STM32 USB Custom HID only 1 byte per transaction - usb

I know that maximum speed of USB HID device is 64 kbps, but on oscilloscope I get transactions every 1 ms, which contain only ONE byte. My HID report descriptor listed below. What i must change to achieve 64Kbps? Currently my bInterval = 0x01 (1 ms polling for interrupt endpoint), but actual speed is 65 bytes/s, because it add reportID byte to my 64-byte data. I think, USB should not divide single 64+1 packet to 65 singlebyte packets. For experiment I use reportID=1 (from STM32 to PC). From PC side I use hidapi.dll to interact.

HID uses interrupt IN/OUT to convey reports. In USB, Interrupt transfers are polled by host every 1 ms. Every time endpoint is polled, it may yield a 64-byte report (for Low/Full speed). That's probably where you get the 64kB/s figure from. Actually, limit is 1k report / second. Also note these limits are different for High-speed and Super-speed devices.
Report descriptor is one thing. What you actually send as interrupt-IN is something else. It should match, but this is not enforced by anything. You should probably look into the code that builds the interrupt IN transfer payload.
Side note: all you seem interested in is to send arbitrary chunks of data, then HID is probably not the relevant profile. Using bulk endpoints looks more appropriate (and you'll not be limited by interrupt endpoint polling rate).


Reading data over the SPI bus using DMA witth STM32F479

I am using the STM32F479 microcontroller along with a AFE440 Analog Front End. When data is ready to be read on the AFE I get a trigger via the ADC_RDY pin on the Microcontroller. At this point I need to read 4 different registers on the AFE all with 3 bytes of data and store them in a buffer. (3 * 4 = 12 bytes total). Then I want my processor to sleep until I get another event on the ADC_RDY pin at which point I read another 12 bytes. I want to store the 12 bytes read each time in a FIFO buffer of size 120 bytes.
I would like to read and store the bytes into the Buffer all using DMA. My processor will be a sleep during this transaction. It will wake up once the FIFO buffer is full with 120 bytes and process the data.
How would I go about setting this up with ST ?

