Textfield causes endless repeating error when building the screen Flutter Web - textfield

I'm experiencing a strange error when including textfields in the screen I navigate to.
From ProductsScreen I have a button that pushes NewEditProductScreen passing the ProductBloc to it. Usual Navigator.push way I use to pass bloc to the next screen..
onPressed: () {
builder: (_) =>
value: BlocProvider.of<
child: NewEditProductScreen(
type: 'New',
user: widget.user,
cityDb: widget.cityDb,
regionDb: widget.regionDb,
For some reason having Textfield in NewEditProductScreen throws an infinite series of errors, but as the last state print is correct I guess the problem isn't in the bloc itself, and in fact if I comment them out there is no more error.
The app is gonna run on web as well as on devices so to show the correct Textfield I use the same ternaries I use in another screen ( which is set up as this one ) and I don't have a problem there..
Can you spot what I'm doing wrong with this screen? Many many thanks.
class NewEditProductScreen extends StatefulWidget {
final FixitUser user;
final String cityDb;
final String regionDb;
final String countryDb;
final String type;
final Product product;
const NewEditProductScreen(
{Key key,
: super(key: key);
_NewEditProductScreenState createState() => _NewEditProductScreenState();
class _NewEditProductScreenState extends State<NewEditProductScreen> {
AutoSizeGroup autoSizeGroup = AutoSizeGroup();
TextEditingController idController = TextEditingController();
String productId = '';
String productName = '';
String brand = '';
String price = '';
String productDescription = '';
String category = '';
bool isPromotion = false;
String vendor = '';
String barcode = '';
String imageUrl = '';
Image productImage;
// Uint8List imageData;
int minimumStock = 0;
int availableQuantity = 0;
int soldQuantity = 0;
void initState() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// return BlocProvider<ProductBloc>(
// create: (context) => ProductBloc(),
// lazy: false,
// child: BlocBuilder<ProductBloc, ProductState>(
return BlocBuilder<ProductBloc, ProductState>(
builder: (context, state) => MultiBlocListener(
listeners: [
BlocListener<ProductBloc, ProductState>(
listener: (BuildContext context, ProductState state) {
if (state is PickedImage) {
setState(() {
// productImage = Image.memory(state.imageData);
// imageData = state.imageData;
if (state is ProductSaved) {
child: Scaffold(
body: Container(
color: Colors.black54,
// key: widget.key,
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 100, vertical: 50),
child: Container(
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: Colors.transparent,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5),
border: Border.all(color: Colors.redAccent, width: 2),
padding: EdgeInsets.all(20),
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
// Expanded(
// child: productImage,
// ),
SizedBox(height: 10),
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
AppLocalizations.instance.text('Product id'),
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.white,
fontSize: 15,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w500),
minFontSize: 8,
maxLines: 1,
group: autoSizeGroup,
? TextField(
readOnly: true,
keyboardType: TextInputType.numberWithOptions(),
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
autofocus: true,
controller: idController,
onChanged: (value) {
idController.text = value;
: UniversalPlatform.isIOS
? CupertinoTextField(
readOnly: true,
controller: idController,
onChanged: (value) {
idController.text = value;
: TextField(
readOnly: true,
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
autofocus: true,
controller: idController,
onChanged: (value) {
idController.text = value;
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
children: <Widget>[
color: Colors.orangeAccent,
child: AutoSizeText(
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 30, color: Colors.white),
minFontSize: 8,
maxLines: 1,
group: autoSizeGroup,
onPressed: () {
// ),
void dispose() {
And this is the infinite repeating error from Chrome console:
BlocTransaction is Transition { currentState: Instance of 'minified:RS', event: LoadOrders {user: User { displayName: zazza zenigata, email: zazza.zenigata.1976#gmail.com, phone number:, uid: eT9FWzlOgYfAIHZNh3bd28Ay4x32, photoUrl: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-8UmwYDOTbQg/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/AAKWJJOuSPI6gPocRgQMP_kIUFaFdTT_LA/s96-c/photo.jpg}}, nextState: LoadedProducts{ number of products: 0} }
2js_primitives.dart:49 Another exception was thrown: Instance of 'minified:bj<void>'
js_primitives.dart:49 Attempted to build a minified:XI, but it already has an HTML element FLT-OFFSET.
