ACCESS update with subquery - sql

I have a table like this:
Now I'm trying to write in the column "SUMAMOUNT" of the table the sum of amount per "CODE" and "IBAN" but i can't reach this.
I'd want something like this:
I'm using this query but it doesn't work:
update tabella
set sumamount = (select sum(t2.amount)
from tabella as t2
where t2.code = tabella.code and t2.iban = tabella.iban
The precedent query gives me this result:
Can you help me? I'm using MS ACCESS.
Thank you in advance!
EDIT: Screenshot of the error:
I can't even try to run it because he ask me to save it. When I try to save, access gives me this error.

Consider domain aggregate, DSum, which allows an updateable query. Below assumes code and iban are text types and therefore requires single quote enclosures.
UPDATE tabella t
SET t.sumamount = DSUM("amount",
"code = '" & t.code & "' AND iban = '" & t.iban & '");
(By the way, best practice in databases is to avoid saving calculations in tables. Save resources and simply run queries on data as needed.)


MS Access SQL Switch Function

I have several tables with the same data structure (they're filled with a bunch of stuff, in separate .accdb files to account for the 2GB limit) and need to retrieve info from one of them based on a field in a form.
Upon researching I came up with the following, but it won't seem to work.
SELECT MyNumber, MyName, MyPage, MyDrawing
FROM Switch([Forms]![View_Info]![Contract] = "Contract1", "tblContract1", [Forms]![View_Info]![Contract] = "Contract2", "tblContract2")
WHERE (MyNumber = [Forms]![View_Info]![MyNumber])
Syntax error in FROM clause.
In this example I only used 4 fields and 2 tables but in fact there are around 9 tables and 20 fields in each that I wish to retrieve.
Can someone shed some light on this? I have a really hard time with SQL, so I apologize if this is quite basic.
Thanks in advance, Rafael.
You cannot return the table name from a function in the SQL FROM clause. If your table is determined dynamically, then you must build the SQL command string dynamically.
Dim tableName As String, sql As String
tableName = Switch(...)
sql = "SELECT ... FROM [" & tableName & "] WHERE ..."
As #forpas explains in his answer, you can use a UNION query, but this will always query all the tables. Since the filter is not based on a table column, the filtering will occur on the client side, i.e. in your application.
Try this UNION:
SELECT MyNumber, MyName, MyPage, MyDrawing
FROM tblContract1
WHERE (MyNumber = [Forms]![View_Info]![MyNumber]) AND [Forms]![View_Info]![Contract] = "Contract1"
SELECT MyNumber, MyName, MyPage, MyDrawing
FROM tblContract2
WHERE (MyNumber = [Forms]![View_Info]![MyNumber]) AND [Forms]![View_Info]![Contract] = "Contract2"
Each query of the UNION contains in the WHERE clause the condition:
[Forms]![View_Info]![Contract] = "Contract?"

Access 2007 VBA: Returning data from SQL statements that use multiple variables

I am working on a form that is meant to analyze financial data ahead of an insurance policy renewal. It needs to pull various premium and claim $$ totals from the tables, and insert them into the form. From there, it will run some calculations with them, but that should be the easy part. Where I'm struggling is the SQL statements to get the data, in the first place.
After narrowing it down a bit, I've found that the problem is the code is putting the SQL statement into the field on the form, instead of the answer the SQL statement should be providing. I have tried multiple things I've seen online, and can't figure out how to resolve this.
One of the SQL statements reads like this:
L12W = "SELECT Sum(tblActPrem.APWrit) AS SumOfAPWrit FROM tblActPrem " _
& " WHERE tblActPrem.EntID = '" & Me.ctlActEntID & "' " _
& " AND tblActPrem.PolNum = '" & Me.ctltblRnwlTrack_PolNum & "'" _
& " AND tblActPrem.APDate BETWEEN #" & L12M & "# AND #" & Me.ctlRnwAnalysisDt & "#;"""
It should be totalling premium data from the table, where the policy number and account number match what's on the form, and between the selected dates, and putting that total into the field on the form. Instead, I get this on the form:
SELECT Sum(tblActPrem.APWrit) AS SumOfAPWrit FROM tblActPrem WHERE tblActPrem.EntID = '1235' AND tblActPrem.PolNum = 'Policy1' AND tblActPrem.APDate BETWEEN #1/1/2014# AND #1/1/2015#;"
That is exactly how the statement should be running, but can anyone tell me how to make the leap from the statement, to the data?
Thank you!
Consider using DLookup or DSum in the control source of the form's field.
DLookup Solution
First, change your VBA SQL query into a stored SQL Query (notice quotes and # symbols are not necessary when referencing form controls):
SELECT Sum(tblActPrem.APWrit) AS SumOfAPWrit
FROM tblActPrem
WHERE tblActPrem.EntID = Forms!<yourformname>!ctlActEntID
AND tblActPrem.PolNum = Forms!<yourformname>!ctltblRnwlTrack_PolNum
AND tblActPrem.APDate BETWEEN Forms!<yourformname>!L12M
AND Forms!<yourformname>!ctlRnwAnalysisDt
And then in the form field textbox's control source use the DLookUp function (no criteria argument is needed since this should return only one value).
= DLookUp("SumOfAPWrit", "<yournewqueryname>")
DSum Solution
Alternatively, you can change the entire SQL statement into a DSum but notice how long the criteria (WHERE statement) would have to be.
= DSum("APWrit", "tblActPrem", "EntID = Forms!<yourformname>!ctlActEntID
AND PolNum = Forms!<yourformname>!ctltblRnwlTrack_PolNum
AND APDate BETWEEN Forms!<yourformname>!L12M AND Forms!<yourformname>!ctlRnwAnalysisDt")

