How get one single component (carousel) from element-ui if is imported as global config object? - vue.js

Hi in project i have included element-ui.
In app.js:
import Element from 'element-ui'
and after:
Vue.use(Element, {locale})
So in my single file components template i can use carousel like this: (In this component is not any initialization carousel via vue like import, parent whatever...)
And it works... BUT. How i can access to this element? Look to actual slide, use events and so on....?
I was tried in component something like:
import { Carousel } from 'element-ui';
and add to components list... It works, but it is another instance of this class...
So how i can GET real instance of carousel from DOM?

Easy. Make reference on element via ref attribute like this:
<el-carousel ref="myreference"></el-carousel>
and after this access:


Child components not rendering when referenced dynamically in composition API

I'm converting some components from vue 3's option API to the composition API. In this particular component I have two nested child components:
<script lang="ts" setup>
import ShiftOperation from "#/components/transformation-widgets/ShiftOperation.vue";
import RawJolt from "#/components/transformation-widgets/RawJolt.vue";
console.log([ShiftOperation, RawJolt])
From what I understand, if you're using the setup attribute in the script tag then all you have to do is import the component into a variable like I'm doing above and it should be available for the template without having to do anything else, like it's not like the old options api where you had to inject those components into the parent component.
Both components are imported successfully (confirmed by the console log:
When I'm rendering out this parent component I'm using the two child components to render out an array of data where I reference the children dynamically in the template based on information in each block of data that I'm iterating over:
<div class="renderer-wrapper">
v-for="(block, index) in store.specBlocks"
// logic for determining the component to use:
export const determineBlockComponent = (block: JoltOperation) => {
switch (block.renderComponent) {
case 'shift':
return 'ShiftOperation'
return 'RawJolt'
This worked fine in the options api version of it, but for some reason the components don't actually render. They show up in the elements tab:
But they don't show up in the view. I also added a created lifecycle hook into the child components that just console.log's out saying "created X", but those hooks don't fire.
Business logic wise nothing has changed, it's just been going from option api to composition api, so I'm assuming I'm missing some key detail.
Any ideas?
Your determineBlockComponent function should not return the string but the object of the component. Replace return 'ShiftOperation' with return ShiftOperation

Ref not working on custom component in Vue3

I'm using Vue3 with the composition API. In a form-component I put ref's on each field (child-component).
For some reason the ref's of the custom components are different from ref's for Quasar components.
When I console.log a ref to a custom component I get this in DevTools:
Proxy {__v_skip: true}
(without any properties in Target)
while a ref to a Quasar components gives this :
Proxy {…}
(with all properties of the component in Target)
For this reason I can't use the ref to access properties or methods of these child components.
I have no idea what __v_skip even means.
My custom components are defined with script setup, could that be a reason?
Any idea how to fix this?
If I use defineExpose in the child components for the properties and methods I want to access from outside with a ref, it does work. Not really handy though, since these components have lots of props.
Seem likes currently you cannot access the custom component by ref, if your component is written by Composition API (<script setup>). But you can try the way I mention underneath.
In the Vue 3 doc, there are some lines mentioned this behavior:
An exception here is that components using <script setup> are private
by default: a parent component referencing a child component using
<script setup> won't be able to access anything unless the child
component chooses to expose a public interface using the defineExpose
Read more here: Vue 3 - Ref on Component
That means if you want to access anything from the custom component, your component has to expose that information. I think it's because in Vue 3 you don't need to have root component anymore, so if you define a ref, Vue does not know what the component you want to ref to.
You can try to use yourRef.value.$el, maybe it will help.
// Parent.vue
<Child ref="childRef">
<script setup lang="ts">
// Import things...
const childRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof Child> | null>(null);
onMounted(() => {

How to add custom properties to Vue modules and instances

When you inspect a Vue component that you have imported, you will get something like this:
import ClickB from 'ClickB.vue';
I have seen that nuxt adds a custom property there (called _nuxt), just like there is _ssrRegister. I have 2 questions:
How is it possible to add properties to the component?
Can you pass that property from the component to its instances?
It is simple. Just decorate Vue prototype like this to add instance method:
import Vue from 'vue';
// Adding an instance method
Vue.prototype.$someMethod = function (methodOptions) {
// Your own logic...
As a good practice, this code should be in your index.js or main.js file. Taking it one step further, you should put this code inside plugins as explained in Vue documentation for plugins.
You can always just add them to your definition and to access them you would use $options instance property.

