vb.net Interpolated Strings - vb.net

I was chastised by a professional developer with a lot of years of experience for Hard Coding my DB name
OK I get it we sometimes carry our bad codding habits with us till we learn the correct way to code
I have finally learned to use Interpolated Strings (personal view they are not pretty)
My Question involves the two Sub's posted below GetDB runs first then HowMany is called from GetDB
Sorry for stating the obvious my reason is I think that NewWord.db gets declared in GetDB and works in HowMany without the same construction Just a Wild Guess
Notice NO $ or quotation used in HowMany
Both Sub's produce desired results
The question is Why don't both statements need to be constructed the same?
Public Sub HowMany()
'Dim dbName As String = "NewWord.db"
Dim conn As New SQLiteConnection("Data Source ='{NewWord.db}';Version=3;")
tot = dgvOne.RowCount ' - 1
tbMessage.Text = "DGV has " & tot.ToString & " Rows"
End Sub
Private Sub GetDB()
Dim str2 As String
Dim s1 As Integer
'Dim dbName As String = "NewWord.db"
Using conn As New SQLiteConnection($"Data Source = '{"NewWord.db"}' ;Version=3;")

That second method is a ridiculous and pointless use of string interpolation. What could possibly be the point of inserting a literal String into a literal String? The whole point is that you can insert values determined at run time. That second code is equivalent to using:
"Data Source = '" & "NewWord.db" & "' ;Version=3;"
What's the point of that? The idea is that you retrieve your database name from somewhere at run time, e.g. your config file, and then insert that into the template String, e.g.
Dim dbName = GetDbNameFromExternalFile()
Using conn As New SQLiteConnection($"Data Source = '{dbName}' ;Version=3;")
Now the user can edit that external file to change the database name after deploying the application. How could they change the name in your code?
To be clear, string interpolation is just native language support for the String.Format method. You can see that if you make a mistake that generates an exception and the that exception will refer to the String.Format method. In turn, String.Format is a way to make code that multiple values into a long template easier to read than if multiple concatenation operators were used.
Having lots of quotes and ampersands makes code hard to read and error-prone. I've lost count of the number of times people miss a single quote or a space or the like in a String because they couldn't read there messy code. Personally, I'll rarely use two concatenation operators in the same expression and never three. I'll do this:
Dim str = "some text" & someVar
but I'll rarely do this:
Dim str = "some text" & someVar & "some more text"
and I'll never do this:
Dim str = "some text" & someVar & "some more text" & someOtherVar
Before string interpolation, I would use String.Format:
Dim str = String.Format("some text{0}some more text{1}", someVar, someOtherVar)
Nowadays, I'll generally use string interpolation:
Dim str = $"some text{someVar}some more text{someOtherVar}"
Where I may still use String.Format over string interpolation is if one value is getting inserted in multiple places and/or where the text template and/or the expressions are long so that I can break the whole thing over multiple lines, e.g.
Dim str = String.Format("some text{0}some more text{1}yet more text{0}",

I have no idea what NewWord.db is so I made a class to represent it.
Public Class NewWord
Public Shared Property db As String = "The db Name"
End Class
HowMany is not a very good name for your sub. Try to use more descriptive names.
The first sub doesn't even use the connection. The connection string in that code is a literal string. It will not consider NewWord.db as a variable. You will not notice this because you never attempt to open the connection. In my version you check the connection string with a Debug.Print.
I changed the last line to use and interpolated string. It is not necessary to call .ToString on tot.
Private Sub DisplayGridCount()
Dim conn As New SQLiteConnection("Data Source ='{NewWord.db}';Version=3;")
Dim tot = DataGridView1.RowCount
TextBox1.Text = $"DGV has {tot} Rows"
End Sub
The second snippet starts off with 2 unused variables. I deleted them. Again, the Debug.Print to show the difference in the 2 strings.
Private Sub TestConnection()
Using conn As New SQLiteConnection($"Data Source = '{NewWord.db}' ;Version=3;")
End Using
End Sub
As to where to store connection strings see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/data/adonet/protecting-connection-information and Where to store Connection String


