Localizing Dropdowns in a PropertyGrid - dropdown

I hate admitting when I get stuck, but I'm stuck. I have done a few PropertyGrids for settings, but on a recent personal project I decided that everything in a test application should be localized. Broadly speaking, this is easy. Thanks to stackoverflow, I was able to create sub-classes that let me make attributes for fields/properties that correctly display text in the user's preferred language. However, in the same PropertyGrid, the actual language selection is a problem.
Let me present the concept as a key-value pair:
en = English
en-GB = British English
es = Spanish
th = Thai
In my settings in a dropdown I want to show just "English", "Spanish", etc., not the language codes. If the interface language was Spanish, I should get these language pairs:
en = Íngles (EE.UU.)
en-GB = Íngles del Reino Unido
es = Español
th = Tailandés
In so many other situations, accomplishing this is fairly easy. For example, on a web page, I can generate a drop-down with presentation text in any language, but can assign an ID selection that has nothing to do with the presentation text. Simple. But I need to do this in a PropertyGrid. So let me get to the code:
public string Language { get; set; }
I throw that on top of the property. In the LangStringConverter class I add the following as an exercise:
public override TypeConverter.StandardValuesCollection GetStandardValues(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
List<String> list = new List<String>();
return new StandardValuesCollection(list);
If I do nothing else, I can later save the values to my configuration file after grabbing from the PropertyGrid. It makes a great computer geek interface. Sadly, users must be taken in to account; I can't show "es" when I should be showing "Spanish." I can cure the display as follows:
public override object convertfrom(itypedescriptorcontext context, cultureinfo culture, object value)
var label = resources.resourcemanager.getstring($"lang_{value.tostring()}");
return label;
This works. However, later, when I go to process the information in the following manner:
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SettingValue sv = (SettingValue)(OptionsGrid.SelectedObject);
Settings.Default.Language = sv.Language;
The value in sv.Language is the display text, not the code. I suppose I could hunt through the resources for a text match in the wrong direction, but I spent hours today looking at the most gawdawful PHP code that did everything the hard way. I can't go down a similar path with this. How do I display "English", "Spanish" etc. in the PropertyGrid and yet get "en", "es", etc. as a result to store in settings?


PDF String Extract a checkbox being checked or not

We have a method to check if a checkbox in a PDF (No forms) is checked or not and it works great on one company's PDF. But on another, there is no way to tell if the checkbox is checked or not.
Here is the code that works on one company's PDF
protected static final String[] HOLLOW_CHECKBOX = {"\uF06F", "\u0086"};
protected static final String[] FILLED_CHECKBOX = {"\uF06E", "\u0084"};
protected boolean isBoxChecked(String boxLabel, String content) {
content = content.trim();
for (String checkCharacter : FILLED_CHECKBOX) {
String option = String.format("%s %s", checkCharacter, boxLabel);
String option2 = String.format("%s%s", checkCharacter, boxLabel);
if (content.contains(option) || content.contains("\u0084 ") || content.contains(option2)) {
return true;
return false;
However, when I do the same for another company's PDF there is nothing in the extracted text near the checkbox to tell us if it is checked or not.
The big issue is we have no XML Schema, no Metadata, and no forms on these PDFs, it is just raw String, so you can see a checkbox is difficult to have in a String, but that is all we have. Here is code example of pulling the String in the PDF from a page to some other page, all the text in between
protected String getTextFromPages(int startPage, int endPage, PDDocument document) throws IOException {
PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper();
return stripper.getText(document);
I wish the pdfs had an easier way to extract the text/data, but these vendors that make the PDFs decided it was better to keep that out of them.
No we cannot have the vendor's/ other companies change anything, we receive these PDFs from the courts system that have been submitted by lawyers that we don't know and that the lawyers bought the PDF software that generates these files.
We also cannot do it the even longer way of trying to figure out the object model that PDFBox creates of the document with things like
o.apache.pdfbox.util.PDFStreamEngine - processing substream token: PDFOperator{Tf}
because these are 80-100 page PDFs and would take us years just to code to parse one vendor's format.

How can I Extract words with its coordinates from pdf using .net?

