Blender: split object with a shape - blender

I've got a flat object that I want to split in multiple pieces (background: I want to print it later, but the surface of my printer is not large enough). I've modeled a simple puzzle-shape:
I would like to use this shape to cut through my object, but if I use the boolean modifier, blender generates vertexes where the shape and the object intersects, but it won't cut the object since my shape got a thickness of 0:
I don't want to make my shape thicker, because otherwise it would delete something of my object...

You are able to separate the two sides of the object from each other, and then rejoin them afterwards if you need to. (This does include the use of the boolean modifier)
First, you should add the boolean modifier to the main mesh where you want it, with the 'difference' operation. Then in edit mode, as you explained before, the vertexes are created but there isn't the actual 'cut' that you were looking for.
I recreated the scenario with a plane intersecting a cube:
This is what it looks like in edit mode after having applied the boolean modifier:
Second what you can do is (after applying the boolean modifier) select the faces you want to be separated in edit mode. Then, pressing P (shortcut for separate, you can get to it by right clicking) click on 'selection' and you should have two separate objects. One of the objects will have what looks like a missing face: If you wanted two separate objects, then you just need to add a face on the object with the missing face and you can look no further. If you wanted separate parts of objects that are separate within edit mode (all together one object in object mode) then you can select the two objects and press crtl+j. Hope this helps somehwhat!
I have selected half of the cube that I want cut out (the selection does not include the face in the middle):
There are now two objects, completely seperated from each other:


LabVIEW - How to clear an array after each iteration in a for loop

I'm trying to clear an array after each iteration of a for loop in LabVIEW, but the way I've implemented it has the values not going directly to what I want, but it changes with previous values in other parts of the array.
It isn't shown, but this code is inside of a for-loop that iterates through another numeric array.
I know that if I get the array to clear properly after each loop iteration, this should work. How do I do that? I'm a beginner at Labview but have been coding for awhile - help is appreciated!!!
[![labview add to array][2]][2]
It looks as if you're not quite used to how LabVIEW passes data around yet. There's no need to use lots of value property nodes for the same control or indicator within one structure; if you want to use the same data in more than one place, just branch the wire. Perhaps you're thinking that a LabVIEW control or indicator is equivalent to a variable in text languages, and you need to use a property node to get or set it. Instead, think of the wire as the variable. If you want to pass the output of one operation to the input of another, just wire the output to the input.
The indicators with terminals inside your loop will be updated with new values every loop iteration, and the code inside the loop should execute faster than a human can read those values, so once the loop has finished all the outputs except the final values will be lost. Is that what you intended, or do you want to accumulate or store them in some way?
I can see that in each loop iteration you're reading two values from a config file, and the section is specified by the string value of one element of the numeric array Array. You're displaying the two values in the indicators PICKERING and SUBUNIT. If you can describe in words (or pseudocode, or a text language you're used to) what manipulation of data you're actually trying to do in the rest of this code, we may be able to make more specific suggestions.
First of all, I'm assuming that the desired order of operations is the following:
Putting the value of Pickering into Array 2
Extracting from Array 2 the values to put in Pickering 1 and Pickering 2
Putting Array 2 back to its original value
If this is the case, with your current code you can't be sure that operation 1 will be executed be fore operation 2. In fact, the order of these operations can't be pre-determined. You must force the dataflow, for example by creating a sequence structure. You will put the code related to 1 in the first frame, then code related to operation 2 in the second.
Then, to put Array 2 back to it's original value I would add a third frame, where you force an empty array into the Value property node of Array 2 (the tool you use for pickering, but as input and not as output).
The sequence structure has to be inside the for loop.
I have never used the property node Reinit to default, so I can't help you with that.
Unfortunately I can't run Labview on this PC but I hope my explanation was clear enough, if not tell me and I will try to be more specific.

