Validation loss curve is flat and training loss curve is higher than validation error curve - tensorflow

I'm building a LSTM model for prediction senario. My dataset has around 248000 piece of data and I use 24000 (around 10%) as validation set, others are training set. My model learning curve is the following:
learning curve
The validation error is always 0.00002 from scratch, and the training error decreased to 0.013533 at epoch 20.
I've read this carefully:
Is my validation set is unrepresentative? Is the solution to use larger validation set?

It might be that, first, your underlying concept is very simple which leads to extremely low validation error early on. Second, your data augmentation makes it harder to learn, which yields higher training error.
Yet, I would still run a couple of experiments in your case. First: divide data as 10/90 instead of 90/10 and see how does your validation error changes then - hopefully, you would see some sort of a curve between (now shorter and harder) epochs. Second, I would run validation before training (or after an epoch of 1 batch) to produce a random result.


Validation loss and accuracy has a lot of 'jumps'

Hello everyone so I made this cnn model.
My data:
Train folder->30 classes->800 images each->24000 all together
Validation folder->30 classes->100 images each->3000 all together
Test folder->30 classes -> 100 images each -> 3000 all together
-I've applied data augmentation. ( on the train data)
-I got 5 conv layers with filters 32->64->128->128->128
each with maxpooling and batch normalization
-Added dropout 0.5 after flattening layers
Train part looks good. Validation part has a lot of 'jumps' though. Does it overfit?
Is there any way to fix this and make validation part more stable?
Note: I plann to increase epochs on my final model I'm just experimenting to see what works best since the model takes a lot of time in order to train. So for now I train with 20 epochs.
I've applied data augmentation (on the train data).
What does this mean? What kind of data did you add and how much? You might think I'm nitpicking, but if the distribution of the augmented data is different enough from the original data, then this will indeed cause your model to generalize poorly to the validation set.
Increasing your epochs isn't going to help here, your training loss is already decreasing reasonably. Training your model for longer is a good step if the validation loss is also decreasing nicely, but that's obviously not the case.
Some things I would personally try:
Try decreasing the learning rate.
Try training the model without the augmented data and see how the validation loss behaves.
Try splitting the augmented data so that it's also contained in the validation set and see how the model behaves.
Train part looks good. Validation part has a lot of 'jumps' though. Does it overfit?
the answer is yes. The so-called 'jumps' in the validation part may indicate that the model is not generalizing well to the validation data and therefore your model might be overfitting.
Is there any way to fix this and make validation part more stable?
To fix this you can use the following:
Increasing the size of your training set
Regularization techniques
Early stopping
Reduce the complexity of your model
Use different hyperparameters like learning rate

TensorFlow: Fit gives great val_acc, but evaluate gives low acc

I have some data (reuters).
I combine the training and test data into one large data set.
I shuffle the entire data set.
I then split the data set into 50%. 50% for training and 50% for testing.
I then setup a sequential model (Embedding, GRU, BatchNormalization, Dense).
I compile with adam optimizer, and loss = sparse_categorical_crossentropy
I run fit on it, for 5 epochs, with validation_split = 0.2
I get a val_acc of 95%. I am very happy with this.
I then call evaluate with the test data, and get acc = 71%
When I repeat evaluate with the train data (instead of test data), just to see what happens, I get 95% acc (as I should).
I am trying to understand what is wrong with my acc score with the test data.
The data is shuffled between train and test each time, so it can not be related to the data.
I tried the checkpoint save/restore trick, that did not seem to help.
I have reduced epochs in case of overfitting, but this has not helped.
I am curious what is going on. The only thing I can think of is there is some sort of overfitting going on that is carrying over to test, but is NOT impacting val_acc.
(Side note: the 20% data saved for validation during fit should not cause an overfitting problem, correct?)
Any ideas what could be wrong with my approach?
Thank you.
Edit 1:
Okey, I might be onto something. I noticed something odd about the test data that is included with the reuters dataset, vs the training data.
In previous experiments, results were always poor evaluating against test set, vs an unused portion of the training data.
This time, I combined the training and test data sets into one set, and shuffled.
Then shuffled some more, and then generated pseudo data around it, and shuffled some more.
Then I peeled off 20% to use as test data.
This time it worked. I got 95% for training, validation and evaluation accuracy.
I tried searching for information on the test set to see if anyone came up with anything but found no results. So I'm going to presently chalk it up to test data that is significantly different from the training set.
Edit 2:
Nevermind edit 1. I think I was corrupting my test data with pseudo-generated version of training data, that was close enough to work.
The only conclusion I can draw is that there is a lot of overfitting going on during my training AND using validation data during training is misleading, as it is also being overfit.
(Why validation data is being used to help overfit, I do not know).
Overfitting occurs due to many reasons, to overcome this problem you can try different methods like:
L1/L2 regularization.
Dropout layers: By using dropout layers in the network, we ignore a subset of units of our network with a set probability. Using dropout, we can reduce interdependent learning among units, which may have led to overfitting.
Early stopping: Monitors the performance of the model for every epoch on a held-out validation set during the training, and terminates the training conditional on the validation performance.
Feature selection: Improves the machine learning process and increases the predictive power of machine learning algorithms by selecting the most important variables and eliminating unnecessary and irrelevant features.
For more details refer to this link.