string modifiers and properties do not work

I am trying to use Methods and Properties of the String Class to modify a string, but I keep getting an Invalid qualifier compile error. I even copied the following code* directly from the MSDN website and it throws the same error.
Public Sub Main()
Dim original As String
original = "aaabbb"
Dim modified As String
modified = original.Insert(3, " ")
End Sub
'This is the original code, but I had to change it slightly because the word-vba
'programming environment didn't like the syntax and highlighted everything red.
'Public Sub Main()
'Dim original As String = "aaabbb"
'Console.WriteLine("The original string: '{0}'", original)
'Dim modified As String = original.Insert(3, " ")
'Console.WriteLine("The modified string: '{0}'", modified)
'End Sub
Does word-vba not support string class modifiers and properties, am I not initializing the string correctly, or is there some other problem?
modified = original.Insert(3, " ")
You're thinking in VB.NET, but writing VBA. Strings (or any primitive or UDT type) don't have members in VBA. Not your fault, finding official VBA documentation is getting harder every day, with every "VBA" search yielding results for VB.NET.
That original code is clearly VB.NET.
If you mean to concatenate 3 spaces in front of original, then what you want to do is this:
modified = String(3, " ") & original
If you mean to get a new string in which a specified string is inserted at a specified index position in this instance (MSDN), then you want to do this (thanks #A.S.H!):
modified = Left$(original, 3) & " " & Right$(original, Len(original) - 3)

Is it possible to change the default decimal separator in float.ToString()?

I need to send data in string format to mysql. By default vb.net interprets 0.5 as 0,5 which MySql won't accept. I know I could write floatval.tostring.replace(",", ".") to make it fit but I was wondering if it was possible to make it more comfortable so that an implicit conversion from float to string would produce a dot instead of a comma?
EDIT: per request, current code
Public Sub InsertInto(Values As IEnumerable(Of String))
Dim ValStr As String = ""
For Each V In Values
ValStr &= "'" & V & "',"
Dim Command = New MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO " & Table & " VALUES (" & ValStr.Substring(0, ValStr.Length - 1) & ");", Connection)
End Sub
this method is a part of a mysql connection wrapper and the properties "Connection" and "Table" are preassigned.
My test code calls the function as follows:
dimdum.InsertInto({"DEFAULT", (0.5).ToString.Replace(",", "."), "here is text"})
the test table columns are auto iterating int as primary key, a float and a varchar
As I have saind in my comment above, I am afraid that you need to revise a lot of your code. As is you have a lot of problems, the worst is the Sql Injection that sooner or later you have to fix, but your try to convert everything in a string has also the drawback that the conversion of decimals, dates and other floating points values give more immediate troubles than the Sql Injection one.
There is only one way to get out and it is the use of parameterized queries. More code to write but after a while it is very straightforward.
So for example you should rewrite your code to something like this
Public Sub InsertInto(sqlText As String, Values As List(Of MySqlParameter))
Using Connection = New MySqlConnection(... connectionstring here (or a global variable ....)
Using Command = New MySqlCommand(sqlText, Connection)
If Values IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End Using
End Using
End Sub
and call it with this
Dim decValue As Decimal = 0.5
Dim strValue As String = "Test"
Dim dateValue As DateTime = DateTime.Today
Dim parameters = New List(Of MySqlParameter)()
parameters.Add(New MySqlParameter() With { .ParameterName = "#p1",
.DbType = MySqlDbType.Decimal,
.Value = decValue})
parameters.Add(New MySqlParameter() With {.ParameterName = "#p2",
.DbType = MySqlDbType.String,
.Value = strValue})
parameters.Add(New MySqlParameter() With {.ParameterName = "#p3",
.DbType = MySqlDbType.Date,
.Value = dateValue})
InsertInto("INSERT INTO youTable VALUES(#p1, #p2, #p3)", parameters)
Note that now InserInto is just a simple routine that receives the command text and the parameters expected by the text, add them to the command, opens the connection, executes everything and exits closing the connection.
Note also that, with a parameterized queries, your sql command is totally void of the mess caused by single quotes for strings, formatting rules for dates and the handling of the decimal point is nowhere in sight
(A side note. This INSERT INTO text suppose that your table has exactly three fields and you supply the values for all of them, if you want to insert only a subset of fields then you need to pass them to the method as a third parameter )
Specify CultureInfo:
Dim n As Single
Dim s As String
n = Math.PI
s = n.ToString("F2", New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"))
s will be "3.14", even if your computer is set for a different format.

how to input data into an array from a text file that are vbTab separated?

