WebRTC passing a flag between clients - webrtc

We have an app where two users are connected to each other through webrtc.
During the call, a prompt will appear on each their device to go to the next screen which will start a timer.
What we want is both buttons prompts to be pressed so the timer can start at the same time on both devices.
Is there a way of sending custom data like a flag between each client when a button has been pressed?

I think you want to use Data Channels
WebRTC allows the exchange of binary (or text) data between two peers. I am not exactly sure what 'a flag' will be, but hopefully that works!


Reveal (or Snap) Windows 8 App when system receives push notification

Can anyone enlighten me as to how one would be able to trigger a "non standard" realtime notification on a Windows 8 machine? My objective here was simply to find a slick method through which the end user is presented with an enhanced notification slide displayed via a slide in/5 second fade out dialog box.
Best example I can think of to illustrate what I am trying to achieve would be thinking of it like when the charms bar is presented which can automatically fade away. I simply require that this enhanced notification layer is somewhat customizable in order for me to provide summary content along with 3-4 buttons a user can press directly. This notifications needs to be triggered automatically upon the system receiving a push notification.
I have loomed into various "notification" methods such as default windows notifications, offline Google Apps notifications,... problem however is that they all seem not to allow me to customize the notification window to meet my needs.
Any suggestions / examples would be very helpful.
BTW - as an alternative solution - is there simply a way that I might be able to have Windows automatically load and "snap" into view the contents of a specific Windows app containing my content to the left or right side of the screen (upon receiving a push notification vs displaying the standard toast bubble?
Are you looking for something like growl?

Creating your own events in side the main event loop in ObjC

I have not done this since long ago in NeXTStep and seem to remember that you could create objects which could be made part of the event loop and could generate events that were co-equal with those from mouse and keyboard events. But... that was 20 years ago and I may have confounded it with something else.
In my particular case, I need a listener that checks a select() to see if one of many UDP ports have received a DGRAM. I need this to happen without disturbing the mouse and keyboard events, although it would be nice if I gave the UDP check a higher priority.
Basically, I have streams of numbers from one or more other systems that are to be displayed in a GUI, and I want the user to still be able to use buttons and such.
According to the cocoa events guide you can raise an event with type NSApplicationDefined.
[NSEvent otherEventWithType:NSApplicationDefined location:modifierFlags:timestamp:windowNumber:context:subtype:data1:data2:]
As for how to raise them, I'm not exactly sure what you need, but this post on the apple developer lists shows how to register a UDP listener. It raises a notification via NSNotificationCenter, but you could make that an event.

Catch/hook events from specific USB keyboard

I have 2 USB HID keyboards. They have different VID and PID's.
Now I want, in VB.NET, set up a system global hook when my application starts, so it only "Catch" events from one of the keyboards.
Eg, if I open notepad, and enter things on Keyboard1, with VID 04F3 and PID 0103, I want it to show up in notepad as normal, and my application should ignore the inputs. Best for performance is that my application does not even need to pass on the events.
But if I enter things on Keyboard2, with VID 13BA and PID 0018, I want the inputs from that keyboard to be "sucked up" by my application running as a service. Nothing should show up in notepad. My application will instead react based on the input from Keyboard2.
Any ideas on how this can be accomplished?
You usually can hook the keyboard events by injecting a filter driver upon Kbdclass driver as described in the following link.
The report format is described as KEYBOARD_INPUT_DATA.
If you want only to hook certain USB keyboard, you have to inject the filter driver between HIDclass and HID transport(hidusb.sys). HID transport driver reports the keyboard event in the form of HID input report and it varies among the indivisual keyboard. So it's theoritically possible to hook/block the keyboard inputs by the filter driver which located upon hidusb.sys.
However, you have to know or do reverse-engineering of the format of input reports that the keyboard you're interested reports on every key inputs.

iOS and bluetooth numeric keyboard

I have a question about detect and change input from bluetooth numeric keyboard and sending text to another applications.
My customer asked me, if it's possible this:
my customer has bluetooth numeric keyboard and he wants to use it like phone keyboard (that means one press of number 1 it's letter A, double press it's letter B etc.)
he wants this behavior of keyboard in general for all of applications in iPhone (in email app, SMS app etc.)
I'm not sure, but i think that it's not possible, because i think the application on background cant't modify key input for another apps. Or is here any way how to do that?
Something like this may be possible via a jailbreak app but definitely wouldn't be possible using the regular SDK.
If this isn't meant as a mass market tool, perhaps jail breaking is an option? I would check this out and see if it's any help http://iphonedevwiki.net/index.php/MobileSubstrate

how to cancel incoming message sound on Symbian PyS60

I am writing a parental control app using PyS60 ( on Nokia E72)
The app is operated via sms's.
Every sms that operates the app is deleted when entering the inbox listener's callback, and by using a blank audio file, I manage to cancel the "new message" sound alert.
this only works when the focus in on Python Script Shell.
Meanning - when I switch to desktop, or any other app that is open, the new message alert sound is playing.
My guess is - I'm losing the race with the messaging module (or process race condition),
Does anyone know how to make this work while running in background?
Or even cancel the process that handles incoming sms's and deal with it myself?
Or lower the priority of the process ??
any other suggestions are also welcome..
thank in advance,