Convert SQL Server Query to MS Access to Update Table

Could anyone help with this. I don't use Access often, but this process I'm building needs to utilize Access for the business to use. I have the following code, which will not work in Access. I keep getting the error 'Syntax Error (missing operator) in query expression'. Would anyone be able to convert this query into something Access will accept.
UPDATE Auto_DailyDiary_PrimaryTbl a
SET a.TotalDiary = sub.TotalDiary
SELECT CaseEEID, Count(CaseID) as TotalDiary
FROM dbo_Case
WHERE CaseStatus <> 6
) sub
WHERE sub.EEID = a.EEID AND a.DiaryDt = Date()
Pretty sure Access doesn't like having a joined group by subquery in an update query.
Maybe try something like this?
UPDATE Auto_DailyDiary_PrimaryTbl
SET TotalDiary =
DCOUNT('CaseID', 'dbo_Case',
"CaseStatus <> 6 AND " &
"CaseEEID = '" & Auto_DailyDiary_PrimaryTbl.EEID & "'")
WHERE DiaryDt = Date()

How do I run an SQL update query using a like statement

I am trying to update a field in a table using an SQL update query where there is a like statement referencing a value in another table. They syntax unfortunately is not working. Below is my code. In short, I am trying to put a '1' in the field 'Query07ParolaChiave' in the table 'tblSearchEngine01' when the value located in table 'tblsearchengine07' is present in the field 'tblMasterListOfEventsNotes' located in the table 'tblSearchEngine01'. I think my code is almost complete but there is a syntax issue which i cant find.
st_sql = "UPDATE tblSearchEngine01, tblSearchEngine07 SET tblSearchEngine01.Query07ParolaChiaveSelect = '1' WHERE ((([tblSearchEngine01].[tblMasterListOfEventsNotes]) Like " * " & [tblsearchengine07].[ParolaChiave] & " * "))"
Application.DoCmd.RunSQL (st_sql)
I suggest you 2 solutions :
This one is using EXISTS functions, and will check for each row in tblSearchEngine01 if there is a matching value in tblsearchengine07
tblSearchEngine01.Query07ParolaChiaveSelect = '1'
FROM tblsearchengine07
WHERE [tblSearchEngine01].[tblMasterListOfEventsNotes] Like '*' & [tblsearchengine07].[ParolaChiave] & '*')
This one is more performant because it uses JOIN
INNER JOIN tblsearchengine07
ON [tblSearchEngine01].[tblMasterListOfEventsNotes] Like '*' & [tblsearchengine07].[ParolaChiave] & '*'
tblSearchEngine01.Query07ParolaChiaveSelect = '1'
I read something like in ADO/VBA, you have to use % instead of * as the wildcard.
You can have more information on wildcard and LIKE comparator here
Why the '1' after select in your first solution?
EXISTS (SELECT 1 ... is better for performance because it return only the number 1 instead of fields, anyway EXISTS just stop the excecution after 1 element found.
'Performant' means more consuming in regards to space and memory?
JOIN is more performant in term of time of execution, RDBMS are far better at joining tables than using subquery, in some rare case, it's more interesting to use the 1st solution.
Also, any initial thoughts as to why my original solution (coming straight from an Access Query which works) does not function?
I cannot really know but perhaps it's because of " * ", because you are saying SPACE + * + SPACE + VALUE + SPACE + * + SPACE. For ex : 'John' LIKE ' John '
May be with "*" instead of " * " could solve it...
I have no other track, I'm not Access sql developper, I usually play around Sql server/Oracle/mySql, hope it helped. ;)
Try to change your like this way:
... Like '*" & tblsearchengine07.parolachiave & "*'))"
The like statement go into the WHERE clause.
If you do want to use LIKE without you care about caps letters, then you can use it like this:
LIKE COLUMN_NAME = '%WhatYouLike%'
My suggestion is:
Use a table variable (#Table) with a unique/primary key coming from the table to be updated.
SELECT all the data to be updated (you can add the like statement here) and then INSERT that in the created table variable.
Construct the UPDATE statement with an INNER JOIN to the table variable matching with the unique/primary key.
I know this may take a lot of steps but believe me these are more efficient than using a black list approach.

