Kotlin "no cast needed" in IDE - kotlin

I'am new to Kotlin (and Java) so may be a stupid question, but IntelliJ keeps telling me "No cast needed" on the second function call. If i switch the order of the functions the same for the other functions.
I could imagine 2 things:
Kotlin is smart it knows: Hey first cast is fine, so i will cast the second
IntelliJ problem ?
(this as Exec).setVersionToDeploy()
(this as Exec).setEcsTaskMemory()
Both functions are defined as (Gradle-Plugin):
fun Exec.XX()

Your first guess is correct!
This is known as a smart cast: the compiler knows that, if execution reaches your second line, the type of this must be Exec (else the first line would have thrown a ClassCastException and it wouldn't have reached the second line).  So it infers the specific type, and a further cast is not needed
In general, the compiler infers types in cases such as this, so you don't need to cast explicitly.  (It's not an error to do so, only a warning; but IDEA is very keen on showing ways your code can be improved.)
You see this most commonly with nullability (since that's part of the type system).  For example, if you have a nullable field, the compiler won't let you call its methods directly:
val myString: String? = "abc"
println(myString.length) // COMPILE ERROR, as myString could be null
but if you add a manual check, the compiler smart-casts the field to its non-nullable type, so you don't need a cast:
val myString: String? = "abc"
if (myString != null)
println(myString.length) // OK; compiler infers type String


How to stop Kotlin from widening types?

So I'm trying to define a method like this
fun <R,F> myFunction(prop: KProperty1<R, F>, value:F) {}
// so that the compiler only allows me to invoke it like
myFunction(User::name, "Alejandro")
// and stops developers from doing illegal things like
myFunction(User::name, 123)
//However, compiler doesn't complain if I do that... it widens the type to Any
How can I achieve that?
Kotlin is "widening" the type here because the value type parameter (i.e. the second type parameter) of KProperty1 is defined with keyword out which makes that parameter covariant.
This means that for instance KProperty1<User, String> is a subtype of KProperty1<User, Any>, and hence User::name which is presumably a KProperty1<User, String>, can also be seen as a special case of KProperty<User, Any>. Therefore, it is totally legal to call myFunction<User,Any>(User::name, 123).
The logic behind this can be derived from the name of the out keyword: It is expected that the typed parameter is only used in "out position" of any function call. In the case of KProperty1 this makes sense, because it is the type of the return value of the property. When you get a value from a KProperty1<K, V>, that value is of type V and thus it can be used anywhere where it is okay to have some supertype of V.
This should only be a problem, if you want to use the value in the "in position" of some function, for instance, if you want to write a function that takes a value of type V and store it in a KProperty1<K, V>.
If this is what you want, you are lucky, because you can and should just use KMutableProperty1<K,V> where the value parameter does not have an out keyword which means that it is invariant. Also, that interface allows you to put the value into the property.
Changing your function definition to
fun <R,F> myFunction(prop: KMutableProperty1<R, F>, value:F) {}
makes that the compiler allows myFunction(User::name, "Alejandro"), but it complains on myFunction(User::name, 123).
See also: Kotlin documentation on Variance

Kotlin Function Generics - Upper Bound Not Working

I faced some issue regarding usage of Kotlin generics in functions
fun <T : CharSequence> doSomething(): T {
return String() as T
class Something(intValue: Int)
Something(doSomething()) // Doesn't show any compile error
Now when it is executed it throws error
java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang.String cannot be cast to class java.lang.Number
Wanted to know why Kotlin compiler is not throwing error for incompatible typecasting
I think what you are seeing is the major compiler bug KT-47664. Though in the bug report they used a much more complex example to demonstrate the issue, the cause of the bug is the same, that being the compiler has inferred an empty intersection type (the intersection of CharSequence and Int is empty) as the type parameter.
The algorithm apparently treats an empty intersection type the same as any other type, doesn't think anything special of it, and so type inference succeeds.
This bug has been fixed by KT-51221 Deprecate inferring type variables into an empty intersection type. From what I understand from reading the reports, there will now be a warning if an empty intersection type is inferred. However, the fix is only included in Kotlin 1.7.20+, which at the time of writing, is not released yet :(

What do the brackets mean before the function in Kotlin?

