Google Pub/Sub API limits - api

Are there any limits on retrieval/update APIs provided?
I was able to find these docs: :
This contains info about throughputs and limits on the number of topics, subscriptions, and messages creation. :
This just says 10GB of messages per month.
What about the limits on retrieval/update APIs?
For Example:
Retrieving Topic with its name,
Updating a subscription.

In the quota page that you mentioned, you have this
All the administrative operation (list, get, update, delete,...) have a quotas to 100 ops/s


In Firebase Cloud Messaging, Messaging report, count of received messages is more then sent. Why it is so?

In Firebase Cloud Messaging, Messaging report, count of received messages is more then sent. Why it is so ?
I have checked data in Biq Query and it differs with diagram. In Big Query data count of received messages is less then sent.
firebaser here
That data is unusual since normally send count should be greater than received. It’ll be challenging to pinpoint or even narrow down what could be the problem on a public forum without going into project-specific details. The issue can be in the FCM backend itself or just in the reporting metrics. I would recommend reaching out to Firebase support as they can offer personalized help.

Here Maps - What HTTP status code does it return when API Quota was exceeded?

I am developing an app which uses the distance calculation of HERE maps API...
I am preparing for the case when the API doesn't return what my app expects (correct response including distance infos). So I want to be prepared for the case the API Request Quota was exceeded...
What HTTP status code does it return when API Quota was exceeded?
Does it return a 200 with some JSON which explains that and error occurred because of quota?
You should also get a 429 error from the API, with a message "Limit Exceeded".
If you exceed the Location Services 250,000 Transactions or Data Hub 2.5GB Data transfer or 5GB Database storage included for free in the Freemium plan, you'll receive an email telling you to add payment details to your account.
You'll have some "wiggle room" above your limits to help ensure your access is not unintentionally shut down. However, it's possible to exceed the threshold, including "wiggle room", which would result in account deactivation, even before we can notify you.
for detail please check the FAQ section with question
"12. What happens if I exceed limits on my Freemium plan?"

How many Bitcoin addresses can I generate through Coinbase API?

I use Coinbase API to generate Bitcoin addresses.
What are the limits of this API?
How many Bitcoin addresses can I generate?
The API says that:
The Coinbase API is rate limited to prevent abuse that would degrade our ability to maintain consistent API performance for all users. By default, each API key or app is rate limited at 10,000 requests per hour. If your requests are being rate limited, HTTP response code 429 will be returned with an rate_limit_exceeded error.
So I would reason to assume you can generate 10,000 BTC addresses per hour. Of course there might be somewhere else it has been mentioned.
API docs say it is unlimited for each account.
Address resource represents a bitcoin, bitcoin cash, litecoin or ethereum address for an account. Account can have unlimited amount of addresses and they should be used only once.
This text is taken from the official api docs (link down below) on date 04-02-2020

YouTube API Quota - Multiple accounts

Version 3 of the YouTube Data API has concrete quota numbers listed in the Google API Console where you register for your API Key. You can use 30,000 units/second/user and 1,000,000 per day. Projects that had enabled the YouTube Data API before April 20, 2016, have a default quota of 50M/day.
This means that once we breach this numbers, we'll receive in the header that the rate limits have been exceeded.
My question is, can you create multiple accounts, which will in theory DOUBLE the quota?
Or is it also IP restricted too meaning /user1/ & /user2/ requests won't actually change the quota?
It is my understanding that the quota is PER PROJECT, not per account. You could create 3 projects and each project would have the default quota. Then in your application you could attempt to use all 3 combined in order to post to the API with a higher throughput.

Gmail API sending limits

I saw in some articles that the sending limit for gmail is:
*500 per day if we send by website
*100 per day if we send by pop/imap application
My questions are:
1.- The "100 per day" limit its also for an vb net apps that we can make?
2.- How many mails can be send using gmail API (or how many recipients)?
3.- How can I extend the limit with a FREE account?
Based on the Usage Limits page of the Gmail API documentation, we have about 1,000,000,000 quota units per day for Daily Usage and 250 units/user/second rate limit.
All method transactions have allocated quota units, if we're specifically looking at the send method (either from drafts/messages), it will cost us 100 units.