Receive TCP with 2 IP Addresses - VB.Net -

I'm making a chat program and i have a big problem : I have to make my computer listen more IP Adresses .
I mean that my computer will have to receive TCP data addressed to different IP at the same time .
Example :
the Computer 1 send "Hello 1" to the IP and
the Computer 2 send "Hello 2" to the IP
My Computer (with IP : have to receive both the messages ( i think that the only way to do that is to change continuosly my computer IP from to and the other way around)
Yes i know , it's a little hard ...
There's a more simple way to make this ?

As #tcarvin mentioned, UDP is more advisable. You can use UDP as the initial protocol for a TCP-IP connection and then operate the rest of the chat over TCP-IP after the connection is established.


How do I find the IP address to use in an HTTP request?

I want to make an http request via the fetch() method in React Native, and I need the IP address of the machine I'm sending the request to. I have access to the machine, and googled "what's my IP" on it. It said my public IP was, but when I googled it on another computer nearby, it gave the same address. Is this the right IP to use in a fetch request like this? If not, how do I find the right one to use?
If you have multiple machines connected to the internet via a NAT-enabled router, they will all share the same public IP address. You need to forward a specific port to the machine you want to connect to in the router's configuration e.g. to send your request on port 5000, add a rule to the router to forward port 5000 to your desired machine, then send the request to
For your application to work you need a "server" with a public ip address. Later you assign a domain name to that server/ip address ex.
Since you don't have a server and you are using your computer to test your development, you can do this 2 options:
Use your computer IP address usually 192.168.x.x , 10.x.x.x or 172.16.x.x This will allow you to test it if your phone is connected wireless to the same network.
Since you are behind a NAT you can do a port forward to send the traffic to X port to your desired host(ip/port) behind the nat. Usually we create API's that run on port 80 or 443 do a port forward in your router to pass the traffic from this port to your computer ip/port.

UDP port forwarding using xinetd

I was looking for an answer on my question on google and also here, but a didn't find a proper answer.
So here is the context:
I have a software running on some server (without firewall) in one subnet.
There is another software running on some PC in a different subnet.
Both subnets are connected to a gateway server. All computers are running CentOS or RHEL.
On the gateway server, there is a firewall, preventing multicast traffic from leaving the one subnet and allow clients from outside to connect to computers inside this subnet. Therefore xinetd is used. The computer from outside needs to send a packet to a specific port, the computer on the inside answers to another specific port depending on the sender. So there is no need for the gateway to keep track of sender-receiver relations. It just needs to forward UDP on specific ports to specific computers from one subnet to another.
So I added one service in /etc/services (for one direction):
udp-gateway 6000/udp
And created the according configuration file in /etc/xinetd.d/gateway like:
service udp-gateway
disable = no
socket_type = dgram
protocol = udp
wait = no
user = root
redirect = 6000 #Server inside the subnet
Now the problem is, that the server doesn't open an UDP-port to listen on ('netstat -nulp' says). When I change the protocol to TCP and the socket_type to stream, it works. But I need this for UDP.
Is it possible that this is not possible for UDP? Or is netstat just not showing the ports? Or is my xinetd-configuration missing something?
Thanks in advance, every hint is appreciated.
redirect = 6000 #Server inside the subnet
from the man page of xinetd:
Allows a tcp service to be redirected to another host.
This means usage of redirect for udp is not possible. And I don't see any other way to do this with xinetd.

Sniff remote IP port for outgoing data VB

I am trying to monitor a remote IP port for outgoing data.
At the minute I have a TCP port connected which is stuck in a deliberate (almost) infinite loop.
This works, until the tcp connection is broken for any reason.
It just feels better to monitor the remote port for outgoing data, but all the classes/functions I find are for receiving data on a particular port.
Any ideas?

how can i do NAT tunnel UDP hole punching in java?

how can i do NAT tunnel UDP hole punching in java?
because of this, the A and B computer behind the different NAT can not receice the UDP packs which they send to each other.....
how can i solve this?
You need a server S with a public IP address. A and B should open a connection to S. This will open an UDP hole in the NAT. Then S can read the NAT translated address/port for A and B. Then S can send back this information to A and B who can start communicating directly on each other's open TCP port.

UDP port

I have a system that is running on windows.
I have in that system a process that waits for another process on the same machine for a udp message. The message itself is not important (garbage), but the important thing is that I got the event of the message itself.
The problem is that it seems that I get from another local program a UDP message and I don't know from where. I added information about the sender in the recieved UDP message. I see that I get message from valid local port but also from the addres .
I can't understand the . Does anyone has an idea ?
A computer without an assigned IP address could send such packet, even across the network - see e.g. a similar mechanism in DHCP, where the DHCP discovery packet is sent with source address of
On a local computer, could this be that the packet is sent (and received) on an interface that is up but without an IP address?
Also, this can mean "broadcast" - if this article on e2 is correct, it is a deprecated method of making a broadcast packet, but apparently it was never removed.
Because it is a udp message and using async type, when reading messages that arrive from the other program I can't know when stop reading, when I get reading the message and I get it means I read everything from the UDP buffer from OS.