replay and use a memory buffer for the experience which is at least >10x your batch_size. This way, you will activate the NN training only when a big bunch of data is ready.
Deactivate as much verbosity as possible
If everything is set up correctly, you should be able to train your model faster with GPU than with CPU.
GPU is good if you have compute-intensive tasks (large models) due to the overhead of copying your data and results between the host and GPU. In your case, the model is very small. It means it will take you longer to copy data than to predict. Even if the CPU is slower than the GPU, you don't have to copy the data, so it's ultimately faster.

Assign Keras/TF/PyTorch layer to hardware type

Suppose we have the following architecture:
Multiple CNN layers
RNN layer
(Time-distributed) Dense classification layer
We want to train this architecture now. Our fancy GPU is very fast at solving the CNN layers. Although using a lower clockrate, it can perform many convolutions in parallel, thus the speed. Our fancy CPU however is faster for the (very long) resulting time series, because the time steps cannot be parallelized, and the processing profits from the higher CPU clockrate. So the (supposedly) smart idea for execution would look like this:
Multiple CNN layers (run on GPU)
RNN layer (run on CPU)
(Time-distributed) Dense classification layer (run on GPU/CPU)
This lead me to two important questions:
Is it possible, with any of the frameworks mentioned in the title, to distribute certain layers to certain hardware, and how?
If it is possible, would the overhead for the additional memory operations, e.g. tranferring between GPU-/CPU-RAM, render the whole idea useless?
Basically, in Pytorch you can control the device on which variables/parameters reside. AFAIK, it is your responsibility to make sure that for each operation all the arguments reside on the same device: i.e., you cannot conv(x, y) where x is on GPU and y is on CPU.
This is done via pytorch's .to() method that moves a module/variable .to('cpu') or .to('cuda:0')
As Shai mentioned you can control this yourself in pytorch so in theory you can have parts of your model on different devices. You have then to move data between devices in your forward pass.
I think the overhead as you mentioned would make the performance worst. The cuda RNN implementation benefits greatly from running on a gpu anyways :)

Is there a standard way to optimize models to run well on different mobile devices?

I’m working on a few side projects that involve deploying ML models to the edge. One of them is a photo-editing app that includes CNN’s for facial recognition, object detection, classification, and style transfer. The other is a NLP app that assists in the writing process by suggesting words and sentence completions..
Once I have a trained model that’s accurate, it ends up being really slow on one or more mobile devices that I'm testing on (usually the lower end Android). I’ve read that there are optimizations one can do to speed models up, but I don’t know how. Is there a standard, go-to tool for optimizing models for mobile/edge?
I will be talking about TensorFlow Lite specifically it is a platform for running TensorFlow ops on Android and iOS. There are several optimisation techniques mentioned on their website but I will discuss the ones which feel important to me.
Constructing relevant models for platforms:
The first step in model optimization is its construction from scratch meaning TensorFlow. We need to create a model which can be used exported to a memory constrained device.
We definitely need to train different models for different machines. A model constructed to work on a high-end TPU will never run efficiently on a Mobile processor.
Create a model which has minimum layers and ops.
Do this without compromising the model's accuracy.
For this, you will need expertise in ML and also which ops are the best to preprocess data.
Also, extra preprocessing of input data brings down the model complexity to a great extent.
Model quantization:
We convert the high precision floats or decimals to lower precision floats. It affects the model's performance slightly but greatly reduces the model size and then holds less of the memory.
Post-training quantization is a general technique to reduce model size while also providing up to 3x lower latency with little degradation in model accuracy. Post-training quantization quantizes weights from floating point to 8-bits of precision - from TF docs.
You can see the TensorFlow Lite TFLiteConverter example:
import tensorflow as tf
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_saved_model(saved_model_dir)
converter.optimizations = [tf.lite.Optimize.OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE]
tflite_quant_model = converter.convert()
Also you should try using the post_training_quantize= flag which reduces the model size considerably.
Hope it helps.

Large input image limitations for VGG19 transfer learning

I'm using the Tensorflow (using the Keras API) in Python 3.0. I'm using the VGG19 pre-trained network to perform style transfer on an Nvidia RTX 2070.
The largest input image that I have is 4500x4500 pixels (I have removed the fully-connected layers in the VGG19 to allow for a fully-convolutional network that handles arbitrary image sizes.) If it helps, my batch size is just 1 image at a time currently.
1.) Is there an option for parallelizing the evaluation of the model on the image input given that I am not training the model, but just passing data through the pre-trained model?
2.) Is there any increase in capacity for handling larger images in going from 1 GPU to 2 GPUs? Is there a way for the memory to be shared across the GPUs?
I'm unsure if larger images make my GPU compute-bound or memory-bound. I'm speculating that it's a compute issue, which is what started my search for parallel CNN evaluation discussions. I've seen some papers on tiling methods that seem to allow for larger images