Is the BEFORE Trigger statement executed before the DDL statement? - sql

Is the BEFORE trigger statement executed before DDL statements or is it inside a DDL statement?
I'm building a small DBMS and currently developing the DDL, and I'm confused about handling the BEFORE statement.
Here's not a defined behaviour for it:
Oracle describes the behaviour but not what can come inside the preceding or following trigger or whether they can be DDL statements or not:

"BEFORE" is part of the DDL statement that defines the trigger. It describes when the trigger fires in relation to a DML command on a table: i.e. BEFORE or AFTER the change to the data is actually made. This allows you to validate or modify the new data as it is being applied, or to add or modify dependent data like a child table after the parent table update is complete.
While you can technically embed DDL into the body of a trigger using "execute immediate", it is typically considered very bad practice to do so. Is there a specific use case you are considering for including DDL statements in a trigger?


Is it possible to create a trigger that creates another trigger

Is it possible to have a trigger that creates another trigger?
For example, I have table_1 with a column table_name. On inserting into table_1 the first trigger would create a trigger for the table inserted as table_name? I have not found much info on this.
Trigger enables you to run dynamic SQL, in which you can create what objects you like, including other triggers (assuming you have the right permissions).
You can do that by using sp_executesql, it executes a Transact-SQL statement or batch that can be reused many times, or one that has been built dynamically. The Transact-SQL statement or batch can contain embedded parameters
This seems tough as a (very) bad design. So go ahead and try that (or not*).
*You can state your problem to begin with, may be in programmers (if it's more a design oriented question) or in Database Administrators, and you may get better help.

Determine which table was updated in database level trigger

I am creating a database level trigger which should only perform a certain action based on which tables were updated.
With a regular trigger I would just use IF UPDATED(column).
Is there some way to determine not just the column that was updated but also the table?
You can't create DDL TRIGGER ON UPDATE
DDL triggers, like standard triggers, execute stored procedures in
response to an event. But unlike standard triggers, they do not
execute in response to UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements on a table
or view. Instead, they primarily execute in response to data
definition language (DDL) statements. These include CREATE, ALTER,
system stored procedures that perform DDL-like operations can also
fire DDL triggers.

Column Constraint Sql 2008

I have been trying to find out if I can make a column Open on Insert, and closed on Update.
What I mean by that, is I need a column that I can give it a value only on Insert, but if I try to give it a value with Update, the statement would fail.
I am working with SQL 2008...
You can't do this with constraints - you need to use triggers for this.
A trigger is a special kind of stored procedure that automatically executes when an event occurs in the database server. DML triggers execute when a user tries to modify data through a data manipulation language (DML) event. DML events are INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements on a table or view.

Difference between FOR and AFTER triggers?

What's the difference between FOR and AFTER triggers?
There is no difference, they do the same thing.
Is the same as
An INSTEAD OF trigger is different, and fires before and instead of the insert and can be used on views, in order to insert the appropriate values into the underlying tables.
#Ben is absolutely right.
Here is MSDN article Exploring SQL Server Triggers
A paragraph from the article:
That syntax is also acceptable in older versions of SQL Server. However, now that there are two types of triggers in SQL Server 2000, I prefer to refer to FOR triggers as AFTER triggers. Thus, for the remainder of this article I will refer to either AFTER or INSTEAD OF triggers.
Like the AFTER trigger you saw earlier, this trigger prevents changes from being made to the lastname field. However, it implements this business rule differently than the previous example. Because the INSTEAD OF trigger fires in place of the UPDATE statement, the INSTEAD OF trigger then evaluates if the business rule test passes or not. If the business rule test passes, in order for the update to occur the INSTEAD OF trigger must explicitly invoke the UPDATE statement again.
AFTER specifies that the DML trigger is fired only when all operations specified in the triggering SQL statement have executed successfully. All referential cascade actions and constraint checks also must succeed before this trigger fires.
AFTER is the default when FOR is the only keyword specified.
AFTER triggers cannot be defined on views.
Specifies that the DML trigger is executed instead of the triggering SQL statement, therefore, overriding the actions of the triggering statements. INSTEAD OF cannot be specified for DDL or logon triggers.

FOR/AFTER in SQL triggers

I am newbie in SQL. I am reading about Triggers in SQL.I have got almost about Triggers. But in DML Triggers, we use FOR/AFTER keyword. I didn't get difference between FOR/AFTER and why we use FOR/AFTER keyword. I have already read on MSDN but didn't get the simple answer.
Can anyone explain me what is it?
Thanks in advance.
There is no difference between using FOR and AFTER.
I believe the original (pre 2000) syntax only used the FOR keyword. However, when INSTEAD OF triggers were introduced, the "FOR" keyword could seem quite confusing. "AFTER" more accurately conveys the type of trigger, and is more easily distinguished from "INSTEAD OF".
An INSTEAD OF trigger would be used if we wanted to transform what was inserted into the table, or prevent an insertion from taking place.
An AFTER trigger would more normally be used if we wanted to perform additional tasks, based on what has just occurred. For instance, you could have an "AFTER DELETE" trigger, that copied deleted rows into some kind of archive table. Basically, in an AFTER trigger, you more normally do still want the activity to occur.
From MSDN:
AFTER triggers are never executed if a constraint violation occurs; therefore, these triggers cannot be used for any processing that might prevent constraint violations.
And then:
You can request AFTER triggers by specifying either the AFTER or FOR keywords. Because the FOR keyword has the same effect as AFTER, DML triggers with the FOR keyword are also classified as AFTER triggers
It would seem there is no difference.
If I interpret your comments to the other answers correctly, you want to know why or when one uses the "FOR|AFTER" keywords.
It's simple: there are two kinds of triggers, the AFTER-trigger and the INSTEAD-OF-trigger.
The INSTEAD-OF-trigger for e.g. an insert action can be written as
create trigger myTrigger on myTable
(... code goes here ...)
and the AFTER-trigger can be written as either
create trigger myTrigger on myTable
AFTER insert
(... code goes here ...)
create trigger myTrigger on myTable
FOR insert
(... code goes here ...)
As Damien_The_Unbeliever mentions, the AFTER keyword is more readable than the FOR version, that is all.
They are the same. See this excerpt from BOL
AFTER specifies that the DML trigger is fired only when all operations specified in the triggering SQL statement have executed successfully. All referential cascade actions and constraint checks also must succeed before this trigger fires.
AFTER is the default when FOR is the only keyword specified.
AFTER triggers cannot be defined on views.
According to what I observe, FOR is used in DDL trigger while AFTER is used in DML triggers. They have same way of working.