Testcafe caught in page reload loop - testing

I have a set of Testcafe tests for our application, which since recently fails to run in some of our environments. The test only opens the browser, loads the start page specified in the fixture (or navigated to in within the test) and then only appears to continuously reload the page without proceeding with the test. This happening across all browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) and different versions of NodeJs and Testcafe on Windows 10.
After enabling debug logging I found this message repeatedly in the log:
cmd: 'wait-for-file-download',
sessionId: '0X_DqYtz0'
The browser console also showed two page resources/scripts that failed to load with net::ERR_FAILED errors due to violating the Content Security Policy, so I assume that these might cause the problems. However it does not seem to have any impact on manual page interaction or automated test using other frameworks like PyTest.
While we are investigating on the conflicting resources, is there anything I can do in Testcafe to bypass the issue and allow the tests to run? Or alternatively is there a way to fail a Testcafe test when encountering this issue instead of reloading and possibly eventually timing out?


Playwright - URL is not loading sometimes

when I start the test, the browser is opened but it does not load the URL.
After 10-15 seconds it stopped to load (see screenshot).
I had updated intelliJ, updated playwright to version 1.28.1 (doesn't help)
It happened 7 out of 10 trials.
Any idea why it suddenly becomes that behavior?
Many thanks!
there are 3 probabilities causing this error when hitting the URL:
Your browser version could be a outdated which the site is blocking, so try updating playwright browsers using the command 'npx playwright install'.
Check whether the site is being blocked due to any firewall or proxy setting and if so, get it whitelisted.
As the request also seems to be a crash due to timeout, kindly check whether you have decent internet speed.

How to prevent testcafe from restarting when being in --debug-mode and the browser did halt on a breakpoint

I try to debug a little test client side with
testcafe --debug-mode --dev Safari test1.ts
When the testcafe debug controls are shown I can inspect variables etc all fine.
However if I put a breakpoint in client side code and inspect variables if the browser execution is stopped testcafe restarts my test after some minutes and interrupts my debug session.
Is there a way to instruct testcafe to have infinite testing time for this scenario?
(I thought --debug-mode would imply that )
At this moment, you cannot configure this behavior in TestCafe. However, TestCafe already has an issue with this suggestion, so you can vote for it. With more votes, there is a bigger chance that this feature will be implemented in the near future. Right now, you can debug your application under the TestCafe core using http-playground.

Tests timeouts (Selenium+Jenkins+Grid)

We've started getting random timeouts, but can not get reasons of that. The tests run on remote machines on amazon using selenium grid. Here is how it is going on:
browser is opened,
then a page is loading, but can not load fully within 120 seconds,
then timeout exeption is thrown.
If I run the same tests localy then everything is ok.
The Error is ordinary timeout exception that is thrown if a page is not loaded completely during the period of time that is set in driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(). The problem is that a page of the site can not be loaded completely within that time. But, When period of time that is set in driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout() is finished and, consequently, Selenium possession of a browser is finished, the page is loaded at once. The issue can not be reproduced manually on the same remote machines. We've tried different versions of Selenium standalone, Chromedriver, Selenium driver. Browser is Google Chrome 63. Would be happy to hear any suggestions about reasons.
When Selenium loads a webpage/url by default it follows a default configuration of pageLoadStrategy set to normal. To make Selenium not to wait for full page load we can configure the pageLoadStrategy. pageLoadStrategy supports 3 different values as follows:
normal (full page load)
eager (interactive)
Code Sample :
capabilities.setCapability("pageLoadStrategy", "none");
caps["pageLoadStrategy"] = "none"
Here you can find the detailed discussions through Java and Python clients.

Is Phantomjs session isolation still not working?

When I run my selenium tests using a chrome browser all my tests cases run fine. When using the phantomjs browser it would appear that the browser session does not get reset after each test case. In my tests cases, I log in as a user to then navigate to certain pages and then logout. A problem occurs when a test case happens to fail. The browser session is not reset so when the next test case begins, the test that failed was unable to logout. This causes all test cases after a single failure to fail.
When searching the internet for a solution to this issue it been known sine 2013. I can't seem to find anything regarding this issue that's recent. Is there any up to date workarounds?
Manually trying to delete the cookies before or after each test case does not appear to work. webDriver.manage().deleteAllCookies();
I'm using phantomjs ver 2.1.1.
First of all PhantomJS is dead, you are better off switching to Headless Chrome or Headless Firefox.
Secondly PhantomJS is a port of Webkit which is not thread safe. This means that if you try and run more than one test in parallel you will see threading issues, to fix this you would need to start multiple instances of PhantomJS and have each GhostDriver instance connect to a different instance of PhantomJS.
The particular problem that you are seeing is that PhantomJS doesn't clear itself down properly, again the only solution would be to kill the initial PhantomJS instance you are running after your test finished and then start up a clean new one, unfortunately that is not supported by GhostDriver.
The final problem is that GhostDriver is dead as well, there was no point in continuing development when PhantomJS died.
TLDR; Use Chrome/Firefox Headless mode instead.

Nightwatch.js - Use the same browser session

We would love to adopt Nightwatch.js for testing on browsers, but we're stuck on one major caveat: at the time of this writing, Nightwatchjs does not support running different tests using the same browser session. In short, it means that:
Creating the browser session is handled by the Nightwatch module from lib/index.js, in the startSession function;
Killing the browser would correspond to the delete command place in the Selenium action queue in the terminate function of that module;
A new Nightwatch client is created at every test run, which happens every time we load a different test file;
According to this source, it is possible to reuse the current browser session in Selenium, instead of opening a new window.
Has anyone managed to fix this problem in Nightwatch?
Here's the feature request on Github, which was requested on Mar 31, 2014 and is still open.
Another approach would be to circumvent the problem altogether by getting Nightwatch to merge all different files into one Test Suite, but that seems to be harder to solve than the problem with sessions...
Nightwatch now has support for resuing browser sessions. You can simply use the flag --reuse-browser to reuse sessions while running your nightwatch tests.