API Gateway with Cognito and LoginWithAmazon - authentication

I am creating a REST API on API Gateway and want to use Cognito (User Pool) with LWA for authentication.
Anyone calling the API should be able to use their Amazon account credentials to get access token from Cognito and pass the access token while calling API gateway.
I want to know is it possible for callers to use a curl command or use postman to generate access token via Cognito? I checked that once the access token are generated we can call API gateway using Postman.
Any suggestion/idea on this would be helpful.


JWT token changes when passing through the GCP API gateway

I am sending a JWT token in api header. I designed this to pass through GCP api gateway and hit cloudrun service. But when passing through api gateway, the whole JWT token changes every time. There is no effect when I call the cloudrun directly without an api gateway. Any ideas about this?
You have several use cases
If you consider that your Cloud Run requires an authentication, but the access to API Gateway doesn't, the API Gateway is able to generate an identity token, based on the service account in its configuration, and add it to the request forwarded to Cloud Run
If you consider that your Cloud Run requires an authentication and you want to use API Gateway as authentication proxy (for instance, all the users that request the API gateway must be authorized by API gateway (by API key, by FirebaseAuth, by JWT token,...), but the users aren't directly granted on the Cloud RUn service, API Gateway is able to generate an identity token, based on the service account in its configuration, and add it to the request forwarded to Cloud Run
If you consider that your Cloud Run requires an authentication and API Gateway is simply a passthrough to centralise the APIs definition, you can set in your x-google-backend definition, the parameter disable_auth to true. That time, API Gateway won't generate an identity token and won't add it in the forwarded request. The identity token received in entry is forwarded to Cloud RUn (it must be a valid token for Cloud Run)
Note: when API Gateway generate an identity token, the initial authorization token is forwarded in a new header: X-Apigateway-Api-Userinfo

Aws Cognito : how to get the token for API command line testing?

I am attempting to authenticate a REST API in AWS API Gateway, which is protected by AWS Cognito through the command line to do some security testing of the API. So, i'm supposed to send the authentication token to get an answer, except i just can't figure out how to get that token!
Our Cognito User Pool is configured for Authorisation Code Grant Flow and Implicit Grant, but not for Client Credentials. Everything I found out during my research was about Client Credentials, so if anyone had a command line that actually works with these parameters it would be really nice!
If you have a REST API in AWS API Gateway that has Cognito Authentication enabled, you would need to pass the JWT Token generated by Cognito in the HTTP Request Header. To retrieve the JWT Token, you could either try a login operation from the Cognito Hosted UI, or you could alternatively try the AWS provided InitiateAuth or AdminInitiateAuth API calls. To give further clarity, if you select the Implicit Grant Flow, you get only an ID Token and an Access Token back. However, if you select the Authorization Code Grant Flow, you get a code back, which you could convert to JWT Tokens while leveraging Cognito's TOKEN Endpoint. An example for the AdminInitiateAuth API call(via the AWS CLI) as stated in the AWS Cognito Documentation is given as follows:
aws cognito-idp admin-initiate-auth --user-pool-id us-west-2_aaaaaaaaa --client-id 3n4b5urk1ft4fl3mg5e62d9ado --auth-flow ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH --auth-parameters USERNAME=jane#example.com,PASSWORD=password
These API calls/the Hosted UI Authentication Mechanism would give you an OIDC compliant ID Token and an Access Token after you login successfully. After you retrieve the Token, you could pass the token to the Token Source that you have set-up while creating the REST API Authorizer in AWS API Gateway. To know more about passing a certain parameter to a cURL request header, you could have a look at this StackOverflow question.

Generate Access Token and validate against IdentityServer4 through Azure API Management

I have an external endpoint which is going to hit the Azure API gateway and that would route it to the backend API which is protected by IdentityServer4 authorization.
I am getting the access token if I hit it through the Postman client with the interactive UI from IdentityServer.
Is there a way I can get the access token required from the Azure API Management to validate against the IdentityServer4 and append it to the header in the request to the backend API?
Yes it is possible to achieve it through custom policy. You can ask your external API-Client/Consumer to paas in credentials in heaser, and then you write a policy inside inbound to can read those user credentials and do a API request (similar to your postman) and get the access token. You can then append the same token and let your request gets forwarded to backend API.
As per your problem statement, this should work. In case not, you might have to explain your scenario with more description/steps.
Here are some of the reference materials for you, I hope it helps.
Postman has a luxury of a human user seeing the UI and authorizing API access and IdentityServer4 to issue a token for Postman. There is no such luxury when call is being processed by APIM server, as you could send request for token to IdentityServer4, but who would be presented UI to authorize the action?
The only way is to provision some sort of secret to APIM (header, query, certificate) that would be recognized by IdentityServer4 to allow it issuing tokens for APIM. If such secred is available you could use send-request policy to make a call to IdentityServer4 and obtain required token.
Or make sure that every request to APIM has a token already.

How can I allow limited access to API created in aws API gateway?

I have a API in AWS API gateway.
I wants to give Limited access to the user how can I do that?
or how can I create Signed url if possible for the API access does anyone has any idea?
I can Disable from the API Gateway Console but can I give the time or limited access to the user?
You can use AWS Cognito to authenticate your user against Google/Twitter/Facebook. Then in Cognito you configure the Role the temporary IAM user should have that Cognito returns. This Role should at least have rights to call your API Gateway.
In the API Gateway you can configure your endpoints so that it is required to have a valid IAM authentication.
Lastly if you want to restrict the user, you can make a call to Cognito and remove/adjust his account to block him.

Integrating AWS Cognito with API for authentication

Can we integrate AWS cognito to authenticate API calls to our back-end? I was planning to use cognito access token which would be given to a reverse proxy server to create a JWT by value for back-end micro services. But I could not find any method to check the AWS token for validity. Any suggestions?
Thanks :)
Amazon Cognito was not designed to secure developer built APIs and I would caution you from using only the Amazon Cognito token to secure your API.
That being said, the vended Amazon Cognito token is a normal JWT signed using asymmetric encryption. This thread on the AWS forums has some example code in C# that another customer was able to use to verify the token.
Update 2015-07-09 AWS has announced Amazon API Gateway. Using API Gateway you can build a REST interface to your existing API (or to AWS Lamdba functions) secured with credentials retrieved via an Amazon Cognito authflow. See this blog post for additional announcement details.
You can retrieve the JWT tokens after authenticating users using Cognito. Pass the Access or ID token (depending on usecase) to your backend app and decode the token using any standard JWT decoder libraries.
Here is an article with sample code for reference explaining the process.