Adafruit Trinket M0 (SAMD21) analog read rate slow

Why is the analog read rate seemingly slow (46 ksamples/s) when it should be fast (250 ksamples/s) for my Adafruit Trinket M0? See this simple Arduino code for details; why is PointCount only 46?
//Running on Adafruit Trinket M0, SAMD21
//Measures read times of analog reads on Trinket M0
//nothing at all connected to the Trinket
//according to the settings in this wiring.c file lines 160-173, samples per second should be = 250,000:
//in this loop, every PointCount is 2 samples, so in 2 millisecs, number of PointCounts should be:
//(.002 secs)(250000 samples/sec)(PointCounts/ 2 samples) = 250
//however, this routine gives a value of 46 WHY?
//if line 170 prescaler is set to DIV16 instead of DIV32, PointCounts gets to 66 (accuracy ???) so this wiring.c is being loaded
#define INPUT1 A3 //ATSAMD21G PA04
#define INPUT2 A4 //ATSAMD21G PA05
unsigned int Input1[1000];
unsigned int Input2[1000];
unsigned int PointCount = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(INPUT1, INPUT);
pinMode(INPUT2, INPUT);
void loop() {
PointCount = 0;
unsigned long StartTime = micros();
do {
Input1[PointCount] = analogRead(INPUT1);
Input2[PointCount] = analogRead(INPUT2);
} while (micros() - StartTime < 2000); //read 2 millisecs of data points as fast as they come
Serial.begin(9600); //keep serial off during data reads to avoid the question...
I tried reading analog samples as fast as they would come. I expected to receive samples at a rate of 250000 per second. What actually resulted was a rate of 46000 samples per second.
Added 28Nov: the wiring.c file is not easy to find. If you want it:
download the tar.bz2 file:
extract the tar file using 7-zip or whatever
goto cores\arduino\wiring.c
Here are the relevant lines of wiring.c:
//set to 1/(1/(48000000/32) * 6) = 250000 SPS
GCLK_CLKCTRL_GEN_GCLK0 | // Generic Clock Generator 0 is source
while( ADC->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY == 1 ); // Wait for synchronization of registers between the clock domains
ADC->CTRLB.reg = ADC_CTRLB_PRESCALER_DIV32 | // Divide Clock by 32.
ADC_CTRLB_RESSEL_10BIT; // 10 bits resolution as default
ADC->SAMPCTRL.reg = 5; // Sampling Time Length
Adding this additional question 8Dec2022:
wiring.analog.c (in same folder as wiring.c) executes the analog routines. Line 369 of wiring.analog.c says the same thing that the SAMD21 data sheet says: "The first conversion after the reference is changed must not be used."
In lines 371-394, the analogRead routine for SAMD21, two reads are always made; the first to account for the statement above. But why do two reads for every analogRead? The analog reference is not changed with every read and is set prior to any reads. So why not just do one conversion after the reference is set? That way, there only needs to be one conversion per analogRead.
I moved the first conversion routine to the very end of analogReference. It speeds things up to PointCount = 79. Is this a problem? It does not seem to reduce accuracy.
Your second question is easier to answer than your first. The reason there are two ADC reads in the Arduino code is because there is a bug in the ADC hardware on the SAMD21. In the past, Arduino provided a calibration method that allowed you to correct for this instead of adding in the second read and throwing out the first garbage data. This was problematic for a number of reasons and eventually library was modified. There's an old hackaday article that provides a little more detail.
As for the ADC reads being slow, the limitation you're running into is a limitation of the SAMD library for Arduino. For reference, I am using the SAMD21 datasheet and the code from Arduino SAMD on GitHub. To start out with, the Clock speed should be 48Mhz. Using the DIV32 predivider, the ADC clock frequency is 1.5Mhz. Each ADC conversion from the SAMD21 library takes 63 clock cycles. Leaving you with ~23.8Khz. 23.8Khz * 2ms = 47.619 Conversions. Add on top of that the overhead caused by switching between the two input pins (I don't know the exact characterization but likely 1-2 clock pulses) and you'd end up with closer to 46 Conversions in 2ms.
63 clock pulses per conversion is comically high. Typically, the first read is closer to 20 pulses and subsequent ones are 13.5. There is another post on the electrical engineering Stack Exchange where someone tackles this and posts a link to their own library for improving the conversion speeds.

