Jira query language for excluding issues based on current date - jql

I'd like to exclude issues who have a given status based on the current date, but can't figure out how to do it with startOfWeek() now() etc. Because those must filter on an issue field.
AND NOT (status IN ("In review") AND now() BETWEEN (startOfWeek(-2), startOfWeek(1)))
Is there a trick that I can use to get the current time from an issue field? Eg some issue field that is aliased to now()?

You most probably need changed operator. This will filter out all the issues with status In Review that were changed:
status in ("In review") AND status changed DURING (startOfWeek(-2), startOfWeek(1))

You could use updateDate if you want to check for the issues that have been updated in that time period and are in the given status.
If you want to check for the date of the transition into this status, this is a bit more involved. Could you elaborate what you actually need to have happened in this time period for the issues to qualify if updatedDate doesn't do the trick?


Laravel where clause based on conditions from value in database

I am building an event reminder page where people can set a reminder for certain events. There is an option for the user to set the amount of time before they need to be notified. It is stored in notification_time and notification_unit. notification_time keeps track of the time before they want to be notified and notification_unit keeps track of the PHP date format in which they selected the time, eg. i for minutes, H for hours.
Eg. notification_time - 2 and notification_unit - H means they need to be notified 2 hours before.
I have Cron jobs running in the background for handling the notification. This function is being hit once every minute.
Reminder::where(function ($query) {
$query->where('event_time', '>=', now()->subMinutes(Carbon::createFromFormat('i', 60)->diffInMinutes() - 1)->format('H:i:s'));
$query->where('event_time', '<=', now()->subMinutes(Carbon::createFromFormat('i', 60)->diffInMinutes())->format('H:i:s'));
In this function, I am hard coding the 'i', 60 while it should be fetched from the database. event_time is also part of the same table
The table looks something like this -
id event_time ... notification_unit notification_time created_at updated_at
Is there any way to solve this issue? Is it possible to do the same logic with SQL instead?
A direct answer to this question is not possible. I found 2 ways to resolve my issue.
First solution
Mysql has DATEDIFF and DATE_SUB to get timestamp difference and subtract certain intervals from a timestamp. In my case, the function runs every minute. To use them, I have to refactor my database to store the time and unit in seconds in the database. Then do the calculation. I chose not to use this way because both operations are a bit heavy on the server-side since I am running the function every minute.
Second Solution
This is the solution that I personally did in my case. Here I did the calculations while storing it in the database. Meaning? Let me explain. I created a new table notification_settings which is linked to the reminder (one-one relation). The table looks like this
id, unit, time, notify_at, repeating, created_at, updated_at
The unit and time columns are only used while displaying the reminder. What I did is, I calculated when to be notified in the notify_at column. So in the event scheduler, I need to check for the reminders at present (since I am running it every minute). The repeating column is there to keep track of whether the reminder is repeating or not. If it is repeating I re-calculate the notify_at column at the time of scheduling. Once the user is notified notify_at is set to null.

Jira birthday JQL query

I have multiple issues (people) in a Jira cloud instance and they all have a birthday field.
Now, I'ld like to run a JQL to find out if anyone have a birthday today, so I can remind everyone else. Is this possible?
I also have access to the automation for jira plugin if that helps.
Assuming that your birthday field is a valid date, try birthday_field >= startOfDay() AND birthday_field < endOfDay which should give you a result set of people/issues with birthday field value that fall today. For additional references, checkout Function Reference page.
I'm afraid this won't be easily possible.
If the field is date field (e.g. 11/Dec/1979), the birthday is probably stored including year of birth and therefore time functions (now(), startOfDay(), ...) won't work.
If the field is string field (1979-12-11), then you won't be able to compare it with today as you can get now() as a string.
One idea - if you have ScriptRunner installed, create a simple custom scripted field (e.g. Birthday Anniversary) and recalculate original birthday to birthday anniversary this year (11/Dec/2019). You will be then able to compare this field with today, e.g.:
"Birthday Anniversary" = now()
On top of that, once you are able to create such filter, you can create a custom dashboard with today's birthdays and you can subscribe to this filter and get daily overview of today's birthdays.
In my team we send notification about tickets in the following ways:
Jira filters subscription for cases where we need plain(to one person/lead/manager) notification, but without fields analysis
https://github.com/dgroup/lazylead for cases where we need automatically check ticket fields, comments, links and alert corresponding person, assignee or reporter.
Please note that i'm author of https://github.com/dgroup/lazylead app.

