I am trying to connect a Mindwave (NOT Mindwave Mobile) headset to my raspberry pi4 in order to complete my MSc project.
I am struggling to get it to consistently report the attention setting and have recently found out that - despite all documentation - the blink function is not present either.
My supervisor has suggested some code using the NeuroPy library instead but he only has the mindwave mobile headset available (due to covid lockdown) and I was wondering if anyone in this fine community had succeeded in modifying the connection code to work.
The line in question (I assume) is:
neuropy = NeuroPy(port="/dev/rfcomm1")
I don't even know if its possible to be fair but am hoping as this is I think my last chance to get the system working. Any help or suggestions for getting a blink reading would be gratefully accepted too.
Use this for Python 3+
and then call it like this:
from NeuroPy import NeuroPy
object1=NeuroPy.NeuroPy("COM9",9600) #If port not given 57600 is automatically assumed
#object1=NeuroPy("/dev/rfcomm0") for linux
def attention_callback(attention_value):
"this function will be called everytime NeuroPy has a new value for attention"
print("Value of attention is",attention_value)
#do other stuff (fire a rocket), based on the obtained value of attention_value
#do some more stuff
return None
#set call back:
#call start method
In python 3 you may want to use NeuroPy.NeuroPy("COM9") <- Use your port ofc
To get the blink variable you will need to call the socket on the Neurosky connector, because it is broken in the NeuroPy library. To do that connect to the socket with any good lib and get the variable. (duh)
How do I make an actual remote call?
I've followed the guide: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/webrtc-web/#4
And gotten their example fully integrated in my application (Angular, TypeScript, multi webcam &etc).
How do I make the remote call actually remote? - I get the idea of a signalling server, but maybe someone can show with basic strings?
I found this, but it's not been updated in a while so I'm not sure what's still valid:
Found some nice sequence diagrams https://webrtc.org/native-code/native-apis/
Setup call
(source: webrtc.org)
Receive a Call
(source: webrtc.org)
Close Down a Call
(source: webrtc.org)
I have just started on libusbdotnet. I have downloaded the sample code from http://libusbdotnet.sourceforge.net/V2/Index.html.
I am using a JetFlash 4GB Flash drive (a libusb-win32 filter driver was added for this drive).
The ShowInfo code works perfectly, and I can see my device info with two endpoints. Following is the device info from pastebin
However, the ReadOnly sample code does not work.
My code is almost same as that from the libsubdotnet website. I have only changed the endpoint that UsbEndpointReader uses. I have changed it from Ep01 to Ep02, because I read that the first endpoint is a control endpoint used for configuration, access control and similar stuff.
UsbEndpointReader reader = MyUsbDevice.OpenEndpointReader(ReadEndpointID.Ep02);
I always get the message "No more bytes!".
I thought that this is because of the absence of data, so I used the ReadWrite sample code.
But here I also get "No more bytes!" message.
Interestly, the line
ec = writer.Write(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(cmdLine), 2000, out bytesWritten);
executes without errors.
Can pen drives be used for read write operations? Or is something wrong with the code?
A USB thumb drive implements the USB mass storage device class, which is a subset of SCSI. The specification is here.
You're not going to get anything sensible by just reading from an endpoint - you have to send the appropriate commands to get any response.
You have not chosen an easy device class to begin your exploration of USB - you may be better starting with something easier - a HID class device, perhaps (Mouse/Keyboard) though Windows does have enhanced security around mice and keyboards which may prevent you installing a filter.
If you meddle with the filesystem on the USB stick while it's mounted as a drive by Windows, you'll almost certainly run into cache-consistency problems, unless you're extremely careful about what kind of access you allow Windows to do.
I have a problem in delivering sensor data to the xively API via an Arduino Uno v3 and a Sparkfun WiFly shield. The problem is not in the hardware, or in the WiFly shield library since I can deliver the data to the Paraimpu server just fine.
The most fundamental problem is that the xively library will not work with the sparkfun WiFly library. The relevant declarations (suggested by xively in the documentation) are:
WiFlyClient client;
XivelyClient xivelyclient(client);
this will not work since the WiFlyClient declaration expects a server and port, hence I modified this to:
byte server[] = {173,203,98,29}; //api.xively.com IP address
WiFlyClient client(server,80);
XivelyClient xivelyclient(client);
This gives me an error on compilation of :
Xively_sketch2_aug20a:60: error: no matching function for call to 'XivelyClient::XivelyClient(WiFlyClient&)'
/Users/paultravers/Documents/Arduino/libraries/xively/XivelyClient.h:11: note: candidates are: XivelyClient::XivelyClient(Client&)
/Users/paultravers/Documents/Arduino/libraries/xively/XivelyClient.h:9: note: XivelyClient::XivelyClient(const XivelyClient&)
At this point I am stuck, and my attempts to modify the various libraries to try to reconcile this issue have come to no avail - mostly because it is above my skill level and I really don't know what I am doing.
