How to split a column by using length split and MaxSplit in Pyspark dataframe? - apache-spark-sql

For Example
If I have a Column as given below by calling and showing the CSV in Pyspark
| Names|
|Rahul |
|Ravi |
|Raghu |
|Romeo |
if I specify in my functions as Such
Length = 2
Maxsplit = 3
Then I have to get the results as
|Col_1 |Col_2 |Col_3 |
| Ra | hu | l |
| Ra | vi | Null |
| Ra | gh | u |
| Ro | me | o |
Simirarly in Pyspark
Length = 3
Max split = 2 it should provide me the output such as
|Col_1 |Col_2 |
| Rah | ul |
| Rav | i |
| Rag | hu |
| Rom | eo |
This is how it should look like, Thank you

Another way to go about this. Should be faster than any looping or udf solution.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
def split(df,length,maxsplit):
return df.withColumn('Names',F.split("Names","(?<=\\G{})".format('.'*length)))\
.select(*((F.col("Names")[x]).alias("Col_"+str(x+1)) for x in range(0,maxsplit)))
#| Rah| ul|
#| Rav| i|
#| Rag| hu|
#| Rom| eo|
#| Ra| hu| l|
#| Ra| vi| |
#| Ra| gh| u|
#| Ro| me| o|

Try this,
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
tst = sqlContext.createDataFrame([("Raghu",1),("Ravi",2),("Rahul",3)],schema=["Name","val"])
def fn (split,max_n,tst):
for i in range(max_n):
tst_res = fn(3,2,tst)
The for loop can also replaced by a list comprehension or reduce, but i felt in you case, a for loop looked neater. they have the same physical plan anyway.
The results
| Name|val|coln0|coln1|
|Raghu| 1| Rag| hu|
| Ravi| 2| Rav| i|
|Rahul| 3| Rah| ul|

Try this
def split(data,length,maxSplit):
for i in range(0,maxSplit):
data = data.withColumn(f'col_{start}-{start+length-1}',f.substring('channel',start,length))
return data
df = split(data,3,2)
| channel|type|col_1-3|col_4-6|
| web| 0| web| |
| web| 1| web| |
| web| 2| web| |
| twitter| 0| twi| tte|
| twitter| 1| twi| tte|
|facebook| 0| fac| ebo|
|facebook| 1| fac| ebo|
|facebook| 2| fac| ebo|

Perhaps this is useful-
Load the test data
Note: written in scala
val Length = 2
val Maxsplit = 3
val df = Seq("Rahul", "Ravi", "Raghu", "Romeo").toDF("Names")
* +-----+
* |Names|
* +-----+
* |Rahul|
* |Ravi |
* |Raghu|
* |Romeo|
* +-----+
split the string col as per the length and offset
val schema = StructType(Range(1, Maxsplit + 1).map(f => StructField(s"Col_$f", StringType)))
val split = udf((str:String, length: Int, maxSplit: Int) =>{
val splits = str.toCharArray.grouped(length).map(_.mkString).toArray
RowFactory.create(splits ++ Array.fill(maxSplit-splits.length)(null): _*)
}, schema)
val p = df
.withColumn("x", split($"Names", lit(Length), lit(Maxsplit)))
* +-----+-----+-----+
* |Col_1|Col_2|Col_3|
* +-----+-----+-----+
* |Ra |hu |l |
* |Ra |vi |null |
* |Ra |gh |u |
* |Ro |me |o |
* +-----+-----+-----+
* root
* |-- Col_1: string (nullable = true)
* |-- Col_2: string (nullable = true)
* |-- Col_3: string (nullable = true)
Dataset[Row] -> Dataset[Array[String]]
val x = => {
val splits = r.getString(0).toCharArray.grouped(Length).map(_.mkString).toArray
splits ++ Array.fill(Maxsplit-splits.length)(null)
* +-----------+
* |value |
* +-----------+
* |[Ra, hu, l]|
* |[Ra, vi,] |
* |[Ra, gh, u]|
* |[Ro, me, o]|
* +-----------+
* root
* |-- value: array (nullable = true)
* | |-- element: string (containsNull = true)


pyspark dataframe replace null in one column with another column by converting it from string to array