Get the latest events of a specific type from a specific device

Is there a way to get the latest event of a specific type from a specific device? So far I queried all events via myURL/event/events?source=<<ID>>&type=<<type>>.
Or is there a way to get a collection of events ordered by their creationTime? This could solve my problem too
In the documentation I only found parameters like dateFrom and dateTo. But what if I don't know the time range of the last event?
The syntax is: /event/events?type={type}&source={source}.
For more information on the available endpoints:
GET /platform
Answer from the support-team:
currently there is no way to revert the order of events. Besides
dateFrom and dateTo you can also use creationFrom and creationTo. This
will take the creationTime (server side timestamp when event was
created) instead of the time (that is send within the event) But the
order will still be oldest -> newest.
Best approach currently would be to use a good estimated time range
(so you don't end up with 0 events in the response) where the
dateTo/creationTo is in the future. If you add to the query params
withTotalPages=true the result will give you the total pages in the
statistics part.
Knowing the total pages you can you can do the query again but with
currentPage=XX instead of withTotalPages=true and take the last
We have this functionality on measurements and audits where you can
add the parameter revert=true. I will add an improvement that we
extend this to the other APIs but at the moment you are limited to the
You can just only set the dateFrom parameter and the pageSize to 1 like so: &pageSize=1&dateFrom=1970-01-01. As of September 2017, this returns the most recent event.

MAQL - Select all records that enclose a list of dates

I'm a bit of a noob in MAQL so I would like to know if it is possible to do the following thing :
I got a list of reservations with a Start Date and a End Date
I would like to be able to compute a metric that would give me (for reservations that match some criteria) the number of reservations that include a given night.
In the end, I want my metric to exist for each date x:
MyMetric(x) = Number of reservations with Start > x and End < x
I tried to do the following request:
but I'm having trouble setting up a report saying "Well now I want THIS to take all the values in the calendar".
(Voucher is just an attribute from my "Reservation" dimension).
Anyone knows how I can proceed ? The user manual is very difficult to read for someone who does not have an extensive experience with MAQL.
I unfortunately don't believe that what you're trying to achieve is possible with the data model you have. The reason behind this is because each date is associated with a specific action, such as the date in which a trip begins and when it ends. In order for this to work exactly how you want, it would be necessary to add a date dimension in the project that has a record for each date between the Begin and End date (e.g. Event date=generic date to capture a range of different events or snapshot date).
Hope this helps!

has anybody the trac report to get all tickets without milestone?

i'm looking for the TracQuery for the trac report to get all tickets without assigned milestone listed. have you already composed this query, if yes, would you share it? thx in advance.
Something like this should do it, adapt to suit your precise needs....
id AS ticket,
description AS _description
FROM ticket t
WHERE t.milestone is NULL AND t.status<>'closed'
ORDER BY time desc, status, severity, summary
The key part for you is simply to filter on the milestone being NULL.
I could reproduce the 'No matches found' for the answer by Paul Dixon, so I tried it on my own:
id AS ticket,
time AS date,
description AS _description
FROM ticket t
WHERE t.milestone not in (
FROM milestone
AND t.status<>'closed'
ORDER BY time desc, status, severity, summary
Note: Trac has some "magic" result table column names. Assigning 'date' will do the appropriate conversation of time stamp integer to date string automagically - even better - respecting the current internal Trac time stamp format of POSIX micro-seconds (since Trac 0.12) too. In this respect the SQL statement above is even the most portable solution I'm aware of.
This is quite simple using Trac's query language instead of raw SQL. On a wiki page, you can use query:milestone= to create a link to a query of all tickets without a milestone assigned. Invoke the macro [[TicketQuery(milestone=)]] to insert the list of matching tickets into the wiki page.
To do the same thing on the "Custom Query" page, remove all search criteria and add a single criteria of "milestone" "is" and leave the third field blank.