js_primitives.dart:49 Throw of null.
at Object.f (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:1788:3)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21735:26)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21771:6)
at XK.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XK.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XK.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
js_primitives.dart:49 Attempted to build a minified:XI, but it already has an HTML element FLT-OFFSET.
js_primitives.dart:49 Throw of null.
at Object.f (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:1788:3)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21735:26)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21771:6)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XK.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XK.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XK.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
js_primitives.dart:49 Attempted to build a minified:XI, but it already has an HTML element FLT-OFFSET.
js_primitives.dart:49 Throw of null.
at Object.f (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:1788:3)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21735:26)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21771:6)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XK.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XK.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XK.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
js_primitives.dart:49 Attempted to build a minified:XN, but it already has an HTML element FLT-PICTURE.
js_primitives.dart:49 Throw of null.
at Object.f (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:1788:3)
at XN.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21735:26)
at XN.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21628:6)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XK.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XK.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XK.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)
at XI.bT (http://localhost:5000/main.dart.js:21778:8)

Found the problem. It wasn't wrapped in an Expanded Widget.. it's all working now..


Flutter: A non-null String must be provided to a Text widget. Failed assertion: line 378 pos 10: 'data != null'

I getting data from API and adding it to data table, it's working fine, when i select month from dropdown, my data table get modify according to selected month from drop down, but initially it print this error.
and its change to this when i select month from dropdown
here is code
class MyAttendance extends StatefulWidget {
_MyAttendanceState createState() => _MyAttendanceState();
class _MyAttendanceState extends State<MyAttendance> {
//List<History> _historyList;
List<History> historyList=[];
String _selectedLeave;
int monthIndex;
int month;
var monthsList=<String>[
String getdate="";
void _getDate() {
final String formattedDateTime =
setState(() {
getdate = formattedDateTime;
print("date "+getdate);
_userDetails() async{
SharedPreferences myPrefs=await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
setState(() {
void initState() {
Future<List<History>> _getRecord() async{
Dio dio=new Dio();
var data={
return dio
.post(localhostUrlAttendanceHistory,data: json.encode(data))
.then((onResponse) async {
var jsonData=onResponse.data['data'];
//List<History> historyList = [];
for (var h in jsonData) {
History history = History(
return historyList;
Widget attendanceHistory(List<History>
DataTable(columns: <DataColumn>[
DataColumn(label: Text("Date"),),
DataColumn(label: Text("Time in" ),),
DataColumn(label: Text("Time out")
cells: <DataCell>[
]) )?.toList());
TextEditingController fromDate=new TextEditingController();
TextEditingController toDate=new TextEditingController();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: new MyAppBar(title: Text("My Attendance"),onpressed: (){
Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context)=>Profile()));
body:Stack(children: <Widget>[
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(25, 15, 0, 0),
child: Text("Attendance history",style: TextStyle(fontSize: 30,color: Colors.blue[900],fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),),
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(45, 80, 10, 0),
value: _selectedLeave==null?null:monthsList[monthIndex],
.map<DropdownMenuItem<String>>((String value) {
return DropdownMenuItem<String>(
value: value,
child: Text(value)
"Please choose a month",
onChanged: (String value) {
setState(() {
monthIndex = monthsList.indexOf(value);
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(15, 150, 0, 0),
scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
child: FutureBuilder(
future: _getRecord(),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<List<History>> snapshot) {
// Check if the data has been received.
if (snapshot.hasData) {
// Return the widget and provide the received data.
return attendanceHistory(snapshot.data);
return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator(),);
// print("data");
// print(snapshot.data);
// Text("No data is shown");
//return attendanceHistory(snapshot.data);
class History {
final String date;
final String timeIn;
final String timeOut;
History(this.date, this.timeIn, this.timeOut);
════════ Exception caught by widgets library ═══════════════════════════════════
A non-null String must be provided to a Text widget.