I would like to replace a null value of a pyspark dataframe column with another string column converted to array.
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
import pyspark.sql.types as T
new_customers = spark.createDataFrame(data=[["Karen", ["a"]], ["Penny", ["b"]], ["John", [None]], ["Cosimo", ["d"]]], schema=["name", "val"])
new_customers.printSchema(), False)
new_customers = new_customers.withColumn("new_val", F.coalesce(F.col("val"), F.array(F.col("name")))), truncate=False)
But, it is
|-- name: string (nullable = true)
|-- val: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
|name |val|
|Karen |[a]|
|Penny |[b]|
|John |[] |
|name |val|new_val|
|Karen |[a]|[a] |
|Penny |[b]|[b] |
|John |[] |[] |
|Cosimo|[d]|[d] |
what I expect:
|name |val|new_val|
|Karen |[a]|[a] |
|Penny |[b]|[b] |
|John |[] |[John] |
|Cosimo|[d]|[d] |
Did I miss something ? thanks
Problem is that you've an array with null element in it. It will not test positive for isNull check.
First clean up single-null-element arrays:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
import pyspark.sql.types as T
new_customers = spark.createDataFrame(data=[["Karen", ["a"]], ["Penny", ["b"]], ["John", [None]], ["Cosimo", ["d"]]], schema=["name", "val"])
|name |val |
|Karen |[a] |
|Penny |[b] |
|John |[null]|
|Cosimo|[d] |
new_customers = new_customers.withColumn("val", F.filter(F.col("val"), lambda x: x.isNotNull()))
|name |val|
|Karen |[a]|
|Penny |[b]|
|John |[] |
Then, change your expression for array empty check instead of null check:
new_customers = new_customers.withColumn("new_val", F.when(F.size("val")>0, F.col("val")).otherwise(F.array(F.col("name"))))
|name |val|new_val|
|Karen |[a]|[a] |
|Penny |[b]|[b] |
|John |[] |[John] |
|Cosimo|[d]|[d] |

Split a dataframe string column by two different delimiters

The following is my dataset:
The following is the code I have been trying to use
df.withColumn("item1", split(col("Itemcode"), "/").getItem(0)).withColumn("item2", split(col("Itemcode"), "/").getItem(1)).withColumn("item3", split(col("Itemcode"), "//").getItem(0))
But it fails when there is a double slash in between first and second item and also fails when there is a double slash between 2nd and 3rd item
Desired output is:
item1 item2 item3
DB9450 DB9450 AD9066
DA0002 DE2396 DF2345
GG7183 EB6693
TA444 B9X8X4
You can first replace the // with / then you can split.. Please try the below and let us know if worked
df_b = spark.createDataFrame([('DB9450//DB9450/AD9066',"a"),('DA0002/DE2396//DF2345',"a"),('HWC72',"a"),('GG7183/EB6693',"a"),('TA444/B9X8X4:7-2-',"a")],[ "reg","postime"])
| reg|postime|
|DB9450//DB9450/AD...| a|
|DA0002/DE2396//DF...| a|
| HWC72| a|
| GG7183/EB6693| a|
| TA444/B9X8X4:7-2-| a|
df_b = df_b.withColumn('split_col', F.regexp_replace(F.col('reg'), "//", "/"))
df_b = df_b.withColumn('split_col', F.split(df_b['split_col'], '/'))
df_b = df_b.withColumn('col1' , F.col('split_col').getItem(0))
df_b = df_b.withColumn('col2' , F.col('split_col').getItem(1))
df_b = df_b.withColumn('col2', F.regexp_replace(F.col('col2'), ":7-2-", ""))
df_b = df_b.withColumn('col3' , F.col('split_col').getItem(2))
| reg|postime| split_col| col1| col2| col3|
|DB9450//DB9450/AD...| a|[DB9450, DB9450, ...|DB9450|DB9450|AD9066|
|DA0002/DE2396//DF...| a|[DA0002, DE2396, ...|DA0002|DE2396|DF2345|
| HWC72| a| [HWC72]| HWC72| null| null|
| GG7183/EB6693| a| [GG7183, EB6693]|GG7183|EB6693| null|
| TA444/B9X8X4:7-2-| a|[TA444, B9X8X4:7-2-]| TA444|B9X8X4| null|
Processing the text as csv works well for this.
First, let's read in the text, replacing double backslashes along the way
Edit: Also removing everything after a colon
val items = """
""".replaceAll("//", "/").split(":")(0)
Get the max number of items in a row
to create an appropriate header
val numItems = items.split("\n").map(_.split("/").size).reduce(_ max _)
val header = (1 to numItems).map("Itemcode" + _).mkString("/")
Then we're ready to create a Data Frame
val df =
.option("ignoreTrailingWhiteSpace", "true")
.option("delimiter", "/")
.option("header", "true")
.csv(spark.sparkContext.parallelize((header + items).split("\n")).toDS)
.filter("Itemcode1 <> 'Itemcode'")
|Itemcode1|Itemcode2 |Itemcode3|
|DB9450 |DB9450 |AD9066 |
|DA0002 |DE2396 |DF2345 |
|HWC72 |null |null |
|GG7183 |EB6693 |null |
|TA444 |B9X8X4 |null |
Perhaps this is useful (spark>=2.4)-
split and TRANSFORM spark sql function will do the magic as below-
Load the provided test data
val data =
val stringDS = data.split(System.lineSeparator())
.map(_.split("\\|").map(_.replaceAll("""^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$""", "")).mkString("|"))
val df =
.option("sep", "|")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
.option("header", "true")
.option("nullValue", "null")
* +---------------------+
* |Itemcode |
* +---------------------+
* |DB9450//DB9450/AD9066|
* |DA0002/DE2396//DF2345|
* |HWC72 |
* |GG7183/EB6693 |
* |TA444/B9X8X4:7-2- |
* +---------------------+
* root
* |-- Itemcode: string (nullable = true)
Use split and TRANSFORM (you can run this query directly in pyspark)
df.withColumn("item_code", expr("TRANSFORM(split(Itemcode, '/+'), x -> split(x, ':')[0])"))
.selectExpr("item_code[0] item1", "item_code[1] item2", "item_code[2] item3")
* +------+------+------+
* |item1 |item2 |item3 |
* +------+------+------+
* |DB9450|DB9450|AD9066|
* |DA0002|DE2396|DF2345|
* |HWC72 |null |null |
* |GG7183|EB6693|null |
* |TA444 |B9X8X4|null |
* +------+------+------+