I'm working with pdf in hebrew language with diacritical marks. I want to extract all the words with its coordinates. I tried to use ITextSharp and pdfClown and they both didn't give me what I want.
In pdfClown there are missing letters\chars in ITextSharp I don't get the words coordinates.
Is there a way to do it? (I'm looking for a free framework\code)
PDFClown Code:
File file = new File(PDFFilePath);
TextExtractor te = new TextExtractor();
IDictionary<RectangleF?, IList<ITextString>> strs = te.Extract(file.Document.Pages[0].Contents);
List<string> correctText = new List<string>();
foreach (var key in strs.Keys)
foreach (var value in strs[key])
string reversedText = new string(value.Text.Reverse().ToArray());
string cleanText = RemoveDiacritics(reversedText);
You aren't showing how you are trying to extract text using iText(Sharp). I am assuming that you are following the official documentation and that your code looks like this:
public string ExtractText(byte[] src) {
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
MyTextRenderListener listener = new MyTextRenderListener();
PdfContentStreamProcessor processor = new PdfContentStreamProcessor(listener);
PdfDictionary pageDic = reader.GetPageN(1);
PdfDictionary resourcesDic = pageDic.GetAsDict(PdfName.RESOURCES);
ContentByteUtils.GetContentBytesForPage(reader, 1), resourcesDic);
return listener.Text.ToString();
If your code doesn't look like this, this explains already explains the first thing you're doing wrong.
In this method, there is one class that isn't part of iTextSharp: MyTextRenderListener. This is a class you should write and that looks for instance like this:
public class MyTextRenderListener : IRenderListener {
public StringBuilder Text { get; set; }
public MyTextRenderListener() {
Text = new StringBuilder();
public void BeginTextBlock() {
public void EndTextBlock() {
public void RenderImage(ImageRenderInfo renderInfo) {
public void RenderText(TextRenderInfo renderInfo) {
LineSegment segment = renderInfo.GetBaseline();
Vector start = segment.GetStartPoint();
Text.Append("| x=");
Text.Append("; y=");
When you run this code, and you look what's inside Text, you'll notice that a PDF document doesn't store words. Instead, it stores text blocks. In our special IRenderListener, we indicate the start and the end of text blocks using < and >. Inside these text blocks, you'll find text snippets. We'll mark text snippets like this: <text snippet| x=36.0000; y=806.0000> where the x and y value give you the coordinate of the start of the baseline (as opposed to the ascent and descent position). You can also get the end position of the baseline (and the ascent/descent).
Now how do you distill words out of all of this? The problem with the text snippets you get, is that they don't correspond with words. See for instance this file: hello_reverse.pdf
When you open it in Adobe Reader, you read "Hello World Hello People." You'd hope you'd find four words in the content stream, wouldn't you? In reality, this is what you'll find:
<<Hello People>>
To distill the words, "World" and "Hello" from the first line, you need to do plenty of Math. Instead of getting the base line of the TextRenderInfo object returned in the RenderText() method of your render listener, you have to use the GetCharacterRenderInfos() method. This will return a list of TextRenderInfo objects that gives you more info about every character (including the position of those characters). You then need to compose the words from those different characters.
This is explained in mkl's answer to this question: Retrieve the respective coordinates of all words on the page with itextsharp
We've done similar projects. One of them is described here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZnbhnU4m3Y
You'll need to do quite some coding to get it right. One word about PdfClown: your text is probably stored as UNICODE in your PDF. To retrieve the correct characters, the parser needs to examine the mapping of the glyphs stored in the font and the corresponding UNICODE character. If PdfClown can't do this, this means that PdfClown doesn't do this task correctly. PdfClown is a one man project, so you'll have to ask that developer to fix this (if he has the time).
As you can tell from the video, iText could help you out, but iText is a company with subsidiaries in the US, Belgium and Singapore. It is a company with many employees and to keep that company running, we need to make money (that's how we pay our employees). Hence you shouldn't expect that we help you for free. Surely you can understand this as you wouldn't want to work for free either, would you?

Abstraction with variables

So I'm taking a highschool online Java class and well my teacher doesn't help...
so we are learning about abstraction and I had already done this with my "alien" class that moves, he will face one way going forward and another going backward by switching two images... However when they showed the code in an example it seemed overcomplicated and I was wondering if I am just missing something.
My Code
private String avatarRight = "Alien.png";
private String avatarLeft = "Alien1.png";
* Act - do whatever the Alien wants to do. This method is called whenever
* the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment.
public void act()
movement(avatarRight, avatarLeft);
(Superclass containing movement method)
* Sets up the movement keys and facing for the Object
public void movement(String avatarRight,String avatarLeft)
if (atWorldEdge() == false)
if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("w"))
setLocation(getX(), getY()-2);
if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("d"))
setLocation(getX()+2, getY());
if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("s"))
setLocation(getX(), getY()+2);
if (Greenfoot.isKeyDown("a"))
setLocation(getX()-2, getY());
Their Code
private GreenfootImage image1;
private GreenfootImage image2;
private boolean isKeyDown;
private String key;
private String sound;
* Create a Duke and initialize his two images. Link Duke to a specific keyboard
* key and sound.
public Duke(String keyName, String soundFile)
key = keyName;
sound = soundFile
image1 = new GreenfootImage("Duke.png")
image3 = new GreenfootImage("duke2.png")
Where I just say avatarRight = "this image"
they say key = keyname
key = "key"
So the way the set it up and I set mine up initially was
private int rotation;
public Capsule(int rot)
rotation = rot
but the one below works perfectly fine, as far as I can tell. Is there any reason why I would do the above code rather than the one below
public Capsule(int rot)
OK, based on the commentary I'm inclined to say you're not comparing the same things.
Where I just say avatarRight = "this image" they say key = keyname key
= "key"
That doesn't seem to be exactly accurate. Where you say
private String avatarRight = "Alien.png"; and
private String avatarLeft = "Alien1.png";
they have the png hard coded in the constructor as "Duke.png" and "duke2.png", which by the way contains an error because as far as I can see there's no image3.
So the keyName doesn't seem to directly map as you say it does. Perhaps you should investigate the code further to see how they use the key or provide equal code for both examples so we can further see the differences.
By looking at it perhaps there's a map somewhere and the key would be used to access the specific alien or other type of game object.
To address your edit.
Is there any reason why I would do the above code rather than the one
It's not possible to tell by that code if the reason has any value; it doesn't appear to by what you've shown. I can tell you that the reason I would do that is because I need that value elsewhere but not now. That could be for any number of reasons. You have to look at all the code available to you and see if they ever use that variable anywhere else without passing it in. Then you have found the reason or the lack there of.