What do the brackets mean before a function?
For example:
TextView myTextView = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.tvHello);
Here the (TextView) part is what I have problem with. Is it something like a parameter for
fun <T> findViewByID(...) {...}
First, some history. findViewById used to simply return View, even if the type of the found view was more specific, such as a TextView. So if you wanted to find a view and assign it to a variable with a specific type of View, you would have to cast it to that variable type.
Casting doesn't change the underlying object. It just tells the compiler that you promise that the underlying object already is that more specific type, so the compiler will let you treat it like the more specific type and assign it to a variable of that more specific type.
Your first block of code is Java. The class name in parentheses casts the following expression to a specific class. In Kotlin, you cast by using as, so it would look like:
myTextView: TextView = findViewById(R.id.tvHello) as TextView
However, in later versions of Android and in the support libraries, they changed findViewById to return a generic type T that extends View. This allows Java and Kotlin to implicitly cast the result to the type of the variable you assign the result to. So now you can just use
myTextView: TextView = findViewById(R.id.tvHello)
and it will automatically cast to TextView for you.
When you see code like your first block of code, it probably originated from old code from before the change to findViewById.
Generics are a pretty big topic, and the Kotlin documentation on it is written as if you're already highly familiar with Java generics. So I recommend reading the Java docs on it first, even if you don't really know Java. The explanation will still help you understand what generics do.
It's a cast.
That converts the result of findViewByID to TextView.
Note that with the latest kotlin API that isn't needed. findViewByID has a type parameter T and will automatically return an object of the view type you like.
Once, when that code was written, findViewByID was returning a plain View and callers had to cast it to the desired type.
In this case those brackets that contain (TextView) before the function are used to specify what kind of this you should get when you are done executing the function.
If there is a possible ambiguity about the type of thing you get when you are done executing the function, you do what is called a cast. In this case we cast the returned result to (TextView).
To understand the most basic case of casting I suggest you look at how long/double/float cast in C and Java.

What is the scope of casted variable in Kotlin?

When casting a variable at the right side of the assign, i'm surprisely realize that the variable still behave as the casted type and not as it was original defined.
Am i doing something wrong or it's a compiler issue?
val hippoList = listOf<Hippo>(Hippo())
val hippoMutableList : MutableList<Hippo> = hippoList as MutableList<Hippo>
since hippoList is from a List type, it is immutable. So how does trying to run add function on an immutable type isn't cause to compilation error?
If you're doing casting it means that you know more than a compiler about this context of execution and you're telling the compiler that this hippoList is a MutableList so on every next usage of hippoList compiler already knows that this have to be a MutableList and allows you to use add method because you casted it to MutableList previously. In fact you will get a runtime error UnsupportedOperationException which means that you didn't really know more about this context of execution and you did something wrong. So instead of using casting on your own allow compiler to do it's work.
In your case instead of a casting to MutableList, transform hippoList to MutableList with
The same happens when you're using !! from nullable type to not null type, when you're using it when you know more than a compiler about the context of execution. Here's a little example
val someNullableType: String? = null
val thisStringIsNotNull = someNullableType!!
by using !! on someNullableType we're telling the compiler that someNullableType is not null as well, so we're allowed to write (as in you're case where you're telling that your List is a MutableList as well)
but we will receive exception earlier (in place where we used !! to tweak the compiler)

Cast Any to Array in Kotlin

I'm initializing a class by loading data from a Map<String, Any> in Kotlin. As this Map is gleaned directly from JSON, I don't know for certain that any given key exists, or that its value is of the type I expect. To unpack this Map safely I'm doing the following, which appears to work perfectly:
a = rawData["A"] as? String ?: ""
Some of this data is in further nested JSON, which I'm unpacking to Arrays; I've tried to do this in the same way:
b = rawData["B"] as? Array<String> ?: arrayOf<String>()
However, when I attempt this using an array (as above) IntelliJ kicks up a fuss, saying
Warning:(111, 30) Kotlin: Unchecked cast: Any? to Array<String>
Is this just the IDE getting itself in a twist or is this method genuinely unsafe for Arrays despite being seemingly perfectly safe for other types?
For any future readers of this question, to expand on the accepted answer with a solution:
To safely cast Any to an array of a particular type in Kotlin, you have to first cast to an untyped array (see zsmb13's answer above for why), and then filter that array to the desired type.
For example, to cast input: Any to an array of String instances, you would call:
val inputAsArray = (input as? Array<*>)?.filterIsInstance<String>()
I was ready to call this a bug, because Array is a reified type, meaning its generic parameter can actually be checked at runtime (unlike a List, for example). I've tried looking to see if it's been filed yet, and it turns out the compiler is actually right to show you a warning. As you can see in the response to this issue, there's still a nullability problem with casts of this kind.
val a = arrayOf("foo", "bar", null) as Array<String>
Arrays like the one in this example are successfully cast (using as, they don't throw an exception, using as?, they don't return null), however, the cast can not ensure that this is an Array<String>, only that it's an Array<String?>.
This means that you can later read null values from a variable that is typed as an Array<String> after the cast, with no further warnings from the compiler.