Add dynamic resource with PUT on non-existent path with Californium - dynamic

I want the Californium CoAP server to handle a PUT request with a yet non-existent Resource path. Instead of providing an Error return message, the server should dynamically add a resource with the path the PUT method is targeting.
I am using the cf-plugtest-server coming with the Californium Core library in Java to try to implement this function. Unfortunately i am completely new to Californium and couldn't find a solution approach.
So far i found out the "resource not found" output is taking place at the ServerMessageDeliverer in californium.core.server with deliverRequest. However i don't know how to proceed from here.
Any help is very much appreciated. I am sorry if a solution to this is more obvious, i am fairly new to such a kind of programming. Thank you in advance!

Manipulations/changes on the resource tree are currently not supported out of the box.
The currently intended way is to provide a specific implementation of ServerMessageDeliverer which overrides the preDeliverRequest. there you may create the resource you want and add it to the resources tree.


unsaved changes? FileSystemProvider in VS Code for the Web

This is incredibly niche, but in case somebody knows I'm wondering if it's possible to get that "unsaved" marker to show in VS Code for the Web . I'm writing an extension with a custom FileSystemProvider to communicate with a remote storage service. As multiple people may have access to these files this auto-save behaviour is not appropriate.
Turns out auto save is on by default. Had to add .vscode/settings.json in the FilesystemProvider. I'll edit this answer if I find another place to override this default.

Express-browserify and Watson Visual Recognition - TypeError: fs.existsSync is not a function

I'm trying to get the Watson Visual Recognition to run client side by using express-browserify with reference to the node-sdk for watson-developer-cloud. The VisualRecognitionV3 makes use of the fs package hence I get the fs.existsSync error when I'm trying to call it from the client-side as the browser doesn't know which filesystem to use. My question is how do I go about creating a so called 'abstraction layer' as I am restricted to using the express-browserify package for cross origin calls.
This thread is pretty helpful in shedding some light but I'm not sure where to start regarding the 'abstraction layer' or if there are any other solutions. Also, would something like work for this? I've linked a clone of the directory here as it seems less clunky than pasting the multiple portions below.
The repository can be cloned and just requires a personal iam_apikey with relevant launch configuration. Appreciate any pointers. Thanks!
I didn't manage to sort this out with express-browserify due to the require(fs) from browser issue but I was able to get it running using the express-ws package

Apache-ODE ProcessManagement

I can access this API/WS through
I would like to get the Process Info of a Process through this service and active it.
The serivce has the matching operations getProcessInfo and activate.
With listAllProcesses I get all Processes of a delpoyed package.
For getProcessInfo/activate I need the Process pid.
I get a <ns:pid>, using this gets me a load of Exceptions.
Using the name of the process and other stuff I receive earlier doesn't work either.
The pid is of type QName, perhaps thats the root of the problem.
However I don't now how to typecast here.
(Tried all with the eclipse Web Services Explorer and soapUI)
question: How does a proper request for both Operations look like?
When I try to consume the webservice with axi2 via eclipse, there is a undeclared variable local in the AnySimpleType class. I'm not keen on using the service this way.
But since I'm already writing a Client for the DeploymentService I thought about this approach.
question: How do I properly access the ProcessManagement?
EDIT: I have a simular problem with the DeploymentService and the undeploy Operation.
EDIT2: I figured the Problem with the DeploymentService undeploy out.
I had to get the Packagename as String. Then a made a javax.xml.namespace.QName out of it. Then I used the setPackageName of said undeploy operation.
Answer to question number 1:
soapUI with listAllProcesses returns
getProcessInfo wants
Now I replaced <pid>?</pid> with
<pid xmlns:odetest="http://ode/bpel/unit-test">odetest:HelloWorld2-1</pid>
and it worked like a charm.
I remember that there was an issue with parameter ordering when using the Axis2 generated WSDL. Could you try if building a request against the original WSDL located at http://localhost:8080/ode/deployment/services/ProcessManagement works?
EDIT: Now that I got the question correctly, the problem is that ODE expects the QName to be serialized differently, i.e. in the XML way instead of the Java way. Thus, instead of <ns:pid>{ode/bpel/unit-test}HelloWorld2-1</ns:pid> the correct notation is <ns:pid xmlns:odetest="ode/bpel/unit-test">odetest:HelloWorld2-1</ns:pid>.

Restlet static content served from multiple sources

My application needs to be able to serve up static content which can be contained in a number of different places (directories and/or via the class loader). So, for example, a resource /static/file.html might be found in /dir1/file.html or /dir2/file.html; I would want it to try /dir1, and if not found there, then /dir2, and so on.
With servlets in Jetty, I can use either a HandlerList of DefaultServlet, to sequentially try to handle the request from each directory until satisfied, or even easier a single DefaultServlet with a ResourceCollection.
I can't see a way to do something similar in restlet, without writing a class to specifically do this. I could modify Directory to handle multiple sources (in a similar way to DefaultServlet with ResourceCollection), or write a new Restlet which tries each contained Restlet sequentially, until successfully handled (like HandlerList). But before I do that, am I missing another way that already exists to achieve this?
I confirm that Directory doesn't know how to handle multiple source directories. It would be a nice to add support for this and contribute it back.

Proper way to check system requirements for a WordPress plugin

I am curious about the proper way to stop a user from activating my plugin if their system does not meet certain requirements. Doing the checks is easy and I don't need any help with that, I am more curious how to tell WordPress to exit and display an error message.
Currently I have tried both exit($error_message) and die($error_message) in the activation hook method. While my message is displayed and the plugin is not activated, a message saying Fatal Error is also displayed (see image below).
Does anyone know of a better way, that would display my message in a proper error box without displaying Fatal error, it just looks really bad for new users to see that.
Thanks for any help in advance.
This is a little undocumented, as you might have noticed. Instead of die(), do it like this:
$plugin = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php';
wp_die('<p>The <strong>X</strong> plugin requires version WordPress 2.8 or greater.</p>','Plugin Activation Error',array('response'=>200,'back_link'=>TRUE));
The lines above wp_die() are to deactivate this plugin. Note that we use functions.php in this case because that's where I have my Plugin Name meta data comment declaration -- and if you use a different file, then change the code above. Note that the path is very specific for a match. So, if you want to see what your path would normally be, use print_r(get_option('active_plugins'));die(); to dump that out so that you know what path you need. Since I had a plugin_code.php where the rest of my plugin code was, and since it was in the same directory as functions.php, I merely had to do dirname(__FILE__) for the proper path.
Note that the end of the wp_die() statement is important because it provides a backlink and prevents an error 500 (which is the default Apache code for wp_die()).
It is only a idea though. Try checking the wordpress version and compare then use php to through custom exception/error. PHP 5.0 try catch can be a good way to do it. Here is some resources.
You can try the first link. It is pretty basic. Thanks! hope the information will be helpful.