How can I make a SIMPLE net core authentication api using Angular? - sql

I'm looking on internet and try to find a simple way to do an authentification for my connection page with Angular using net core as my backend, I created a table user with microsoft sql server manager, did the connection between net core and the database and want to do a simple connection page without a registration (It's a website with only a few accounts), but every tutorials on internet seems to work with net core Identity when I just need to connect Angular services with the net core API to look if the username and the password matches in the database and then if yes return true or otherwise send an error message via the api...
Sorry if it's a basic question, I'm kinda new to net core and I have difficulties to understand everything from it.

I think auth0 will be best for u.
they have good documentation for u to get started in core and angular
and their free plan will be more than enough for u
using this u will not have to write identity code.


Integrate ASP.NET Core Identity With Microsoft.Identity.Web in Blazor for Authentication

I have been working on authentication methods for my blazor app for some time now. I am currently developing as a standalone protected WebApi + Blazor Server, but will ultimately migrate to standalone protected WebApi + Hosted Blazor WASM so I need to be mindful of both server and client side authentication. The WebAPI will also serve an external OData feed and API for end users that also needs to be protected using the central authentication mechanism.
I would like to be able to sign on with Microsoft (ie. Microsoft.Identity.Web / MSAL), but want to configure some fairly complex roles and behaviours at the database level
(ie. ASP.NET Core Identity). To hopefully help someone else understand the different documentation sets, following are links to MS docs for the 2 options.
Introduction to Identity on ASP.NET Core
Microsoft Identity Platform Documentation
Don’t know about anyone else, but I have found it very difficult to navigate through the different documentation sets and tutorials to firstly understand how they work and secondly determine if it is best for me.
My question is, does anyone have any documentation on how they have integrated Microsoft.Identity.Web with the individual user accounts available in ASP.NET Core Identity for Blazor Server and/or WASM apps?, .
The following link shows how to do it all within ASP.NET Core Identity.
Integrate ASP.NET Core Identity with Microsoft account | BinaryIntellect Knowledge Base
If I was building an MVC web app, that’s what I would do. However, I really like the token handling capabilities of Microsoft.Identity.Web / MSAL (ie. ITokenAquisition etc.) for Blazor. It seems to be a real kludge to have to use the Razor pages for ASP.NET Core Identity and handling tokens securely becomes an issue – especially for Blazor WASM.
Chris Sainty has done some good work in porting some of the ASP.Net Razor pages to Blazor Components in the following link. However he does a lot of (very clever) manual processing of the token and I’m not sure I like the idea of storing the token in unprotected Local Storage of the blazor app. I haven’t gone into it in full detail yet, but I don’t think this method will be directly transferrable to Blazor WASM.
Authentication with client-side Blazor using WebAPI and ASP.NET Core Identity (
This SO post indicates that it is not possible to integrate Individual user accounts with Microsoft.Identity.Web.
c# - Microsoft Identity Plataform with Core Identity - Stack Overflow
I got a working solution going where I had both ASP.NET Core Identity and Microsoft.Identity.Web working side by side. However, I found this to be very difficult to implement and debug. Once you start mixing the various builder.Services.AddAuthetication(
) options (eg. .AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApp, . AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApi, .AddIdentityCore, .AddIdentity, .AddDefaultIdentity, .AddJWTBearer etc. etc.) I have found that you enter a world of pain and unpredictable behaviour. I basically had to go back to the source for each of them to work out what they were actually doing under the covers and work out how to blend them. I ended up going back to the raw OAuth / OpenId specifications and implementing everything manually – which is very unsatisfactory and I was unhappy with the risk I was taking in potentially introducing a security flaw – even though I got it to “work”.
EDIT: This SO post is similar to what I implemented. Microsoft Identity Local User Accounts and MSAL
I can’t believe how hard it has been to just get to this level of understanding, and still not have a solid working concept that does what I want it to do that is supported by documented acceptable techniques and not just my kludge at implementing everything manually.
Right now it appears to me that if I want to use as much out of the box / documented functionality as possible, I suspect that I should use ASP.NET Core Identity and work out how to integrate the razor pages into my Web Api, Blazor Server and and Blazor WASM apps. However, this appears to be a backward step since Microsoft.Identity.Web / MSAL seems to be so much better suited to Blazor and seems to be the direction that MS is going.
If anyone can point me to some current examples of how this can be done, I would be very thankful.
I think I have found at least a partial answer to my question. The key problem I faced was how to capture the callback event from Microsoft.Identity.Web so that I can persist / retrieve info to/from the database during the authentication event. I was hung up on the ASP.NET Core Identity method of doing that.
I found the following SO post that provides information on how to respond to the OnTokenValidated event using Microsoft.Identity.Web. Microsoft.Identity.Web: OnTokenValidated event not triggered
Having access to this event means that I will be able to implement what I need to do at the database level and move on.

How to authenticate a User in .Net Core 3.1 Razor Pages web app using local Active Directory

Good afternoon,
I am developing a web application using .Net Core 3.1 and Razor Pages. I have started developing the application using Azure AD to authenticate the user that signs into my application using the project creation wizard. This approach is very easy and user friendly but unfortunately my organization wants the application to authenticate the user by using the local AD server and not the Azure AD one.
I have been googling around but have not found the best way to achieve an authentication such as the one provided by Azure AD but using the local AD server. But haven't found the right literature for this. Could anyone please point me towards the right direction please?
Thank you very much.

How can I have JWT authorisation in a standalone .NET Core ASP application?

I have been trying for weeks to implement JWT authorisation in my .NET Core web app and have found myself following a lot of guides that I don't think are relevant to my use case. These guides talk a lot about scopes etc, and I don't think I need that level of complexity for my use case.
A lot of the guides talk about using things like OpenIddict or Identity Server to setup and configure something that the user can authorise against, but in these settings it seems like a seperate project is required to house the identity provider, and then my new asp net core application has to somehow hook into that for use. I'm also trying to get things like refresh tokens to work so the user doesn't have to log in over and over again.
The "client side" of my app will be Xamarin (for mobile) and Angular (for web).
In a single web application (a single .net core application) how can I use .NET Core Identity with JWT or OAuth? What is the minimum level of configuration required to achieve this?
ThisSimple JWT project
This is not core .This is just mvc project but this really simple and basic one. by watching this code, you will be clear how to implement JWT. Thanks

ASP.NET Core and Identity Server Authentication for SPA

I am starting a project with ASP.NET Core as an API Server and Angular 6 for the Frontend part but i am a bit lost with which exactly is the right way to authenticate users with the Identity Framework.
I read the documentation on and also checked also the samples on github
Which is the correct way to authenticate users for my project ? I think i need the section "Using ASP.NET Core Identity" or "Adding User Authentication using OpenID Connect or "Adding Javascript Client" but i am not sure.
Which one best suits me?

asp. net web api authentication and authorization

I am using mvc 4 web api project template. i have USERMASTER table which contains usename and password for different users.
Now i dont know what authentication is for web api????
how to stop invalid users to access it? ?
Let's say i m using fiddler to call web api. at that moment how can i stop invalid user.( i mean using tool like fiddler we can call web api. so i can stop invalid call not made by the valid user)
Moreover, i wish that user A can access only 5 web apis and user B can access all web apis from my project.
Is it possible???
i know how to use web api.
but i dont know about authentication and authorization process.
please help me.
I m using angularjs to call web apis.
Yes all this is possible but you need to use ASP.NET Web API 2 (.NET framework 4.5) you can find detailed source code and blog posts starting here including AngularJS Authentication using Web API, it should makes things clearer for you.