YOLOv4 loss too high

I am using YOLOv4-tiny for a custom dataset of 26 classes that I collected from Open Images Dataset. The dataset is almost balanced(850 images per class but different number of bounding boxes). When I used YOLOv4-tiny to train on just 3 classes the loss was near 0.5, it was fairly accurate. But for 26 classes as soon as the loss goes below 2 the model starts to overfit. The prediction are also very inaccurate.
I have tried to change the parameters like the learning rate, the momentum and the size but whatever I do the models becomes worse then before. Using regular YOLOv4 model rather then YOLO-tiny does not help either. How can I bring the loss further down?
Have you tried training with mAP? You can take a subset of your training set and make it the validation set. This can be done in the same way you made your training and test set. Then, you can run darknet.exe detector train data/ yolo-obj.cfg yolov4.conv.137 -map. This will keep track of the loss in your validation set. When the error in the validation say goes up, this is the time to stop training and prevent overfitting (this is called: early stopping).
You need to run the training for (classes*2000)iterations. However, for the best scores, you need to train your model for at least 6000 iterations (also known as max_batches). Also please remember if you are using a b&w image, change the channels=3 to channels=1. You can stop your training once the avg loss becomes something like this: 0.XXXX.
Here's my mAP graph for 6000 iterations that ran for 6.2 hours:
avg loss with 6000 max_batches.
Moreover, you can follow this FAQ documentation here by Stéphane Charette.

Small gap between train and test error, does that mean overfitting?

i am working on a dataset of 368609 samples and 34 features, i wanted to use a neural network to predict latency (real value) using keras, the model has 3 hidden layers, each layer has 1024 neurons, i have used drop_out (50 %) and l2 regularization (0.001) for each hidden layer. The problem is i am getting a test mean absolute error of 3.5505 ms and train mean absolute error of 3.4528. Here, the train error is smaller than test error by a small gap, does this mean that we have an overfitting problem here ?
Not really, yet it is still always a good idea to see how your model is generalizing to new data.
Keep something between 10%-20% of your original dataset as a test set and try to predict the output for each record in the test set.
Sometimes when we deal with the same validation set for many attempts of improving our model, we tend to overfit the evaluation dataset as well.
Having 3 different datasets for training, evaluation and testing usually provides a whole solution to overfitting.
If you get a high accuracy on your training set and a low accuracy on you test set it often means that your are overfitting. So in you case - no you are probably not overfitting.
Normally you would also have a validation set, so you don't fit your data to the testset.

Validation loss oscillates a lot, validation accuracy > learning accuracy, but test accuracy is high. Is my model overfitting?

I am training a model, and using the original learning rate of the author (I use their github too), I get a validation loss that keeps oscillating a lot, it will decrease but then suddenly jump to a large value and then decrease again, but never really converges as the lowest it gets is 2 (while training loss converges to 0.0 something - much below 1)
At each epoch I get the training accuracy and at the end, the validation accuracy. Validation accuracy is always greater than the training accuracy.
When I test on real test data, I get good results, but I wonder if my model is overfitting. I expect a good model's val loss to converge in a similar fashion with training loss, but this doesn't happen and the fact that the val loss oscillates to very large values at times worries me.
Adjusting the learning rate and scheduler etc etc, I got the val loss and training loss to a downward fashion with less oscilliation, but this time my test accuracy remains low (as well as training and validation accuracies)
I did try a couple of optimizers (adam, sgd, adagrad) with step scheduler and also the pleateu one of pytorch, I played with step sizes etc. but it didn't really help, neither did clipping gradients.
Is my model overfitting?
If so, how can I reduce the overfitting besides data augmentation?
If not (I read some people on quora said it is nothing to worry about, though I would think it must be overfitting), how can I justify it? Even if I would get similar results for a k-fold experiment, would it be good enough? I don't feel it would justify the oscilliating. How should I proceed?
The training loss at each epoch is usually computed on the entire training set.
The validation loss at each epoch is usually computed on one minibatch of the validation set, so it is normal for it to be more noisey.
Solution: You can report the Exponential Moving Average of the validation loss across different epochs to have less fluctuations.
It is not overfitting since your validation accuracy is not less than the training accuracy. In fact, it sounds like your model is underfitting since your validation accuracy > training accuracy.