Oracle compare query results with multiple joins against a table - sql

I need to compare query results against a table. I have the following query.
from CWLEGAL.individuals i inner join CWLEGAL.tblappealsdatarevisionone a
on i.casenm = a.D_N_NUMBER1 and
i.first_name = a.appellant_first_name and
i.last_name = a.appellant_last_name
inner join CWLEGAL.tblappealstosupremecourt s
order by orclid21;
I need to see what orclid21's in cwlegal.tblappealstosupremecourt don't appear in the above query.

I was able to get this to work.
from CWLEGAL.tblappealstosupremecourt s
join CWLEGAL.tblappealsdatarevisionone a
left outer join CWLEGAL.individuals i on
i.casenm = a.D_N_NUMBER1 and
i.first_name = a.appellant_first_name and
i.last_name = a.appellant_last_name
where person_id is null
order by orclid21

You are making the first inner join between i and a, the result of which you're joining with s.
Now, if you want to see which records won't join, that's known as anti-join, and in whatever database you're querying it, it may be achieved by either selecting a null result or taking those records as a new result.
Examples, with taking your query (the whole code in the question) as q, assuming you've kept all the needed keys in it:
Example 1:
with your_query as q
select s.orclid21 from q
left join CWLEGAL.tblappealstosupremecourt s
and s.orclid21 is null
Example 2:
with your_query as q
select s.orclid21 from q
right join CWLEGAL.tblappealstosupremecourt s
Example 3:
with your_query as q
select s.orclid21 from CWLEGAL.tblappealstosupremecourt s
where s.DBIDNUMBER not in (select distinct q.DATABASEIDNUMBER from q)


SQL select results not appearing if a value is null

I am building a complex select statement, and when one of my values (pcf_auto_key) is null it will not disipaly any values for that header entry.
select c.company_name, h.prj_number, h.description, s.status_code, h.header_notes, h.cm_udf_001, h.cm_udf_002, h.cm_udf_008, l.classification_code
from project_header h, companies c, project_status s, project_classification l
where exists
(select company_name from companies where h.cmp_auto_key = c.cmp_auto_key)
and exists
(select status_code from project_status s where s.pjs_auto_key = h.pjs_auto_key)
and exists
(select classification_code from project_classification where h.pcf_auto_key = l.pcf_auto_key)
and pjm_auto_key = 11
--and pjt_auto_key = 10
and c.cmp_auto_key = h.cmp_auto_key
and h.pjs_auto_key = s.pjs_auto_key
and l.pcf_auto_key = h.pcf_auto_key
and s.status_type = 'O'
How does my select statement look? Is this an appropriate way of pulling info from other tables?
This is an oracle database, and I am using SQL Developer.
Assuming you want to show all the data that you can find but display the classification as blank when there is no match in that table, you can use a left outer join; which is much clearer with explicit join syntax:
select c.company_name, h.prj_number, h.description, s.status_code, h.header_notes,
h.cm_udf_001, h.cm_udf_002, h.cm_udf_008, l.classification_code
from project_header h
join companies c on c.cmp_auto_key = h.cmp_auto_key
join project_status s on s.pjs_auto_key = h.pjs_auto_key
left join project_classification l on l.pcf_auto_key = h.pcf_auto_key
where pjm_auto_key = 11
and s.status_type = 'O'
I've taken out the exists conditions as they just seem to be replicating the join conditions.
If you might not have matching data in any of the other tables you can make the other inner joins into outer joins in the same way, but be aware that if you outer join to project_status you will need to move the statatus_type check into the join condition as well, or Oracle will convert that back into an inner join.
Read more about the different kinds of joins.