Can't get my DAC(PT8211) to work correctly using a PIC32MX uc and SPI

I'm just trying to learn to use external ADC and DAC (PT8211) with my PIC32MX534f06h.
So far, my code is just about sampling a signal with my ADC every time a timer-interrupt is triggered, then sending then same signal out to the DAC.
The interrupt and ADC part works fine and have been tested independently, but the voltages that my DAC outputs don't make much sens to me and stay at 2,5V (it's powered at 0 - 5V).
I've tried to feed the DAC various values ranging from 0 to 65534 (16bits DAC so i guess it should be the expected range of the values to feed to it, right?) voltage stays at 2.5V.
I've tried changing the SPI configuration, using different SPIs (3 and 4) and DACs (I have one soldered to my pcb, soldered to SPI3, and one one breadboard, linked to SPI4 in case the one soldered on my board was defective).
I made sure that the chip selection line works as expected.
I couldn't see the data and clock that are transmissed since i don't have a scope yet.
I'm a bit out of ideas now.
Chip selection and SPI configuration settings
signed short adc_value;
signed short DAC_output_value;
int Empty_SPI3_buffer;
#define Chip_Select_DAC_Set() {LATDSET=_LATE_LATE0_MASK;}
#define Chip_Select_DAC_Clr() {LATDCLR=_LATE_LATE0_MASK;}
#define SPI4_CONF 0b1000010100100000 // SPI on, 16-bit master,CKE=1,CKP=0
#define SPI4_BAUD 100 // clock divider
DAC output function
//output to external DAC
void DAC_Output(signed int valueDAC) {
while(!SPI4STATbits.SPITBE); // wait for TX buffer to empty
SPI4BUF=valueDAC; // write byte to TX buffer
while(!SPI4STATbits.SPIRBF); // wait for RX buffer to fill
Empty_SPI3_buffer=SPI4BUF; // read RX buffer
ISR sampling the data, triggered by Timer1. This works fine.
ADC_input inputs the data in the global variable adc_value (12 bits, signed)
//ISR to sample data
void __ISR( _TIMER_1_VECTOR, IPL7SRS) Test_data_sampling_in( void)
IFS0bits.T1IF = 0;
//rescale the signed 12 bit audio values to unsigned 16 bits wide values
DAC_output_value = adc_value + 2048; //first unsign the signed 12 bit values (between 0 - 4096, center 2048)
DAC_output_value = DAC_output_value *16; // the scale between 12 and 16 bits is actually 16=65536/4096
main function with SPI, IO, Timer configuration
void main() {
TRISE = 0b00100000;
TRISD = 0b000000110100;
TRISG = 0b0010000000;
LATD = 0x0;
SYSTEMConfigPerformance(80000000L); //
INTCONSET = _INTCON_MVEC_MASK; /* Set the interrupt controller for multi-vector mode */
T1CONbits.TON = 0; /* turn off Timer 1 */
T1CONbits.TCKPS = 0b11; /* pre-scale = 1:1 (T1CLKIN = 80MHz (?) ) */
PR1 = 1816; /* T1 period ~ ? */
TMR1 = 0; /* clear Timer 1 counter */
IPC1bits.T1IP = 7; /* Set Timer 1 interrupt priority to 7 */
IFS0bits.T1IF = 0; /* Reset the Timer 1 interrupt flag */
IEC0bits.T1IE = 1; /* Enable interrupts from Timer 1 */
T1CONbits.TON = 1; /* Enable Timer 1 peripheral */
while (1){
I would expect to see the voltage at the ouput of my DAC to mimic those I put at the input of my ADC, instead the DAC output value is always constant, no matter what I input to the ADC
What am i missing?
Also, when turning the SPIs on, should I still manually manage the IO configuration of the SDI SDO SCK pins using TRIS or is it automatically taken care of?
First of all I agree that the documentation I first found for PT8211 is rather poor. I found extended documentation here. Your DAC (PT8211) is actually an I2S device, not SPI. WS is not chip select, it is word select (left/right channel). In I2S, If you are setting WS to 0, that means the left channel. However it looks like in the extended datasheet I found that WS 0 is actually right channel (go figure).
The PIC you've chosen doesn't seem to have any I2S hardware so you might have to bit bash it. There is a lot of info on I2S though ,see I2S bus specification .
There are some slight differences with SPI and I2C. Notice that the first bit is when WS transitions from high to low is the LSB of the right channel. and when WS transitions from low to high, it is not the LSB of the left channel. Note that the output should be between 0.4v to 2.4v (I2S standard), not between 0 and 5V. (Max is 2.5V which is what you've been seeing).
Basically, I'd try it with the proper protocol first with a bit bashing algorithm with continuous flip flopping between a left/right channel.
First of all, thanks a lot for your comment. It helps a lot to know that i'm not looking at a SPI transmission and that explains why it's not working.
A few reflexions about it
I googled Bit bashing (banging?) and it seems to be CPU intensive, which I would definately try to avoid
I have seen a (successful) projet (in MikroC) where someone transmit data from that exact same PIC, to the same DAC, using SPI, with apparently no problems whatsoever So i guess it SHOULD work, somehow?
Maybe he's transforming the data so that it works? here is the code he's using, I'm not sure what happens with the F15 bit toggle, I was thinking that it was done to manage the LSB shift problem. Here is the piece of (working) MikroC code that i'm talking about
valueDAC = valueDAC + 32768;
valueDAC.F15 =~ valueDAC.F15;
Chip_Select_DAC = 0;
Chip_Select_DAC = 1;
From my understanding, the two biggest differences between SPI and I2S is that SPI sends "bursts" of data where I2S continuously sends data. Another difference is that data sent after the word change state is the LSB of the last word.
So i was thinking that my SPI is triggered by a timer, which is always the same, so even if the data is not sent continuously, it will just make the sound wave a bit more 'aliased' and if it's triggered regularly enough (say at 44Mhz), it should not be SO different from sending I2S data at the same frequency, right?
If that is so, and I undertand correctly, the "only" problem left is to manage the LSB-next-word-MSB place problem, but i thought that the LSB is virtually negligible over 16bit values, so if I could just bitshift my value to the right and then just fix the LSB value to 0 or 1, the error would be small, and the format would be right.
Does it sounds like I have a valid 'Mc-Gyver-I2S-from-my-SPI' or am I forgetting something important?
I have tried to implement it, so far without success, but I need to check my SPI configuration since i'm not sure that it's configured correctly
Here is the code so far
SPI config
#define Chip_Select_DAC_Set() {LATDSET=_LATE_LATE0_MASK;}
#define Chip_Select_DAC_Clr() {LATDCLR=_LATE_LATE0_MASK;}
#define SPI4_CONF 0b1000010100100000
#define SPI4_BAUD 20
DAaC output function
//output audio to external DAC
void DAC_Output(signed int valueDAC) {
valueDAC = valueDAC >> 1; // put the MSB of ValueDAC 1 bit to the right (becase the MSB of what is transmitted will be seen by the DAC as the LSB of the last value, after a word select change)
//Left channel
Chip_Select_DAC_Set(); // Select left channel
while(!SPI4STATbits.SPITBE); // wait for TX buffer to empty
SPI4BUF=valueDAC; // write 16-bits word to TX buffer
while(!SPI4STATbits.SPIRBF); // wait for RX buffer to fill
Empty_SPI3_buffer=SPI4BUF; // read RX buffer (don't know why we need to do this here, but we do)
//SPI3_Write(valueDAC); MikroC option
// Right channel
while(!SPI4STATbits.SPITBE); // wait for TX buffer to empty
SPI4BUF=valueDAC; // write 16-bits word to TX buffer
while(!SPI4STATbits.SPIRBF); // wait for RX buffer to fill
The data I send here is signed, 16 bits range, I think you said that it's allright with this DAC, right?
Or maybe i could use framed SPI? the clock seems to be continous in this mode, but I would still have the LSB MSB shifting problem to solve.
I'm a bit lost here, so any help would be cool