Failed assertion: line 378 pos 10: 'data != null'
The relevant error-causing widget was
After few seconds of red screen error, it display this, and i have not select month from dropdown too.
and it sends this error now
════════ Exception caught by widgets library ═══════════════════════════════════
The method 'map' was called on null.
Receiver: null
Tried calling: map<DataRow>(Closure: (History) => DataRow)
The relevant error-causing widget was
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<List<History>> snapshot) {
// Check if the data has been received.
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return Center(
child: Text('${snapshot.error} occured',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18)),
else if(snapshot.hasData){
return attendanceHistory(snapshot.data);
// Return the widget and provide the received data.
//return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator(),);
//return attendanceHistory(snapshot.data);
return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator(),);
// print("data");
// print(snapshot.data);
// Text("No data is shown");
kindly please help how i can fix it?
A better practice is to use loader while fetching the data from API. Since future builder has a property to check whether there is response from API or not. TO check this simply use
future: _getRecord(),
builder: (BuildContext context,
AsyncSnapshot<List<History>> snapshot) {
// Below line will check whether future has data or not
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done) {
// If we got an error
if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Center(
child: Text(
'${snapshot.error} occured',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18),
// if we got our data
} else if (snapshot.hasData) {**strong text**
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return attendanceHistory(snapshot.data);
return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator(),);
Or else you can use null aware operator to handle the null value as below.
Widget attendanceHistory(List<History>
DataTable(columns: <DataColumn>[
DataColumn(label: Text("Date"),),
DataColumn(label: Text("Time in" ),),
DataColumn(label: Text("Time out")
cells: <DataCell>[
This error generate when you pass a null value to Text widget. So to avoid this either you can put a null check condition before displaying text or you can pass a default value to the Text widget.
Widget attendanceHistory(List<History> historyList)=>
DataTable(columns: <DataColumn>[
DataColumn(label: Text("Date"),),
DataColumn(label: Text("Time in" ),),
DataColumn(label: Text("Time out")
cells: <DataCell>[
DataCell(Text(element.date ?? "N/A")),
DataCell(Text(element.timeIn ?? "N/A")),
DataCell(Text(element.timeOut ?? "N/A")),
Display CircularProgressIndicator while fetching the records.
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(15, 150, 0, 0),
scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
child: FutureBuilder( //This is line 171
future: _getRecord(),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<List<History>> snapshot) {
// Check if the data has been received.
if (snapshot.hasData) {
// Return the widget and provide the received data.
return attendanceHistory(snapshot.data);
return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator(),);

Flutter: Snapshot isn't showing data

I create a Listview builder with get method (API call). API call is fine, cause I get response. But in widget snapshot.data show me null. I can't fixed this problem and don't why it's behaving like this. Please someone help me.
API responsebody
Here is my code for API call
class APIService {
Future<List<EducationInfo>> getEducationInfo() async {
String url = "$baseAPIUrl/educations";
String _token = await SavedData().loadToken();
String authorization = "Bearer $_token";
var response = await http.get(url, headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
"Authorization": authorization
print('API ${response.statusCode}\n API${json.decode(response.body)}');
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
var jsonResponse = response.body;
var decoded = json.decode(jsonResponse);
return decoded['success']
.map<EducationInfo>((b) => EducationInfo.fromJson(b))
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to load Education Information');
Here is my Model.dart
class EducationInfo {
int id;
String degreeName;
int rollNumber;
int regNumber;
int passingYear;
String gradeType;
double cgpa;
double outOfCgpa;
String divisionName;
String groupName;
String subjectName;
String boardName;
String instituteName;
factory EducationInfo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return EducationInfo(
id: json['user_id'],
degreeName: json['degree_name'],
rollNumber: json['roll_number'],
regNumber: json['registration_number'],
passingYear: json['passing_year'],
gradeType: json['grade_type'],
cgpa: json['cgpa'],
outOfCgpa: json['out_of_cgpa'],
divisionName: json['division'],
groupName: json['group_name'],
subjectName: json['subject_name'],
boardName: json['board'],