Access: Integrating Subquery into excisting Query

The "Last" function in the query below (line 4 & 5)that I'm using is not exactly what I'm after. The last function finds the last record in that table.
What i need find is the most recent record in the table according to a date field.
Last(tblclassificationhistory.classificationid) AS LastOfclassificationID,
Last(tblsquadhistory.squadid) AS LastOfsquadID,
FROM tblsquad
INNER JOIN (tblperson
INNER JOIN ((tblinmate
INNER JOIN (tblclassification
INNER JOIN tblclassificationhistory
ON tblclassification.classificationid =
ON tblinmate.inmateid =
INNER JOIN tblsquadhistory
ON tblinmate.inmateid =
ON tblperson.personid = tblinmate.personid)
ON tblsquad.squadid = tblsquadhistory.squadid
GROUP BY tblinmate.statusid,
This query below does just that, finds the most recent record in a table according to a date field.
my problem is i dont know how to integrate this Query into the above to replace the "Last" function
SELECT a.inmateID,
SELECT tblClassificationHistory.inmateID,
FROM tblinmate
INNER JOIN tblClassificationHistory
ON tblinmate.inmateID = tblClassificationHistory.inmateID
) a
SELECT tblClassificationHistory.inmateID,
MAX(tblClassificationHistory.reclassificationDate) as max_date
FROM tblinmate
INNER JOIN tblClassificationHistory
ON tblinmate.inmateID = tblClassificationHistory.inmateID
GROUP BY tblClassificationHistory.inmateID
) b
ON a.inmateID = b.inmateID
AND a.reclassificationDate = b.max_date
ORDER BY a.inmateID;
I got a tip from another forum to combine queries like this
SELECT qryMainTemp.*, qrySquad.*, qryClassification.*
FROM (qryMainTemp INNER JOIN qrySquad ON qryMainTemp.inmateID = qrySquad.inmateID) INNER JOIN qryClassification ON qryMainTemp.inmateID = qryClassification.inmateID;
and it worked :) i separated the first query into the two queries it was made of and then combined the three like shown above.
Sadly this made another problem arise the query is now not up-datable..working on a solution for this

Recursive query with outer joins?