Read variable length messages over SPI using Low Level (LL) api on STM32 MCU

My system is composed by an STM32NUCLEO board and a slave device connected over SPI. The slave device sends commands with a variable length: possible lengths are 4, 8, 10, 14 bits.
I'm trying to detect these messages on my nucleo board using the LL APIs and interrupts.
The solution I'm currently working on is based on setting the SPI with a data-width of 4 bits (SPI_InitStruct.DataWidth = LL_SPI_DATAWIDTH_4BIT) and then counting the number of words (1 word = 4 bits) that I receive. In this way, if I receive 1 word then it means that I have received a 4 bit command, 2 word --> 8 bit command. If I receive 3 words, it should mean that I have received a 10bit command (2 bits should be discarded), and so on.
Unfortunately, I have noticed that the LL APIs provides functions only for reading 8 bits or 16 bits at a time and currently I'm having issue in receiving a 4 bit command, since the function LL_SPI_ReceiveData8 expects to receive 8 bits.
Here is my implementation for the IRQ handler and for the callback:
IRQ Handler:
void SPI1_IRQHandler(void)
/* Check RXNE flag value in ISR register */
/* Call function Slave Reception Callback */
/* Check STOP flag value in ISR register */
else if(LL_SPI_IsActiveFlag_OVR(SPI1))
/* Call Error function */
void SPI1_Rx_Callback(void)
/* Read character in Data register.
RXNE flag is cleared by reading data in DR register */
aRxBuffer[ubReceiveIndex++] = LL_SPI_ReceiveData8(SPI1);
As said before in my opinion, the problem seems that I'm using the LL_SPI_ReceiveData8 function to read since I could not find something like LL_SPI_ReceiveData4.
Do you have some suggestions?
Furthermore, is it possible to set the SPI to use 2 bit datawidth instead of 4? Something like SPI_InitStruct.DataWidth = LL_SPI_DATAWIDTH_2BIT: in this way it should be easier to detect the commands since 4, 8, 10 and 14 are multiples of 2.
Thank you.
With the new information about the used controller:
It supports SPI data transfer length between 4 and 16 bit. So your fist try seems not so bad.
Your "problem" is that there is no 4 bit read function. This is caused by the receive data register that will always contain 16 bit but there are only 4 bit valid data in your case. the other bits are '0'.
Your callback function
aRxBuffer[ubReceiveIndex++] = LL_SPI_ReceiveData8(SPI1);
will write values from 0..15 to the aRxBuffer and you don't need a
ReceiveData4() to get your answer :-)
So also the Reference manual for the STM32L4 series Reference Manual at page 1193ff.
The minimal addresable chunk of data is byte. So even if you receive the 4 bits the read value is 8 bits.
BTW wht is this secret slave device which have varing word length?

