How to store shopping cart items ? Cookies? - vue.js

Just learning and building with VUEJS. I want to build a shoppingcart for our site so user can add multiple items in cart.
How do i store the items in the cart ?
User Add item 1 to cart
User browse site
User Add item 2 to cart
User leaves the site
User come back next day
User see that item 1 and 2 is still in basket
How does this work in VUEJS ? With cookies ?

We can use VUEX for storing data in our vue application, to persist the data we can use vuex-persistedstate plugin. This plugin will use the browser's local storage for the purpose.


react native how you handle shopping cart?

I am developing right now a shopping cart and store the added items in a db table. on every add I refetch my cart (it automically does with caching). So is this right or should I use async storage ?
ps: if I press the btn AddToCart then I have to wait until my fetch has loaded then the user see "Item successfull added in Cart" .
I can handle it with redux but I have to store it in a DB because if anyone logs in with mobile then Computer so I have to fetch the data in shopping cart. So should I only use it without redux or any state management and do it only with my React-Query or RTK Query ?

Add items to a shopping cart with Vue?

I'm trying to figure out how to implement the shopping cart functionality on a page using Vue.js. I get a list of items from an API call and print them on page load. But I'm stuck trying to add items to my cart. The functionality should include the ability to select a quantity of an item and add it to the cart by clicking the "add to cart" button. So it should allow, directly from the cart, to change quantities and remove items from the cart.
For this kind of situation, use a state management pattern like vuex (or pinia), and it will store your data after route change also.
For more clear context, go through this link:

Shopify: Pass values from non-Shopify site to Shopify Checkout and get URL

I have a static (non-Shopify) HTML and JS website with a shopping cart where its functionality is carried out using JS and Jquery. I need to pass my cart values to Shopify and take the user directly to the Shopify Checkout page when user clicks on the checkout button on my site. I need to pass cart values to Shopify and load the checkout page on the browser. How can I do this? I'm new to Shopify and I need some guidance on how to do this.
If you have access to variant ids and quantities in the cart, you can use a permalinks for this purpose. Example -,70881382:1
More details here -

Remove all cart items on log out in stencil bigcommerce

Is there any way to remove all cart items when the user logout? I tried getting all the item ID and looping over it and calling the utils cart remove API on every iteration, but it seems it only remove the first one. Any idea about this?
Instead of looping over each item, I'd recommend calling the storefront cart API delete cart endpoint.
Removing all cart items essentially deletes the cart, so the cart winds up in the same state either way. Here's a link to a tutorial on working with the storefront cart API that might help.

BigCommerce Add Products To Cart API

I'm just setting up my first BigCommerce store, and I'd like to know if I can use their API to add products to a shopper's cart and forward them to the checkout page programmatically?
The problem I'm trying to solve is creation of bundles of products in the store. I need to have each product in a bundle show up as a separate line item and sku on the order, but BigCommerce does not natively support this. The next best thing I can think of is to send the user to a specially crafted php page that will add the constituent parts to their cart, then forward them to the checkout page.
Am I barking up the wrong tree? Is there a simple way to do this that I've missed?
You can use the Cart api to
- Create cart
and use the created cart id to
Generate cart URL
Then you can move the user to this url