I'm attempting the following query,
DECLARE #EntityType varchar(25)
SET #EntityType = 'Accessory';
WITH Entities (
E_ID, E_Type,
P_ID, P_Name, P_DataType, P_Required, P_OnlyOne,
PV_ID, PV_Value, PV_EntityID, PV_ValueEntityID,
PV_UnitValueID, PV_UnitID, PV_UnitName, PV_UnitDesc, PV_MeasureID, PV_MeasureName, PV_UnitValue,
PV_SelectionID, PV_DropDownID, PV_DropDownName, PV_DropDownOptionID, PV_DropDownOptionName, PV_DropDownOptionDesc,
-- Original Query
SELECT dbo.Entity.ID AS E_ID, dbo.EntityType.Name AS E_Type,
dbo.Property.ID AS P_ID, dbo.Property.Name AS P_Name, DataType.Name AS P_DataType, Required AS P_Required, OnlyOne AS P_OnlyOne,
dbo.PropertyValue.ID AS PV_ID, dbo.PropertyValue.Value AS PV_Value, dbo.PropertyValue.EntityID AS PV_EntityID, dbo.PropertyValue.ValueEntityID AS PV_ValueEntityID,
dbo.UnitValue.ID AS PV_UnitValueID, dbo.UnitOfMeasure.ID AS PV_UnitID, dbo.UnitOfMeasure.Name AS PV_UnitName, dbo.UnitOfMeasure.Description AS PV_UnitDesc, dbo.Measure.ID AS PV_MeasureID, dbo.Measure.Name AS PV_MeasureName, dbo.UnitValue.UnitValue AS PV_UnitValue,
dbo.DropDownSelection.ID AS PV_SelectionID, dbo.DropDown.ID AS PV_DropDownID, dbo.DropDown.Name AS PV_DropDownName, dbo.DropDownOption.ID AS PV_DropDownOptionID, dbo.DropDownOption.Name AS PV_DropDownOptionName, dbo.DropDownOption.Description AS PV_DropDownOptionDesc,
0 AS RecursiveLevel
FROM dbo.Entity
INNER JOIN dbo.EntityType ON dbo.EntityType.ID = dbo.Entity.TypeID
INNER JOIN dbo.Property ON dbo.Property.EntityTypeID = dbo.Entity.TypeID
INNER JOIN dbo.PropertyValue ON dbo.Property.ID = dbo.PropertyValue.PropertyID AND dbo.PropertyValue.EntityID = dbo.Entity.ID
INNER JOIN dbo.DataType ON dbo.DataType.ID = dbo.Property.DataTypeID
LEFT JOIN dbo.UnitValue ON dbo.UnitValue.ID = dbo.PropertyValue.UnitValueID
LEFT JOIN dbo.UnitOfMeasure ON dbo.UnitOfMeasure.ID = dbo.UnitValue.UnitOfMeasureID
LEFT JOIN dbo.Measure ON dbo.Measure.ID = dbo.UnitOfMeasure.MeasureID
LEFT JOIN dbo.DropDownSelection ON dbo.DropDownSelection.ID = dbo.PropertyValue.DropDownSelectedID
LEFT JOIN dbo.DropDownOption ON dbo.DropDownOption.ID = dbo.DropDownSelection.SelectedOptionID
LEFT JOIN dbo.DropDown ON dbo.DropDown.ID = dbo.DropDownSelection.DropDownID
WHERE dbo.EntityType.Name = #EntityType
-- Recursive Query?
SELECT E2.E_ID AS E_ID, dbo.EntityType.Name AS E_Type,
dbo.Property.ID AS P_ID, dbo.Property.Name AS P_Name, DataType.Name AS P_DataType, Required AS P_Required, OnlyOne AS P_OnlyOne,
dbo.PropertyValue.ID AS PV_ID, dbo.PropertyValue.Value AS PV_Value, dbo.PropertyValue.EntityID AS PV_EntityID, dbo.PropertyValue.ValueEntityID AS PV_ValueEntityID,
dbo.UnitValue.ID AS PV_UnitValueID, dbo.UnitOfMeasure.ID AS PV_UnitID, dbo.UnitOfMeasure.Name AS PV_UnitName, dbo.UnitOfMeasure.Description AS PV_UnitDesc, dbo.Measure.ID AS PV_MeasureID, dbo.Measure.Name AS PV_MeasureName, dbo.UnitValue.UnitValue AS PV_UnitValue,
dbo.DropDownSelection.ID AS PV_SelectionID, dbo.DropDown.ID AS PV_DropDownID, dbo.DropDown.Name AS PV_DropDownName, dbo.DropDownOption.ID AS PV_DropDownOptionID, dbo.DropDownOption.Name AS PV_DropDownOptionName, dbo.DropDownOption.Description AS PV_DropDownOptionDesc,
(RecursiveLevel + 1)
FROM Entities AS E2
INNER JOIN dbo.Entity ON dbo.Entity.ID = E2.PV_ValueEntityID
INNER JOIN dbo.EntityType ON dbo.EntityType.ID = dbo.Entity.TypeID
INNER JOIN dbo.Property ON dbo.Property.EntityTypeID = dbo.Entity.TypeID
INNER JOIN dbo.PropertyValue ON dbo.Property.ID = dbo.PropertyValue.PropertyID AND dbo.PropertyValue.EntityID = E2.E_ID
INNER JOIN dbo.DataType ON dbo.DataType.ID = dbo.Property.DataTypeID
INNER JOIN dbo.UnitValue ON dbo.UnitValue.ID = dbo.PropertyValue.UnitValueID
INNER JOIN dbo.UnitOfMeasure ON dbo.UnitOfMeasure.ID = dbo.UnitValue.UnitOfMeasureID
INNER JOIN dbo.Measure ON dbo.Measure.ID = dbo.UnitOfMeasure.MeasureID
INNER JOIN dbo.DropDownSelection ON dbo.DropDownSelection.ID = dbo.PropertyValue.DropDownSelectedID
INNER JOIN dbo.DropDownOption ON dbo.DropDownOption.ID = dbo.DropDownSelection.SelectedOptionID
INNER JOIN dbo.DropDown ON dbo.DropDown.ID = dbo.DropDownSelection.DropDownID
P_ID, P_Name, P_DataType, P_Required, P_OnlyOne,
PV_ID, PV_Value, PV_EntityID, PV_ValueEntityID,
PV_UnitValueID, PV_UnitID, PV_UnitName, PV_UnitDesc, PV_MeasureID, PV_MeasureName, PV_UnitValue,
PV_SelectionID, PV_DropDownID, PV_DropDownName, PV_DropDownOptionID, PV_DropDownOptionName, PV_DropDownOptionDesc,
FROM Entities
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Entity] AS dE
ON dE.ID = PV_EntityID
The problem is the second query, the "recursive one" is getting the data I expect since I can't do the LEFT JOINs like in the first query. (At least to my understanding).
If I remove the fetching of the data that requires the LEFT (Outer) JOINs then the recursion works perfectly. My problem is I need both. Is there a way I can accomplish this?
Per you can not have a left/right/outer join in a recursive CTE.
For a recursive CTE you can't use a subquery either so I sugest following this example.
They use two CTE's. The first is not recursive and does the left join to get the data it needs. The second CTE is recursive and inner joins on the first CTE. Since CTE1 is not recursive it can left join and supply default values for the missing rows and is guarenteed to work in the inner join.
However, you can also duplicate a left join with a union and subselect though it isn't really useful normally but it is interesting.
In that case, you would keep your first statement how it is. It will match all rows that join successfully.
Then UNION that query with another query that removes the join, but has a
This gets all the rows that failed the previous join condition in query 1. You can replace the colmuns you would get from MISSING_ROWS_TABLE with NULL. I had to do this once using a coding framework that didn't support outer joins. Since recursive CTE's don't allow subqueries you have to use the first solution.