Create empty sparse vectors in PySpark

I have a dataframe DF1 that looks like this:
|user_id|meta |
| 1| null|
| 11| null|
| 15| null|
|-- user_id: string (nullable = true)
|-- meta: string (nullable = true)
and I have another dataframe DF2 that looks like this
|user_id| Vectorz |
| 10| (2,[1],[1.0])|
| 12| (2,[1],[1.0])|
| 13| (2,[0],[1.0])|
| 14| (2,[1],[1.0])|
Schema is:
[user_id: string, Vectorz: vector]
I want to inject all the user_ids from DF1 into DF2, but create empty sparse vectors for them since their "meta" column is all NULLs.
So, I want DF2 to finally be:
|user_id| Vectorz |
| 1| (,[],[])|
| 10| (2,[1],[1.0])|
| 11| (,[],[])|
| 12| (2,[1],[1.0])|
| 13| (2,[0],[1.0])|
| 14| (2,[1],[1.0])|
| 15| (,[],[])|
Can somebody please help?
I am new to PySpark. So, sorry if I don't sound informed enough.
You can go ahead and create empty vectors for all the user_ids when meta is null.
Anyways you need to decide when the meta column is not null.
Sample COde
val spark = sqlContext.sparkSession
val implicits = sqlContext.sparkSession.implicits
import implicits._
val df1 = sqlContext.range(1,4)
.withColumnRenamed("id", "user_id")
.withColumn("meta", lit(null).cast(DataTypes.StringType))
|1 |null|
|2 |null|
|3 |null|
|-- user_id: long (nullable = false)
|-- meta: string (nullable = true)
val staticVector = udf(() => Vectors.sparse(5, Seq((1, 1.0), (3, 7.0))), SQLDataTypes.VectorType)
val df2 = sqlContext.range(5,8)
.withColumnRenamed("id", "user_id")
.withColumn("Vectorz", staticVector())
|user_id|Vectorz |
|5 |(5,[1,3],[1.0,7.0])|
|6 |(5,[1,3],[1.0,7.0])|
|7 |(5,[1,3],[1.0,7.0])|
|-- user_id: long (nullable = false)
|-- Vectorz: vector (nullable = true)
Processed DF
val emptyVector = udf(() => Vectors.sparse(0, Array.empty[Int], Array.empty[Double]), SQLDataTypes.VectorType)
val processedDF =
// meta column shouldn't have any value
// for the safer side adding filter as meta is null
// need to decide what if meta is not null
// I'm assigning empty vector to that also
.withColumn("Vectorz", when(col("meta").isNull, emptyVector()).otherwise(emptyVector()))
|user_id|Vectorz |
|1 |(0,[],[]) |
|2 |(0,[],[]) |
|3 |(0,[],[]) |
|5 |(5,[1,3],[1.0,7.0])|
|6 |(5,[1,3],[1.0,7.0])|
|7 |(5,[1,3],[1.0,7.0])|
|-- user_id: long (nullable = false)
|-- Vectorz: vector (nullable = true)