instituteName: json['institute_name'],
And here is my main code-
class Resume extends StatefulWidget {
_ResumeState createState() => _ResumeState();
class _ResumeState extends State<Resume> {
Future<List<EducationInfo>> furuteEducationInfo;
void initState() {
furuteEducationInfo = APIService().getEducationInfo();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
resizeToAvoidBottomPadding: false,
appBar: AppBar(
automaticallyImplyLeading: false,
leading: IconButton(
icon: Icon(
onPressed: () {
title: Text("Resume"),
body: Align(
child: FutureBuilder(
future: furuteEducationInfo,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
var educationInfo = snapshot.data;
if (snapshot.data == null) {
return Text("No Data Available ");
} else if (snapshot.hasData) {
return ListView.builder(
scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
itemCount: educationInfo.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
var eduInfo = educationInfo[index];
"\nEducation Info ${educationInfo[index]}");
return designedContainer(
_width - 30,
padding: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
child: Stack(
children: [
child: Column(
children: [
"Degree Name",
child: editButton(
Icons.add, "Delete",
() {
} else {
Text("Something Went to Wrong");
And here is also postman Screenshot-
in your EducationInfo.fromJson method
cgpa: json['cgpa'] ?? 0.0,
outOfCgpa: json['out_of_cgpa'] ?? 0.0,
Since it is a future and runs Asynchronously you have to check if the snapshot has data, and wait for the data to be fetched. Following a snippet code how you would check for that inside your build method:
(snapshot.hasData && snapshot.data.length == 0)
? Container(
child: Center(
child: Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
Text("Congrats, No jobs asssigned!!!")
: (snapshot.hasData)
? Container(
child: ListView.builder(

Flutter app error "NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'length' was called on null"

Am getting this error and can't find the why, the app shows a google map calling hospital from google map places api, api call returns fine when used in chrome, but the app fail to build showing the "NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'length' was called on null" error. Thanks for your help.
class Search extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final currentPosition = Provider.of<Position>(context);
final placesProvider = Provider.of<Future<List<Place>>>(context);
return FutureProvider(
create: (context) => placesProvider,
child: Scaffold(
body: (currentPosition != null)
? Consumer<List<Place>>(
builder: (_, places, __) {
return Column(
children: <Widget>[
height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height / 3,
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
child: GoogleMap(
initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition(
target: LatLng(currentPosition.latitude,
zoom: 16.0),
zoomGesturesEnabled: true,
mapToolbarEnabled: true,
myLocationEnabled: true,
scrollGesturesEnabled: true,
height: 10.0,
child: ListView.builder(
itemCount: places.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return Card(
child: ListTile(
title: Text(places[index]?.name),
: Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
The api request works fine when called in chrome, problem is when building the app. This is my places_service.dart file:
class PlacesService {
final key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-ttttttttttttttttt';
Future<List<Place>> getPlaces(double lat, double lng) async {
var response = await http.get('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json?location=$lat,$lng&type=hospital&rankby=distance&key=$key');
var json = convert.jsonDecode(response.body);
var jsonResults = json['results'] as List;
return jsonResults.map((place) => Place.fromJson(place)).toList();
Problem is this line:
itemCount: places.length,
If you use constructions like places.length the programming code can fail on two places:
when places = null
when places.length = null (your situation)
You cannot call methods and properties on null-objects; that is why you get this error. So before you call places.length you must be sure that both situations cannot occur. How this is done and if the check is really necessary depends on the rest of your program. One way to check is:
itemCount: places.length != null ? places.length : 0;

Flutter Shared Preferences saving values, not displaying

I have a list of courses. The user marks each course complete using a checkbox on the ListTile.
I implemented Shared Preferences so the list of completed courses persists when the user closes the app.
The values are saving, but when the app is closed (in the emulator or through the IDE) and reopened, the UI shows the value as false (Even when the Terminal says the value is True).
When I hot restart, the UI shows the value as True (Which was expected from the start). I haven't been able to get the UI to show correctly using the emulator buttons or on a device.
How can I get the UI to show the values correctly right away?