Subquery with multiple joins involved

Still trying to get used to writing queries and I've ran into a problem.
Select count(region)
where (regionTable.A=1) in
select, count( as counts, regionTable.A
from jxn inner join
V on = inner join
regionTable on v.regionID = regionTable.regionID
group by, regionTable.A
The inner query gives an ID number in one column, the amount of times they appear in the table, and then a bit attribute if they are in region A. The outer query works but the error I get is incorrect syntax near the keyword IN. Of the inner query, I would like a number of how many of them are in region A
You must specify table name in query before where
Select count(region)
from table
where (regionTable.A=1) in
And you must choose one of them.
where regionTable.A = 1
where regionTable.A in (..)
Your query has several syntax errors. Based on your comments, I think there is no need for a subquery and you want this:
select, count( as counts, regionTable.A
from jxn inner join
V on = inner join
regionTable on v.regionID = regionTable.regionID
where regionTable.A = 1
group by, regionTable.A
which can be further simplified to:
select, count( as counts
, 1 as A --- you can even omit this line
from jxn inner join
V on = inner join
regionTable on v.regionID = regionTable.regionID
where regionTable.A = 1
group by
You are getting the error because of this line:
where (regionTable.A=1)
You cannot specify a condition in a where in clause, it should only be column name
Something like this may be what you want:
select, count( as counts, regionTable.A
jxn inner join
V on = inner join
regionTable on v.regionID = regionTable.regionID
group by, regionTable.A
) sq
WHERE sq.a = 1

Joining two tables on a key and then left outer joining a table on a number of criteria

I'm attempting to join 3 tables together in a single query. The first two have a key so each entry has a matching entry. This joined table will then be joined by a third table that could produce multiple entries for each entry from the first table (the joined ones).
select * from
(select a.bidentifier, a.bsession, a.symbol, b.jidentifier, b.JSession
from trade_monthly a, trade_monthly_second b
a.bidentifier = b.jidentifier AND
a.bsession = b.JSession)
left outer join
trade c
on c.symbol = a.symbol
order by a.bidentifier, a.bsession, a.symbol, b.jidentifier, b.JSession, c.symbol
There will be more criteria (not just c.symbol = a.symbol) on the left outer join but for now this should be useful. How can I nest the queries this way? I'm gettin gan SQL command not properly ended error.
Any help is appreciated.
For what I know every derived table must be given a name; so try something like this:
(SELECT a.bidentifier, ....
a.bsession = b.JSession) t
LEFT JOIN trade c
ON c.symbol = t.symbol
ORDER BY t.bidentifier, ...
Anyway I think you could use a simpler query:
SELECT a.bidentifier, a.bsession, a.symbol, b.jidentifier, b.JSession, c.*
FROM trade_monthly a
INNER JOIN trade_monthly_second b
ON a.bidentifier = b.jidentifier
AND a.bsession = b.JSession
LEFT JOIN trade c
ON c.symbol = a.symbol
ORDER BY a.bidentifier, a.bsession, a.symbol, b.jidentifier, b.JSession, c.symbol
Try this:
`trade_monthly`.`bidentifier` AS `bidentifier`,
`trade_monthly`.`bsession` AS `bsession`,
`trade_monthly`.`symbol` AS `symbol`,
`trade_monthly_second`.`jidentifier` AS `jidentifier`,
`trade_monthly_second`.`jsession` AS `jsession`
JOIN `trade_monthly_second` ON(
`trade_monthly`.`bidentifier` = `trade_monthly_second`.`jidentifier`
`trade_monthly`.`bsession` = `trade_monthly_second`.`jsession`
JOIN `trade` ON(
`trade`.`symbol` = `trade_monthly`.`symbol`
Why don't you just create a view of the two inner joined tables. Then you can build a query that joins this view to the trade table using the left outer join matching criteria.
In my opinion, views are one of the most overlooked solutions to a lot of complex queries.