I am creating a base component that receives in image from an Array.Buffer, asynchronously.
Following Nuxt documentation, I thought fetch() would be the right call but when it's implemented it is called +20 times.
Why does this happen? I wanted to take advantage of async/await but looks like for now created() promises will have to do?
<div class="image-container">
<!-- <img :class="imgClasses" :src="`data:image/png;base64, ${image}`" alt="Preview Image" /> -->
<script lang="ts">
import { Vue, Component, Prop } from 'nuxt-property-decorator'
export default class BasePreviewImage extends Vue {
#Prop({ type: String }) id: string
#Prop({ type: String, default: 'small' }) size: string
image: string = ''
get imgClasses() {
return {
[`preview-image-${this.size}`]: true
async fetch() {
mounted() {
created() {
console.log('Created BasePreviewImage')
fetch is called on server-side when rendering the route, and on client-side when navigating. so there is a chance to call/revoke the fetch() multiple times. and may be you have used this component at multiple places too. but the important things fetch() is deprecated where Nuxt >= 2.12
but you can control this way fetchOnServer: false then it will call on client side only.
export default {
data () {
return {
posts: []
async fetch () {
this.posts = await this.$http.$get('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts')
fetchOnServer: false
I'm trying to add a custom view with some administrative utilities to Spring Boot Admin. The idea is to implement these as endpoints in Springboot Admin and call these endpoints from my custom view, but I don't know how to make a call to the server itself.
When a custom view has parent: 'instances' it will get an axios client for connecting to the current instance, but since the view I'm building isn't tied to a specific instance it doesn't have this. I'm aware I can install axios as a dependency, but I'd like to avoid that if possible to reduce build times. Since SBA itself depends on axios it seems I shouldn't have to install it myself.
Based on this sample, this is what I have right now:
/* global SBA */
import example from './example';
import exampleEndpoint from './example-endpoint';
install({viewRegistry}) {
name: 'example',
path: '/example',
component: example,
label: 'Example',
order: 1000,
<h1>Example View</h1>
<b>GET /example:</b> <span v-text="exampleResponse" />
export default {
props: {
applications: {
type: Array,
required: true
data: () => ({ exampleResponse: "No response" }),
async created() {
const response = await this.axios.get("example");
this.exampleResponse = response.response;
class ExampleController {
fun helloWorld() = mapOf("response" to "Hello world!")
Console says that it can't read property get of undefined (i.e. this.axios is undefined). Text reads "GET /example: No response"
I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it, but it is a way.
I noticed that I do have access to the desired axios instance within the SBA.use { install(...) { } } block, and learned that this can be passed as a property down to the view.
/* global SBA */
import example from './example';
import exampleEndpoint from './example-endpoint';
install({viewRegistry, axios}) {
name: 'example',
path: '/example',
component: example,
label: 'Example',
order: 1000,
// this is where we pass it down with the props
// first part is the name, second is the value
props: { "axios": axios },
<h1>Example View</h1>
<b>GET /example:</b> <span v-text="exampleResponse" />
export default {
props: {
applications: { type: Array, required: true },
// this is where we retrieve the prop. the name of the field should
// correspond to the name given above
axios: { type: Object, required: true },
data: () => ({
exampleResponse: "No response",
async created() {
// Now we can use our axios instance! And it will be correctly
// configured for talking to Springboot Admin
.then(r => { this.exampleResponse = r.data.response; })
.catch(() => { this.exampleResponse = "Request failed!" });
Based on the code given, it looks like you don't have axios initialized to how you want to use it.
You're calling it via this.axios but it's not in your component i.e
data() {
return {
axios: require("axios") // usually this is imported at the top
or exposed globally i.e
Vue.prototype.axios = require("axios")
You can simply just import axios and reference it.
import axios from 'axios';
export default {
created() {
I'm looking for a reusable way to display a full page loader (Sidebar always visible but the loader should cover the content part of the page) till all necessary api fetches has been done.