Multiple AND conditions on the same column in pyspark without join operation

I have a table of three columns [s,p,o]. I would like to remove rows, that for each entry in s , the p column does not include [P625, P36] values both. For example
| s| p| o |
| Q31| P36| Q239|
| Q31|P625| 51|
| Q45| P36| Q597|
| Q45|P625| 123|
| Q51|P625| 22|
| Q24|P625| 56|
The end result should be
| s| p| o |
| Q31| P36| Q239|
| Q31|P625| 51|
| Q45| P36| Q597|
| Q45|P625| 123|
Using join operation, the above task is easy.
But is there a more elegant way to do this?
You need a window
from pyspark.sql import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
winSpec = Window.partitionBy('s')
df.withColumn("s_list", collect_list("s").over(winSpec)).
filter(array_contains(col("s_list"), "P625") & array_contains(col("s_list"), "P36") & size(col("s_list")) = 2)
Forgive me, as I'm much more familiar with the Scala API, but perhaps you can easily convert it:
scala> val df = spark.createDataset(Seq(
| ("Q31", "P36", "Q239"),
| ("Q31", "P625", "51"),
| ("Q45", "P36", "Q597"),
| ("Q45", "P625", "123"),
| ("Q51", "P625", "22"),
| ("Q24", "P625", "56")
| )).toDF("s", "p", "o")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [s: string, p: string ... 1 more field]
scala> ($"s", struct($"p", $"o").as("po"))
| .groupBy("s")
| .agg(collect_list($"po").as("polist"))
| .as[(String, Array[(String, String)])]
| .flatMap(r => {
| val ps =
| if(ps("P625") && ps("P36")) {
| r._2.flatMap(po => Some(r._1, po._1, po._2))
| } else {
| None
| }
| }).toDF("s", "p", "o")
| .show())
| s| p| o|
|Q31| P36|Q239|
|Q31|P625| 51|
|Q45| P36|Q597|
|Q45|P625| 123|
For reference, your join() command above would have returned:
scala> df.filter($"p" === "P625").join(df.filter($"p" === "P36"), "s").show
| s| p| o| p| o|
|Q31|P625| 51|P36|Q239|
Which can be worked into your final solution as well, perhaps with less code, but I'm not sure which method would be more efficient, as that's largely data dependent.

Convert Pyspark Dataframe column from array to new columns

I've a Pyspark Dataframe with this structure:
|-- Id: string (nullable = true)
|-- Q: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
| | |-- pr: string (nullable = true)
| | |-- qt: double (nullable = true)
Something similar to:
+----+--------------------- ... --+
| Id | Q |
+----+---------------------- ... -+
| 001| [ [pr1,1.9], [pr3,2.0]...] |
| 002| [ [pr2,1.0], [pr9,3.9]...] |
| 003| [ [pr2,9.0], ... ] |
I wold like to convert Q array into columns (name pr value qt).
Also I would like to avoid duplicated columns by merging (add) same columns.
+----+-----+-----+------+ ... ----+
| Id | pr1 | pr2 | pr3 | ... prn |
+----+-----+-----+------+ ... ----+
| 001| 1.9 | 0.0 | 2.0 | ... |
| 002| 0.0 | 1.0 | 0 | ... |
| 003| 0.0 | 9.0 | ... | ... |
How can I perform this transformation?.
Thakyou in advance!!.
You can do this with a combination of explode and pivot:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
# explode to get "long" format
df=df.withColumn('exploded', F.explode('Q'))
# get the name and the name in separate columns
df=df.withColumn('name', F.col('exploded').getItem(0))
df=df.withColumn('value', F.col('exploded').getItem(1))
# now pivot
Very interesting question. This is how I approached it.
file = sc.textFile("file:///test2.csv")
//get it in (key,value)
//[(u'001', u'pr1:0.9')...]
//rdd1 = r: r.replace(",","\t",1)).map(lambda r: r.split("\t")).map(lambda r: (r[0],r[1])).flatMapValues(lambda r: r.split(','))
rdd1 = r: r.split(",")[0]).map(lambda r: (r[0],r[1])).flatMapValues(lambda r: r.split(','))
//create a DF with 3 columns
//[(u'001', u'pr1', u'0.9')...)]
| _1| _2| _3|
|001|pr1| 0.9|
|001|pr3| 1.2|
|001|pr2| 2.0|
|002|pr3| 5.2|
rdd2 = r: (r[0],r[1].split(":"))).map(lambda r: (r[0],r[1][0],r[1][1]))
df = rdd2.toDF()
//Perform the magic
| _1|pr1|pr2|pr3| pr4|
|001|0.9|2.0|1.2| 0|
|002| 0| 0|5.2|0.99|