Numpy sparse matrix selecting rows by row number - numpy

Is it possible to select a non consecutive subset of rows of a numpy sparse matrix?
For example, I might want rows 0, 2 and 3, like:
mat[[True, False, True, True, False]]
I've been googling for a while and it looks like doing something like this on a numpy sparse matrix directly is not possible. What would be the most reasonable way of doing this by converting to a different data structure, selecting the subset, and converting back to numpy sparse matrix?


numpy.mean() and pandas.mean() return different values for the mean. Why is this so?

I'm trying to calculate the mean of a column in the data frame.
I played with two approaches:
1. converting column to an array and calculating mean using numpy.mean()
2. used pandas.mean() on the column itself
However they return different values.
import numpy as np
col1= subdf['V12']
col1_mean= col1.mean()
This returns: -1.2549951995448174e-15
import numpy as np
col1= subdf['V12']
col1_mean= col1.mean()
This returns: -1.81065810647492e-15
Why are the two means different?

How do I append a column from a numpy array to a pd dataframe?

I have a numpy array of 100 predicted values called first_100. If I convert these to a dataframe they are indexed as 0,1,2 etc. However, the predictions are for values that are in random indexed order, 66,201,32 etc. I want to be able to put the actual values and the predictions in the same dataframe, but I'm really struggling.
The real values are in a dataframe called first_100_train.
I've tried the following:
pd.concat([first_100, first_100_train], axis=1)
This doesn't work and for some reason returns the entire dataframe and indexed from 0 so there are lots of NaNs...
first_100_train['Prediction'] = first_100[0]
This is almost what I want, but again because the indexes are different the data doesn't match up. I'd really appreciate any suggestions.
EDIT: After managing to join the dataframes I now have this:
I'd like to be able to drop the final column...
Here is first_100.head()
and first_100_train.head()
The problem is that index 2 from first_100 actually corresponds to index 480 of first_100_train
Set default index values by DataFrame.reset_index and drop=True for correct alignment:
first_100_train.reset_index(drop=True)], axis=1)
Or if first DataFrame have default RangeIndex solution is simplify:
first_100_train.reset_index(drop=True)], axis=1)

Sklearn PCA: Correct Dimensionality of PCs

I have a dataframe, df, which contains a column called 'event' wherein there is a 24x24x40 numpy array. I want to:
extract this numpy array;
flatten it into a 1x23040 vector;
add this entry as a column in a new numpy array or dataframe;
perform PCA on the resulting matrix.
However, the PCA produces eigenvectors with the dimensions of 'the number of entries', not the 'number of dimensions in the data'.
To illustrate my problem, I demonstrate a minimal example that works perfectly well:
from sklearn import datasets, decomposition
digits = datasets.load_digits()
X =
pca = decomposition.PCA()
X_pca = pca.fit_transform(X)
print (X.shape)
Result: (1797, 64)
print (X_pca.shape)
Result: (1797, 64)
There are 1797 entries in each case, with eigenvectors of dimension 64.
Now onto my example:
from sklearn import datasets, decomposition
import pandas as pd
Result: (1, 24, 24, 40)
Result: (23040,)
for index, row in df.iterrows():
entry = df['event'][index].flatten()
X = np.asarray(_list)
pca = decomposition.PCA()
print (X.shape)
Result: (201, 23040)
print (X_pca.shape)
Result:(201, 201)
This has dimensions of the number of data, 201 entries!
I am unfamiliar with dataframes, so it could be that I am iterating through the dataframe incorrectly. However, I have checked that the rows of the resultant numpy array in X in Example 2 can be reshaped and plotted as expected.
Any thoughts would be appreciated!
Kind regards!
Sklearn's documentation states that the number of components retained when you don't specify the n_components parameter is min(n_samples, n_features).
Now, heading to your example:
In your first example, the number of data samples 1797 is less than the number of dimensions 64, therefore it keeps the whole dimensionality (since you are not specifying the number of components). However, in your second example, the number of data samples is far less than the number of features, hence, sklearns' PCA reduces the number of dimensions to n_samples.

Resampling/interpolating/extrapolating columns of a pandas dataframe

I am interested in knowing how to interpolate/resample/extrapolate columns of a pandas dataframe for pure numerical and datetime type indices. I'd like to perform this with either straight-forward linear interpolation or spline interpolation.
Consider first a simple pandas data frame that has a numerical index (signifying time) and a couple of columns:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10,2), index=np.arange(0,20,2))
0 1
0 0.937961 0.943746
2 1.687854 0.866076
4 0.410656 -0.025926
6 -2.042386 0.956386
8 1.153727 -0.505902
10 -1.546215 0.081702
12 0.922419 0.614947
14 0.865873 -0.014047
16 0.225841 -0.831088
18 -0.048279 0.314828
I would like to resample the columns of this dataframe over some denser grid of time indices which possibly extend beyond the last time index (thus requiring extrapolation).
Denote the denser grid of indices as, for example:
t = np.arange(0,40,.6)
The interpolate method for a pandas dataframe seems to interpolate only nan's and thus requires those new indices (which may or may not coincide with the original indices) to already be part of the dataframe. I guess I could append a data frame of nans at the new indices to the original dataframe (excluding any indices appearing in both the old and new dataframes) and call interpolate and then remove the original time indices. Or, I could do everything in scipy and create a new dataframe at the desired time indices.
Is there a more direct way to do this?
In addition, I'd like to know how to do this same thing when the indices are, in fact, datetimes. That is, when, for example:
df.index = np.array('2015-07-04 02:12:40', dtype=np.datetime64) + np.arange(0,20,2)

Selection column in a dataframe in pandas apply min function

I have n-dataframe in a list
df=[df_1, df_2, df_3, ...., df_n]
Where df_n is a dataframe in pandas (python). df_n is a variable of my keras-model.
df_1_1 is the first dataframe of the list (the first variable) and the first columns of this dataframe, his dataframe has m columns.
Each column of this dataframe if this variable applies a different type of smoothing or filter.
I have 100 column in each dataframe and I want to select the combination of columns (of different dataframes), the X_train than have min value in the score of my model.
score = model.evaluate(X_test,Y_test)
X_test and Y_test are the last n occurrences of the selected columns.
There some library for selected this columns (neuronal networks, GA, colony ant, ...)?
How can I implement it?
What is your prediction task? Do you need a neural network or not? You are essentially looking at a feature selection problem here. You could use simpler models such as the lasso which will select columns using L1-regularization. Or you could use an ensembling technique such as random forests and consider the relative feature importances to select your columns. Perhaps have a look at scikit-learn.