Crop circles appeared on Android emulator and it hanged - keyboard-shortcuts

The following "crop circles" appeared on my Android emulator AVD
and it hanged. What is this, how to recover from this and disable this?
Probably it is a reaction of keyboard switch and/or shift button press.

These circles are the multi touch functionality that Android Emulator AVD provides. Are shown when the Ctrl key is pushed. If these circles are activated without holding Ctrl key then you can deactivate them by going to Setting->General->send keyboard shortcuts and change it from Emulator Controls to Virtual Device

One small detail people overlooked. You have to run the Emulator in standalone mode, and not linked to the tool window. When you run it Standalone the Multi-Touch gesture works as described...


How to enable auto-reloading in expo?

Ive been trying to make a simple app in react native using expo, till yesterday when i saved my app.js file it automatically refreshed the app running on my phone but today i tried running the app it doesnt reload when i save the file after making changes and im also getting this new window till yesterday all was working fine i dont know what happened today. when i click reload on the reload button it reloads but it was much easier when it was automatically refreshing everytime i save.
Looks like you have enabled Debug mode and disabled Fast Refresh. Open the developer menu:
iOS Device: Shake the device a little bit, or touch 3 fingers to the
iOS Simulator: Hit Ctrl-Cmd-Z on a Mac in the emulator to simulate the
shake gesture, or press Cmd+D.
Android Device: Shake the device vertically a little bit, or run adb
shell input keyevent 82 in your terminal window if your device is
connected via USB.
Android Emulator: Either hit Cmd+M, or run adb shell input keyevent 82
in your terminal window.
Then Enable Fast Refresh.
You might want to also disable Debug Mode by selecting Stop Remote Debugging (this will improve performance and get rid of that localhost window you posted)

How can I watch in android emulator without running compile command in react native?

I have changed my code a lot of times. Is there any command like "npm run watch" for watching real time changes and compile the code and design preview in react-native for android?
I assuming you are wanting to use 'Live Reload' or Hot Reload.
Every time you update your Javascript code, the app will automatically update without the need to reload manually. Here's how to enable and also some notes on what the differences are.
Accessing the In-App Developer Menu
You can access the developer menu by shaking your device or by
selecting "Shake Gesture" inside the Hardware menu in the iOS
Simulator. You can also use the ⌘ + D keyboard shortcut when your
app is running in the iOS Simulator, or ⌘ + M when running in an
Android emulator on Mac OS and Ctrl+M on Windows and Linux.
Alternatively for Android, you can run the command adb shell input
keyevent 82 to open the dev menu (82 being the Menu key code).
Reloading JavaScript
Instead of recompiling your app every time you make a change, you can reload your app's JavaScript code instantly. To do so, select "Reload" from the Developer Menu. You can also press ⌘R in the iOS Simulator, or tap R twice on Android emulators.
Automatic reloading
You can speed up your development times by having your app reload
automatically any time your code changes. Automatic reloading can be
enabled by selecting "Enable Live Reload" from the Developer Menu.
You may even go a step further and keep your app running as new
versions of your files are injected into the JavaScript bundle
automatically by enabling Hot Reloading from the Developer Menu. This
will allow you to persist the app's state through reloads.
There are some instances where hot reloading cannot be implemented perfectly. If you run into any issues, use a full reload to reset your app.
You will need to rebuild your app for changes to take effect in certain situations:
You have added new resources to your native app's bundle, such as an
image in Images.xcassets on iOS or the res/drawable folder on Android.
You have modified native code (Objective-C/Swift on iOS or Java/C++ on

Intellij 2017.3.5 emulator cannot launch

I am having problem after I updated my sdk via intellij updates. my sdk resides in D:/sdk, now after updating when I launch the AVD and click triangular green button to lunch the emulator. Nothing happens no emulator is launching I don't know why.
It probably has something to do with virtualization.
Check if virtualization is enabled in the BIOS setting of your machine. And if you're working on Windows make sure "Hyper-V" options are disabled in "Windows Features".

How to disable press power button twice for camera programmatically

Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P and Android 6.0.1 offer a shortcut to launch the camera by pressing twice on the device power button.
There is a way to disable this shortcut manually in:
Switch off the "Press power button twice for camera" option.
Is there a way to disable this service programmatically?
In Android 7.1, this feature is located under "Moves (Quick gestures to control your phone)" in Settings.

Windows 8 metro's virtual keyboard

I'm trying to trick windows 8 into thinking there is a touch screen connected.
I've been searching the web for a way to bring up the keyboard that should be displayed once you click on a text box (while with a touch screen), but I've come up empty...
Can anyone tell if there is a way to get the virtual (not OSK!) keyboard in metro to come up even without a touch screen?
Perhaps a setting or some work-around.
One way to do this is to run your application inside of the Visual Studio simulator. To do this click on the drop-down in the debug menu and change the selection from Local Machine to Simulator:
Then when you debug, VS will bring up a device simulator. You can then click on the hand in the upper right to enable using the mouse in touch mode:
Finally, click on a control that requires the keyboard, and you should see the onscreen keyboard come up.
More info on Testing Windows 8 apps using Visual Studio 2012 at MSDN.