MVC5 How to set language based on top level domain

I have a single MVC5 site which is accessed via several different regional URLs. In my case .co.uk (for the UK), .de (for Germany) and .fr (for France).
The site content is localised using RESX files and users can switch language via a cookie for persistence and a HttpModule which sets the asp.net thread locale based on the cookie (I used this approach).
I want the default language to be relevant to the top-level domain the user is accessing the site as. For example if a user is on .de, the default language should be de-DE. The user may choose to change the language in which case the default is overwritten, but it is very important that the default language is appropriate to the top-level domain (for users and search engines).
How can I achieve this in MVC5? The best I have got to so far is using JavaScript to check the url, set the cookie and refresh the page, but i know this is nasty and there must be a better way.
PS: Please note it is the top level domain that I want to drive this. I'm not using regional routing, for example http://whatever.com/DE or http://whatever.com/EN
PPS: I do not want to use the browser language detection feature either because that causes problems for search engines. i.e. it may cause the .de site to show in en-GB because that is what the search engine uses (or the search engine has no language so that is the default). If that happens the .de site will be treated as a duplicate of the .co.uk site which is never good for SEO
I figured out how to do this. Add this to global.asax
protected void Application_AcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Request.Cookies[Constants.LanguageCookieName] == null)
var culture = GetCultureFromHost();
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = culture;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture;
private CultureInfo GetCultureFromHost()
//set default culture of en-GB
CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
//get top level domain
string host = Request.Url.Host.ToLower();
//check for other known domains and set culture accordingly
if (host.Contains("whatever.de"))
ci = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
return ci;
In my case I set Persian cluture in global.asax and works well
protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
var persianCulture = new PersianCulture();
persianCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = "yyyy/MM/dd";
persianCulture.DateTimeFormat.LongDatePattern = "dddd d MMMM yyyy";
persianCulture.DateTimeFormat.AMDesignator = "صبح";
persianCulture.DateTimeFormat.PMDesignator = "عصر";
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = persianCulture;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = persianCulture;

How to implement just some basic keywords highlighting in text editor?

I'm a novice programmer trying to learn plug-in development. I'd like to upgrade the sample XML editor so that some words like "cat", "dog", "hamster", "rabbit" and "bird" would be highlighted when it appears in an XML file (it's just for learning purpose). Can anyone give me some implementation tips or suggestions? I am clueless.. (But I am carrying out my research on this as well, I'm not being lazy. You have my word.) Thanks in advance.
You can detect words in the plain text part of the XML by modifying the sample XML editor as follows.
We can use the provided WordRule class to detect the words. The XMLScanner class which scans the plain text needs to be updated to include the word rule:
public XMLScanner(final ColorManager manager)
IToken procInstr = new Token(new TextAttribute(manager.getColor(IXMLColorConstants.PROC_INSTR)));
WordRule words = new WordRule(new WordDetector());
words.addWord("cat", procInstr);
words.addWord("dog", procInstr);
// TODO add more words here
IRule [] rules = new IRule [] {
// Add rule for processing instructions
new SingleLineRule("<?", "?>", procInstr),
// Add generic whitespace rule.
new WhitespaceRule(new XMLWhitespaceDetector()),
// Words rules
I have used the existing processing instruction token here to reduce the amount of new code, but you should define a new color and use a new token.
The WordRule constructor requires an IWordDetector class, we can use a very simple detector here:
class WordDetector implements IWordDetector
public boolean isWordStart(final char c)
return Character.isLetter(c);
public boolean isWordPart(final char c)
return Character.isLetter(c);
This is just accepting letters in words.