I created a class extending RouteBuilder but #PropertyInjector field value is null.
Maven pom.xml has camel-core dependency.
There are some posts that says they got this code working but the code is showing only the
RouteBuilder part. Is there any specific jar to be added or CamelContext.addRoutes() in a particular way to get the injection working?
If there is any github code that contains working example for Camel #PropertyInject annotation please share that link.
If I understand your question correctly something like this is what you want to achieve?
public class TestClass extends RouteBuilder {
private String name;
public void configure() throws Exception {
The property test.name will be something you put in your application.properties file.
I am using JMockit since long.I would like to understand how #Tested works.
Today i was trying to use it within my Test class. What i understand is Whatever class we wants to test we can mark it as #Tested.
One thing which was confusing me about the behaviur of this is when i try to set something in #Before.Below is my query.
My Class for which i want to write Test case
public Class A{
public A(){}
Test class
public class ATest {
private A a;
public void setUp(){
public void testA(){
In this case i get NPE. But if i use the same block of code in my test method directly that just works fine.Can anybody help me to understand the behavior of #Tested.
I am using Jmockit version 1.17
I have also checked the post on GitHub as below:
https://github.com/jmockit/jmockit1/issues/168 i just wanted to confirm is it also fixing my problem?
I was able to find what i was looking for
In the following case,
public class Base {
public void doSave() {
// ...
public class Inherited extends Base {
public void someMethod() {
public void doSave() {
If I add the #Transactional annotation to Inherited.someMethod, the interceptor gets called without issue.
However, without the annotation on the inherited class, the interceptor does not get involved in the call to the super class from Inherited.someMethod().
Furthermore, calling Inherited.doSave() does not seem to get the interceptor invoked either. I would have expected the annotation on the superclass to be also valid on the subclass. Is this not the expected behaviour?
I am using Apache DeltaSpike for the #Transactional annotation and this is being deployed as a war in an ear (technically as a jar in a war in an ear). However, this may not be relevant as trying with a custom interceptor shows the same behaviour.
This is JBoss EAP 6.3.0 Alpha in case its relevant.
This is expected. Interceptors are only applied if the object is managed. When you you write it this way with inheritence, it's not applied as it's not part of a call stack that CDI is aware of. You would need to inject Base into your class and call Base.doSave
I am trying to integrate TestLink with TestNG
Approach is below
1>Write ITestListner with onTestFailure and onTestSuccess
2> get Annotation of the method(like testName which will be equivalent to test name in testlink) which is being failed/success in a variable
3>Make connection with TestLink using API available and update the test case.
However I am struggling to find method Annotation value in ITestListner and requirement is to get annotation values in ITestListner only so that correct test cases can be updated in Test_link
Can someone please help me how to get Test Method annotation value in ITestListner or any other approach in which i can integrate testlink update with TestNG
Hi Thanks niharika for help
,First of all you are correct in explaining use of TestNG but we are using TestNG for Selenium and already there are around 1000 test cases writen in test Methods and we have to live with that
Some how i have figured the solution ,we can still get the testName of the test method using two listners
This is just work around I am not sure if this is the best approach but as of now solving my purpose
package com.automation.testng.listner;
import org.testng.*;
public class MyIInvokeMethodListner_TestName_TestLink implements IInvokedMethodListener {
public static String testName;
public void afterInvocation(IInvokedMethod arg0, ITestResult arg1) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void beforeInvocation(IInvokedMethod m, ITestResult tr) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//This give the Annotation Test object
org.testng.annotations.Test t=m.getTestMethod().getMethod().getAnnotation(org.testng.annotations.Test.class);
MyIInvokeMethodListner_TestName_TestLink.testName = t.testName().toString();
MyITestListner goes like below
package com.automation.testng.listner;
import org.testng.*;
public class MyITestListner_TestLink extends TestListenerAdapter {
/*IAnnotationTransformer at;
public Listner_1()
this.at = new Annotation_listner();
public void onTestFailure(ITestResult tr)
System.out.println("Hurray !I am being inboked from Test listner");
MyIInvokeMethodListner_TestName_TestLink a = new MyIInvokeMethodListner_TestName_TestLink();
public void onTestSuccess(ITestResult tr)
MyIInvokeMethodListner_TestName_TestLink a = new MyIInvokeMethodListner_TestName_TestLink();
Basically we are getting the method and then using Test Annotation class setting the static variable which can be used in MyITestListner
The ITestListener is the one which is used after <test> tag. For getting the method name and annotation specifics, you need to implement IInvokedMethodListener and in the after/before methods of this interface, and use something like method.getTestMethod().getMethodName() to get the executing method name.