I am having trouble turning a set of data from a .txt file into arrays, basically, what i have in the text file is:
Eddy vbtab 20
Andy vbtab 30
James vbtab 20
I want to set up the names as a Names array, and numbers as number array.
Now what I have done is
strFilename = "CustomerPrices.txt"
If File.Exists(strFilename) Then
Dim srReader As New StreamReader(strFilename)
intRecords = srReader.ReadLine()
intRows = intRecords
For i = 0 To intRows - 1
intLastBlank = strInput.IndexOf(vbTab)
strName(intPrices) = strInput.Substring(0, intLastBlank)
dblPrices(intPrices) = Double.Parse(strInput.Substring(intLastBlank + 1))
But when I debug I get a problem "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object"
Can anyone give me some advise?
Separate arrays are probably a bad idea here. They group your data by fields, when it's almost always better to group your data by records. What you want instead is a single collection filled with classes of a particular type. Go for something like this:
Public Class CustomerPrice
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Price As Decimal
End Class
Public Function ReadCustomerPrices(ByVal fileName As String) As List(Of CustomerPrice)
Dim result As New List(Of CustomerPrice)()
Using srReader As New StreamReader(fileName)
Dim line As String
While (line = srReader.ReadLine()) <> Nothing
Dim data() As String = line.Split(vbTab)
result.Add(new CustomerPrice() From {Name = data(0), Price = Decimal.Parse(data(1))})
End While
End Using
Return result
End Function
Some other things worth noting in this code:
The Using block will guarantee the file is closed, even if an exception is thrown
It's almost never appropriate to check File.Exists(). It's wasteful code, because you still have to be able to handle the file io exceptions.
When working with money, you pretty much always want to use the Decimal type rather than Double
This code requires Visual Studio 2010 / .Net 4, and was typed directly into the reply window and so likely contains a bug, or even base syntax error.

Create a string and append text to it

Funny, I had a textbox and I could append strings to it.
But now I create a string like this:
Dim str As String = New String("")
And I want to append to it other strings. But there is no function for doing so. What am I doing wrong?
Concatenate with & operator
Dim str as String 'no need to create a string instance
str = "Hello " & "World"
You can concate with the + operator as well but you can get yourself into trouble when trying to concatenate numbers.
Concatenate with String.Concat()
str = String.Concat("Hello ", "World")
Useful when concatenating array of strings
When concatenating large amounts of strings use StringBuilder, it will result in much better performance.
Dim sb as new System.Text.StringBuilder()
str = sb.Append("Hello").Append(" ").Append("World").ToString()
Strings in .NET are immutable, resulting in a new String object being instantiated for every concatenation as well a garbage collection thereof.
Another way to do this is to add the new characters to the string as follows:
Dim str As String
str = ""
To append text to your string this way:
str = str & "and this is more text"
Use the string concatenation operator:
Dim str As String = New String("") & "some other string"
Strings in .NET are immutable and thus there exist no concept of appending strings. All string modifications causes a new string to be created and returned.
This obviously cause a terrible performance. In common everyday code this isn't an issue, but if you're doing intensive string operations in which time is of the essence then you will benefit from looking into the StringBuilder class. It allow you to queue appends. Once you're done appending you can ask it to actually perform all the queued operations.
See "How to: Concatenate Multiple Strings" for more information on both methods.

.split removes tabs/spaces in string?

i am trying to split a string up into separate lines with the following code, but for some reason it is also removing the spaces in the string.
Dim calculationText As String
calculationText = File.ReadAllText(fileName)
Dim fields() As String
fields = calculationText.Split(vbCrLf)
when i am in debugger mode, i look at fields, and every element has a line of the string but all the spaces and tabs are removed.
any reason for this?
If you are reading from a file, can you use:
Sub Main()
Dim fields As New List(Of String)
' read file into list
Using sr As System.IO.StreamReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(filename)
Do While sr.Peek() >= 0
If sr IsNot Nothing Then sr.Close()
End Try
End Using
' check results
For Each line As String In fields
End Sub
How 'bout:
Dim fields() As String = File.ReadAllLines(fileName)
As for why string.Split() is doing weird things...
vbCrLf is a string, and there's not an overload for string.split that accepts a single string parameter. If he were to turn on Option Explicit it wouldn't even compile, but since it's off, vbCrLf can be interpreted as an array of characters. And in this code, that's exactly what happens:
Sub Main()
Dim z As String = "The quick brown" & vbCrLf & " fox jumps over the lazy dogs."
Dim a() As String = z.Split(vbCrLf)
For Each c As String In a
End Sub
You'll see two line breaks between the 1st and 2nd parts of that string. Something else is stripping out the spaces. Can you share the larger code block?
Gotta say I've never seen it do that, and I've used String.Split extensively. Are they really really gone, or is it a trick of the debugger?
There's not actually any .Split method that takes one string as the parameter, so the VB compiler would be doing "things" behind the scenes to pick a different overload. To try and force the correct overload, you could try calculationText.Split(vbCrLf.ToCharArray()). I doubt it will help, but you never know :-)