I've got a parent component LaunchDetails wrapped in a PageLoader component
<router-link :to="{ name: 'launches' }"> Back to launches </router-link>
<h1>{{ name }}</h1>
<TabMenu :links="menuLinks" />
<router-view />
import TabMenu from "#/components/general/TabMenu";
export default {
data() {
return {
menuLinks: [
{ to: { name: "launchOverview" }, display_name: "Overview" },
{ to: { name: "launchRocket" }, display_name: "Rocket" },
components: {
created() {
this.$store.dispatch("launches/fetchLaunch", this.$route.params.launch_id);
computed: {
name() {
return this.$store.getters["launches/name"];
<Spinner v-if="isLoading" full size="medium" />
<slot v-else></slot>
import Spinner from "#/components/general/Spinner.vue";
export default {
components: {
computed: {
isLoading() {
return this.$store.getters["loader/isLoading"];
The LaunchDetails template has another router-view. In these child pages new fetch requests are made based on data from the LaunchDetails requests.
<h2>Launch rocket details</h2>
<RocketCard v-if="rocket" :rocket="rocket" />
import LaunchService from "#/services/LaunchService";
import RocketCard from "#/components/rocket/RocketCard.vue";
export default {
components: {
mounted() {
data() {
return {
rocket: null,
methods: {
async loadRocket() {
const rocket_id = this.$store.getters["launches/getRocketId"];
if (rocket_id) {
const response = await LaunchService.getRocket(rocket_id);
this.rocket = response.data;
What I need is a way to fetch data in the parent component (LaunchDetails). If this data is stored in the vuex store, the child component (LaunchRocket) is getting the necessary store data and executes the fetch requests. While this is done I would like to have a full page loader or a full page loader while the parent component is loading and a loader containing the nested canvas.
At this point the vuex store is keeping track of an isLoading property, handled with axios interceptors.
All code is visible in this sandbox
(Note: In this example I could get the rocket_id from the url but this will not be the case in my project so I'm really looking for a way to get this data from the vuex store)
Im introduce your savior Suspense, this feature has been added in vue v3 but still is an experimental feature. Basically how its work you create one suspense in parent component and you can show a loading when all component in any depth of your application is resolved. Note that your components should be an async component means that it should either lazily loaded or made your setup function (composition api) an async function so it will return an async component, with this way you can fetch you data in child component and in parent show a fallback if necessary.
More info: https://vuejs.org/guide/built-ins/suspense.html#suspense
You could use Events:
var Child = Vue.component('child', {
data() {
return {
isLoading: true
template: `<div>
<span v-if="isLoading">Loading …</span>
<span v-else>Child</span>
created() {
this.$parent.$on('loaded', this.setLoaded);
methods: {
setLoaded() {
this.isLoading = false
var Parent = Vue.component('parent', {
components: { Child },
data() {
return {
isLoading: true
template: `<div>
<Child />
mounted() {
let request1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 1000);
let request2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 2000);
Promise.all([ request1, request2 ]).then(() => this.$emit('loaded'))
new Vue({
components: { Parent },
el: '#app',
template: `<Parent />`
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app"></div>
This may be considered an anti-pattern since it couples the parent with the child and events are considered to be sent the other way round. If you don't want to use events for that, a watched property works just fine, too. The non-parent-child event emitting was removed in Vue 3 but can be implemented using external libraries.
I have a simple BasePreviewImage component that needs to fetch an Array.Buffer() asynchronously from an internal API. However, it appears that async fetch() is called for every instance ever created despite the components themselves being destroyed.
<div class="image-container">
<script lang="ts">
import { Vue, Component, Prop } from 'nuxt-property-decorator'
export default class BasePreviewImage extends Vue {
#Prop({ type: String }) id: string
#Prop({ type: String, default: 'small' }) size: string
image: string = ''
async fetch() {
console.log('async fetch', this)
created() {
mounted() {
beforeDestroy() {
Output when I load a page with 1 BasePreviewImage component then back, then re-open the page. This continues calling fetch n times the page has been opened.