SharedPreferences prefs;
void getResult(Course course) async {
prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
results[course.courseResult] = prefs.getBool(course.courseResult) ?? false;
print('${course.courseTitle} Result: ${results[course.courseResult]}');
setState(() {
Future<bool> setResult(Course course) async {
prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
print ('${course.courseTitle} SET TO ${results[course.courseResult]}');
return prefs.setBool(course.courseResult, results[course.courseResult]);
initState() {
Future onChanged(bool value, Course course) {
setState(() {
results[course.courseResult] = value;
return setResult(course);
Here is the full code (Though I did shorten the lists for space purposes, and left out the pages that aren't affected by this error...)
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'main.dart';
import 'CourseList.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
class LearningPlan extends StatefulWidget{
LearningPlanState createState() => new LearningPlanState();
class LearningPlanState extends State<LearningPlan> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: MyAppBar(
title: Text('Learning Plan'),
drawer: MyDrawer(),
body: ListView.builder(
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) =>
new CourseTile(courseList[index]),
itemCount: courseList.length,
class CourseTile extends StatefulWidget {
final Course entry;
CourseTileState createState() => new CourseTileState();
class CourseTileState extends State<CourseTile> {
//Detail Card
Future<Null> _launched; // ignore: unused_field
Future<Null> _launchInWebViewOrVC(String url) async {
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url, forceSafariVC: false, forceWebView: false);
} else {
throw 'Could not launch $url';
Widget selfDirectedURL(Course course) {
if (course.courseMethod == 'Self-Directed') {
return new IconButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.cloud_download),
onPressed: () => setState(() {
_launched = _launchInWebViewOrVC(course.courseURL);
} else {
return new Container();
Future<Null> courseDetails(Course course) async {
await showDialog(
context: context,
child: new SimpleDialog(
title: Text(course.courseTitle),
children: <Widget>[
children: <Widget>[
Center(child: Image.asset(course.courseImage,
colorBlendMode: BlendMode.lighten,
color: fkBlue25,
height: 200.0,
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: Text(course.courseDescription),
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
children: <Widget>[
onPressed: (){
child: Text('OK'),
//CheckBox Constructors
SharedPreferences prefs;
void getResult(Course course) async {
prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
results[course.courseResult] = prefs.getBool(course.courseResult) ?? false;
print('${course.courseTitle} Result: ${results[course.courseResult]}');
setState(() {
Future<bool> setResult(Course course) async {
prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
print ('${course.courseTitle} SET TO ${results[course.courseResult]}');
return prefs.setBool(course.courseResult, results[course.courseResult]);
initState() {
Future onChanged(bool value, Course course) async {
final result = await setResult(course);
setState(() {
results[course.courseResult] = value;
return result;
//Main Tile
Widget buildTiles(Course course) {
return Card(
shape: Border.all(
color: fkBlue,
margin: EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
elevation: 8.0,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: ListTile(
title: Text(course.courseTitle),
subtitle: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: <Widget>[
leading: SizedBox(
height: 60.0,
width: 60.0,
child: Image.asset(course.courseImage)),
trailing: Column(
children: <Widget>[
Text(results[course.courseResult] ? 'Complete' : 'Incomplete',
value: results[course.courseResult],
onChanged: (bool value) {
onChanged(value, course);
if (value == true) {
} else {
onTap: () {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return buildTiles(widget.entry);
void snackBarCompleted(course) {
SnackBar(content: Text(
'${course.courseTitle} completed on ${DateFormat.yMd().format(DateTime.now()).toString()}'
backgroundColor: fkBlue,
duration: Duration(seconds: 3),
void snackBarUnCompleted(course) {
SnackBar(content: Text('${course.courseTitle} no longer marked \"Complete\"'
duration: Duration(seconds: 3),
//Learning Schedule Page
class LearningSchedule extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: MyAppBar(
title: Text('Schedule'),
drawer: MyDrawer(),
body: ListView.builder(
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) =>
new LearningScheduleBuilder(courseList[index]),
itemCount: courseList.length,
class LearningScheduleBuilder extends StatelessWidget {
final Course entry;
Widget buildList (Course course) {
return Text(course.courseTitle,
