What component to use to navigate between pages like Microsoft Homepage? - office-ui-fabric

I'm trying to make a header to my website like the header of the Microsoft's website Homepage:
Microsoft Homepage Header.
The component from Fluent UI that I think is the most similar is the Pivot, but the best practices section says: "Don’t use the Pivot to link to a new page.". And if it's a page from the same website? Can anyone help me?


How can I add a custom page to Shopify without the /pages/ URL?

I want domain.com/custompage, but the built in functionality puts all pages inside a /pages/ directory so the URL comes out domain.com/pages/custompage which I don't want.
I found this answer from a Shopify Guru in 2016 that mentions potentially setting up a custom HTML template or using an app, which no longer exists.
Any clues on how to achieve this? I have limited experience with Shopify templates, but could figure it out if someone could point me in the right direction.
This blogger says it can't be done:
"Q: Can you create pages on the root? A: The answer to this is no –> all pages have either /pages/, /collections/ or /products/ in the URL."
However others have told me it is possible. Just not how to do it.
Create a section Name "test" // first a step
Create a page json Name "test" // The second step
After creating the page, JSON does a section test

RedMine: Link to Wiki of another project does not work

I have two projects in Redmine and both have their wikis.
Is it possible to link the wiki page of one project to the wiki page of another project?
I ended so far with using of http links:
"Redmine web site":http://www.redmine.org
But I want to use relative paths like this:
[[sandbox:some page]] displays a link to the page named 'Some page' of the Sandbox wiki
The Examples are taken form Redmines official wiki page:
You can also define a custom link text for wiki links without having to resort to plain textile links:
[[your-project:your-wiki-page|Relative Path in Redmine]]
Using this syntax, you get the advantage of colored links depending on whether the target page exists or not and correct links on case you ever decide to move your Redmine server.
This and other syntax details are described on the help page you can access by clicking on the small question mark button above most text fields or on https://www.redmine.org/help/en/wiki_syntax_detailed.html.
I found the solution:
You can just direct from Redmines projects folder:
"Relative Path in Redmine":/projects/your-project/wiki/your-wiki-page

Google Search API with joomla

I would like to implement the google search API in a joomla site. What would be the best way to pass the search query and show the results inside of my templates content area. Making a custom component or there is a lighter workaround?
You could always try RokAjaxSearch as I believe this has the ability to display results from Google. And above all, it's Ajax, therefore doesn't refresh the page.
Hope this helps

Alfresco Share site's dashlet for document library

I was wondering whether exists any dashlet which allows you to explore a site's document library. As far as I know doesn't exist such dashlet out of the box, there only exists the "Site Content" dashlet but it is slightly limited.
I have been searching around and "googling" and I found these useful resources that could be useful as a starting point if I had to create my own:
Do somebody know more dashlets/resources targeting this issue? Any suggestion?
As a temporary solution, I'm also thinking in the possibility of taking advantage of the "Web View" dashlet, by configuring in it such URL that retrieves the documentlist region/component in the documentlibrary page. For example:, share/page/components/documentlibrary/documentlist or share/page/site/{site}/documentlibrary?region=documentlist. Maybe it is crazy or what I'm saying doesn't make any sense, but it is just an idea.
Another idea that have just came to my mind is the option of creating a custom Surf/Share page which includes the component/webscript that implements the explorer of the document library, specifically the documentlist component. Then configure the "Web View" dashlet giving the URL that points to the custom page created. Would it make sense?
Thanks in advance.
You are going to see a couple of site visualization and navigation dashlets on Alfresco Visualization Tools available on https://github.com/bhagyas/alfresco-visualization-tools. The project is still at it's initial phase, but you will find interesting snippets of code used to retrieve the document library content trees within the dashlets.
The project was presented by me at Alfresco DevCon in Berlin just a week ago to bring interactive navigation and content analytics. If interested, you can find the slides at the lightening talk slides in the DevCon 2012 site at Alfresco.
Cheers! =)
Hi I've done exactly the same, it was not really needed for a Dashlet but for to embed the documentlibrary of a site in an iframe for another site.
So what I did was indeed create a new page template embedded-documentlibrary.
I've copied first the following files and renamed them:
If you rename file 3 or put it in another folder, you need to check the paths in file 1 & 2.
So to make only the documentlibrary appear instead of everyting I just removed everything in file 3 within the <div id="alf-hd"> tag.
If you remove the tag, the document-tree will also be removed and it gave some javascript errors. This should be fixed in the latest version, but haven't tied that.
So it's extremely easy to create your own page and instead of navigating to site/documentlibrary you just navigate to site/embedded-documentlibrary or your own name you've chosen.
And yes then you'll need to use the web-view Dashlet to show it.
The only thing you need to know is, that the links open within the iframe. So if you use the web-view Dashlet, you need to open the links in a new window.
For my situation I needed an iframe, in your case you could also just let the freemarker from your Dashlet render the components needed.
There is a document-liberary-display dashlet available in the alfresco add-on list which can be used to show all the documents from document-library on site-dashlet.

Question regarding how a public SharePoint site is made

I had a look at http://www.westernaustralia.com/au/Pages/Welcome_to_Western_Australia.aspx and I know it's a SharePoint site and I am wondering how it could have been made.
I am mostly interrested in the center column (What's On). Is it an announcement list with thumbnails and Find out more links are pointing to wiki pages? Could it be a custom web part or is it possible to do this sort of thing with SharePoint 2010 out of the box?
Thanks in advance.
You can do this easily with a "What's New" web part. Customize your library view setting and set your webpart to use that view. Add a simple content editor at the bottom of this web part and add those other links like View All etc...
Remember that you can create your own list and make sure to index it so that it can rollback into the What's New webpart.
Looking at the emitted HTML it looks like a custom user control in the page layout to me (hell I could be wrong)
That said though it is possible to do this OOTB and I could build that functionality using the Content Query Web Part and some custom XSL