To get round this, I have written the code to build the put request and send that to the API, using the template of the code that runs successfully to send data to Paraimpu.
I open a connection (either to api.xively.com or to; it makes no difference at this stage) and send the following :
PUT /v2/feeds/<feed ID redacted>.json
Host: api.xively.com
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent : Xively-Arduino-Lib/1.0
X-ApiKey: < API key redacted >
Content-Length: 197
{"version":"1.0.0","datastreams" : [{"id":"TEMPERATURE_CHANNEL" , "current_value" : "29.00"},{"id":"LIGHT_SENSOR_CHANNEL","current_value":"541.00"},{"id":"ALARM_CHANNEL","current_value":"0.00"}]}
Terminating with a blank line.
Needless to say I have set up channels in xively with those names. But this does not work - I don't get the expected return, and the channels don't update. If I read the returning input on the connection it is just a long string of numbers. Can anyone see anything wrong in the format of this request?
i might take a look at WiFlyClient's documentation...maybe you need to set the port/etc in some other way...than extend WiFlyClient
class WiFlyClient2 : public WiFlyClient {
WiFlyClient2(int[] ip,int port) : WiFlyClient() {
//setup up your parent by calling it's functions here
then it should work like:
byte server[] = {173,203,98,29}; //api.xively.com IP address
WiFlyClient client(server,80);
XivelyClient xivelyclient(client);
note: i never use wifly/etc, i just use arduino...and i run into troubles like this too :)
I don't have a WiFly shield to test with. But as you said in your comment to Zoltan, I don't think that the WiFly client works in the same way that the Arduino Ethernet or Wifi do. This means that the Xively library likely does not work with the WiFly client.
This means that your approach of writing your own HTTP request is probably the way to go. I looked through your request and it looks exactly correct to me. Does anything show up in the Xively Workbench Request Log when you send the request?
One thing you could try is to use the CSV format instead. This can be better for testing since you avoid the possibility of a minor JSON error causing your entire request to not work. To do this change your .json to .csv and then simply make your body a comma separated list of datastream,value. Your body should look something like this:
If this does not work it would be helpful if you could post what the return is, that would help us help you. Good luck!
One thing I noticed in your code is that you don't send the HTTP version in your request.
You should try sending:
PUT /v2/feeds/<feed ID redacted>.json HTTP/1.1
I was getting 405 errors when writing to Xively because I incorrectly had HTTP/1.0 as the version in my put requests.
There's also an example from SparkFun's WiFly library that shows writing to Thingspeak which is helpful to make sure you're using the WiFlyClient instance correctly.
I wrote this code to hook API functions by changing the address in the IAT and EAT: http://pastebin.com/7d9N1J2c
This works just fine when I want to hook "recv" or "connect". However for some unknown reason when trying to hook "gethostbyname", my hook function is never called.
I tried to find "gethostbyname" in a debugger by taking the base address of the wsock32.dll module + 0x375e, which is what the ordinal 52 of my wsock32.dll is showing as offset. But that just makes me end up in some random asm code, not at the beginning of a function.
The same method however works fine for trying to find the "recv" entry point.
Does anyone see what I might be doing wrong?
I recommend this tool:
They do exactly the same and show the url that was connected with that API.
The problem is that there are more than one API to translate an url to an address. The application you are hooking may be using another version of the API that you're not intercepting.
Run some disassembler like IDA and attach to your process after you hook this functions, ida get apply changes on attaching and play process and check what is wrong.
In other way you have many libraries to do hooks with trampolines like Microsoft Detours, NCodeHook etc.
I'm trying to talk to a USB device using libusb, but I feel like I'm tripping up on the first leg of the race. I know precisely what endpoints I need to talk to, etc., but I can't even get that far. I have, in essence:
usb_device *dev = ...; // opened from get_busses()
usb_set_configuration(dev, dev->config[0].bConfigurationValue); // bConfigVal = 1
Now, I can look at the device information in debug mode and I know that the current configuration is 0 (uninitialized / just after restart), and there's exactly 1 valid configuration, which has a configuration number of 1. But when I set the config to 1, I get a return value of -22, which (passed through the stringifier) translates to "windows api error: bad parameter.
I haven't been able to find other people having a similar problem, and it seems like such a simple thing to do -- I can't even claim the interface, or set the alt-interface, or anything like that, because I have to set the configuration first. What am I missing? (if it matters: this is on WinXP)
Looking at libusb-win32\src\driver\set_configuration.c, there seem to be a bunch of different reasons for returning STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.
Use libusb_set_debug (from your user mode application) to set verbose debug level, then run Sysinternals DebugView to see the driver's error messages. Hopefully you'd see a clue as to why your set_configuration call fails.