style: new TextStyle(color: results[course.courseResult] ? Colors.grey : fkBlue),);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return buildList(entry);
final List<Course> courseList = <Course>[
new Course(
courseTitle: 'Company Orientation',
coursePreReq: 'N/A',
courseCode: 'HR',
courseURL: '',
courseMethod: 'Facilitator-Led',
courseImage: 'assets/courseImage/logo.png',
'Company overview; Benefits package and documents; Ethics and Compliance Training, Introduction to learning programs; Computer orientation; Lab tour; Safety training.',
courseAudience: 'BCAE BCCC ITAE ITCC TCTAE TCTCC PlasmaCC PlasmaAE',
courseResult: 'result1',
new Course(
courseTitle: 'Intro to Learning Program',
coursePreReq: 'N/A',
courseCode: 'Nicole Asma',
courseURL: '',
courseMethod: 'Facilitator-Led',
courseImage: 'assets/courseImage/logo.png',
'Overview of onboarding program; Components of North America University; Support available for all learning units; introduction to Learning and Development Team Overview of WebEx calls.',
courseAudience: 'BCAE BCCC ITAE ITCC TCTAE TCTCC PlasmaCC PlasmaAE',
courseResult: 'result2',
class Course {
final String courseTitle;
final String coursePreReq;
final String courseCode;
final String courseDescription;
final String courseImage;
final String courseMethod;
final String courseURL;
final String courseAudience;
final String courseResult;
const Course({
Course.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)
: courseTitle = map['courseTitle'],
coursePreReq = map['coursePreReq'],
courseCode = map['courseCode'],
courseDescription = map['courseDescription'],
courseImage = map['roocourseImagem'],
courseMethod = map['courseMethod'],
courseURL = map['courseURL'],
courseAudience = map['courseAudience'],
courseResult = map['courseResult'];
Map results = {
'result1': false,
'result2': false,
'result3': false,
'result4': false,
Could you make this little change? :
Change this :
Future onChanged(bool value, Course course) {
setState(() {
results[course.courseResult] = value;
return setResult(course);
To this:
Future onChanged(bool value, Course course) async {
final result = await setResult(course);
setState(() {
results[course.courseResult] = value;
return result;
Replace your initState method with this:
void initState() {

Strange red Block under Flutter TextField Widget

I'm working on a shopping list in one tab of my flutter app but under the Input field i always get and strange red block when the keyboard comes up (red block stays there until keyboard goes away)
RedBlock which appears with keyboard
Debug report which shows up after clicking into the field
Performing full restart...
Restarted app in 1.172ms.
D/ViewRootImpl#da3a8cd[MainActivity](28869): ViewPostImeInputStageprocessPointer 0
D/ViewRootImpl#da3a8cd[MainActivity](28869): ViewPostImeInputStageprocessPointer 1
I/flutter (28869): [{name: Lukas, id: 1, value: 32}, {name: Sophie, id: 2, value: 20}, {name: Peter, id: 3, value: 45}]
D/ViewRootImpl#da3a8cd[MainActivity](28869): ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
D/ViewRootImpl#da3a8cd[MainActivity](28869): ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
V/InputMethodManager(28869): Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#b63ece2 nm : com.yourcompany.flutterapp ic=io.flutter.plugin.editing.InputConnectionAdaptor#484e873
I/InputMethodManager(28869): [IMM] startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
D/InputTransport(28869): Input channel constructed: fd=101
D/InputTransport(28869): Input channel destroyed: fd=100
D/InputMethodManager(28869): ISS - flag : 0Pid : 28869 view : com.yourcompany.flutterapp
D/ViewRootImpl#da3a8cd[MainActivity](28869): MSG_RESIZED: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2220) ci=Rect(0, 63 - 0, 918) vi=Rect(0, 63 - 0, 918) or=1
D/ViewRootImpl#da3a8cd[MainActivity](28869): Relayout returned: oldFrame=[0,0][1080,2220] newFrame=[0,0][1080,2220] result=0x1 surface={isValid=true -887126016} surfaceGenerationChanged=false
Here you can see my code i have written:
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart';
class ShoppingBasket extends StatefulWidget {
ShoppingBasketState createState() => new ShoppingBasketState();
class ShoppingBasketState extends State<ShoppingBasket> {
Directory documentsDirectory;
String dirPath;
Database database;
List<Map> listRecords;
Widget listView;
final TextEditingController _controller1 = new TextEditingController(); // name field
final TextEditingController _controller2 = new TextEditingController(); // value field
void initState() {
listView = beforeDataFetchIsFinished();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold(
body: new Column(
children: <Widget>[
listView, //--> List view gets after all data was fetched here
//View Build ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Set the listview variable with an CircularPorgressIndicator.