Graphics from arrays in LabVIEW

I have attached a picture of what I have tried.
Starting from an array with values to graph and another array with the names of these values, I would want to graph them all. For later, from the front panel, I want to be able to choose which ones I want to visualize and which not. In the attached image is what I have tried and it does not work only know how to graph the 1 value with the first name but not the others.
The property you need for setting the names is "Active Plot".
The key to writing multiple plots is the "Bundle" node (or "Bundle By Name").

qwt: how to add extra text in legend

I have a QwtPlot with a couple of lines in it. It also has a legend.
Now apart from the description of the lines themself, I would like to add extra text describing the graph in general.
E.g. "line a: length of frog, line b: weight of frog" and then as an extra "outside temperature is 12C" (the temperature is then not drawn).
The description of QwtPlot shown in legend is QwtLegendData. Further in the QwtPlotItem doc (which is a superclass of all QwtPlots):
QwtLegendData is basically a list of QVariants that makes it possible to overload and reimplement legendData() to return almost any type of information, that is understood by the receiver that acts as the legend.
So everything that you need is to pull the existing "automated" legend from the plot and add one more QwtLegendData to it. It also needs a QVariant as a "key" to distinguish between Datas for each plot, but it can be really anything expectably different from the keys of real plots. Even default (empty) QVariant() will do, if you don't plan to add any more such extra texts.
QwtLegendData data;
data.setValue(QwtLegendData::Role::TitleRole, QVariant("Outside temperature is 12C"));
QList<QwtLegendData> list;
list << data;
QwtAbstractLegend* existingLegend = frogPlot.legend();
// "update" with a new key really means "insert"
existingLegend->updateLegend(QVariant("Temperature comment extra text"), list);

Valid displayAt() range in GMS

Images can be displayed at a specific location with the DisplayAt() command.
Does anyone know the valid range?
For example, DisplayAt(-9000, -9000) is that valid? What is the total valid range?
Of course in the example the image would not be seen within the GMS frame, but that is exactly what I need.
Yes, negative values are completely ok and will indeed "place" the image outside the visible range of the window.
There is nothing like a "valid" range - the coordindates are just numbers. ( There is likely a limit when the value exceeds the value-range of the internallly used variable type to store the coordinates, possiblye long (4 byte signed integer). )
Just be aware that concepts like "front most" window will also apply if an image is outside the "visible" range. Images will f.e. also show up in the ImageBrowser regardless of their position on the workspace. The same is true for iterating through images on a workspace using f.e. CountImageDocuments() and GetImageDocument()
Some commands ( I think ShowImage() ) might have addtional code to ensure that images stay "visible" and might therefore shift the image back into the workspace range. Also using "auto-arrange" will take images from the "off" and place them back into the visible range.
So if you deliberatly use "off-screen" display, this is ok, but it might create some unintended side-effects. What is the exact purpose of using it this way? There might be more suitable concepts. (f.e. one can create imageDocuments and add ImageDisplays to them without the need of showing the imageDocument.) Image may also be temporarilly "hidden". Finally, one might condiser shiftung "unwanted" images onto a separate workspace.

Dictionary of recursive tree nodes

I am batch printing through many assemblies of AutoCAD documents. I have a recursive method that goes through each drawing to verify if it has any children, and then goes into each children to see if they have any children... and so on (recursively).
It has occured that I encounter a drawing that I has already printed, and it is completely useless for me to go through that drawing and print all it's children again.
So... I wanted to build a virtual list, if you will, of the exact replica of items in my tree view. I would use it to verify if the item I'm trying to print, already exists in the virtual list, if so ... then I would just insert the KeyValue in the tree, saving a lot of time.
I figured my declaration of my dictionary would look something like this ...
Dim dic_AllAssemblies As New Dictionary(Of String, TreeNodeCollection)
I took a screenshot for an example of my treeview:
The dictionary would contain the main top item "ADF020-080A0" as it's first key, and in that key the values of all it's children would be included ... Is that even possible? It might go down 6-7 levels or even more... Can a dictionary or ... list handle that? Or is there another method that I'm not yet aware of?
I don't know any reason that would not work. With a Dictionary you have the .ContainsKey(string) to check for a duplicate key name. If the key is found, skip it.