MS Access multi field search with empty fields

I have a problem very similar to this one, but I just can't seem to solve it!
In MS Access (2003), I want to search a table based on entries in a number of fields, some of which may be empty.
I have:
text fields
date fields
integer fields, and
a memo field (but we can probably not bother searching this one if it is difficult).
They map onto a table exactly.
I am trying to create a query that will return matching rows when data is entered into one or more of these fields, but some fields can be left blank. How the heck do I do this?
A query like the one on the linked question works for text fields, but what do I do about the number fields, date fields (and possibly even the memo field)?
To give a clear example, the following code block works for TextField1, but not NumberField1:
PARAMETERS [Forms]![SearchForm]![FilterTextField1] Text ( 255 ), [Forms]![SearchForm]![FilterNumberField1] Text ( 255 );
SELECT Table1.[TextField1], Table1.[NumberField1], Table1.[TextField2], Table1.[TextField3], Table1.[DateField1], Table1.[DateField2], Table1.[DateField3]
FROM Table1
WHERE (Len([Forms]![SearchForm]![FilterTextField1] & '')=0 OR Table1.[TextField1] Like '*' & [Forms]![SearchForm]![FilterTextField1] & '*') AND (Len([Forms]![SearchForm]![FilterNumberField1] & '')=0 OR Table1.[NumberField1] Like '*' & [Forms]![SearchForm]![FilterNumberField1] & '*');
I do hope you can help. I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious, but for some reason my brain feels like it is leaking out of my ears at the moment.
Thank you!
If you need it, this is the basic design of the relevant entities:
You can check fo null values or cast to string
You could certainly spend a great deal of time crafting a huge and very hard to debug SQL query for this, or just jump into VBA and write some code to construct just the SQL you need.
VBA is there just for these kinds of scenario, where something is either impossible or becoming too complex to do otherwise.
With VBA, you can use an initial SELECT query that collect all the data, and then construct a WHERE clause based on the content of your search form to filter it.
For instance, I have a form like this, that allows the user to enter any criteria to filter a list of prices:
Some code to implement this could look like:
' Call this whenever the use click the Apply button '
Private Sub btApply_Click()
' Construct the filter '
Dim filter As String
If Not IsBlank(cbSupplierID) Then
If Not IsBlank(filter) Then filter = filter & " AND "
filter = filter & "(SupplierID=" & cbSupplierID & ")"
End If
If Not IsBlank(txtPartNumber) Then
If Not IsBlank(filter) Then filter = filter & " AND "
filter = filter & "(PartNumber LIKE '*" & txtPartNumber & "*')"
End If
If Not ckShowLocked Then
If Not IsBlank(filter) Then filter = filter & " AND "
filter = filter & "(NOT PriceLocked)"
End If
' ... code snipped, you get the jest ... '
' Now re-construct the SQL query '
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT * FROM Price"
If Not IsBlank(filter) Then
sql = sql & " WHERE " & filter
End If
SubForm.Form.RecordSource = sql
End Sub
It may seem like a lot of code, but each block only does one thing, and it's a lot easier to debug and maintain than cramming everything into a query.