/// gets overriden if the real listview has finished.
Widget beforeDataFetchIsFinished() {
return new Container(
margin: new EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0),
child: new Center(
child: new CircularProgressIndicator(
strokeWidth: 2.0,
/// The Inputfield card in one methode.
/// Returns the InputCard as one widget.
Widget inputFieldCard() {
return new Container(
child: new Card(
child: new Container(
child: new Column(
children: <Widget>[
new Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
new Container(
width: 150.0,
padding: new EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10.0, 20.0, 10.0, 10.0),
child: new TextField(
controller: _controller1,
decoration: new InputDecoration(
hintText: 'Name...',
new Container(
width: 150.0,
padding: new EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10.0, 20.0, 10.0, 10.0),
child: new TextField(
keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
controller: _controller2,
decoration: new InputDecoration(
hintText: 'Value...',
new Container(
padding: new EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20.0),
child: new RaisedButton(
color: Colors.green,
child: new Text('Insert Data', style: new TextStyle(color: Colors.white),),
onPressed: () {
insertToDb(_controller1.text, _controller2.text);
), //top card end
/// the CircularProgressIndicator gets overiden if this
/// methode gets all its data --> then rerender.
Widget injectListViewAfterAllDataIsFetched() {
return new Card(
child: new Container(
child: new ListView.builder(
shrinkWrap: true, //<-- Necessary because Listveiw inside Column
itemCount: listRecords == null ? 0 : listRecords.length,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
return new ListTile(
title: new Text(listRecords[index]['name']),
//Data-Base Operations --------------------------------------------------------------
/// Start up --> Open db and fetching data when complete
/// start render engine again.
Future<bool> getPathAndCheckForDbAndPrepareListView() async {
documentsDirectory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
String dirPath = documentsDirectory.path;
List content = documentsDirectory.listSync();
final File file = new File(dirPath + '/myDataBase.db');
if(!content.contains(file)) { //Check if db exists
await createDbIfNotExists(file); //if not create it
print(await getRecords());
listRecords = await getRecords();
setState(() {
listView = injectListViewAfterAllDataIsFetched();
return true;
/// Inserting data into the data base.
/// #return true.
Future<bool> insertToDb(String name, String value) async {
if(name != '' && value != '') {
var valueSql = int.parse(value);
String sql = 'INSERT INTO Test(name, value) VALUES("$name", $valueSql)';
await database.inTransaction(() async {
await database.rawInsert(sql);
listRecords = await getRecords();
setState(() {
listView = injectListViewAfterAllDataIsFetched();
return true;
} else {
return false;
/// Gives the whole Db back.
/// #return Map with all records.
Future<List<Map>> getRecords() async {
return await database.rawQuery('SELECT * FROM Test');
/// Creating the given File (should be an .db file).
/// #param file Gives the file (.db) which gets created.
/// #return true.
Future<bool> createDbIfNotExists(File file) async {
database = await openDatabase(file.path, version: 1,
onCreate: (Database db, int version) async {
await db.execute(
return true;
Does someone of you understand why this is showing up? And have an smart Solution to fix it?
Edit: Some Photos which show my Keyboard with shortcuts and without them
I was facing the same problem. Just set resizeToAvoidBottomPadding false in you scaffold and it should solve the problem.
The red bar indicates that the content of one of your containers or columns are bigger, than allowed by their parent. I cant reproduce this issue on iOS or Android. Also, why is the raised button not displayed in your screenshot?