How do I avoid making the API call multiple times as a user navigates pages and is there some other memory leak going on here?
I'm not really sure if the problem is code, config, vue, nuxt, nuxt-property-decorator, vue-class-component, or somewhere else.
Related but not helpful: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-class-component/issues/418
For a form we have 2 components parent(for calling asyncdata and pass data as props to child) & child(form). I can properly fetch the props in child if I navigate using a link. But If I try to refresh the child component page it throws error as no props is passed. Found the reason to be that the parents asyncdata is not completing before the child render to sent the data in props.
Parent Component
<NewListingModal :is-edit="true" :form-props="this.form" />
import NewListingModal from '#/components/NewListingModal.vue'
export default {
components: { NewListingModal },
async asyncData({ params, store }) {
const listing = await store.$db().model('listings').find(params.listing) //vuexorm call
if (typeof listing !== 'undefined') {
const convertedListing = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(listing))
return {
name: '',
scrollable: true,
form: {names: convertedListing.names}
child component(other form data is removed to keep it understandable)
<div v-for="name in this.form.names" :key="name">
<p>{{ name }} <a #click.prevent="deleteName(name)">Delete<a /></a></p>
import Listing from '#/models/listing'
export default {
name: 'ListingModal',
props: {isEdit: {type: Boolean, default: false}, formProps: {type: Object}},
data() {
return {
name: '',
scrollable: true,
form: {names: this.formProps.names}
methods: {
addName() {
this.name = ''
deleteName(name) {
const names = this.form.names
names.splice(names.indexOf(name), 1)
How can I make the NewListingModal component rendering wait until the asyncData completes in parent?
In my case, I used asyncData in my parent nuxt component, which fetches the data via store dispatch action, then set it to some store state key, via mutation.
Then I used validate method in my child component. Since Nuxt validate can return promises, I checked the vuex store first for fetched data. If there is none, I refetch it and return the promise instead.
In Parent component.vue
export default {
async asyncData({ params, store }) {
// Api operation which may take sometime
const {data} = await store.dispatch('fetch-my-data')
store.commit('setData', data) //This should be within above dispatch, but here for relevance
Here I am only fetching and saving to vuex store.
Child component.vue
export default {
async validate({ params, store }) {
let somedata = store.state.data //This is what you've set via parent's component mutation
return !!somedata || store.dispatch('fetch-my-data')
Here I am returning either the vuex store data (if exists), else refetch it.
I'm building a nuxt app to consume the wp rest API. In my fetch method I fetch information about needed components. I can't figure out how to then import all the components and render them. I've tried several methods, but I can't see to make it work.
Here's what works:
<component :is="test" :config="componentList[0]"></component><br>
export default {
async fetch({ store, $axios }) {
await store.dispatch("getPageBySlug", "home");
computed: {
test() {
return () => import('~/components/HeroIntro');
Ok so this is easy, nothing special - I could now import the component based on the slug etc. But I need to render multitple components and therefor im doing this:
v-for="component in componentList"
along with this
export default {
async fetch({ store, $axios }) {
await store.dispatch("getPageBySlug", "home");
computed: {
page() {
return this.$store.getters.getPageBySlug("home");
componentList() {
return this.page.acf.flexible_content;
componentsToImport() {
for(const component of this.componentList) {
() => import('~/components' + component.acf_fc_layout);
All I'm getting is
Unknown custom element: HeroIntro - did you register the
component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide
the "name" option
How do I archieve what im trying?
So, after a lot of trying, I could only make it work with using an extra component, "DynamicComponent":
<component :is="componentFile" :config="config"></component>
export default{
name: 'DynamicComponent',
props: {
componentName: String,
config: Object
computed: {
componentFile() {
return () => import(`~/components/${this.componentName}.vue`);
Now in Index.vue
<main class="container-fluid">
v-for="(component, index) in componentList"
export default {
components: {
DynamicComponent: () => import("~/components/base/DynamicComponent")
I am not sure yet if this is optimal - but for now it works great - any input / opinions would be great!