Canonical way(s) of determining system time in a microcontroller

Every so often I start a bare metal microcontroller project and end up implementing a system time measurement using a random timer unit.
I am working with ARM Cortex-M devices for a (albeit short) while now and typically used the SysTick ("System Tick") interrupt to create a 1ms resolution timer. It recently stumbled over a post that suggested chaining two Programmable Interrupt Timers (on a Kinetis KL25Z device) in order to create an interrupt-less 32bit millisecond timer, however sacrificing two PIT interrupts which may come in handy later on.
So I was wondering if there are some (sort of) canonical ways to determine the system time on a microcontroller - preferrably for Kinetis KL2xZ devices as I currently work with these, but not necessarily so.
The canonical method as you put it is exactly as you have done - using systick. That is the single timer device defined by the Cortex-M architecture; any other timer hardware is external to the core and vendor specific.
Some parts (STM32F2 for example) include 32 bit timer/counter hardware, so you would not need to chain two.
The best approach is to abstract timer services by defining a generic timer API that you implement for all parts you need so that the application layer is identical for all parts. For example in this case you might simply implement the standard library clock() function and define CLOCKS_PER_SEC.
If you are using two free-running cascaded timers, you must ensure high/low word consistency when combining the two counter values:
#include <time.h>
clock_t clock( void )
uint16_t low_word = 0 ;
uint16_t hi_word = 0 ;
hi_word = readTimerH() ;
lo_word = readTimerL() ;
} while( hi_word != readTimerH() ) ;
return (clock_t)(hi_word << 16 | lo_word) ;
I just looked into KL25 Sub-Family Reference Manual.
In Chapter 34 Real Time Clock (RTC) section 34.3.2 Time counter (may differ with document version).
I found that there are Two registers for Timer counter in RTC
32-bit seconds counter
16-bit prescaler register that increments once every 32.768 kHz clock cycle
Reference Manual says
Always write to the prescaler register before writing to the seconds register,
because the seconds register increments on the falling edge of bit 14 of the prescaler
Which means to calculate system time, read rtc_sec_counter and add 14 bits of prescalar_reg
you can even create a macro to give you system time in uSec and mSec from combination of rtc_sec_counter and prescalar_reg or Sec(obviously from rtc_sec_counter)
For 16 bit prescalar REG System clock is 32.768 Khz, with this we can create macros to get time in uSec and mSec
#define PRESCALAR_TICK 32768
#define KHZ 1000
#define MHZ 1000000
/// Here first we extract 14bit value of prescalar_reg and than multiply it with MHZ to get better precision
/// but this value will not go more than 14 Bit
#define GET_SYS_US ((((prescalar_reg & 0x03FFF)*MHZ)/PRESCALAR_TICK))
if you need time in milliseconds up to 32 bit use below macro
#define GET_SYS_US_32bit ((rtc_sec_counter * 0x3FFF) + GET_SYS_US)
#define GET_SYS_MS_32bit ((rtc_sec_counter * 0x3FFF) + GET_SYS_MS)
But to use these information you must initialise RTC of you micro (Obviously)