If you are adding testName at the method level, I think you are doing it wrong since the help of testng mentions this "The name of the test this test class should be placed in. This attribute is ignore if #Test is not at the class level."
If you are indeed specifying the #Test at your class level then you can get it as below :
A bit ugly and you probably want to wrap those parts in null checks in your code but this is how you get the testName specified in the annotation from the ITestResult:
I have a working project based on the Spring Data REST example project, and I'm trying to do custom serialization using a Jackson module based on this wiki page.
Here's my Jackson module:
public class CustomModule extends SimpleModule {
public static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomModule.class);
public CustomModule() {
super("CustomModule", new Version(1, 0, 0, null));
public void setupModule(SetupContext context) {
SimpleSerializers simpleSerializers = new SimpleSerializers();
simpleSerializers.addSerializer(new CustomDateTimeSerializer());
The wiki page says:
Any Module bean declared within the scope of your ApplicationContext will be picked up by the exporter and registered with its ObjectMapper.
I'm still pretty new to Spring, so I might just be putting my module bean definition in the wrong place; currently it's in src/main/resources/META-INF/spring-data-rest/shared.xml, which is imported from repositories-export.xml:
<bean id="customModule" class="org.hierax.wpa.schema.mapping.CustomModule" />
I don't see the log statement in setupModule, but I do see log output for other classes in the same package.
I'm using Spring Data REST 1.0.0.RC2.
Currently, it's possible to customize a module in Spring Boot like this:
public Module customModule() {
return new CustomModule();
Reference: Latest Jackson integration improvements in Spring
I've had success using the solution outlined in the wiki entry that you have linked to (although perhaps it has changed since this stack overflow post)
In my instance I was using spring-data-rest-webmvc#1.0.0.RELEASE
Your code seems to be correct and provided that your application context is being loaded correctly I don't see any reason for it not to be working.
I've attached my simpler Module which exemplifies the use of a date formatter:
public class JsonMarshallingConfigModule extends SimpleModule {
public JsonMarshallingConfigModule() {
super("JsonMarshallingConfigModule", new Version(1, 0, 0, "SNAPSHOT"));
#Override public void setupModule(SetupContext context) {
context.getSerializationConfig().setDateFormat(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z'"));
Perhaps it can be used to outline if it is infact the jackson module that is the problem or spring-data-rest-mvcweb.
I've started playing with Wicket and I've chosen Guice as dependency injection framework. Now I'm trying to learn how to write a unit test for a WebPage object.
I googled a bit and I've found this post but it mentioned AtUnit so I decided to give it a try.
My WebPage class looks like this
public class MyWebPage extends WebPage
#Inject MyService service;
public MyWebPage()
//here I build my components and use injected object.
I created mock to replace any production MyServiceImpl with it and I guess that Guice in hand with AtUnit should inject it.
Now the problems are:
AtUnit expects that I mark target object with #Unit - that is all right as I can pass already created object to WicketTester
#Unit MyWebPage page = new MyWebPage();
but usually I would call startPage with class name.
I think AtUnit expects as well that a target object is market with #Inject so AtUnit can create and manage it - but I get an org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: There is no application attached to current thread main. Can I instruct AtUnit to use application from wicketTester?
Because I don't use #Inject at MyWebPage (I think) all object that should be injected by Guice are null (in my example the service reference is null)
I really can't find anything about AtUnit inside Wicket environment. Am I doing something wrong, am I missing something?
I don't know AtUnit but I use wicket with guice and TestNG. I imagine that AtUnit should work the same way. The important point is the creation of the web application with the use of guice.
Here how I bind all this stuff together for my tests.
I have an abstract base class for all my tests:
public abstract class TesterWicket<T extends Component> {
public void buildMockedTester() {
injector = Guice.createInjector(buildModules());
CoachWebApplicationFactory instance =
WebApplication application = instance.buildWebApplication();
tester = new WicketTester(application);
protected abstract List<Module> buildModules();
The initialization is done for every test class. The subclass defines the necessary modules for the test in the buildModules method.
In my IWebApplicationFactory I add the GuiceComponentInjector. That way, after all component instantiation, the fields annotated with #Inject are filled by Guice:
public class CoachWebApplicationFactory implements IWebApplicationFactory {
private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CoachWebApplicationFactory.class);
private final Injector injector;
public CoachWebApplicationFactory(Injector injector) {
this.injector = injector;
public WebApplication createApplication(WicketFilter filter) {
WebApplication app = injector.getInstance(WebApplication.class);
app.addComponentInstantiationListener(new GuiceComponentInjector(app, injector));
return app;