How to find a row where col have special characters or numbers (except hyphen,apostrophe and space) in Oracle SQL - sql

I need to find rows where col have special characters or numbers (except hyphen,apostrophe and space) in Oracle SQL.
I am doing like below:
FROM test
WHERE Name_test LIKE '%[^A-Za-z _]%'
But It is not working and I also need to exclude any apostrophe.
Kindly help.

If you need to find all rows where column have ONLY numbers and special characters (and you can specify all of required special characters):
FROM test
WHERE regexp_like(Name_test, q['^[0-9'%##]+$]')
as you can see you just need to add your special characters after 0-9.
^ - start
$ - end
About format q'[SOMETHING]' please see TEXT LITERALS here:
If you need to find all rows where column have no alpha-characters:
FROM test
WHERE regexp_like(Name_test, '^[^a-zA-Z]*$');
FROM test
WHERE regexp_like(Name_test, '^\W*$');
about \W - please see "Table 8-5 PERL-Influenced Operators in Oracle SQL Regular Expressions" here:

I need to find rows where col have special characters or numbers (except hyphen, apostrophe and space [and presumably single quotes]) in Oracle SQL.
You can use double single quotes to put a single quote in:
WHERE Name_test LIKE '%[^-A-Za-z _'']%'
However, this is not Oracle syntax. If the above works, then I would guess you are using SQL Server. In Oracle:
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(Name_test, '[^A-Za-z _'']')


SQL find all rows that do not have certain characters

I want to find all rows for which values in string column does not possess certain characters (to be specific [a-Z0-9 \t\n]) how can I do it in sql ?
I tried to do it with like operator
where column like '%[^ a-Z0-9 \t\n]%'
however, it does not work and I get rows that possess characters and numbers.
To fetch all records that contain any characters other than alphabets, numbers, spaces, tabs and new-line delimiters:
WHERE column like '%[^A-Za-z0-9 \t\n]%'
Note that [^A-Za-z0-9 \t\n] represents anything other than alphanumeric characters, spaces, tabs, and new line delimitters.
Your logic is inverted. I think you want:
where column not like '%[^ a-Z0-9 \t\n]%'
I don't think that SQL Server interprets \t and \n as special characters. You may need to insert the actual values for the characters. (See here.)
WHERE column like '%[^A-Za-z0-9 \t\n]%'

Sybase to Teradata inquiry LIKE '[0-9]'

WHEN <in_data> LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' THEN SUBSTR(<in_data>,1,3)
ELSE '000'
We're doing a migration project from Sybase to Teradata, and having a problem figuring this one out :) I'm still new to Teradata.
I would like to ask the equivalent TD code for this -
LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' to Teradata
Basically, it just checks whether the digits are numeric value.
Can someone give me a hint on this
You can also use REGEXP_SUBSTR to directly extract the three digits:
COALESCE(REGEXP_SUBSTR(in_data,'^[0-9]{3}(?=[0-9]{3}$)'), '000')
This looks for the first three digits and then does a lookahead for three following digits without adding them to the overall match.
^ indicates the begin of the string, '$' the end, so there are no other characters before or after the six digits. (?=...) is a so-called "lookahead", i.e. those three digits are checked, but ignored.
If there's no match the regex returns NULL which is changed to '000'.
You need to use regexp instead of like, since [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] is a regular expression.
To do an exact match, you need to add anchors. ie, to match the string which contains an exact 6 digit chars.
regexp '^[0-9]{6}$'
regexp '^[[:digit:]]{6}$'

SQL : REGEX MATCH - Character followed by numbers inside quotes

I have a column in sql which holds value inside double quotes like "P1234567" , "P1234" etc..
I need to identify only columns which start with letter P and is followed by seven digits (numbers) only. I tried where column like'"P[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]"' but it doesn't seem to work.
Can someone please correct me or point me to a thread which can help me out?
Standard SQL has no regex support, but most SQL engines have regex extensions added to them on top of the standard SQL. So, for example, if you're using MySQL then you'd do this:
... WHERE column REGEXP '^"P[0-9]{7}"'
And if you're using Postgres then that would be:
... WHERE column ~ '^"P[0-9]{7}"'
(updated to match the double-quote part of the question, I'd misunderstood that to begin with)
How about using length and isnumeric:
mycolumn like '"P%'
and len(mycolumn) = 10 --2 chars for quotes + 1 for 'P' + 7 for the digits
and isnumeric(substring(mycolumn, 3, 7))=1
This answer is for SQL Server, other DBMS's may have a different syntax for length

Escaping a single quote in Oracle regex query

This is really starting to hurt!
I'm attempting to write a query in Oracle developer using a regex condition
My objective is to find all last names that contain charachters not commonly contained in names (non-alpha, spaces, hyphens and single quotes)
I need to find
McDonald "Macca"
Smithy (Smith)
and NOT find
El Hassan
My present query is
select * from dm_name
WHERE regexp_like(last_name, '([^A-Za-z -])')
and batch_id = 'ATEST';
which excludes everything expected except the single quote. When it comes to putting the single quote character, the Oracvel SQL Develoepr parser takes it as a literal.
I've tried:
\' -- but got a "missing right parenthesis" error
||chr(39)|| -- but the search returned nothing
'' -- negated the previous character in the matching group e.g. '([^A-Za-z -''])' made names with '-' return.
I'd appreciate anything you could offer.
Just double the single quote to escape your quote.
select *
from dm_name
where regexp_like(last_name, '[^A-Za-z ''-]')
and batch_id = 'ATEST'
See also this sqlfiddle. Note, I tried a similar query in SQL developer and that worked as well as the fiddle.
Note also, for this to work the - character has to be the last character in the group as otherwise it tries to find the group SPACE to ' rather than the character -.
The following works:
select *
from dm_name
WHERE regexp_like(last_name, '([^A-Za-z ''-])');
See this SQLFiddle.
Whether SQL Developer will like it or not is something I cannot attest to as I don't have that product installed.
Share and enjoy.

How to escape square bracket when using LIKE? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
SQL Server LIKE containing bracket characters
I am having a problem with pattern matching.I have created two objects say,with codes
2)[blah2] respectively
in the search tab,suppose if i give "[blah" as the pattern,its returning all the strings
i.e., [blah1] and [blah2]
The query is
select *
from table1
where code like N'%[blah%'
I guess the problem is with the condition and special characters. Please do revert if you have as solution. Is there any solution where we can escape the character"[". I tried to change the condition as N'%[[blah%'.But even then its returning all the objects that is in the table.
When you don't close the square bracket, the result is not specified.
However, the story is different when you close the bracket, i.e.
select *
from table1
where code like N'%[blah%]%'
In this case, it becomes a match for (any) + any of ('b','l','a','h','%') + (any). For SQL Server, you can escape characters using the ESCAPE clause.
select * from table1 where code like N'%\[blah%\]%' escape '\'
SQL Fiddle with examples
You can escape a literal bracket character this way:
select *
from table1
where code like N'%[[]blah%'
Source: LIKE (Transact-SQL), under the section "Using Wildcard Characters As Literals."
I guess this is Microsoft's way of being consistent, since they use brackets to delimit table and column identifiers too. But the use of brackets is not standard SQL. For that matter, bracket as a metacharacter in LIKE patterns is not standard SQL either, so it's not necessary to escape it at all in other brands of database.
As per My understanding, the symbol '[', there is no effect in query. like if you query with symbol and without symbol it shows same result.
Either you can skip the unwanted character at UI Level.
select * from table1 where code like '%[blah%'
select * from table1 where code like '%blah%'
Both shows same result.