Vue multiples components

I'm doing a project with ElementUI Tabs (just HTML and JS files, no .vue files) and I want to open a new Tab, and add html inside, like I've always used to do in Jquery and SemanticUI, for example, the user clicks the menu called "Person" and the Person View (a Vue component) opens in the tab (id = "tab1") to add a new person register, and if the user clicks again the "Person" menu, another tab opens (id = "tab2") with the Person View.
First Question: Because the Vue Component has no "el:" selector, how can I tell to component (Person View) to open inside the "tab1", and another click to open inside the "tab2" ? There is any selector like "el" in Vue.component()?
Second Question: Using Vue instance ( new Vue ({options}) ), it works, because is possible to use the selector "el", but I've read before in some blogs, that is not good practice, because the app must have only one instance of Vue. Is correct add more than one Vue instance ( new Vue () ) as used to be done adding many Vue.component ({}) in the project?
Third Question: I've read before that Vue.component() is a Vue instance, and so would be correct to say that Vue.component() and Vue() is the same thing, but with different sintax ?
Question 1:
Actually, a component does have an el. Your template determines what el is.
For example, I created an inline template for my select2 that look like this:
Vue.componet("select2", {blah blah blah});
in this case el is the select box directly.
If I did:
the component el would be the div.
Question 2: what you heard from those blogs is nonsense, at least as far as Vue 2 is concerned (never worked with ver 1)
You, as a coder, determine what el is in your code so it is safe to use as a selector. I do it all of the time.
Vues cannot overlap but you can have as many on a page as makes sense. On one set of my tabs, each tab is completely different from each other and independent of each other so each has its own Vue instance. On another, each tab is the same so a made a single component and generated it inside each tab as part of the parent Vue instance.
question 3:
Think of Components as parts and the Vue instance as the whole containing the parts. I personally use components to reduce and compartmentalize code. For example, I have a DataTables component, a select2 component and a tab component, in all cases I have a number of each on each page. Then all I need to do is include them in my Vue instance definition.
After almost two weeks trying, I got it !
First i created an object that has a component structure in a JS file
(personview.js) that i load with requireJS, and pass as a parameter to a
method of Vue Instance called appVue:
appVue.addComponent(componentName,{name:"personview",template:"<div>html tags...</div>",methods:...});
In appVue i added the method:
var appVue=new Vue({
data() {
return {
components: {},
instances: {}
methods: {
When the user clicks on menu, the method openViewByClickOnMenu is called
and executes:
methods: {
//id to identify the components and scripts to load
var componentName="personView"; //for this example i forced the name
//call a method that adds the new tab, and inside the tab adds
//<div id="divX"></div> and return the counter ever increased.
//X in id attribute is the number genereate by the counter
var ctTab=body.addTab({label:menuItem.label});
// will be used to identify an instance of compoment
var componentId=componentName+ctTab; //will be personView1, personView2, etc..
// will be used to identify the div where i want to show component
var divTabId="div"+ctTab;
//load the personview.js with component body
//creates a new instance of component
app.$data.instances[componentId]=new app.$data.componentes[componentName];
//mounts the component in the div that i want
I think the Vue team could add a method in Vue instance to add
components dinamically more easily, sometimes there's no need to
load all html and js files because the user has no acess/permissions
to see some views. And i miss a way to load html native, like
Angular does, because sometimes we need generate html from template engine
inside a SpringBoot for example.

Vue2 Custom Directive modifying component call

I am attempting to write a Vue directive that updates the properties of a component before the component is evaluated.
For example, consider the following.
<b-modal v-i18n:title="'i18n.key'">
b-modal is a Vue Component and it takes a property called 'title'. I would like to have a custom directive that can set the property title after translating the supplied key.
That is, I would like the above code to get rewritten by the directive to:
<b-modal title="Translated Text">
So far I have read the following resources and found no reference on how to do this.
My current attempt looks like this:
Vue.directive('i18n', {
inserted: function (el,binding) {
const i18nKey = binding.value;
const attrName = binding.arg;
el.setAttribute(attrName, i18nKey);
This attempt sadly falls short. It results in a change to the final DOM element and has no affect on the property being past to the Vue component.
How can I can the above directive be modified to change the properties being past to the b-modal component?