axios api authentication headers jwt and security - vue.js

Two questions here:
I was not able to pass in a post request using axios and authorization headers as such:'http://localhost/dashboard', {headers: { 'Authorization': 'JWT xxxxxx' }})
But I was able to get it to work with a preset: axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'JWT xxx'
Am I missing something as to why the headers parameter was sending the "headers" as a data payload instead of as an actual header?
Once I generate a JWT from my login page, on each page request after that I am only showing the page if the response.status is 200. Is this the correct way to redirect someone back to a login page if their jwt is fake or invalid for accessing the page?
The flow is:
/login for user to get JWT
immediately directed to /dashboard but before they are an api call is made to /dashboard using the JWT and if status code is 200, then the /dashboard page is shown. Is this correct or should I be implementing something more than just a 200 code?

Am I missing something as to why the headers parameter was sending the "headers" as a data payload instead of as an actual header?
Because you're passing the headers as the data payload. I suggest reading the axios docs for
It's common to automatically refresh the JWT instead of logging the user out. Depends on your security requirements. For ex., if you were a bank, it's better to log the user out than to auto refresh the JWT.
Instead of checking for 200, check if the status is 403 (or whatever status your backend returns for an invalid JWT). If your backend errors (500), or receives a bad request (400), it's not relevant to an invalid JWT and you'd be logging the user out for nothing.


how to get a 2 legged authentication on autodesk forge

i have generated a token using a get request and when i am making an api call the call is getting failed so pls add up your suggestion's
here is the error where i am getting an error ,here is the access token which is generated from the 2-legged authentication how do i verify the access token and make a api call to the Autodesk forge
http status code 401 means that server doesn't know who you are. it may occur when you didn't put 'Authorization' in your request headers (or maybe in an incorrect form).
so make sure you have put 'Authorization' in your http request headers and try again!
(note that you have to add 'Bearer ' in front of your access token, and there's a blank after 'Bearer')
Authorization : 'Bearer ' + <your token>

How do you scrape data using API endpoints with a Authorization Header?

The site I am trying to scrape has a authorization header in the post request that happens to changes with each request API request for all of it's APIs. This makes my request get denied if the value of this is incorrect.
The Header Request Format:
"Authorization: WEB 2424:UmXRI7ploIWgwp4pxnzyh0EZA5Y="
Where would I get this value from?
Note: There is also a token header which you get when you login but the login itself also requires a authorization header.

How to handle JWT refreshing on server side (Next.js or any other)

I have two cookies being stored: JWT and refresh token, both are httponly; path=/, so they are send on all requests, including the API (which doesn't use Bearer, but instead reads the JWT directly from the cookies).
The implementation is as usual, the JWT is short lived, and the refresh token is used to get a new one. The refresh token is rotating and after used is invalidated.
On the client, refreshing the token is no issue. When a 401 is returned by the API a call is made to /auth/refresh-token and the request is retried.
On the server however, (e.g. on getServerSideProps) it seems to be quite difficult to refresh the JWT. What I have attempted is to create a custom server and a middleware that checks when a JWT is expired and attempts to refresh it.
I can think of two issues with that, first is that the custom server is called on every resource, that includes all json, js, static files, etc... that Next.js serves. When two requests are made with the same tokens (I can handle this when making API calls, but Next.js also sends requests to the server and I cannot control those):
1. Two requests with expired JWT are sent to the server
2. The back-end receives the requests and on both determines it needs to refresh the token
3. Eventually one of the requests will complete, invalidating the refresh-token
4. The other request now has an invalidated refresh token and cannot get a new JWT
Second issue, what if the user doesn't receive the response, scenario:
1. A request with an expired JWT is sent
2. The back-end refreshes it and sets the new cookies
3. The back-end then has to read lots of data from a database which takes a few seconds
4. User closes the page before receiving the response
5. At this point the user has an invalidated refresh token and an expired JWT because the response with the new cookies was never received
How are these cases usually handled? It seems like it would be a common issue with rotating refresh tokens, but I couldn't find anything useful on this online.
You can follow this practice.
Save refresh token in the http-only cookie
No need to save JWT in the cookie for better security and keep it in the response of refresh token as well as login endpoint.
Save JWT expiry in a normal cookie
Call refresh token endpoint to get new JWT when expiry token is not present or getting 401 error.
In getServerSideProps also you can call the refresh token endpoint always as you don't need to persist JWT anywhere.
You may need to get the cookie from req.headers.cookie and pass it in the header when you are calling the refresh token endpoint from the server.
//inside getServerSideProps
const browserCookie = req.headers.cookie;
const refreshJWTTokenResponse: any = await refreshJWTToken(browserCookie);
//service call
export async function refreshJWTToken(refreshTokenCookie: any): Promise<{}> {
let headers = new Headers();
const options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,

Understanding bearer tokens when using Postman and not using Postman?

I am trying to integrate a third party API. I was provided with a username and password.
When I use Postman to send a post request to the login webpage; the request header contains a postman token:
Postman-Token: vvvvvvvvv-wwwww-xxxx-yyyy-zzzzzzzzzz //this is not the real value
If I supply the postman token to every request after the login request (as shown below) then everything still works as expected:
If I access the api through my webpage, then everything also works as expected. My questions are:
What is the Postman token? I have looked already here:,random%20token%20avoids%20this%20issue.
What is the alternative to the Postman token when accessing the API though a webpage. I can see no token in the request when looking at it using Fiddler. Were is the bearer token in Fiddler?
Postman Token :
So it is just a custom header to track and debug postman requests in the receiving server
It doesn't do any authorization
Why no token in fiddler:
Because you haven't added it . You can add any custom header to the request you are sending
Why it works when used as bearer token
Because in your login call your session is cached . So for subsequent requests it is using cached session
To close the session , update the Connection header from keep-alive to close
Try setting second request to no auth:
and see if the request is still successful to confirm you are using cached session

Set HTTP requests defaults in IntelliJ HTTP request client editor

In IntelliJ http request editor; is there a way to set the common config for all the requests in the file (and globally) ?
For example I would like to specify an authorization header for all the requests.
Current code
GET http://localhost:8080/api/foo
Authorization: Bearer my-token
The code I am trying to achieve:
Desirable code
<common headers>
Authorization: Bearer my-token
GET http://localhost:8080/api/foo
GET http://localhost:8080/api/bar
GET http://localhost:8080/api/baz
It's a bit late but i will try to give an answer in case someone is coming around.
I'm not sure it is exactly what you are looking for but maybe it help.
If you are getting your token dynamically from a login endpoint, you can store the token in a variable and use it later in any request.
### Login
POST http://localhost:8080/login
Content-Type: application/json
"email": "someEmail",
"password": "somePassword"
> {%"auth_token", response.headers.valuesOf('x-auth-token')[0]);
### Get user
GET http://localhost:8080/user/someUserId
Authorization: Bearer {{auth_token}}
In this case, i store my token coming from the header x-auth-token in a variable auth_token. Than i use it in the authorization header for all my next requests.
Found from the official JetBrains website HTTP response handling exemples
Have a nice day!